Tuesday Morning Edition

animated clock striking midnight The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Sanction Relief
Empowering the Mullahs, Not Citizens
Majid Rafizadeh
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Afghanistan:   (www.afcea.org) - NATO formally ended its 13-year combat mission in Afghanistan. Commanders lowered the flag during a ceremony in Kabul, raising the flag of the new mission named Resolute Support. "We have lifted the Afghan people out of the darkness of despair and given them hope for the future," mission commander General John Campbell said.
Comment: An earlier ceremony marked the dissolution of the joint combat command. Today's marked the dissolution of the NATO mission. The statements by General Campbell bespeak an astonishing absence of insight about Afghanistan. Kabul, Ghazni and Mazar-e-Sharif were centers of Islamic learning and culture up to five centuries before Columbus discovered the new world. Before that, Alexander the Great of Macedon founded Qandahar, which is named after Alexander. It is not clear what "darkness" General Campbell's speech writers thought they were referring to. Campbell's script shows that the US military leadership learned so little about Afghanistan in the past 13 years that the senior US general insulted the Afghan people on the day his primary mission ended. For old Afghan hands, the published remarks are shameful. The Pashtuns believe the US is the agent of darkness in Afghanistan, provided they even think in those alien terms, which are Greek and Christian. For Pashtun Muslim true believers, the US and NATO brought despair, but their departure is a ray of hope because it affirms the myth that Afghanistan is the graveyard of invaders. The invaders always lose and leave and the Afghan people always win. That myth glosses over the suffering that Afghans endure during the foreign occupations. Now the real struggle for Afghanistan begins. This is the struggle between Afghans, without Western meddling. The end of the westerners' combat mission marks the beginning of the period that Mullah Omar and his cohorts in Pakistan have waited for: the start of the battle to recapture Kabul. It is unclear what the residual 13,000 western forces will be doing, if they are not engaged in combat. The most important Western contribution has been air power. News agencies have not reported the status, capabilities and rules of engagement of residual Western air power in Afghanistan. Those capabilities count much more than advisors and trainers.   -NightWatch 

 Syria:   (www.afcea.org) - The Ba'athist government in Damascus announced on 27 December that it is willing to participate in "consultations" in Moscow for the purpose of restarting peace talks next year to end the Syrian civil war. "Syria is ready to participate in preliminary consultations in Moscow in order to meet the aspirations of Syrians to find a way out of the crisis," state television said, quoting a source at the Syrian foreign ministry.
Comment: It is not clear what prompted the Syrian offer to talk about peace talks. The Syrians have not mentioned issues or terms. The last peace talks initiative also involved the Russians, almost a year ago. The proposal for talks seems to imply that the Ba'athists are confident that they can and will hold the Syrian cities in the west. More than half the population lives in the government-controlled cities in western and northwestern Syria. That means talks will be about control of eastern Syria, where the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and its supporters have shown themselves to be incompetent as governors and managers. ISIL has not responded to the talks proposal. The anti-government opposition seems incapable of presenting a unified negotiating team or position. As for the Russians, they have the lead.as the peacemakers for the Syrian civil war, once again.  -NightWatch 

 Kobani  (www.afcea.org) - The Kurds continue to make slow progress against ISIL forces. The Kurds now control more than 60% of Kobani, primarily with the pathetically small number of US air attacks in support.
Comment: The weakness of the ISIL forces may be measured by the small number of daily US and allied air attacks that keeps them from conquering and consolidating northern Syria and northern Iraq. ISIL has no effective air defenses so that a dozen or so air strikes keep its forces on the defensive. ISIL cannot win, but the US appears unwilling to win. Only the French seem willing to put a few airstrikes against the ISIL headquarters at Raqqa in Syria. The lesson of the Vietnam War is that the US must destroy the enemy's base when it is serious about winning a war. If the US and its allies do not destroy Raqqah in Syria, then they are not serious about defeating ISIL.  -NightWatch 

 Libya  (www.afcea.org) - Forces loyal to Libya's internationally recognized government carried out air strikes Sunday against Misrata, the third city of Libya. Air force Colonel Ahmed Mesmari said the strikes were in response to a renewed attempt by the Fajr Libya (Libya Dawn) Islamist militia to seize the key Al-Sidra oil export terminal on Sunday morning. A spokesman for the armed forces loyal to the government of Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni said the air force attacked Misrata's port, an air force academy near the airport and Libya's biggest steel plant. Libya Dawn tribal fighters have attempted to capture Al-Sidra and the RasLanuf oil terminal since Thursday when they killed at least 22 soldiers in a surprise attack by speedboat. Seven of the 19 oil tanks at Al-Sidra were ablaze on Sunday as a result of the fighting, an oil official said.
Comment: The air force attacked after the expiration of its ultimatum to the tribal fighters from Misrata who attempted to seize control of the oil terminals. One oil official said that Libya lost 1.6 million barrels of oil because of the fires. That is about two days of normal production. Oil exports of about 800,000 barrels per day have continued despite the political chaos. Most factions have been content to separate the political and military struggle from the business of exporting oil. Lately the Islamist militias from Misrata, who support the Islamist pretenders in Tripoli, have tried to take control of the oil ports for their exclusive use and profit. That militia offensive prompted the air attacks against their tribal base. The net result of the latest clashes is that no one is profiting from oil production because it is going up in flames as the result of the feckless clashes. The clashes during the past five days have destroyed two days of oil production and exports, but made no change in the security situation.  -NightWatch 

 Riley: nObama, Holder, Sharpton Push False Racial Narrative   
therightscoop.com/ - Fox News’ Jason Riley is one of the best commentators on race issues because of his stubborn insistence on using facts and logic to bolster his case...In this appearance this morning, he easily destroys the liberal narrative that racism is at the root cause of all the ills of the black community.       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tw1lrfFN2HM
 No need for scientific literacy  
Evil Questions - It’s interesting how those who claim to represent “science” about climate change often lack basic scientific literacy...Al Gore’s infamous statement that the temperature inside the earth is several million degrees instead of just thousands is a striking example. As the presenter notes, the temperature of the earth is actually only a few thousand degrees at the hottest. Interesting and embarrasing. I also enjoyed Ted Turner’s statement that we’ll be extinct and then we’ll be sorry: But the one that really caught my attention is “He Sat Down In A Cold, Grey Room And Proceeded To Scare The Hell Out Of Me”. Ricken Patel, founder and executive directory of Avaaz, the company whose business model  involves making money by way of dramatic and alarming claims.       http://www.evilquestions.com/2014/12/19/no-need-for-scientific-literacy/#more-145
 Navy SEAL Calls for the Investigation of nObama  
Conservative Tribune - This U.S. Navy SEAL is openly calling for the investigation of President Barack nObama … and he’s got a very good reason for it...During an appearance on Fox & Friends yesterday, Former Navy SEAL and author Carl Higbie commented on the scrutiny fellow former SEAL Rob O’Neill is under by the Navy. O’Neill is being investigated for allegedly revealing classified information in interviews about the raid that resulted in the killing of Osama bin Laden. In this video, Higbie is saying that by the same token nObama should be investigated for giving Hollywood access to pertinent details of military operations for the 2012 movie “Zero Dark Thirty.” If O’Neill did reveal classified information, then there is no difference between what O’Neill stated in interviews and the release of classified information by the White House.       http://conservativetribune.com/breaking-navy-seal-calls/#sthash.bbYXahHH.dpuf
 Why Liberals Don’t Get to Be Patriots  
By Ray Hobbs - Conservatives – particularly those involved in politics – are loud, boisterous, vehement, and passionate about the state of the country. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But I’ve never met a conservative who thinks America needs to become “something else” in order to achieve greatness...Some are more despondent about 21st century America than others, but most would agree that even at its darkest hour, it’s still a pretty damn good place to live. Not so when it comes to most liberals. I’ve read a lot of stuff lately – mostly in homage to Stephen Colbert – that complains about the right “hijacking patriotism.” But who can they blame for that but themselves? There may not be one right way to be a patriot, but many liberals – not all, but many – nakedly hate this country. They hate everything about it. They hate capitalism, they think racism is at the core of almost everything, they despise the military, they hate Christianity, they hate the South, they hate Republicans, and they hate oil! That’s a long list, and it doesn’t even scratch the surface.       http://www.leanrightamerica.org/uncategorized/why-liberals-dont-get-to-be-patriots/
 None Dare Call It Treason 50 Years Later  
By Cliff Kincaid - I recently asked John A. Stormer, author of the 1964 bestseller, None Dare Call It Treason, if he thought President Barack nObama was a Marxist. “He’s two things,” Stormer told me... “Is he a Marxist or is he a Muslim? He is really involved in both of these things. He’s anti-American.” nObama’s policies have benefitted enemies of the U.S. across the spectrum, from Muslim to Marxist. All of these anti-American forces have made dramatic gains under nObama. This means that the situation is far worse for America than when Stormer wrote his seven-million-copy bestseller.       http://www.aim.org/aim-column/none-dare-call-it-treason-50-years-later/?utm_source=AIM+-+Daily+Email&utm_campaign=email122914&utm_medium=email
 nObamacare Success: More Medicaid Enrollees; Less Medicaid  
By Mark Horne - The government has arranged more Medicaid recruitment with less Medicaid reimbursement. What could go wrong?...Only a zealous statist (i.e. worshiper of the state) would be so blind as to not see what was going to happen. I’m sure there are many who did see it, like Jonathan Gruber, but who are laughing to themselves about the stupid American voters. As you may know—perhaps because you or a loved one was signed up for it against your will when trying to purchase insurance through healthcare.gov—nObamacare has jacked up the number of people enrolled in Medicaid. But I think fewer people realize that the bureaucrats who lord over us are about to cut back on Medicaid reimbursements. What do you think will happen?       http://politicaloutcast.com/2014/12/obamacare-success-medicaid-enrollees-less-medicaid/
 The Best of Trey Gowdy 2014  
By BFH...
 Mahmoud Abbas: Failing the Palestinians and Peace  
By Joseph Puder - Mahmoud Abbas, (aka Abu Mazen) has been a failure as the Palestinian “Rais.” He failed to lead the Palestinian Authority (PA) toward peace with Israel, and he mismanaged the alleged goal to achieve statehood for the Palestinians...Instead of facing the tough issues and making compromises required in negotiating peace and statehood with the Israelis, Abbas chose an alliance with the Gaza controlled terrorist group Hamas. Following Abbas’ pact with Hamas last April, Israel broke off peace negotiations with the Palestinians, just days before the talks brokered by Secretary of State John Kerry were scheduled to expire. Abbas isn’t only confusing Israelis, Americans, and is his Europeans patrons, he is perplexing his own Palestinian consituents.       http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/joseph-puder/mahmoud-abbas-failing-the-palestinians-and-peace/?utm_source=FrontPage+Magazine&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=0f888155ab-Mailchimp_FrontPageMag&utm_term=0_57e32c1dad-0f888155ab-156509103
 Arab Israeli Politician Praises Terrorism  
By Ronn Torossian - In yet another story which the world’s mainstream media will ignore, an Israeli Arab Knesset member complained to the police about a right-wing Likud Knesset member, Danny Danon, making a video condemning her. Watch the video here...The Arab MK, Hanin Zoabi, openly opposes the State of Israel, supports Hamas, and a few months ago published an article on Hamas’s website encouraging an Islamist uprising against the Jewish state, encouraging Arab countries to help stoke a “popular uprising” against Israel, halt security coordination with the Palestinian Authority (PA) police in Judea and Samaria, and lay siege to the region. She put the word “Israel” in quotation marks throughout the article, and said: [. . .] we must besiege ‘Israel’ instead of negotiating with it.”  Zoabi has said Israel has “no right to a normal life” and Israel should “thank her” for allowing Jews to live in the Jewish State.       http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/ronn-torossian/arab-israeli-politician-praises-terrorism/?utm_source=FrontPage+Magazine&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=0f888155ab-Mailchimp_FrontPageMag&utm_term=0_57e32c1dad-0f888155ab-156509103
 Christian Hunting Is The Sport Of Lawmakers And Judges  
By Joy Pullmann - Throwing Christians to the lions to be eaten alive versus forcing them to engage in a series of lawsuits that will devour their financial sustenance or to close shop and remove to a more tolerant jurisdiction are certainly distinct varieties of persecution...and the former much worse than the latter. But both are religious persecution. It seems the West is now determined to hunt down the very religious tradition that has not only sustained but enabled it to vibrantly flourish, all in the name of the equality of man that Christianity was first to declare and establish. In other words, we’re witnessing a slow-moving cultural murder-suicide. One wonders in passing why on earth DC’s council would attack schools that rescue so many local children from a positively horrific “public” education system that is an international shame to our country—but perhaps that description of it reveals the answer. More to the point, however, these events are merely the latest to herald the growth of illiberal government. We’re moving from “let your freak flag fly” to “only the freaks we condone are allowed to exist in peace.” Gay freaks are in. Christian freaks are out.       http://thefederalist.com/2014/12/29/for-the-west-christian-hunting-is-the-sport-of-lawmakers-and-judges/?utm_source=The+Federalist+List&utm_campaign=41f42251e1-RSS_DAILY_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-41f42251e1-83771801
Sanction Relief
Empowering the Mullahs, Not Citizens
Majid Rafizadeh
     frontpagemag.com - There has always been an argument claiming that economic sanctions normally do not yield any result due to the notion that economic sanctions do not target the ruling elite and governmental official, but the ordinary people. This argument is partially accurate.

     Nevertheless, we need to remember that some targeted economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic (particularly the sanctions in oil and gas sectors and financial and bank institutions) did endanger the hold on power of the ruling cleric in Iran, particularly the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. That was the primary reason behind pushing the Iranian politicians to come to the negotiation table in nuclear talks.

     On the other hand, the other side of the argument is that if economic sanctions are lifted, the major beneficiaries would be the ordinary people and the civilians. This argument would be accurate if the political and economic system of the given state is democratic, allows open opportunities for all, encourages the private sector, allows transparency, and holds those corrupt officials who commit illegal economic dealings accountable.

     The Iranian political and economic system is devoid of the aforementioned standards. In fact, in states which the political system is mainly authoritarian or theocratic, and the economic system is monopolized by few people at top and is state controlled, any increase of wealth or flow of money will inevitably strengthening the ruling elite rather than the ordinary people.

     To substantiate this argument, let us take a look on the ground in the Islamic Republic after the sanctions relief.

     At the beginning, a majority of Iranian people were hoping that economic sanctions relief would alleviate their suffering, improve their standards of living, and push many families above the poverty line. Almost a year has passed since the Iranian government has been receiving sanctions relief.

     After the interim nuclear deal and extension of the negotiations between the six world powers (known as the P5+1: China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and the Islamic Republic, the Iranian government had received an estimated $7 billion.  Iran continues to receive approximately $700 million every month under the extension deal.

     In addition, there has been some sanction suspension with respects to some of Iran’s major industries, including Iran’s auto sector, gold and precious metals, as well as Iran’s petrochemical exports. The Iranian currency, the rial, has appreciated due to the sanctions relief, Iran’s oil and non-oil exports have increased, its economy is showing signs of stabilization, Tehran’s stock exchange has soared and Iran’s exports and business dealings with several countries have ratcheted up.

     The suspension of sanctions has definitely given both psychological and financial support to the Iranian government.  But the real question is how this money is being spent and which institutions benefit primarily from this sanctions relief. Are ordinary people benefiting from these sanctions relief and flow of money?

     Nevertheless, some Iranian civilians have begun to believe that even economic sanctions relief or even the lifting of the whole economic sanctions regime from the Iranian government are not going to assist civilians, their financial day-to-day activities, or bring concrete changes on the ground.

     Four major institutions are benefiting mostly from the economic sanctions relief: Iran’s military-industrial complex, the Office of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a few top business figures who are connected with the government, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), through either legal and illegal imports and exports.

     For example, the IRGC controls and owns a considerable amount of shares in the aforementioned industries which have witnessed sanctions relief. In the petrochemical industry, The IRGC military-industrial complex owns Zagros Petrochemicals; 40% of Pars Petrochemical Company, part of Arak Petrochemicals; 25% of Kermanshah Petrochemicals; as well as 19% of the shares of Maroun Petrochemicals.

     This phenomenon of the monopolization of the economy applies in other sectors of Iran’s economy as well.  When it comes to Iran’s economic system, the Supreme Leader and IRGC do have a considerable amount of control and shares in almost all industries including financial institutions and banks, the transportation industry, automobile manufacturing, mining, commerce, and oil and gas sectors.

     As a result, these types of sanctions relief will mostly benefit the ruling elite, primarily the Supreme Leader and Iran’s military-industrial complex, IRGC. Iranian people will hardly observe any benefits from this economic sanctions relief or lifting of economic sanctions.

     It appears that the easing of sanctions are strengthening the ruling elite without any sign of redistribution of wealth. This is predominantly due to the fact Iran’s economic system is a state and military controlled system, it lacks transparency, as well as the reality that it is crippled with widespread corruption by the ruling elite and few on top.

     If the intention of economic sanctions relief is to assist the Iranian people and alleviate their suffering, there ought to be more efficient approaches to develop some types of targeted sanctions relief (for example, being directed at Iran’s educational system, health care, etc.) which aim at empowering Iranian civilians and primarily the middle class.


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