Obama's One World Plan

Balkanization is a tool of globalism. Break down nations into small manageable parts; making them defenseless for their military has been diluted by division.

Then create a one world order so the world will protect them, feed them and tell them how to act, live and interact with other world community members.  

This is what has happened in Arizona and New Mexico. National Parks paid for by taxpayer money is now off-limits for U.S. Citizens to enter and will be arrested if they do, because Mexican Cartels claim our National Parks as their own land, Southwest States are being balkanized.

Israel is being divided down to small parts and if they don't resist they will be Balkanized. The same thing is true with Arab nations. They are being torn apart and Balkanized, so one world control can direct them into a higher order.

It’s more than divide and conquer, it is divide and add to the one world collective.

So am I worng here?


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  • Obama is a traitor! We put Israel on the map in 1948 and have assisted them in their trials and trubulations, now we are going to crap on them?  Who the hell does Obama think he is?

    He does not speak for me!

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