Please Read Part 49:


The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 49)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On June 16, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that a few months ago an American sitting President (one of the founding fathers of the Deep State) died, but surprisingly, no state funeral was held, no flags flew at half-mast, the White House was not draped in black, no official ceremonies were arranged, and no mourning period was declared.

It also revealed that his body did not lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda and no funeral procession from the Capitol to Arlington National Cemetery occurred because it was allegedly David Rockefeller, the man who, like the Wizard of Oz, was the true power behind the U.S. Presidential throne.

Additionally, it also revealed that, however, it was an era of diminishing hopes for Americans and the world, mainly thanks to him and his occult machinations and that probably the main reason why President Trump is still alive and living in the White House today is because U.S. President David Rockefeller is no longer in command. Surprised?-You Decide:

Servando Gonzalez

Death Of A President!-Posted on Servando Gonzalez-On June 17, 2017:

A few months ago an American sitting President died. Surprisingly, no state funeral was held. No flags flew at half-mast, the White House was not draped in black, no official ceremonies were arranged, and no mourning period was declared. His body did not lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda and no funeral procession from the Capitol to Arlington National Cemetery occurred.

No guard of honor provided a ceremonial presence at his burial, a nine-person team did not carry the casket, and no military chaplain escorted his family. No military caisson carried the casket and no American flag draped it. No riderless horse with a pair of boots reversed in the stirrups and an empty saddle followed it. No rifle salute was fired over his grave.

Even stranger, we still don’t know who will pick up the torch of the American power he held for more than half a century.

I am not talking about any of the puppets the American sheeple elect every four years to live in the White House, who, not surprisingly, seamlessly continue the policy of destruction of the American economy, its culture and its people carried out by his predecessor. No. I am talking about the true American President, the one who elected himself to the highest office of the land in 1949, when he appointed himself director of the Council on Foreign Relations and thus became the President of the Invisible Government of the United States and thus became the de facto President of the United States.

I am talking about David Rockefeller, the man who, like the Wizard of Oz, was the true power behind the U.S. Presidential throne. Of course, if you are an average American citizen who gets your information from the mainstream press, watches the TV news and reads history books written by “serious” scholars, you will most likely ignore the death of President David Rockefeller because neither the politicians in Washington D.C. nor the mainstream media want you to know about it.

How did David Rockefeller become the President of the Invisible Government? It is a long, long story, but I’ll give you the short version.

In 1947, the Rockefellers — who somebody has called the family that has done the most damage ever to mankind — took a big step to get control of the U.S. government when their puppet Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act that created both the CIA and the National Security Council. By the late-1960s, U.S. Presidents, fully under David Rockefeller’s control,[i] had accumulated so much power that somebody coined the term “Imperial Presidency” to describe it.[ii] Practical men, the Rockefellers realized that it was a lot easier, and cheaper, to control a single corrupt politician than the lawless, corrupt mob we call the Congress.

The fact that David Rockefeller was the true and only President of the United States was known to everybody in the world except the American people. Proof of this is that any place David visited, he was given the treatment due of a head of state. And he traveled a lot. During 1973 alone, David met 27 heads of state, including the rulers of the Soviet Union and Communist China, plus scores of lesser dignitaries.[iii]

In his Memoirs, David mentions how he enjoyed meeting leaders of the most undemocratic, dictatorial countries, such as Romania’s Nicolae Ceausescu, Poland’s Wojciech Jaruzelski, Paraguay’s Alfredo Stroessner, Algeria’s Houari Boumedien, Zaire’s Mobutu Sese Seko, Chile’s Augusto Pinochet, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Soviet Union’s Nikita Khrushchev.[iv] Last, but not least, he enjoyed visiting his buddy Fidel Castro.

In February 2001, a high-level delegation of the Council on Foreign Relations led by David Rockefeller visited Cuba and held a long meeting with Castro. After the meeting, CFR chairman Peter Peterson praised the Cuban leadership’s passionate commitment to providing high education and health standards for its people. “I suspect that Cuba is among the best educated countries in the entire hemisphere,” he added.[v]

No wonder some of his critics have said, “David Rockefeller has never met a dictator he didn’t like.”[vi]

Actually, however, he not only couldn’t find a tyrant he didn’t like but also discovered and nurtured monsters such as Henry Kissinger, Allen Dulles, John McCloy, Fidel Castro and Barack Obama, just to mention a few. David Rockefeller, his banks and his allies, working hand-in-hand with the CIA, bolstered repressive regimes in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Cuba and Paraguay. He contributed to the forcible dislocation of native peoples in South America. Hunger, genocide disease, and the ongoing destruction of the Amazon rain forest, are the direct legacy of his policies.

David Rockefeller managed to hide himself his whole life behind a disingenuous façade of altruist, philanthropist and patron of the arts. Nevertheless, one day he will be remembered for what he really was: one of the darkest characters of the America’s recent history.

David exercised almost total control over America’s foreign policy through his control of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, as well as his sponsorship of Bilderberg Group – all of them shadowy organizations of the world’s elite class who determine behind closed doors the monetary, foreign, and military policies of most of the world. His funding of Columbia University and the University of Chicago helped to produce several generations of brainwashed, unethical individuals who unfortunately became an important part of the American cultural elite.

David was a traitor who openly worked behind the curtains to destroy the U.S. economy, its borders, its Constitution and its cultural and social mores. He profoundly hated his country and its people, and devoted his whole life to conspire together with his CFR goons to turn this Republic into a communo-fascist totalitarian dictatorship of international bankers and CEOs of transnational corporations he euphemistically called the New World Order, and he had the gall to publicly admit it.

In his Memoirs, he is quoted as saying,

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated political and economic structure — one world, if you will.

If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”[vii]

During one of the secret meetings of the Bilderberg —an international organization of globalist conspirators closely linked to the CFR— in Baden-Baden, Germany, 1991, David Rockefeller, after thanking his friends in the press for keeping the CFR out of the American eye, told them: “The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”[viii]

None of the younger Rockefellers seem willing or equipped to follow in David Rockefeller Sr.’s footsteps. As Warren T. Lindquist, a longtime friend, put it: “No one can step into his shoes. Not because they aren’t good, smart, talented people but because it’s just a different world, and they have different interests.”

Now, after the death of the monster, there is a void begging to be filled. Even within the family, however, there is the feeling that David Rockefeller represented the end of an era.

It was an era, however, of diminishing hopes for Americans and the world, mainly thanks to him and his occult machinations. And probably the main reason why President Trump is still alive and living in the White House is because U.S. President David Rockefeller is no longer in command.


[i] Perhaps the two exceptions have been John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. Kennedy made the mistake of believing he was the true President and paid it with this life. An attempt on the life of Reagan put CFR agent Bush very close to become the President. Luckily, Reagan survived the assassination attempt.

[ii] Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Imperial Presidency (New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1973).

[iii] Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (Seal Beach, California: ’76 Press, 1976), p. 28.

[iv] David Rockefeller, Memoirs (New York: Random House, 2002), p. 222.

[v]  Pascal Fletcher “U.S. Policy Experts Encouraged by Talks in Cuba,” Reuters (Havana), February 18, 2001.

[vi] David Rockefeller, Memoirs, p. 223.

[vii] Ibid., p. 405.

[viii] The New American, 27th December 2012. David’s statement and other remarks from the Bilderberg meeting were obtained by French intelligence agents, who were tasked with monitoring the gathering, because of the obvious implications for French national interests and security. The information was then leaked to two French publications. Hilaire du Berrier, a contributing editor to The New American, verified the authenticity of the reports through his friend, former head of French intelligence, Count Alexander de Marenches, and other sources, and provided the first account in English in his Monaco-based monthly HduB Reports in September 1991.

Source Link:

Note: My following blog revealed a recent report that also exposed the Rockefeller Dynasty’s role in a “Climate Scam,” which I believe relates to and/or further supports the above article-You Decide:

New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in 'Climate Scam'!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown has been vocal about his support for the Paris Climate Accord (Rockefeller Dynasty’s Scam) in which the U.S. was supposed to give billions of dollars to countries that would not have to meet the same pollution limits as the U.S., according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

It also revealed that the Huffington Post had recently reported that Governor Brown was getting ready to “take on the role of America’s de facto climate ambassador,” but when President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate deal, he stated, “we have to intensify all that we’re doing,” along with, “With Trump going AWOL on climate change, the rest of the country and the rest of the world have to react, and the reaction has to be to intensify our efforts to decarbonize our economy. How, we’re not the federal government – we’re a state government. But we’re a powerful state government. We have nine other states that agree with us.”

Additionally, it revealed that allegedly such comments amount to “treason against the United States,” according to Martin Armstrong, who posts at Armstrong Economics, along with stating, Governor Brown “is leading a confederacy against the federal government and should stand trial, but of course that would be controversial.” Surprised?-You Decide:


Gov. Jerry Brown blasted for advocating 'overthrow' of U.S.: 'He is leading a confederacy against the federal government and should stand trial'!-Posted on June 15, 2017:

California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown has been vocal about his support for the Paris Climate Accord in which the U.S. was supposed to give billions of dollars to countries that would not have to meet the same pollution limits as the U.S., says a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Brown was getting ready to “take on the role of America’s de facto climate ambassador,” the Huffington Post reported.

He boasted, according to the report: “California, in terms of its economy, is the fifth largest in the world, with a gross domestic product of more than $2.4 trillion. We have Silicon Valley. We have a fabulous agricultural sector, movies, biotech and many different and diverse businesses and universities. That is a real nation-state.”

But with President Trump pulling the U.S. out of the Paris climate deal, he said, “we have to intensify all that we’re doing.”

“With Trump going AWOL on climate change, the rest of the country and the rest of the world have to react, and the reaction has to be to intensify our efforts to decarbonize our economy. How, we’re not the federal government – we’re a state government. But we’re a powerful state government. We have nine other states that agree with us.”

Such comments amount to “treason against the United States,” charges Martin Armstrong, who posts at Armstrong Economics.

Brown, he said, “is leading a confederacy against the federal government and should stand trial, but of course that would be controversial.”

“After Trump rejected the Paris Climate treaty, which had never been ratified by the Senate, the European Union announced that it would work with a climate confederacy of secessionist states in the USA,” said Armstrong. “This is clearly treason and all federal funds should be cut off from the secessionist governments of California, New York and Washington, who have unilaterally and completely illegally entered into a foreign treaty rejecting the president of the United States on the Paris Accord.”

He quoted the U.S. Constitution, which states, “No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money, emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin and tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts.”

The Constitution also references a ban on state taxes on imports and a ban on states entering “into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power.”

“There is absolutely no legal basis for Jerry Brown entering into any treaty, alliance, or confederation with the EU. Gov. Cuomo of New York has also come out saying ‘New York State is committed to meeting the standards set forth in the Paris Accord regardless of Washington’s irresponsible actions,'” he wrote.

For the rest of this report, and more, please go to Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Source Link:

The following recent article revealed that the Democratic National Committee had recently announced that Resistance Summer would begin in June and that James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders volunteer, delivered by opening fire on Republicans playing baseball.

It also revealed that Hodgkinson had spent the weeks before the shooting staring at the site of his future attack and working on his laptop allegedly ranting about President Trump and Republicans.

Additionally, it revealed that the left-wing terrorist who opened fire on Republicans practicing for a charity baseball game, an event to which they had brought their children, didn’t come up with his own ideas because his Facebook pages allegedly were dumpsters rotting with reposted left-wing hate and that there was Bill Moyers' Resistance plan along with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Maddow, Robert Reich and Noam Chomsky, who allegedly helped shape Hodgkinson’s conviction that Republicans had to be destroyed, or as the title of a Facebook group that he belonged to put it, “Terminate the Republican Party.” Surprised?-You Decide:


Killing Republicans to Save Health Care and the Planet: ‘The Left’s incitement to violence leads to terrorism’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On June 15, 2017:

The Democratic National Committee announced that Resistance Summer would begin in June. James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders volunteer, delivered by opening fire on Republicans playing baseball.

Hodgkinson had spent the weeks before the shooting staring at the site of his future attack and working on his laptop. What was he doing on his laptop? Ranting about Trump and Republicans. 

The left-wing terrorist who opened fire on Republicans practicing for a charity baseball game, an event to which they had brought their children, didn’t come up with his own ideas. His Facebook pages were dumpsters rotting with reposted left-wing hate. There was Bill Moyers' Resistance plan along with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Maddow, Robert Reich and Noam Chomsky.

They helped shape Hodgkinson’s conviction that Republicans had to be destroyed. Or as the title of a Facebook group that he belonged to put it, “Terminate the Republican Party.”

James Hodgkinson did his best in a Virginia park. And he wasn’t a lone lunatic. Not by a long shot.

After the attack, the office of Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.) received an email reading “One down, 216 to go". Congressman Tom Garrett (R-Va.) needed security after receiving threats reading, "This is how we're going to kill your wife". Other threats described graphic atrocities against his daughters and even his dog. 

Congresswoman Martha McSally (R-AZ.) went to the FBI after phone messages warning, "Martha our sights are set on you, right between your **** eyes" and "Can't wait to **** pull the trigger."

And it didn’t stop at words. 

David Kustoff (R-Tenn.) had his car nearly run off the road and was then threatened. Indivisible Team protests at Dana Rohrabacher's office (R-CA.) ended with a 71-year-old female staffer being injured by the actions of the leftist protesters. 

This campaign of harassment was eventually bound to escalate to assassination. James Hodgkinson just happened to be the first to pull the trigger. But it could have been any of a growing number of leftist activists who had become convinced that Trump was a fascist dictator and that violence was the answer.

The “Resistance” began by invoking an unprecedented crisis that required setting aside democracy and the niceties of political discourse. It escalated quickly to street violence and then to murder. 

The media and the political personalities of the left who have been profitably feeding the crisis claim to disavow Hodgkinson’s tactic of actually shooting Republicans, but they led him to his bloody conclusion.

What made James Hodgkinson believe that stopping the repeal of ObamaCare was a matter of life and death? Or, as he put it, “Republicans Want to Deny Most All Americans Health Care”?

It was Bernie Sanders who claimed that “thousands of Americans would die” if Republicans repealed ObamaCare. “Families will go bankrupt. People will die,” Elizabeth Warren had tweeted.

James Hodgkinson was a big Bernie supporter. And he was a fan of Elizabeth Warren.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, in whose state the shootings happened, had claimed, “People are going to lose lives." Instead of trying to push gun control, he might have revisited his own rhetoric.

Congressman John Lewis claimed that the repeal would kill. Congressman Ruben Gallego insisted that he didn't have to be civil to Republicans because their "policies that are going to kill people".

It’s a short step from accusing Republicans of killing people to suspending civility to wishing them dead.

And Democrat politicians were downright restrained compared to some of their media allies. Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald wanted to see every Congressional Republican who voted for ObamaCare have a family member perish. "It should be their loved ones who die," he ranted.

“The goprs in congress didn’t just send out a tweet wishing for me to face my own death. They actually voted to do it. If people don’t give a damn about the consequences of what they do, they should face those consequences,” Eichenwald wrote in a statement. 

James Hodgkinson was a fan of the Rachel Maddow show. Eichenwald was an MSNBC contributor and his work had been touted by Rachel Maddow. 

Calls for violence against Republicans had become normalized. 

A few days before the attack, the Huffington Post ran a piece calling for executing Trump “and everyone assisting in his agenda”. It has since come down, but a similarly themed piece defending a “violent response” to President Trump is still up. Julius Caesar reimagined as Trump and leftist activists as his heroic assassins made headlines. “Killing Republicans” in neighboring Brooklyn did not. 

“They should be lined up and shot,” Professor John Griffin posted of Republicans over the ObamaCare repeal. Professor Lars Maischak at Frenso State proposed "the execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant."

And it didn’t end after the shooting.

"If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP house leadership considered self defense?" Malcolm Harris, a regular at the New Republic, whose work has appeared at the Washington Post and Salon, inquired.

If Congressional Republicans are indeed killing people, why shouldn’t they be killed? Hodgkinson accepted the left’s premise and took it to its logically murderous conclusion. 

“Noam Chomsky calls the Republican Party the Most Dangerous Organization in Human History!” was one of the messages on his Facebook page. 

According to Chomsky, appearing on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, Republicans are committed “to the destruction of organized human life on Earth.” Forget health care. Republicans are actually trying to wipe out the species by denying Global Warming.

James Hodgkinson participated in the People’s Climate March. Its theme, like Chomsky’s, was that Trump and Republicans were a threat to the entire planet. 

If that’s true, shouldn’t someone save the planet by doing something about those Republicans?

Hodgkinson was taught by the left that all problems were reducible to Republican evil. He quoted Robert Reich, a Sanders Institute fellow, claiming that the poor economy was due to tax cuts for the rich. 

The Republicans had destroyed the economy, health care and the planet. Someone had to stop them.

“Congressional Republicans Hate Americans & Should All be Voted Out of Office,” James Hodgkinson ranted on Facebook. But even he could see that was not going to happen.

Congressman Scalise had won 74.6% of the vote in his last election. If he couldn’t be voted out, he could be killed. And on his Facebook page, Hodgkinson had displayed a marked hostility to him.

And the rest you can see on cable news.

The left has a long ugly history of priming killers and then playing innocent. James Hodgkinson, like Lee Harvey Oswald, imbibed enough of that sense of urgent crisis that instead of just continuing to attend Occupy Wall Street rallies and anti-Trump marches, instead of just donating a few dollars here and there to leftist causes and politicians, he decided to take their rhetoric seriously. There was nothing wrong with his logic. There was something deeply wrong with those whose ideas he was relying on.

James Hodgkinson took the left’s claims at face value. If Trump is Hitler, if Republicans are fascists, if their policies will kill thousands of people, wipe out the economy and destroy the planet, then Jimmy was just a good member of the “Resistance” fighting to save all human life on earth.

The left can’t quite decide whether its incitement should be taken at face value. Some on the left do. They’re the ones who can be seen calling for the murder of Republicans. Others profit from it, but then disavow the tactics. But for many leftists like James Hodgkinson, these fine distinctions are lost. 

They don’t understand that Bernie Sanders doesn’t really believe that Republicans will kill thousands of people. He’s just saving up for a fourth home. Elizabeth Warren is a millionaire and former Republican who figured out that being a fake class warrior pays even better than being a fake Cherokee. Robert Reich was getting paid $235,791 to teach a class on income inequality at Berkeley.

Hodgkinson was a side effect of Bernie’s three homes, Liz’s presidential ambitions and Bob’s ambitions. The shooting of Congressman Scalise and others on that field was a side effect of the left’s quest for power. And worse still, there are those on the left who are true believers and who really do want a war.

“Republicans are getting what they want,” Markos Moulitsas‏ of DailyKos posted.

But it’s the left that is actually getting what it wanted. All that hate and rage couldn’t be satiated by marches and rallies. It spilled over into street violence, terroristic threats and now terrorism.

Leftist leaders believe that they can contain the violence and channel it into protests, rallies and donations. At worst, there might be the occasional campus riot or street fight. But the Alexandria attack is a warning that the violence that the left is inciting and unleashing cannot be contained for long. 

“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co,” Hodgkinson ranted. Trump isn’t destroying our democracy. The leftists trying to bring him down are.

The left has whipped up an angry mob and promised them that if they scream and shout enough, President Trump will be forced out of office. They manufactured a crisis and now it’s exploding on them. If they can’t deliver a coup, there will be more shootings like this one. 

The Democrats are sleepwalking into a civil war. They want power, but like leftists from Russia to Cuba, they haven’t seriously contemplated the price that will have to paid for their bloody utopia.

In her “Resistance” video, former Attorney General Lynch spoke of blood, marching and dying. At Eugene Simpson Stadium Park, the 10-year-old son of Congressman Barton huddled under a bench. Congressman Wenstrup, an Iraq War veteran, struggled to provide aid to the wounded Scalise.

That’s what Lynch’s bleeding and dying looks like. This is what the left’s Resistance really looks like. Democrats, liberals and even leftists ought to take a good look to see if that’s what they really want. 

Source Link:

The following recent article revealed that, according to The Daily Caller, a list of Republican names was found in James T. Hodgkinson’s pocket, the individual that recently opened fire on congressmen and staffers at a baseball field in Virginia and was allegedly recovered by the FBI. Surprised?-You Decide:

The assassination list of GOP names found in the baseball field shooter’s pocket!-Posted on BizPac Review-By Frieda Powers-On June 17, 2017:

A list of Republican names was found on the body of the gunman who opened fire on congressmen and staffers at a baseball field in Virginia.

The list, recovered by the FBI, was found in James T. Hodgkinson’s pocket, according to The Daily Caller.


Handwritten on notepad paper, the list of names included Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, anonymous sources told the Daily Caller. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, Tennessee Rep. Scott DesJarlais and Virginia Rep. Morgan Griffith were also included on that list, according to a separate report from Fox News.


The named congressmen are all conservative members of the House Freedom Caucus, and the list appears to confirm that the shooting was not random but a premeditated attempt to assassinate the politicians.

Hodgkinson opened fire on congressman and their aides on Wednesday while they practiced at a baseball field in Alexandria. The 66 year-old, who apparently volunteered with Bernie Sanders’ failed presidential campaign, wounded four people including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, before being shot and killed by U.S. Capitol Police.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway tweeted a comment Friday.


The congressmen named on the list were notified by the FBI, the Daily Caller reported. Franks confirmed to Fox News on Friday’s “The Story with Martha MacCallum” that he was one of the names on the list.


Continue Reading:

The following article revealed that less than 24 hours before a supporter of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders fired at Republican members of Congress at a baseball practice, seriously injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four others before U.S. Capitol Police took down the assailant, talk-radio host and author Michael Savage warned of violence by “marginal” people who are set to explode and “kill somebody.”-You Decide:


Michael Savage predicted 'violence' by 'marginals' day before attack: 'We are at a boiling point. There's going to be a civil war'!-Posted on June 14, 2017:

The following recent article and video therein revealed that Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Friday night slammed news outlets like The New York Times and CNN as “willing accomplices” for the deep state that is intent on damaging President Trump’s presidency by leaking, in many cases, misinformation to the American public, along with warning Americans about the Deep States’s massive effort to destroy President Trump and ultimately destroy our Country/Republic. Surprised?-You Decide:

What we're seeing now is the unelected fourth branch of government looking for retribution

Hannity: Deep state's massive effort to destroy Trump!-Posted on Fox News-On June 17, 2017:

Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Friday night slammed news outlets like The New York Times and CNN as “willing accomplices” for the deep state that is intent on damaging President Trump’s presidency by leaking, in many cases, misinformation to the American public.

“The major news outlets, citing unnamed sources, “have all gotten it wrong on this issue,” Hannity said. “They all, at this point with the American public, should have zero credibility.”

The “deep state,” an alleged shadowy network of powerful entrenched federal and military interests, has increasingly become the focus of Republicans who accuse such forces of trying to undermine the new president. Though senior White House staff members don’t use the exact label, the notion behind it has taken hold.

To Trump’s critics, these assertions come off as paranoid fear of a non-existent shadow government and an effort to create a scapegoat for the White House’s struggles. But to Trump’s supporters, this represents an overdue challenge to an elite ruling class concerned only with maintaining its own grasp on power.

Hannity said the public should take these “smoking gun” reports that appear to break every night “with a grain of salt.”

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Thursday evening that Americans should "exercise caution" before believing anonymously sourced reports, an apparent reference to ongoing leaks surrounding the investigation into alleged connections between Russian officials and Trump's campaign.

"Americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any stories any stories attributed to anonymous 'officials,'" Rosenstein said in a statement, "particularly when they do not identify the country — let alone the branch or agency of government — with which the alleged sources supposedly are affiliated."

“Of course, the deep state exists. There’s a permanent state of massive bureaucracies that do whatever they want and set up deliberate leaks to attack the president,” said Newt Gingrich, a Trump confidant, earlier. “This is what the deep state does: They create a lie, spread a lie, fail to check the lie and then deny that they were behind the lie.”

Hannity said the deep state hopes for “as much collateral damage as possible.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

Source Link:

The following recent video revealed Fox News’ Sean Hannity and Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich discussing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conflict of interest.-You Decide:

Video: BREAKING NEWS: Hannity - Robert Muller's Conflict of Interest!-Posted on Shayetet-On June 17, 2017:

The following recent video revealed Attorney Larry Klayman discussing how Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery can deep six former FBI Director Comey and Special Counsel Mueller with Carl Gallups (Freedom Friday).-You Decide:

Video: Klayman Discusses How Whistleblower Montgomery Can Deep Six Comey and Mueller!-Posted on Freedom Watch-On June 17, 2017:

The following recent video revealed that on Saturday Judge Jeanine went off on the anti-Trump and treasonous GOP elites who are willfully bringing down the Republican president. It also revealed how Paul Ryan and fellow Republican leaders have remained silent as liberal actors act out the assassination of President Trump night after night in Central Park. Surprised?-You Decide:

FINALLY! Judge Jeanine Goes Off on ANTI-TRUMP and TREASONOUS GOP: “You’re in Power Damn It! Do Something!” (VIDEO)

Video: Judge Jeanine Goes Off on ANTI-TRUMP and TREASONOUS GOP: “You’re in Power Damn It! Do Something!”-Posted on Shayetet-On June 18, 2017:

The following recent article revealed that Noah Rothman recently wrote a Commentary titled: "Republicans of all stripes must be made to acknowledge and accept that Trumpism is an experiment that failed," along with revealing that Never Trumpers are still waiting for the “Apocalypse.”-You Decide:


Never Trump is Still Waiting for the Apocalypse: ‘One of these days, just you wait’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On June 12, 2017:

"Republicans of all stripes must be made to acknowledge and accept that Trumpism is an experiment that failed," Noah Rothman wrote in Commentary.

It was October 2016 and Rothman was declaring the terms on which Never Trumpers would accept the surrender of Republicans after Trump’s defeat. Some "examples must be made", but after some political purges, the GOP could be reunited around "free trade" and "an internationalist foreign policy".  

But instead of losing, Trump won. The disasters that Rothman was predicting, the loss of Congress and the White House, never came about. And the scorned prophets of Never Trump, instead of apologizing or being offered terms for rejoining the GOP, continued forecasting disaster and doom for the heretics.

Like Democrats, Never Trumpers were still stuck on an election that Trump wasn’t supposed to win. Democrats had predicted a Hillary victory and Never Trumpers predicted a Republican disaster. Both Democrats and Never Trumpers want to reverse the results of the election. The Democrats invent vast conspiracies and the Never Trumpers predict disasters that will never happen.

Never Trumpers are obsessed with proving to Republicans that electing Trump was a disastrous mistake.

So everything is a disaster. Trump is infuriating Europeans alienating Muslims, abandoning NATO and destroying the planet. The sky is always falling. The apocalypse is just around the corner. And when it finally arrives, Rothman and the rest of the gang can lay out their terms for reunifying the GOP around illegal alien amnesty, destructive trade practices and open borders for terrorist refugees.

Even after the election, President Trump still can’t win.

"Donald Trump's Republican Party Will Be Defeated," George Will predicted in his Washington Post column before the November election. The National Review chose to reprint his warning that Republicans must break with Trump. That would "determine how many of them lose with him, and how many deserve to."

When Trump won, Will dubbed it a, “A Disruptive yet Ruinous Triumph for the GOP”. Never mind that the GOP had won, it was really a defeat. “Will the Republican party learn the wrong lessons from its election victory?” he inquired.

And who better to turn to for the right lessons than the man who had predicted that Republicans would lose and who had declared “this was not my party anymore”, but still insisted on lecturing Republicans?

When Trump was sworn in, Will called it, “A Most Dreadful Inaugural Address”. He warned, "Donald Trump's Economic Policy Could Spell Disaster" and "Trump's Immigration Plan Could Spell Doom for the GOP."

And if the disaster isn’t forthcoming on its own, Will pleaded with the public “to quarantine this presidency by insistently communicating to its elected representatives a steady, rational fear of this man.” And there’s the National Review wing of the “Resistance” -- the left's effort to sabotage the Trump presidency and fulfill the prophecies that failed.

Back at Commentary, Noah Rothman had consistently predicted that Trump would lose. “When Trump’s Republican presidential bid flames out – and it will flame out,” he wrote confidently. “This “plan” is a road to electoral ruin,” he warned of Trump’s common sense migration reform.

Everything was Trump’s fault.

“Bilateral relations between the United States and Russia have cratered since Trump took office,” Rothman mourned. Obama departed office with relations at their lowest point in decades. Hillary Clinton had compared Putin to Hitler. But to Never Trumpers, it’s always Trump’s fault.

Elsewhere, Rothman bemoaned that Trump had "prioritized renewed confrontation" with Iran and China. To Never Trumpers, common sense policies were bad if they had Trump’s name on them.

But Rothman’s constant predictions of disaster, before and after, were nothing compared to even madder voices at Commentary like Max Boot; the Republican answer to Keith Olbermann.

“Donald Trump represents the No. 1 security threat to the United States today,” Max Boot declared. Greater even than Global Warming.

This month, Rothman echoed Boot's preposterous claim by invoking the conspiracy inside the conspiracy. “The Bannon wing is now a menace to global security.”

But none of the Never Trumper hysterics can actually define this global security menace. Trump has taken a tougher line on every enemy from China to Iran to Syria to Russia to Cuba to ISIS. Despite all the innuendo about Russia, it was Trump not Obama, who enforced a red line in Syria. Obama made a deal with the devil in Iran. Trump is beginning to roll it back. And the Russians aren’t remotely happy about it.

Trump stood up to China and North Korea. Unlike Obama’s fake pivot, Trump is staying the course. ISIS is being defeated. And that’s the problem for the Boot-Rothman fantasies.

Boot claimed that Trump was "embracing fascism" and had also embraced "war crimes". He argued that Trump was playing "right into the terrorists' hands" and "doing serious damage to American credibility and to collective security." Outside Commentary, Boot would go on to demand that “for the good of the country, Trump should resign before our new national nightmare gets worse.”

"Republicans Need to Abandon the Trump Ship ASAP," Boot insisted. He closed by echoing the conviction that, "the security of the United States might now depend on electing a Democratic Congress in 2018.” It would have been more honest of Boot to just join the Democrat Party.

The job security of Never Trump pundits certainly depends on a Republican defeat in 2018. If Trump doesn’t fail, how will anyone know they were right? And so, with the logic of the left, they insist that he must be made to fail. If Trump won’t fail and Republicans won’t abandon him, it’s time to vote Democrat. As a number of Never Trumpers actually did.

But neither the National Review nor Commentary can hold a candle to the sheer derangement of the Weekly Standard. The Standard pushed 25th Amendment and Electoral College shenanigans to stop Trump that were hardly seen outside left-wing swamps. It compared Paul Ryan to a Nazi collaborator for endorsing Trump. All of this was spiced with doom headlines that could have come from the media.

“Trump the Loser”, “Donald Trump, a One-Man Wedge Issue, Threatens GOP Future”, "Donald Trump's Plan to Destroy the U.S. Economy", headlines shrieked. “With Trump, It Only Gets Worse from Here.”

And even, “Is Trump Ruining Marriages?"

Is there anything wrong in the world Trump isn’t responsible for? Everything he did was terrible.

Even if Trump won, a story speculated that, “It is doubtful that he will have a commanding legislative majority.”  Even if he does, Schumer will filibuster a Trump nominee and "If you think the Senate Republicans will blithely go along with eliminating that procedural tool, then you haven't been paying much attention to the Senate Republicans in the last decade” and “It beggars belief to presume that Trump can build a majority coalition in favor of conservative principles".

The establishment that was always right had spoken. Yet it kept on being embarrassingly wrong. Over and over again.

According to “Trump's Position Is Even Worse Than You Think”, the election was so hopeless that "the national polls are actually overstating Trump's strength." It’s always hopeless for the Never Trumpers. And that’s because their position is hopeless. The product they’re selling is defeatism. And that’s never been very popular. The only argument for defeatism is manufacturing a constant sense of crisis.

Throughout the election, the Standard warned that Republicans must break with Trump or go down with him. A single quote from “To Save the Party, Pull the Plug on Trump Now” will suffice.

"Understand this: Donald Trump is not going to win."

Even now, a Standard column insists that Trump will go the way of Nixon and Republicans must break with him. In the Never Trump camp, Trump and the GOP are always on the verge of destruction.

But the apocalypse never arrives.

In just one paragraph of one Weekly Standard article, President Trump is accused of undermining "legitimate checks on his authority", eroding "confidence in our electoral system" and tarnishing his office. And probably ruining your marriage too.

But after all this time the disaster still hasn’t arrived. Trump won. The alarmists lost. The stock market is rising and our enemies are afraid. The alarmism of the echo chamber has added up to nothing more than failed predictions, falling subscriptions and encouragement to Democrat seditionists.

Never Trump is really Never Wrong. Like the Democrats, they refuse to adapt to reality. Rothman and his Never Trump colleagues need to accept that Never Trumpism is an experiment that failed, apologize to Trump and the American people whose progress they are obstructing, and go home.

Source Link:

The following recent article revealed that the appointment of Robert Mueller, James Comey’s BFF, as special counsel stinks to high heaven and forget the bipartisan encomia to Mueller’s “ethics” and “professionalism” and “integrity” and all the other usual question-begging praise the elite shower on each other to justify their power and privilege, along with revealing that such mutual admiration and reciprocal puffery is just one of the ways that DC is “Hollywood for ugly people,” given that both industries are in the business of selling sows’ ears as silk purses and that we heard all the same praise about Comey, who has been exposed as self-righteous, conniving, and cowardly, his ethics trimmed to his careerism, which allegedly proves that all political appointees and “public servants” should be judged guilty until proven innocent.-You Decide: 


Is Bob Mueller the Establishment’s Stalking Horse? ‘The threats to our constitutional posed by the special counsel investigation’!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Bruce Thornton-On June 19, 2017:

The following recent video revealed that President Trump is currently being pressured to fire Special Council Mueller. Surprise?-You Decide:

Video Breaking News: Trump Pressured To Fire Mueller!-Posted on Shayetet-On June 19, 2017:

Please Read Part 51:


The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 51)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On June 20, 2017:

I believe that the above articles and videos relate to and/or further support my following blogs-You Decide:


Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 17, 2016:

Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 21, 2016:


Russian Election Intervention Is Nothing New: ‘The Kremlin’s history of backing the losers’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 14, 2016:

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Implicated In Bankrolling of Extremist Terrorist Movements Around The World!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 16, 2017:

Attention Obama: Ft. Leavenworth is Calling You For Treason!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 10, 2017:

4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY'! (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:


The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:


Letter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Shadow Party’s alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 13, 2015:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

4063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!

“Food for Thought”

4063359991?profile=originalHello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take a Stand Against The Deplorable Obstructionists That Are Doing Their Utmost To Take Down Our Democratically Elected President, His Administration and ultimately destroy our Country/Republic?-God Bless America!

God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!
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