



Winston Salem, NC

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Erich Dunkelberger posted a blog post
   Three years ago, Nancy Pelosi said that we had to pass the bill to see what was in it. Well, those who weren’t paying attention back then are now finding out why we had to pass the law first, before the people could find out what terrible things…
Dec 11, 2013
Erich Dunkelberger posted a blog post
   Last Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the President’s Constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws, as laid out in the US Constitution in Article II, Section 3. The speakers for the hearing were, Michael Cannon, a…
Dec 4, 2013
Erich Dunkelberger posted a blog post
    So, according to reports, the US government is negotiating with the Afghan government with regards to the role of our military in their country. If you remember, over a year ago, the administration said that we would be out of Afghanistan,…
Nov 20, 2013
Erich Dunkelberger posted a blog post
For over forty years, from the time I was allowed to vote, I have been a registered Republican because their views most closely reflected mine. Today, I can no longer say that. You see, I am one of those “wacko birds” from which you no longer want…
Nov 7, 2013

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