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Charitable Giving Rises Despite New Tax Law
by Jordan Candler  
House Democrats to Introduce
Expanded Dream Act
by   On March 12, House Democrats plan to introduce a new version of the Dream Act that provides amnesty for certain Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure recipients... as well as those who entered the country illegally as minors. If the Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6) resembles past versions, it would offer citizenship to millions. Past DREAM Acts covered a much larger illegal-alien population that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which applies to those who: entered the country illegally before 6/15/12; were under the age of 16 upon entry; and had five years of continuous presence thereafter. If Congress legalized the current DACA population, less than 800,000 would be affected. But a 2017 version of the DREAM Act (S. 1615) would have provided eventual citizenship to about 3.34 million. If S. 1615 had passed in 2017, beneficiaries would have been able to sponsor about 14 million relatives for entry through chain migration. Under a DACA legalization, about 3 million chain migrants could enter. The DREAM Act is expected to have fiscal consequences for taxpayers. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that S. 1615, which excluded Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure recipients, would increase the federal deficit by $25.9 billion over a ten-year period. House Democrats plan to extend eventual citizenship to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients under the new DREAM Act. TPS allows foreign nationals from designated countries to live and work in the U.S. for a limited period of time. The Homeland Security Department can designate countries for TPS participation if they are subject to ongoing armed conflict, an environmental disaster or certain other extraordinary and temporary conditions...
Tlaib Spearheads Anti-Sprint/T-Mobile 
Merger Campaign
by Bill McMorris
{} ~ Freshman representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) is spearheading an opposition campaign to the proposed Sprint-T-Mobile merger, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon... Rep. Tlaib is circulating a letter on Capitol Hill that will be sent to Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai and Makan Delrahim, the assistant attorney general in charge of the Justice Department's anti-trust division, urging them to reject proposed merger between the two telecommunication giants. Tlaib urges her party mates to sign on, saying it would "harm American jobs, reduce competition in the already highly concentrated wireless market, and raise prices for consumers." Dozens of Democrats have already signed on to the letter. "This is a bad deal for the American people," the letter says. "This deal is designed to destroy jobs and drive down wages, hurting American workers and consumers and threatening our economy." Tlaib did not respond to request for comment. The email message emphasizes that Tlaib's effort is backed by organized labor. The email closes with bold-faced type saying it is "Supported by the Communication Workers of America (CWA)." Tlaib defeated a local CWA union president in the Democratic primary during the midterms and did not receive any money from it during the general election, but the CWA has been a major contributor to the Democratic Party in recent years. The union, which represents more than 700,000 workers in the telecomm industry, donated $7.6 million with nearly all of that money used to support Democratic candidates in 2018, according to the Center for Responsive Politics... Lying once again, see what you voted for Mich. 
Non-Compliant Democrats: Speaker Pulosi 
Wants To Change Rules, commie-AOC 
Wants Activists to Target Them
fhqhg6jWSjSCobYXZMW_SOu3HuV0--ouhoJy5vUWH9yvnjegA08-_asHZwDiRu0psKfdkvbqAVDysjWqK8Gghne8iqQhijRmHXNryUfGrc2HzK4eGFQTqVqo-rXX0B5jeIu1uAeT-_KJyvsvuaui1JKOREDb=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby sundance
{} ~ On Wednesday House Democrats organized a voted for legislation to increase federal background checks for gun purchases... House minority republicans offered a ‘motion to recommit‘ adding a minority amendment provision requiring Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be notified if an illegal alien attempted to purchase a firearm. Twenty-six moderate House Democrats voted in favor of the common sense minority amendment and added it to the bill which passed the house. In response to the ICE amendment success, Speaker Nancy Pulosi angrily announced she would invoke a nuclear option and change the House rules removing the ‘motion to recommit’ process that allows the voice of the minority to be heard.Minority  Leader Kevin McCarthy was righteously angered by the threat of Speaker Pulosi to destroy a decades old institutional process that protects the voice and opinion of the minority. “Rather than reconcile the differences within their party that are driving this division, Democrats want to rig the rules and suppress the minority party’s speech on the House floor”, McCarthy said. However, newly elected New York Democrat, commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has another solution… Not accidentally similar to the ideology of the ultimate solution… Target the non-compliant representatives, provide violent activists a list of their names, and unleash the jackboots...  ttps://
Cop Has Convinced 200 People Not to Jump Off
Golden Gate
by Culture Beat:  “Kevin Briggs has been called the "Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge”. He got the nickname while working as a California Highway Patrol officer for more than 23 years. Briggs spent most of that time positioned on the Golden Gate Bridge. But the job turned out to be a lot more than he originally thought he was signing up for.

“When Briggs started out in 1994, he was trained to handle traffic incidents but had never received training on how to deal with people contemplating suicide. He didn’t know at the time how pervasive the issue of suicide on the bridge was. ‘There were four to six cases of suicidal folks on the bridge each and every month. And I had no idea about this, and I grew up in Marin County, which connects to San Francisco via that Golden Gate Bridge. … I had no training to handle these types of situations.’”  

~The Patriot Post

Read more at CBC.
Invasion of the USA IS a national emergency!
by Sher Zieve

{} ~ This will be very short and to the point, folks. Candidate for president of the United States Donald J. Trump's premier campaign promise – amongst multiple others – was to build "The Wall" at the US Southern border...
 The emergencies that have existed for years – and exist to this day – at said border include massive drug trafficking, massive human trafficking, illegal immigrants who are reintroducing diseases into our country that had all but been eradicated, increased rapes and murders and the changing of demographics in our country; demographics that are changing the face of our country – illegally. The promised and projected wall would correct the vast majority of the problems we have today at our US-Mexico border. From 2006, I have written many columns about the dire situation at our Southern border including, but not limited to, multiple interviews of former US Border Patrol Supervisor David J Stoddard who for 27 years served in Calexico, California, Vermont, Yuma, Tucson Sector Headquarters and Naco, Arizona and worked in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other locations. The Southern border problem has continued to worsen...and no politicians from either the Democrat or the Republican Party have wanted to do anything to stop the willful destruction of our country. President Trump is the only US president who announced – and has been working to implement – the end of our destruction from illicit immigration and all manner of criminality and disease that has plagued our country for decades. It is not legal immigrants to which we are is rather the illegals about which we know little-to-nothing that represent our major problem; that and the fact that we cannot handle or support thousands of immigrants entering our country clandestinely or by force. And, force seems to be the new tool of the illegal immigrants surge into the USA. In fact, our border is beginning to mirror the borders in Israel as the so-called "Palestinians" try to force their way in while throwing rocks at the Israeli  soldiers.We are losing our country, my friends...
Charitable Giving Rises Despite New Tax Law
by Jordan Candler:  There’s no doubt about it: Republican tax reform buoyed the economy with across-the-board tax cuts. But there were elements of the law that raised legitimate concerns — most notably its possible effect on charitable giving. Because the standard deduction doubled, itemizing is no longer applicable for millions of tax filers. Theoretically, this increases the likelihood that charitable giving takes a hit. After all, if some donations are contingent on their helping to offset a taxpayer’s tax obligation, what’s to stop him or her from scaling back if charity is no longer personally beneficial?

Last year provided the first clues as to how this effect is or isn’t playing out. According to The Washington Post, “Charitable giving in the United States rose a lackluster 1.6 percent last year, despite a strong economy — a sign that the 2018 tax code overhaul could be hurting donations, according to a new study published Monday. The study by the Fundraising Effectiveness Project also reported a quickening shift away from smaller and middle-class donors in favor of wealthy donors. Money coming from donations under $1,000 fell by more than 4 percent. But gifts from major donors jumped 2.6 percent.”

Of course, the Post was strongly against the tax law from the very beginning, so it’s no surprise that it immediately puts this news in a bad light. But is it accurate? It depends on a few factors.

Essentially, there are two ways to look at this. The “lackluster” rise could be attributable to those who simply were unsure about what their tax obligations would look like given the substantial changes to the tax code. This is especially true for independent contractors. But now that they have a better idea and have ironed out the adjustments, their financial situation is more clear, meaning they know for sure how much they can give to charities. In this sense, any rise at all is a good thing.

On the other hand, the simple truth is that there are some who give to charities or nonprofits only for the tax benefits. Take away the benefits, and suddenly they have no inclination to donate whatsoever. While their willingness to provide in the first place is commendable, their benevolence is paradoxically borne out of a selfish desire.

This last point presents an interesting test case. No-strings-attached giving is a virtue. And most of us probably know people who give generously and yet still take the standard deductions out of necessity when filing a tax return without even thinking twice about it. But others are surely now leery to donate. In which case their priorities need to be reevaluated.  ~The Patriot Post
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