Tuesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

The Front Page Cover
 2016             The truth will set you free 
In Wake of Baton Rouge, Like Lives,
All Words Matter
by Susan Stamper Brown
 A Texas-Sized Voter ID Problem 
Yesterday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Texas's voter ID law discriminates against minority voters. The court didn't strike down the law entirely, however, instead sending it back to a lower court, ordering changes before the coming November elections.
          Currently 33 states have some form of voter ID laws. Of these states, nine have a strict photo ID requirement. Not surprisingly, many of the states with no form of voter ID laws — like California, New York and Massachusetts — are not only Democrat controlled but are some of the most liberal in the nation.
          The concern that Texas and many other states have is the very real problem of voter fraud, which has grown in part as a result of the unabated flow of illegal immigrants over America's porous borders. Since the current administration has refused to enforce our nation's immigration laws, many state governments have responded by enacting voter ID laws as a means of protecting their citizens.
          Democrats like to repeat the mantra that they fear minority voters not being allowed to vote. In reality, Democrats are making a play for minority votes, all while sacrificing the integrity of the nation's electoral process. Why? Democrats don't think it's a bad thing if illegal immigrants or felons (thanks to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe) vote, so long as it keeps Democrats in power. 
-The Patriot Post
 Children and Cartoon Violence 
Allyne Caan: When Wile E. Coyote debuted decades of road-runner targeted violence in the late 1940s, there was a national outcry that children would begin building copy-cat Acme contraptions to catapult boulders onto their unsuspecting neighbors. Even worse were Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam who used guns to target an innocent anthropomorphic rabbit, thereby modeling misbehavior with guns to children. Ok, we kid. There wasn't an outcry.
          Back then, society still had something called a moral compass and children were, by and large, raised in two-parent families that generally taught them right from wrong and the difference between fantasy and reality. And kids therefore knew "Looney Toons" wasn't reality. How far we've come.
          It's not surprising that the latest attack on our constitutional right to bear arms is being pedaled as a "save the children" campaign.
          Dr. Alan Delamater, the director of clinical psychology at the Mailman Center for Child Development at UHealth at the University of Miami Health System recently opined, "Exposure to guns and violence is not good for optimal child development, nor is it good for public health. Research shows that repeated and excessive exposure to aggression and gun violence through movies, TV and video games increases the probability of children behaving aggressively toward others later."
          Sounds logical, right? Only, as The Truth About Guns founder Robert Farago writes, "And yet tens of millions of American children grow-up to be law-abiding citizens. Gun owners, too! How in the world does that happen?"
          Anti-gun activists will find any reason to blame guns (or, in this case, video games involving guns) for violence. But their thinking defies logic. As anyone of even mediocre intelligence knows, if you repeatedly conduct an experiment but consistently have different results, the variable — not the constant — is causing the change.
          Guns, as we know, have been around and accessible for centuries. Guns aren't the variable. And for decades, countless children have been exposed to video games yet have not grown up to be violent killers. Video games aren't the variable, either.
          Instead, we have to look beyond the video games and guns —a blasphemous thought for those who want to disarm Americans — and to the utter instability of the American family and the moral worldview now prevalent in our society.
          More than 24 million children in America (33%) live in a home without their biological father, according to the National Center for Fathering. Among black children, the percentage rises to more than half. In fact, economist Walter Williams writes, "About 73 percent of black babies are born to unwed mothers. By the way, that percentage was 25 in 1963 and 11 in 1938." During the post-war generation, when kids knew not to imitate Wile, Yosemite and Elmer at home, more than 87% of children grew up with two biological parents who were married to each other. But that was before the "Great Society."
          Statistics show that children — specifically boys — without fathers are more likely to become involved in crime.
          It's hardly surprising. Children who grow up in fatherless homes understandably suffer from anger over being fatherless. Unless they are adequately taught to work through this anger, they can become violent. As Psychology Today reported a few years ago, 85% of youth in prison for crimes, including violent crimes, have an absent father.
          Couple this fatherlessness, anger and violence with a rejection of traditional morality, and voila, we have the variable. (Hint: It's still not guns or video games).
          Today, 57% of American adults believe that knowing right from wrong is "a matter of personal experience," according to a Barna study. Among Millennials, an astounding 74% strongly or somewhat agree with the statement, "Whatever is right for your life or works best for you is the only truth you can know."
          What else do we expect kids to learn from Democrat-run education industrial complex schools that reject God-given truth?
          Yet, in the face of this crisis, what are leftists doing? They're teaching kids that homosexuality — which defies all laws of nature, breeds deadly illnesses, and carries significantly high suicide risks — is normal. The supposedly kid-friendly Nickelodeon, just introduced the network's first same-sex married couple in a children's cartoon.
          In other words, "progressives" are advocating the further destruction of the family while indoctrinating children to accept a behavior that leads to disease and suicide.
          And they're worried about video games corrupting the youth? -The Patriot Post



nObama DHS Admitted Propaganda Targeting Whites
by Rick Wells
{rickwells.us} ~  In April of 2009 the Department of Homeland “Security” issued a report  titled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.”... The first part of that report was an obvious attempt to portray white people as terrorists. Vilifying an innocent group while It completely whitewashed and ignored the Islamists and others who have, with few exceptions, been the ones with their fingers on the trigger or the detonator. The second part of the report is also an attempt to distort the truth and lay the foundation for the nObama regime’s war on America, on the immigration via invasion front. The federal propaganda piece thinly disguised as an objective government document stated: “Rightwing extremists were concerned during the 1990s with the perception that illegal immigrants were taking away American jobs through their willingness to work at significantly lower wages. They also opposed free trade agreements, arguing that these arrangements resulted in Americans losing jobs to countries such as Mexico.” The fact that illegal aliens are taking American jobs is indisputable. All anyone need do is walk by a construction site and listen to the language being spoken. They also mislabel predatory one-way trade practices as “free trade,” which is incorrect. The United States has no free trade agreements of any consequence with any nation. Everything is skewed to benefit the multinational corporations at the expense of the American citizens...
Norway just DEPORTED 7000 Muslims...
{conservativetribune.com} ~ Norway has started an effective campaign against crime yet liberals are calling for its end due to “racism.” The program, which began deporting Muslims with ties to radical groups, has had a surprising consequence... Violent crime in the country is down more than 30%. Liberals are demanding an end to the program that they feel unfairly targets a religion. Someone probably needs to tell liberals that you can’t be “racist” against a religion. In the United States, the left would rather allow illegal immigrants into the country, regardless of their criminal backgrounds, due to the fact more of them vote for Democrat Party candidates...  http://conservativetribune.com/norway-deporting-muslims-3/
Member of the nObama Admin this Judge
Just Called a Hypocrite
{teapartyjournal.comFox News host, Judge Jeanine Pirro, has a reputation for calling things just as she sees them, without sugar coating or holding back uncomfortable truths... And now she thinks there’s a great big hypocrite operating in a position of power in D.C.: Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Since Lynch was appointed to head the Department of Justice, she has proved to be just as motivated by politics and ideology as her predecessor, Eric Holder. But it’s Lynch’s clandestine meeting with President Bill liar-Clinton just before the FBI came out with its recommendation not to indict liar-Hillary over her mishandling of State Department emails that has Pirro upset...  http://teapartyjournal.com/guess-which-member-of-the-obama-admin-this-judge-just-called-a-hypocrite/
Lesson from Munich: Even strict German
gun laws didn’t stop shooter
by Fuzzy Slippers
{legalinsurrection.com} ~ After every mass shooting, even those clearly terror related, nObama and Democrats leap at the chance to push for anti-Second Amendment legislation that will disarm the innocent and the law-abiding... From calls for gun control “action” to executive orders to “a day of action” for gun control, we consistently hear about the need for strict gun control from the left. Indeed, mass shootings and terror attacks needn’t be limited to our shores for the left to leap on a mass shooting or terror attack to push for gun control in America. After the Paris attacks, progressives called for more gun control . . . even as the Jesse Hughes, front man for the Eagles of Death Metal that was performing at the Bataclan at the time of the terror attack there, asks a pertinent question:  “Did your French gun control stop a single expletive person from dying at the Bataclan?” We know, and it’s probably also well known to nObama and Democrats, that gun bans and laws do not prevent criminals and terrorists from getting guns because, by definition, they ignore the law...  http://legalinsurrection.com/2016/07/lesson-from-munich-even-strict-german-gun-laws-didnt-stop-shooter/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LegalInsurrection+%28Le%C2%B7gal+In%C2%B7sur%C2%B7rec%C2%B7tion%29
Political casualties:
The killing fields of Chicago
{familysecuritymatters.org} ~ Although Malcolm X was denouncing the Children's Crusade during the tumultuous times of the civil rights era, and the use of kids as protestors, taking them out of school to publicly challenge the likes of Bull Connor and George Wallace... his words perhaps ring truer today than fifty years ago. Because in the time it takes for me to write this article, and you to read it, very likely another child has been victimized by senseless violence, and probably in Chicago or Oakland or Philadelphia or Los Angeles or Detroit or, well you get the idea. As a society we are allowing children to be caught in the cross fire of special interest groups, the racial divide, politics, and gunfire. And they aren't the only ones senselessly murdered. People from 1 - 60 are gunned down in our cities on a weekly basis. Just this 4th of July according to the Chicago Sun Times, four homicides and 50 shooting victims in the Windy City; this is considered progress compared to years prior. Small consolation given there is a 49 percent increase in both shootings and homicides during the first six months of 2016 in Chicago. Think of the irreplaceable loss of human capital... http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/political-casualties-the-killing-fields-of-chicago?f=must_reads
Why is Virginia a Haven for Would-be Jihadists?
{familysecuritymatters.org} ~ What is it about Virginia? Already this year, six men from the "Cavalier State" have been arrested on terror-related charges - two of them in July alone... Another man has joined the Islamic State in Syria. Two of those charged were stopped from making a similar trip. These most recent arrests, one on July 3, the other on July 8, were based on charges of planning to provide material support to ISIS. Mohamed Bailor Jalloh, a former member of the National Guard who was arrested July 3, allegedly discussed planning an attack against U.S. military in the homeland inspired by fellow Virginian Nidal Hasan's 2009 shooting at Fort Hood. According to court documents, Jalloh quit the Guard and later attempted to obtain funds and weapons for a domestic attack after being inspired by Anwar al Awlaki's videos on YouTube. Five days later, Virginia law enforcement arrested Haris Qamar, following an extended FBI sting operation. According to an FBI affidavit, Qamar made statements to an informant such as, "By-bye, DC, stupid a- kufar [infidels], kill 'em all," and posted to his Twitter account a prayer for "strength to the mujahedeen to slaughter every single US military officer."...
How nObama Crippled the Iranian
People’s Freedom Quest
{familysecuritymatters.org} ~ The terrorist group ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (or Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, for those who prefer the acronym ISIL) can be traced at least as far back as 2004... when founder Abu Musab al-Zarqawi pledged his allegiance to the infamous al Qaeda group and its then-leader, Osama bin Laden. The two organizations found themselves compatible, as both were devoted to Salafist Sunni Islam, which preaches a return to traditional Islamic values and practices. Originally known as "Jamat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad", Zarqawi changed the group's name to "al Qaeda in Iraq" when ties with bin Laden were solidified. Zarqawi himself was killed in 2006, his successors meeting their own fate later in 2010, and today the group is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In the aftermath of the United States' ill-advised troop withdrawal from Iraq, the group prospered, eventually divorcing itself from al Qaeda and declaring itself an Islamic caliphate, so that it is now most commonly known as ISIS. The growth of ISIS has been as impressive as it has been alarming, with well-armed militants spreading across Iraq where even that nation's second largest city, Mosul, has fallen to the power of ISIS and is now administered by them and into Syria, sustaining themselves with funding from captured financial institutions, oil fields, and sympathetic radical Muslims in other Arab countries. Disturbing reports have also spoken of ISIS' widespread use of the capture and sale of young girls as sex slaves to raise revenue. They are brutally totalitarian in their adherence to their flavor of Islamic doctrine, having instituted flogging as punishment for the sale of alcohol or tobacco, hand amputation for stealing, and death for failure to convert to the "true" Muslim faith. They have also claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks around the world, including in the US and Europe. What is perhaps most terrifying of all is the fact that blame for the rise of ISIS can be laid squarely at the feet of United States President Barack nObama...
Media Needs to Press nObama on Islam
{familysecuritymatters.org} ~  In response to the July 14 Nice, France terrorist attack, killing 84, former House Speaker Newt Gringrich called for deportation of Muslims supporting sharia law... President Barack nObama immediately criticized the suggestion as "repugnant" and "un-American." Shariah law evolves primarily from the Koran-a body of moral and religious laws dictating almost every aspect of Muslim life. Coming from the lips of Allah, they supposedly represent perfection and are incorruptible by man's interpretation. However, many verses of the Koran conflict with each other. This led Muslim clerics to adopt the concept of abrogation-giving later verses preference-lest Allah be deemed imperfect!. Why has the media failed to query nObama on such aspects of Islamic law? Why, specifically, should nObama believe it repugnant to oppose such intolerance, brutality and inequality simply because it is packaged as a religion?...  http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/media-needs-to-press-obama-on-islam?f=must_reads
liar-Hillary Clinton’s V.P. Pick, Tim Kaine
Has Anti-Israel Track Record
by Jeff Dunetz
{lidblog.com} ~ One of the reasons given for liar-Hillary Clinton’s selection of Tim Kaine as her vice presidential selection was that Kaine “is everything that Donald Trump and Mike Pence is not.”...  And she is correct while Trump and Pence are seen as supporters of Israel who fight against radical Islamic terrorism, Kaine like Ms. liar-Clinton does not take pro-Israel positions, and has shown support for organizations connected to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. To supporters of the Jewish state among the most damaging things about Tim Kaine is that he is the darling of the anti-Israel organization J-Street. Founded in 2008 by George Soros and liar-Hillary Clinton’s campaign director John Podesta,  J-Street goes by the motto “pro-Israel, pro-peace,” has been but has been described by liberal attorney Alan Dershowitz as being neither pro-Israel nor pro- peace. One of the group’s founders Daniel Levy has been quoted as saying the creation of Israel in 1948 was wrong (there’s more if you are not convinced)...  http://lidblog.com/hillarys-v-p-pick-tim-kaine-not-pro-israel/
Turkey-Russia Pact Threatens Western Interests
in the Middle East
by Con Coughlin
{gatestoneinstitute.org} ~ The deepening diplomatic pact between Turkey and Russia represents yet another damning indictment of the nObama Administration's ability to maintain relations with Washington's traditional allies in the Middle East... Western diplomats regard the decision by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to restore relations with Moscow last month as part of a carefully-coordinated attempt by Ankara to build a new power base in the region. For decades Turkey, a key NATO member, has said that it wants to forge closer ties with the West, to the extent that Turkish diplomats insist that Ankara is still serious about joining the European Union...
In Wake of Baton Rouge, Like Lives,
All Words Matter
by Susan Stamper Brown
{townhall.com} ~ When we sow the wind, we should not be surprised when we reap a whirlwind.

And the whirlwind in which we find ourselves is a nation so filled with unchecked anger and hatred it seems we can’t go a week without a cop killing, this time in Baton Rouge.

In this age of instant news, people feel compelled to react instantly before facts come out, aided by race-hustlers who consistently fan the flame of division with inflammatory words and then step back to watch the world burn. In response to the Baton Rouge killings, President nObama lectured Americans must “temper our words and open our hearts.”

Hi pot, meet kettle.

Cleveland’s Police Patrolmen’s Association president, Detective Steve Loomis, who spoke to Fox News while events were still unfolding in Baton Rouge says nObama’s own words are to blame.

“It’s absolutely insane that we have a president of the United States and a Democrat governor of Minnesota making the statements they made less than one day after the police-involved shootings,” Loomis said, “And those police-involved shootings, make no mistake, are what absolutely have triggered this rash of senseless murders of law enforcement officers across this country. It’s reprehensible. And the president of the United States has blood on his hands that will not be able to come washed off.”

The damning comments Loomis referenced were nObama’s: “When incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk of our citizenry that feels as if, because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same…” And Minnesota Gov. Dayton’s: “Would this have happened if the driver were white, if the passengers were white? I don’t think it would have.”

Not long after, five officers were killed by a man who reportedly had it out for white people. And now, three more officers were killed on July 17.

It’s as simple to understand as an indisputable law of the universe: cause and effect. Coddling groups conceived in and fostered by hatred will reap bloody-bad results.

Ask slain Baton Rouge officer Montrell Jackson’s sister Joycelyn Jackson. The Washington Post reports she understands the anger fueling the Black Lives Matter movement, but still believes “God gives nobody the right to kill and take another person’s life…It’s coming to the point where no lives matter.”

And she’s right. In reality, though, all lives matter, but if you say that you’ll be labeled a racist. I suppose Jesus was also a racist in that he died for all, regardless of skin color. A song I learned as a kid went like this: “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world; red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight; Jesus loves the little children of the world.” My how America’s changed.

Days before he was assassinated, slain Officer Jackson prophetically posted on Facebook that he was “tired physically and emotionally,” and said he wondered if the city he loved, loved him back. “In uniform,” he wrote, “I get nasty hateful looks and out of uniform some consider me a threat…These are trying times. Please don’t let hate infect your heart…”

Obviously, Jackson’s alleged assassin allowed hate to fill his heart. The Daily Caller reports the shooter, Gavin Eugene Long “was a former Nation of Islam member” who “railed against ‘crackers’” on his YouTube Channel. The New York Daily News reported that in another video Long defended the Dallas cop shooter saying, “It’s justice. You know what I’m saying.”

Yes, Gavin, we got what you were saying. You showed us in Baton Rouge.

And mark my words, this mayhem will continue unless hatred is replaced with God’s love and forgiveness. Then sanity will return to the citizenry and law and order to this nation. God spoke to Job out of a whirlwind, so maybe there is hope for us in ours.
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