Mon/Med-AM ~ TheFrontPageCover

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Impeachment Is Just a Liberal Fantasy
by Marc A. Thiessen 
Monday Top Headlines 
by Media Editors:  For Labor Day, Trump has earned American workers’ support (Washington Examiner)
Companies ramp up worker-retraining efforts as labor market tightens (The Wall Street Journal)
American Bar Association gives Kavanaugh unanimous “Well-Qualified” rating (National Review)
With Kavanaugh on track for confirmation, dummycrats-Democrats regret triggering “nuclear option” (The Washington Times)
Meghan McCain, scumbag/liar-nObama, and Bush all hijack rino-John McCain’s funeral for political attacks on Trump (NBC News)
Leftists circle the wagons, say Harvard never considered Elizabeth dinky-Warren as Native American in hiring process (Fox News)
Neil Armstrong movie leaves out the American flag planting (National Review)
FBI arrests five New Mexico compound suspects days after multiple charges were dropped (Fox News)
Congress faces September scramble on spending (The Hill)
Warrant to spy on Carter Page obtained without FISA court hearings, DOJ filing reveals (CNS News)
Police were told not to engage protesters who pulled down North Carolina Confederate statue (The Daily Wire)
California abandons effort to forbid minors from receiving sexuality, gender counseling (Washington Examiner)
California bill requires all corporate boards to have a token woman (Reason)
liar-Bill Clinton on stage with Louis Farrakhan for Aretha Franklin (Townhall)
Texas dummycrats-Democrat Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke tried to flee the scene of a drunk-driving crash (The Resurgent)
Humor: commie-Ocasio-Cortez praises Venezuela for making everyone a millionaire through hyperinflation (The Babylon Bee)
Policy: How our education system fails most students (Institute for Family Studies)
Policy: School discipline policy belongs at the local level, not Washington (The Daily Signal)   
Federal Judge Deals Major Blow to DACA, 
Sets Stage for Likely Supreme Court Showdown
JSUkCbHoiKRVoe57yeuPEzc-uWg0F2kLXDnIZxTDzTup8wh8wE94xnbn6HOeTWcwEJtTxCPkzsXqCGxBCAEIJfQUwA7nRrIaiw8etpKYXJY7lX-GAvubxk4Wh82dt1OTi2Mrbq_qPO_YyFSHo8aOaNUi8g=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Jack Davis
{ } ~ The future of the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program that allows the children of illegal immigrants to remain in the United States moved... one step closer to a Supreme Court  decision after a federal district court judge said there’s no question in his mind that the program violated federal law. In a case brought by Texas and supported by other states, Judge Andrew Hanen of U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas refused to strike down the program. Hanen said an injunction to block the program was the wrong step because of the effect an injunction would have while the law’s ultimate fate is still being decided. He also said that states opposing the program could not show irreparable harm in letting the program continue because they waited too long to bring their suit,  Fox News reported. “Here, the egg has been scrambled,” Hanen wrote, according to CNN. “To try to put it back in the shell with only a preliminary injunction record, and perhaps at great risk to many, does not make sense nor serve the best interests of this country.” Hanen said the popularity of the program was not relevant, only whether it was legal... It was done by scumbag/liar-nObama's EO.
Chinese Communist Party Funds Washington Think Tanks 
TjlVTQZmaomOpx5jFEvo0Ujf11fRUZXqY0BLgWhhvE7qzM2LnQe3LuKVJ7qTA-B2kmgFbOwiGexL8QAKKVXLBPJODy0u15tWEgvgzw=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=300by Bill Gertz
{ } ~ Communist Party is intensifying covert influence operations in the United States that include funding Washington think tanks and coercing Chinese Americans... according to a congressional commission report. The influence operations are conducted by the United Front Work Department, a Central Committee organ that employs tens of thousands of operatives who seek to use both overt and covert operations to promote  Communist Party policies. The Party's United Front strategy includes paying several Washington think tanks with the goal influencing their actions and adopting positions that support Beijing's policies. "The Chinese Communist Party has sought to influence academic discourse on China and in certain instances has infringed upon—and potentially criminally violated—rights to freedoms of speech and association that are guaranteed to Americans and those protected by U.S. laws," the report says...
Abbas: Trump offered us peace plan 
based on confederation with Jordan  
{ } ~ Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday said at a meeting with left-wing group Peace... Now and members of the Knesset that Trump's negotiation team had offered him a peace deal based on a confederation with Jordan. Abbas commented that he would agree to such a plan under the condition that Israel were part of the confederation. "I want a three-party confederation with Jordan and Israel and I am asking Israel to accept such a proposal," Abbas was quoted as saying. According to him, it was Israel that refused to negotiate on important issues and even to meet him in the past. "I met Trump four times," Abbas emphasized, arguing that he was in favor of a demilitarized state of Palestine. "I have a problem with Netanyahu, not with the Likud," he clarified... We really didn't hear what Trump offered.
Palestinian leaders want to sabotage ... Palestinians
{ } ~ Some Muslims living in East Jerusalem say they want to vote in the coming Jerusalem municipal elections to have a voice in bettering their own communities and situations... And officials in Jerusalem, under Israeli jurisdiction, say there’s no reason they shouldn’t. Except that Muslim officials have ordered the residents not to vote through a “fatwa,” a nonbinding but authoritative legal opinion. It’s because Muslim leaders want their people to continue to be at odds with Israel, according to Bassam Tawil, a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East who writes for the Gatestone Institute. “Palestinian leaders and their religious clerics do not want to see Arabs live a comfortable life under Israel,” he wrote. “They are afraid that the world would see that Arabs can have a good life under Israeli sovereignty. They are also afraid that Palestinians living under the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip will start envying the Arabs living in Israel – and then demand from their leaders similar conditions,” he writes... 
dummycrats-Dem Socialist Candidate 
Ousted by Own Family for Being Nothing But a Fraud 
cjGdbvBgcHlUovijk1ptOnPVuyY3eI6d5X1u4lgPsy0krfQeKyCzrK_5JWrHPqo7Q9NuShcT3ySFiP8JZ2D0qeAR828o5JdLV67gB5itq4bYb5VhjArYdw9xnepsHrhzfsqFxB5nWkdMvq2_8WWcwh1koVv5Gc05=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?width=450by Cillian Zeal
{ } ~ Another day, another dumycrats-democratic socialist candidate revealed as a complete joke... And no, we’re not talking  commie-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her lack of geopolitics knowledge here. The stakes are slightly smaller here — but the joke here is way  bigger. As it turns out, everything about Julia Salazar — a self-described dummycrats-democratic socialist running for New York state Senate — is a complete fraud. And she was outed by her own family. Salazar has gotten a lot of media coverage as of late, at least for someone running for the dummycrats-Democrat nomination for a state Senate seat in Brooklyn. Part of it is her unique Jewish background and her alleged working-class roots. “She was born in Colombia, and her father was Jewish, descended from the community expelled from medieval Spain,” a piece in the left-leaning Jewish periodical the Forward reads. “When her family immigrated to the United States, they had little contact with the American Jewish community, struggling to establish themselves financially. “Now that identity has propelled her into politics. The 27-year-old is now running for a New York State senate seat as a dummycrats- Democratic Socialist, one of a new generation of politicians who are racing to the left in the Trump era. Most of these young guns are taking aim at Israel as criticism of the Jewish state becomes increasingly expected from progressives. In this, Salazar may have been ahead of her time. She’s been there, done that and moved on.”...
Impeachment Is Just a Liberal Fantasy

by Marc A. Thiessen

Michael Cohen’s decision to plead guilty for making hush-money payments on Donald Trump’s behalf has raised the prospect that if dummycrats-Democrats take control of Congress, they might try to impeach the president over a matter completely unrelated to a perceived criminal conspiracy with Russia. Good luck with that: Even if dummycrats-Democrats win back both the House and Senate, there is zero chance a two-thirds majority of senators will convict President Trump for paying off an adult-film star.
               It would be the height of hypocrisy if dummycrats-Democrats tried to remove the president over allegations of illegality relating to extramarital affairs. During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, congressional dummycrats-Democrats told us the private sexual conduct of a president does not matter, and that lying under oath to cover up a “consensual relationship” is not an impeachable offense. Then-Rep. Charles E. scumbag/clown-Schumer, D-N.Y., said President liar-Bill Clinton’s lies under oath about his sexual relationship with a White House intern might have been illegal, but declared the scandal “a tawdry but not impeachable affair” — right before heading off to a fundraiser with liar-Clinton. At the time, Rep. Nancy Pulosi, D-Calif., declared that the Starr investigation “vindicates President liar-Clinton in the conduct of his public life because we’re only left with this personal stuff” and that Founding Fathers “would say it was not for the investigation of a president’s personal life that we risked our life, our liberty, and our sacred honor.
               But now that a Republican president is accused of covering up an affair, suddenly dummycrats-Democrats are channeling their inner Kenneth W. Starr.
               Today, dummycrats-Democrats are outraged and appalled when Trump attacks special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and calls his inquiry a “witch hunt.” But back then, then-Sen. Joe loose lips-Biden called the Starr investigation … wait for it … a “witch hunt.” Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, D-Vt., declared Starr was “out of control” and accused him of having a “fixation of trying to topple the president of the United States.” Rahm Emanuel, then a White House senior adviser, accused Starr of engaging in “a partisan political pursuit of the president” while White House special counsel Lanny Davis (who is now representing Cohen) said Starr was a “desperate prosecutor who can’t make a case on Whitewater” and who should face “possible removal because of his conduct.
               The fact is, dummycrats-Democrats were not alone in their concern that an investigation into Whitewater morphed into a perjury probe against liar-Clinton for lying about his relationship with Lewinsky. Many Republicans agreed that independent counsels had too much power. So in 1999, the GOP-controlled Congress, in its wisdom, let the independent counsel law expire. We were promised that investigators answerable to the Justice Department would be more focused on their original purpose.
               Well, it seems like we’re right back where we started. Federal prosecutors were supposed to be investigating Russian collusion. Instead, we have an inquiry into the Trump Organization’s finances and whether Trump’s payments to Stormy Daniels violated campaign-finance laws. Both might be worthy of scrutiny but at least under the precedent dummycrats-Democrats set during the 1990s, they are not grounds for impeachment.
               If  dummycrats-Democrats do try to impeach Trump over anything but a criminal conspiracy with Russia, they will regret it. The president was legitimately elected by Americans who knew about his lecherous past and supported him anyway. Indeed, Trump’s election was a direct result of the dummycrats- Democrats’ victory in the culture war of the 1990s. Republicans are now simply playing by the rules dummycrats-Democrats established. Millions of Americans absorbed the lesson that liar-Clinton and his dummycrats-Democratic enablers taught us — that a president’s “personal stuff,” as Pelosi put it, does not matter — and chose Trump. They will consider any effort to impeach him over it an effort to invalidate their votes. And the blow back will be tremendous. If you thought the “deplorables” were mad in 2016, just wait until 2020.
               This does not mean Trump is out of the woods legally. Once he leaves office, Trump may have to face consequences for anything illegal he might have done. When Clinton left office, he was forced to give up his Arkansas law license for five years and paid a $25,000 fine as part of a deal with the independent counsel to avoid a perjury prosecution — which resulted in him being disbarred from practicing law before the Supreme Court.
               If Mueller finds conclusive evidence that Trump entered into a criminal conspiracy with Russia, then by all means impeach away. But absent such evidence, the idea that Stormy Daniels is going to bring down Trump is a liberal fantasy. If dummycrats- Democrats are upset that they cannot remove Trump over this, well, sorry — they set the precedent.

~The Patriot Post

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