



Long Beach, CA

Activity Feed

Tony hammac posted a blog post
Wake up you Idiots!Recently a Texas delegation came to California with a mission to lure private businesses away from California and to make there new home in the business friendly state of Texas. O! And they where successful. So successful that…
Jun 19, 2011
Tony hammac posted a blog post
I am speaking to you Mr.President!I am a small business owner and want to enlighten you on how my 22 years of experience will give you advice. This maybe to late!The small business owner is like a wild cat. When cornered or trapped it fights…
Jun 3, 2011
Tony hammac posted a blog post
I am a practicing Catholic and have traveled to Israel it's breaks my heart to see what this president did this past week to my brothers and Jesus's brothers in that ancient land. I am not a conspiracy person at all but I have never questioned the…
May 28, 2011
Tony hammac posted a blog post
I am amazed and stunned watching these DC politicians destroy or deliberately take apart what a America was founded on. Why do we elect Harvard, Yale and other Ivey league rich boy lawyers every election. Lawyers are raised intellectually to argue.…
May 22, 2011