Thursday PM/PM ~ TheFrontPageCover

~ Featuring ~
Investigate the Senate dummycrats-Dem
Wrecking Machine
by Michelle Malkin
Mitch McConnell sets up final Kavanaugh vote for Saturday
hySyLH0zJ4vum0HFyM6oKCpDB2YU3OrHCnIjMsO8bxpyzEsAe8sZcUZj4QvPYR9v_Lzp6HJ-okweyxaSy5z88TpbeJ0t5m6YxN-BmhbjOb0nd3KyaW5tCTC_BlvgLZsCHPtM5vhPJOC4_GAoSIxT-1R-M3Q1k6LVY--ImusP9uTJKbSbqIzxPe-d3yPTDVnGiek-w3T5f87JHj6JbGkGOKnpUHFN9IUpkRujIQ1LeCk7O_PHDqKhxVZKDCU1yrse9Xhrp8APgjuQsevRj87lWCXtpxKdVwrHe5l0vHxF8XGi8ycBnBarFNhyU3S8h1EmG8vhYAv07_7TyCZg-X-cHI_esA8=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Susan Ferrechio
{} ~ Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., took steps Wednesday that will set up a Saturday afternoon vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh... McConnell filed a motion to end debate on Kavanaugh's nomination, and that motion will get a vote on Friday. Assuming at least 50 senators agree to end debate, Kavanaugh's final confirmation vote will come Saturday.McConnell has pledged that Kavanaugh would get an up or down vote this week. “It looks like we have to be here this weekend,” Sen. Dianne Fein-stein, D-Calif., the top dummycrats-Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Wednesday. Four key lawmakers remain undecided, including three Republicans, two of which are needed to get Kavanaugh through. McConnell set up the vote as lawmakers await a supplemental FBI background report on Kavanaugh. The report, which will be secured in a Capitol Hill basement room for senators to come and read, includes interviews pertaining to two sexual misconduct claims against Kavanaugh which allegedly occurred more than three decades ago. Kavanaugh denies the claims...
Why the FBI’s Kavanaugh Investigation
is a Minefield—for the FBI
vATc7H22ZFZkPuI3Bfxx5nHE-e4roJwbExgUvOAfD9yGddq0IHV59BFItOPHLAuF7TrsLoZdIj9zO_35hb0zrHFhauugRJGc3xgJMm5q6f0XUL31gTr7mNz2EpVsjW0Qt3pMTg8tTRes_bLcjUgY3I0HtgOu1k249xWUwwRoeCQ=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by John R. Schindler
{} ~ The Federal Bureau of Investigation occupies an exalted and somewhat awkward position in American society. It’s simultaneously our lead federal law enforcement agency... with a broad remit, and our main domestic intelligence agency. The FBI catches Mafiosi, bank robbers, spies and terrorists, among other duties. Its national security activities are protected by a steep wall of classification. Although it rankles the FBI and its defenders, using the term “secret police” to describe the storied Bureau is not inaccurate. One of the FBI’s missions, which is little understood by the public, is its role in conducting background investigations of senior executive branch officials. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, currently besieged by allegations of sexual misconduct, successfully passed no less than six FBI “BIs” as they’re called in the trade during his federal career in Washington, which stretches back to the early 1990s. Since such BIs include a comprehensive look at the applicant’s personal and professional life, to include finances, foreign contacts, illegal activities, addictions, and even mental fitness, how someone as manifestly unfit as Judge Kavanaugh—if you believe the evolving dummycrats-Democratic accusations against him—could have passed FBI muster six times does seem more than a little odd. However, there’s no shock at all among those who understand how such checks are done. To start, an applicant’s youthful drinking habits are not much discussed, unless they resulted in rehab, arrests or expulsion from school. While the FBI does track down and talk to the applicant’s friends and colleagues, they do not hunt down every person who may have something derogatory to say, going back several decades... This show us how little rinos and dummycrats-dems know how the FBI works. 
 Has the dummycrats-Democratic
Party Weaponized Sexual Assault?
{} ~ Little by little the dummycrats-Democratic Party has slipped out of the favor of American voters. The party took a huge hit from the failures of the scumbag/liar-nObama administration... and an even larger hit when they ran the most disliked, deeply flawed Presidential candidate in modern history during the last election. Unable to win the hearts and minds of Americans like they once could, dummycrats-Democrats have resorted to tactics that are far more unsavory in order to cling to power and thwart conservative progress. Now, it seems as if they’ve taken one of the most serious and troubling issues of our time – sexual assault – and turned it into a powerful political weapon. The cultural conditions for the weaponization of sexual assault couldn’t be more perfect. The feminist movement and the cultural left at-large have created an environment where we are told that all men are aggressive, sexual deviants and told that all women should be believed no matter the lack of evidence supporting their claims. Whether or not this cultural shift is rooted in good intentions is up for debate, but either way, it has created a dangerous scenario for Republican men in politics. dummycrats-Democrats first tried to use sexual assault allegations as a method to bring down President Trump and secure victory for liar-Hillary Clinton. In spite of a lifetime in the public spotlight without ever facing any accusations of sexual assault, President Trump was suddenly hit with dozens of uncorroborated, unsubstantiated accusations toward the end of the 2016 election... Just think most liberals and dummycrats-demsbelieve these lies.
Merkel in Jerusalem: Iran must not have nuclear weapons   
{} ~ German Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed to prevent a nuclear Iran as she spoke with Haifa University students in Jerusalem on Thursday morning... Israel and Germany “share the view that everything must be done to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons,” Merkel told the students during a question-and-answer session.  The threat to Israel from Iran has become stronger due to its presence in Syria, Merkel said, noting that Iranian troops had been close to the Golan Heights border with Israel.  “It was a good thing that Russia saw to it that a withdrawal took place,” she added. The point of disagreement with Israel, she said, is the question of the 2015 Iranian deal with the six world powers, including the US and Germany, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The question is whether the JCPOA "is the right way to prevent Iran’s nuclear armament, or is it too weak,” Merkel said. Germany, like the European Union, holds that the deal is the best way to stave off a nuclear Iran, while Israel and the US believe that it strengthens the Tehran’s nuclear capacity. The Trump Administration has pulled out of the deal and would like countries like Germany to do the same...
The End of the Jewish World as We Know It
by Ron Jager

{} ~ Rabbi Lord Jonathan Saks has stated that the ultimate basis of Jewish peoplehood throughout history has been "Kol Yisrael arevim zeh bazeh"... "All Jews are responsible for one another." We may not agree on anything, but we remain a single extended family. If you disagree with a friend, tomorrow he may no longer be your friend. But if you disagree with a family member, tomorrow he is still part of your family. Being a family is what keeps us together. We don't need to agree with each other, but we do need to care about each other. This historical connection among Jews has come to an abrupt end. It can no longer be ignored or denied. American Jews from the dummycrats-Democratic, progressive side of the political map not only have transformed themselves into a vanguard dedicated to publicly criticizing Israel, but act as if Israel is a flawed democracy unworthy of their support. This monumental shake-up and self-inflicted division of the Jewish world has been building up, changing the foundation of the Jewish world we have been accustomed to for the past 150 years. Not since the period of European enlightenment leading to the establishment of the Reform movement and secular Judaism, and not even during the darkest days of the Holocaust, has the Jewish world undergone such a widespread and fundamental rethinking of what it means to be Jewish. With the establishment of the State of Israel and her metamorphosis within a relatively short period into a world leader in defense, technology, medicine, agriculture, water purification, and food production, allowing Israel to free herself from the shackles of dependence on the American Jewish community, the schism has only accelerated and is threatening the unity of the Jewish world.  We see it everywhere today; led by self-hating Jews, appearing on mainstream and social media, adopting an anti-Israel narrative that not only rejects Israel's basic national right of self-defense, but simultaneously demands that Israel forfeit her right to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people. Jewish intellectuals, liberal and progressive organizations, Reform rabbis, lay leaders, university faculty members, students, communities, and  grassroots movements have all joined hands, using their Jewish identity and Jewish affiliation to represent themselves as a moral authority and amplify their rejection of the State of Israel while making alliances with BDS organizations, Islamic organizations, and anti-Israel movements throughout the world that specifically express their objective of ending the existence of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. They express solidarity with the Palestinians and their efforts to delegitimize the Jewish State. Peter Beinart, archliberal and Jewish provocateur in regard to Israel, stated in his book, The Crisis of Zionism, that the problems of Jewish unity "are not especially connected to Israel because they are not especially connected to being Jewish." These young and liberal American Jews, who are Jews only in name, seem to have lost their basic understanding of how democratic societies function. In the same manner that they deny the elections in America and deny President Trump any semblance of legitimacy despite his fair and square win over his democratic opponent, these Jews refuse to accept the reality that Israel's political system and political processes are subject to judicial review and cannot in any manner deviate from accepted norms of democratic principles...
Investigate the Senate dummycrats-Dem
Wrecking Machine

by Michelle Malkin

{} ~ How did we get here? The Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination circus didn't happen by accident. The emergence of incredible — and by "incredible," I mean the literal Merriam-Webster definition of "too extraordinary and improbable to be believed" — accusers in the 11th hour was no mistake.

It is my contention that this grand unearth-and-destroy spectacle was planned, coordinated and facilitated by Senate Judiciary Committee dummycrats-Democrats and their staffers.

After the FBI finishes its Freshmen Booze Investigations, Federal Barfight Interrogations and Fraternity Barfing Incidents probe of every last Yale and Holton Arms acquaintance and publicity hound ever photographed with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, every cog in the Resistance Wrecking Machine must be investigated:

Protest Orchestration. The hearings were doomed from the very start, when 70 screaming demonstrators including Women's March holy warrior Linda Sarsour and actress Piper Perabo systematically infiltrated the Hart Senate Office Building and disrupted the proceedings in Hour One of Day One. Day Two saw another 72 social justice mobsters arrested, with more than 200 total taken into custody by Capitol Police by the end of Day Three.

Taxpayers have a right to know who sponsored the deliberate sabotage and abuse of the gallery pass privilege, which has been in place since 1890. As the U.S. Senate website notes, "A code of conduct for visitors to the galleries is set by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration and is enforced by the doorkeepers ... each gallery pass requires the 'signature' of a senator or officer of the Senate." We've seen this partisan-organized circus mayhem before.

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During the Bush years, 
dummycrats-Democratic Reps. Lynn Woolsey and Major Owens showered Code Pink radicals with free passes to disrupt speeches and hearings. Last year, Sen. Chuck scumbag/clown-Schumer handed out passes to protesters for the scumbag/liar-nObamacare repeal vote. Sen. Dianne Fein-stein acknowledged that she invited gun control activist and Parkland father Fred Guttenberg to the manufactured Kavanaugh chaos, where he pulled an awful fake news stunt during a break in the hearings — a stunt that no major media bothered to verify.

Who else did Fein-stein enable? Which other senators joined the plot? Those who deliberately aid and abet the hijacking of congressional proceedings should be named and shamed. Their ability to sign for passes should be curtailed. When they go low, the taxpaying public has a right to know.

Leaky Sneaks. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. It's what fills the Beltway swamp. Fein-stein adamantly insists that she "did not leak the contents" or existence of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford's letter, which detailed an alleged sexual assault with more conjecture than actual details. Ford denied during panel questioning that she had leaked the letter. And the left-wing Intercept website, which ran the first report publicizing the letter's existence, also denies that Fein-stein's office leaked it.

But it was Fein-stein's office that sat on the letter for months until it would do the most damage. And it was Fein-stein's office that recommended veteran liberal lawyer and proud resistance activist Debra Katz to Ford. Various media outlets that picked up the story point to other 
dummycrats-Democratic offices as possible sources for the privacy breach, since the letter purportedly went through California dummycrats-Democratic Rep. Anna Eshoo's office first before landing on Fein-stein's desk and eventually arriving into the hands of Washington Post reporter Emma Brown.

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I don't buy it. Fein-stein's in control; her senior staffers, not Eshoo's, are the ones fielding complaints, auditioning potential victims and feeding the media. When a Beltway swamp creature declaims that "survivors have a right to decide how their stories are made public," that's not a deflection of responsibility. That's an inadvertent boast of the senator's ability to pick and choose which reporters to enlist in their smear campaign.

Accuser Procurement. There's something fishy about the highly managed appearance of accuser Deborah Ramirez onto the Kavanaugh circus scene. Like Ford, Ramirez was assisted by a home state elected official — Colorado 
dummycrats-Democratic Sen. Michael Bennett. But he got involved only after unnamed "Judiciary staff" reached out to him for help, according to the political operatives masquerading as journalists at the never-Trump New Yorker magazine.

"Judiciary staff reached out to our office and asked for a connection to someone who might be helpful should Deborah Ramirez decide to come forward with an allegation related to that made by Dr. Ford. We reached out to liberal former Boulder County DA Stan Garnett, who then met with Ramirez to work through how to analyze and present her allegations," Bennet Press Secretary Laurie Cipriano wrote in a statement.

A fish rots from the head down. And at the head of the Senate 
dummycrats-Democrats' Resistance Wrecking Machine is power-mad Beltway barnacle Sen. Dianne Fein-stein. If the Senate Republicans can't man up and take back control of the judicial nominations process from the saboteurs seated next to them, they deserve to lose their majority.
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