



Martinsburg, WV

Please answer this question: What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?


Do you agree to disagree without being disagreeable?


How did you hear about Patriot Command Center?

I belong to a local Tea Party here in Berkeley County, WV. Also phone call from TeaParty.org

Is America a republic?

Absolutely! For everything he has and has not done to destroy our economy, desert our soldiers and Ambassador in Bengazi, illegal immigration, supporting Muslim Brotherhood, causing race and class warfare, his misuse of his office to fundamentally transform America!

If you are willing to help what would you be willing to do?

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Stephanie B Robinson posted a blog post
Saira Blair has chosen to follow her father's lead, Senator Craig Blair.  Senator Blair and Delegate John Overington, have succeeded in demolishing our 4th Amendment rights.  They have decided, voted for and passed legislation here in WV which…
May 16, 2014

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