Dan Short's Posts (17)

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Plagiarizing this quote from Margaret Thatcher – who challenged the legislation of the British Parliament – concerning this condition, is not this same question needing answer in this nation? Today the separation of wealth is exponentially increasing daily. While our administration, and the congress, in some lack of comprehension, accepts it as fait accompli. Is not the question: why is it occurring, and knowing that, determining how to correct it?

Understanding economics, or enterprise which is more appropriate for understanding, often lacks explanation of why something occurs. Even without or lacking the why, the identification, some men – great men – comprehend the fact the arena of enterprise, even in a nation with this foundation of all men are equal, has pitfalls to be concerned. Thomas Jefferson visualized the greatest danger to this nation as – preventing an economic monarchy.

Others identified this danger in different ways. Benjamin Franklin warned this nation’s citizens, never let the government become involved in business. Think of that today. Today this nation’s government, not only is into every aspect of our nation’s enterprise, our businesses, but the major driver, the truly totalitarian sovereign dictating the very activity of those businesses – resulting in the dictatorship of our society by government fiat.

The question that we, the citizens of this nation, should wonder; why is there not anyone, in the press, the government, running for political office, or even in the hallowed halls of academia addressing this reality, and explaining it to us, those same citizens?

For far too long this nation has been accelerating on a projected path lacking any knowledge of what they are doing, or even considering the consequences if these paths are taken. Our leadership is worse than a stoner, worse than a drunk, worse than one mentally retarded, for they have refuted reason, rejected history, dismissed what we know from past attempts, and in this lack of mental evaluation, are accelerating this nation toward its destruction.  

To look at this reality, this fact the ‘Poor are getting Poorer, and the Rich are getting Richer,’ where is the observation, where is the explanation of what is the reason this is happening, and why it is occurring? If we asked all Americans, why is this occurring, we’d have all the answers – it is happening – and our enlightened one, oBOMBa, is redistributing the wealth of those Rich to those Poor, without the slightest understand of the why!

Economics is, and has been a topic requiring understanding, evaluation, and then conclusion, why is it we have none of that occurring in the government, the press, or even academia, or the financial institutes of this nation? There is two possible conclusions we, the citizens of this nation, can make. First, is they are clueless of the why, resulting in the reality as in so many actions of the government, they are clueless. The other, is they completely understand the why, and understanding the why, advocate it for their benefit the hell with this nation.

Sounds pretty cruel, accusing those with the power to correct, identify the problem, and correct the problem are either malicious in their actions, or completely stupid of the reason, the cause. Reality is reality, there is no other evaluation any rational person, with just the slightest of comprehension of this danger, this debauchery of our currency, and our nation’s economic vitality would not reject and refute. The proof of this fact is obvious. Today this nation, this economic wonder, by the intrusion of government spending and borrowing is in debt, estimated between $215 and $250 TRILLION dollars. Those numbers are so beyond comprehension the average, or even the most fictioneer of those with the ability to create and accept such fiction, can even make a comparative, some reference. To put it into perspective here is the thing to remember. On this planet today, if we were able to gather every dollar, every currency of every nation, it would not equal the size of the debt this nation now has – not on the books, for it is unrecognized – is greater than this combined total of all wealth. Simply, this nation is in debt, by the actions of the government, in debt greater than all of the wealth, which is in existence in all nations on this planet’s surface. We owe more than what actually exists. If this isn’t the epitome, the confirmation our government is absolutely incompetent, there is no way to make the reality of reality comprehendible.

To acerbate this incomprehensible conclusion is the minutia this nation’s citizens – those who at least take the time attempting to understand this insanity in action – are exposed by the casuistry, not clever but unsound reasoning, of journalist and author’s fictions lacking reality.

Such literate insanity of this nation – comparing enterprise, and what we identify as economic activity – can be identified in the current minutia of economic presentation. One such absolute fiction that is a complete incommensurable nostrum of inimical egregious nefarious je ne sais quoi is the Picketty fiction of ‘Capital in the twenty-First Century.’

The last sentence was deliberately written with wording we don’t use in normal conversation. The point it is emphasizing is the journalistic effort of the presentation ‘Capital in the twenty-First Century’ for it is the same as the sentence. If one has no understanding of economics, or understanding enterprise the commercialism of this nation – as the words we don’t use often, thus not knowing their meaning – are initiated, while having no comparative, no background, no understanding of what the presentation is. The expropriated minutia of communist ideology from Marx, who in his presentation ‘Das Capital’ is, and always will be the absolute epitome of distortion of economic reality ever written by mankind. Picketty’s effort contained nothing of originality. The distortions of Marx are not only repeated, they are presented as if something new, not recognizing the plagiarism or acknowledging the theft – which by the way is the foundation, the baseline of communism – from the dystopia, the illusion, the fallacy of an utopia ever known, of Marx’s ‘Das Capital.’

To redo, as in Hollywood they take an old script and sell it with new presentation, new actors, as if it is something new, is accepted. To take an ideology of insanity, communism, and sell it as something identifying what is wrong with our society of enterprise is absurdity.

Sadly, we don’t live in this society where free choice is not allowed. Not the fault of the communist Democratic Party, or the Socialist Republican Party, as in every piece of legislation they are ‘compromising’ to pass is aimed at their objective, which is, no American has free choice of anything. If they succeed, one of the rules they could make is, you could not buy Picketty’s illusion, unless you’d read Marx’s fallacy. Then at least there, if in one’s literacy comprehension occurs, some idea of what a bunch of minutia both of these presentations are.

Here is even a greater fallacy, the distortion, the permeation of rearranging reality to comply with some false fiction that does not, will not, and can never exist. Why, why is there no one, even approaching in any way the greatest problem this nation is facing? Reality cannot be changed, today, no one, no individual in any segment of society cannot refute the reality; today in this nation the acceleration of the ‘Rich getting Richer’ and the ‘Poor getting Poorer’ is occurring at an ever exponential rate.

What do we hear about this? The only time it is referenced, is when the absolute insanity of using the government as the agent of theft, to steal from some, and redistribute it to the others – absolute insanity – is advanced. 

Why, why is there not one iota, some singular reference, some example, some identifiable reason of this phenomena and the why it is occurring?

Yet the reason is as obvious as the reality of – certainly not global warming, as it has not justification – the fact we live on planet earth, in our solar system, in the Milky Way, racing through the universe.

In the history of this nation, one group of idealism made measurement of addressing the exact problem this nation is being inundated by today. Thomas Jefferson advocated a concept that is mislabeled even to this day as Jeffersonian democracy. It is mislabeled for the simple reality that the democracy of Jefferson’s vision, was not, is not, and never was conceived to be what we – in this nation – have as what we call, democracy, in this nation today. In the reality of reality, much of what Jefferson advocated, once being applied, have led to the genesis, the petri dish of creating so many of the problems of this nation today. Yet there are a few concepts that hold true today as when they were first identified. One of his observation , common as the economic vitality of this nation was based on agrarian activity, was simply the farmer best exemplifies civic virtue and independence from corrupting city influences; government policy should be for his benefit (the theme of the Declaration of Independence, all are created equal by their creator). Financiers, bankers, and industrialists make cities the 'cesspools of corruption', and should be avoided. Many of Jefferson’s observations, and advancements history has confirmed were in error, creating many of the problems we have today. Some were applied exactly opposite of the actual intent, resulting in what should be expected, the exact opposite result. Yet the fact that must be remembered is, these were observations of the nation at that time. That time was not today, the conditions were different, the economy was different, the population was different; yet the reality of facts identified ‘government policy should be for all citizens’ benefit. Financiers, bankers, and industrialists make cities the 'cesspools of corruption', and should be avoided. Is as valid today in our society as it was when advocated by those who called themselves then the Republican Party – advancing Republicanism – which meant opposition to aristocracy of any form, opposition to corruption, insistence on virtue, and equal rights for all citizens, with a priority for the ‘yeoman farmer’, ‘planters’ and the ‘plain folk’. Or to say it in simpler terms, their priority was for those who did, who did the work, made the products, and produced all of the needs of society. They were antagonistic to the aristocratic elitism of merchants, (corporations were not ever considered as they had been rebuked by the constitution congress). Bankers, (there was no Fed … Federal Reserve Bank … making money out of thin air for the benefit of government spending). Manufacturers, (using government for crony capitalism, not the invisible hand of economic decisions). Distrusted factory workers, (unions were not, and unions for economic advancement unknown. While they then remained on alert identifying those who supported the dreaded British – central planning – design subservient to government dictating all activity. 

So who is responsible for the ‘Rich getting Richer’, and the ‘Poor getting Poorer’?

There is no economic publication that I’ve known that addresses this – not phenomena – but reality that currently exists. The aleatory concept, that the insanity of what our government is doing, just isn’t working because of some random event, such as something by chance that has occurred; is a boldfaced lie and distortion of fact.

One of the major factors is simply, the reality that the Keynesian policy of demand side economic equation is as false today as when first proposed. History is our witness. During the introduction of this insanity – which incidentally is preached as doctrine in every economic institute of academics – is as ludicrous today, as when attempted under the Franklin Roosevelt administration. In congressional hearing to explain why this insanity did not work, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., then the Secretary of the Treasury who was a major player in America’s first attempt of communism, the ‘New Deal’ made this testimony ‘We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boots!’

Is this not déjà vu to the current debacle this nation is experiencing today? What does it take – getting kicked in the head by a mule – to have this nation wake up and realize that the national … recognized debt … has more than doubled in this current administration, with the same results Henry Morgenthau, Jr identified then? Over $10 trillion dollars, borrowed, without no more illusion it can ever be repaid has been spent by this insane administration, with identical results. The unemployment is as bad as it was when begun. The poverty, the destruction of employment is accelerating, the jobs – because of cost of government dictated expenses, oBOMBa care, EPA requirement, energy costs, employment cost, increased taxation – are disappearing as fast as deck space on the Titanic as it was sinking below the waves. To apply application with a proven track record of failure, is the definition of insanity. This is the perfect icon of this present administration.

That’s one reason the ‘Poor are getting Poorer!’

Here is the other death knell, the other harbinger of this nation’s citizen’s destruction. It is the debaucher of the currency, the devaluation of the dollar that working citizens – those who make the things society needs, those same folks that Jefferson was so concerned about – in the lack of understanding are having their wages destroyed by the actions of government, while toiling in complete ignorance. The simple analogy, that every time a dollar is spent by government, two and a half dollars are unavailable – removed from the enterprise of the nation – to be spent to improve and advance our economic condition. As such, each man paid in the artificial measurement of dollars, are in reality experiencing the fact that every second of every day, the dollars used in this society are diminishing in value on a continuum, every second, of every hour, of every day, for far too many years.

The other side of the equation, that the ‘Rich are getting Richer’ is caused how? Here is the dichotomy of the harsh reality of facts. The same power making the ‘Poor, Poorer’ is the same entity making the ‘Rich, Richer’.

The debauchery of the currency, which destroys the wages of the working man, are the antithesis for the man with assets to sell. When the value, the wealth of the dollar is depreciated, the number, the amount of dollar the worker must earn are less, as more and more dollars are required to buy that which he could today. Each and every day the dollar is debauched, reduced in value, the man with wealth in real assets, not dollars, has his wealth increased. This reality is ignored, and not identified, or even considered by the minutia of our press, our government, the banks, Wall Street, or any of those who benefit from this theft from all of society. Is it criminal, once upon a time in this nation it was. The directive of the government was to insure that the value of the dollar maintained that value – in not only purchasing power – but in the value of purchasing power, what was then a sound dollar. No more, since the fiat dollar of current – monetary and fiscal policy – value of the dollar is by design depreciated; stealing from all who have dollars.

As criminal as that is, it is not the way to make all men slaves. For to make men slaves, there is another tool that has been identified by all who would destroy this nation. If one finds the ten planks of Marx’s plan to destroy civilized society, making all men slaves; what is the first plank, the way to do it? The obvious is abolition of private property. What is the most personal private property anyone has? Is it not to have, and preserve the value of the wealth of your lifetime of work, the dollars you earn? If government can, by their actions, debauch the value of that effort, are they not stealing your property, your life from you?

To make it more draconian than that possibility, think of the concept of a heavy progressive or graduated income tax. Is not this the greatest advancement of totalitarian control over the citizens than the most malignant ideology every conceived by mankind?

It is this means – even worse than the debaucher of the currency – that all men in this nation are slaves. Some men, use this government incompetency to their advantage, stockbrokers, bankers, and others who have never created wealth, but manipulate, using the actions of the debauching of the currency to their advantage. The why the stock market is rising, while the real value of the dollar is falling. The taxation, recognized as the collar and chain that insures all men, using the power of the state, are kept as, and preserved as nothing but slaves.

As in all things, every problem this nation faces is today, as it was on the cusp of our genesis, is, and always has been, government.

Until this nation’s citizens wake up, and realize those words of our Declaration of Independence, told us: ‘That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.’ That security is to preserve the property, the wealth, and the lives of our citizens. How something is being destroyed not by the choice of our citizens, but by the incompetence of the very government to protect those rights is incomprehensible.

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Our nation, this nation, this group of states in America, initiated a legislative law, that is in abject diametric opposition to this American idealism of all men are equal. It is the legislation from the Pandora’s Box of allowing civil rights – not the inalienable rights of all men – to be dictated and determined by the worse of all managers, the government. This application of this travesty we identify as affirmative action. The result, the application of affirmative action in America, is as equal too, and as destructive to our society’s economic stability, our future, and the equality of men than anything ever proposed in the government of mankind. Attempted in the soviet of Russia, it was proven to not work, to have the – not unintended – but the obvious result of the destruction of society’s productivity. In Russia, under the soviet, productivity was insured not by choice of the producer – the proletariat as the communist identify – but by the draconian punishment if some criteria of production were not met. These punishments started with, of course, the manager, then the actuals producers to experience the pain and the punishment of not reaching the productivity goals.

Compounding that problem, the goals, the productive achievement of reaching those goals were determined by whom? This is the fallacy in the insanity of the concept of quota – central planning – of any attempt in any society.  

To even make some evaluation of reason, using facts, or explaining how economics should – not as it is today in this nation, for we do not have economics, we have Keynesian monetary and fiscal policy – work is an effort in an inefficacious waste of time and effort. This nation, our politicians, our bureaucracy, and especially in that bureaucracy the ‘INSANITY OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE’ and their monetary policy, plus this administration advancing not only the destructive mechanism, but debauching our currency is so insane, where would one begin.

Our society’s lack of even the slightest comprehension of the reality how creating wealth works, is as foreign to this nation as man’s understanding of where life – that wonder of why a cell lives – comes from.   

The absurdity of this action is beyond reason. Admittedly I have the past knowledge of explaining how profit and cost in the concept of how not capitalism, but all commerce, all manufacturing, and every service is cost analyzed to find the price. My past historical knowledge, I can explain Adam Smith’s attempts to explain how this miracle works. Also, the errors the mistakes, and those things of today’s society, and economics, that never existed, resulting in of course, much of today was not considered.

Those who examined and made reference how economics, or the business activity of any activity works, has many who actually attempted to explain it –strangely without ever having experiencing the work of work. The wonder of insight of Jean-Batiste Say, the mistakes of David Ricardo, the fallacy of  Thomas Malthus and their opinion, not facts of provable, confirmation of how the cycle of business operated. I’ve studied the irrational insanity of Marx, Das Kapital, economic insanity magnified. The irrational concept of theft – as in socialism, communism, and even in the central planning of this nation’s economic policy – all following the insanity of John Maynard Keynes central planning – communism – of monetary and fiscal policy. I’ve even attempted – and I’ll admit it wasn’t easy – the insanity of this recent disciple of Marx’s irrational and incomprehensible fallacy, Thomas Piketty and his Alice in Wonderland fiction of ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century.

I could either memorize, or bore you to death in the observations of others, and their economic opinions, and hypothesis. In that effort, I’ll share with you something that most people don’t realize. Every person who has worked to earn and dollar, and spent that dollar, should in that experience know everything anyone would ever require to say they know and understand economics. For that experience of earning a dollar, and respecting the value of that dollar, is more than all the aggregate knowledge of every economist, every bureaucrat, and every politician this nation has today.

This illiteracy in economics, and how business works, isn’t something that is out of the norm. The exact opposite is the fact; this is the level of knowledge – economic illiteracy, – which most in this nation have. This is no worse, or no better than the insanity of Marx, the illusion of Piketty, the debauchery of Keynes, or the absolute – but most remarkable descriptive definition – incomprehensible ignorance of Harry Reid. His statement of what his job description is; my job is to spend money and I have to get to work! This absolutely ignorant beyond rational comprehension of insanity that is advanced by most in our government employment, either elected or hired, is the same. 

Sadly this scenario is not something new in this nation. Ignorance of economic reality began with Alexander Hamilton – and before him with the insanity of William Paterson and the Bank of England – the design of the constitution, the concept of fiat wealth, the debauchery of wealth, the destruction of monetary policy, and the history is long and convoluted. The one reality, there is nothing known in the society of mankind that convolutes, distorts or manipulates money other than government. Government is, has always been, and as long as regulation of responsible monetary policy established is applied, will be the death of this nation, and civilized society. There is no other factor, no other consideration, nor anything else that creates the problems – that we know – in our society, and the economic environment of mankind.

The why is difficult to understand? Spending much of my life, identifying how business must be managed to insure a profit, and to make sure the pricing of the service is accurate to preserve a company, knowing profit and loss, understanding a balance sheet, and using such information not to measure there is a profit, but to insure there is a profit, that scenario is understood. The concept of the economics of identifying how what is economics, the enterprise of business activity, has been an interest for that same lifetime. The conclusion that resulted, what is called economics today, the central planning of distorting monetary policy and deficit debt management, and the enterprise of economic – the creating wealth – are not the same. In the reality of wealth creation, and the business of business, they are diametric opposite.

Why the central planning is so accepted in this nation, and around the world, has no specifics that can be identified. It makes no sense in the business world measurements, no sense in the valuation of wealth, and no sense in any environment of what any society would choose as a format.

Though it can be recognized, the reason for so many thinking that man has some godlike, little (g), ability to dictate unilaterally some template of how things work, outside the reality of the measurements of sales, price, and profit refutes the realty of economics – or more correctly identified enterprise.

It is not some new error in judgement, for it is premeditated, and advanced by so many. In this nation the only possible conclusion is that the concept of god little (g) of too many exists. It exists not only in the world of enterprise and government, it exist in any environment where individual power is not checked. Even as just today some school teacher unilaterally that she had some divine right to have her student participate in some social engineering experiment of her construct. All apparently in the human condition have this capacity to achieve this illusion of believing they are the supreme being of earth – some god – that can dictate to all.

History has some remarkable examples, our current president, with a gaggle of lies that are so absurd it is impossible to believe anyone would – or could – possibly believe. His illusions or hallucinations, are so obvious, it is sickening. Who can understand or even comprehend this absolute insane statement; ‘this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.’ These are the words of either illusion or hallucination spoken in the speech of accepting the Democratic – communist, socialist –party candidacy of this nation, the results we know, this reprobate was then elected.

Even the most delusional of others with god complex were never so absurd, perhaps with the exception of Franklin Roosevelt, where being in office so long, his senility became interwoven with his dementia. One of the indications that the idea of communism, central planning of society was so ingrained in his physic we find in his ‘Second Bill of Rights,’ an illusion of irrational concepts, that is as pharaohistic – thinking one was a pharaoh, so let it be written so let it be done – recorded in the annals of literacy. His illusion, that government, god little (g) on earth can by political fiat accomplish these objectives:  Employment, with a living wage; Food, clothing and leisure; Farmers' rights to a fair income; Freedom from unfair competition and monopolies; Housing; Medical care; Social security; Education.

Here is an interesting observation. Is this not the same as Marx’s infamous insanity: from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs? Is this not an identifier of needs, without any acknowledgement of any ‘from?’

Why, there was only one thing that existed at that time, which was not the ever created for the purpose it represented, social security. The reality, social security, which was implemented, was never for anything to do with social security. It was to take money out of the economy, during a period of recession, when taxes – by the insane irrational concept of John Maynard Keynes … central planning … communism – of government action could not do so. So how did the application occur – the fallacy of social security – designed specifically with the actuators determining the age requirements, when one … those who paid in … could collect. As such anticipating they would be dead, and not collect. The residue, the taxation … the theft accumulated under this legislation … is not the property of the deceased; it is now the property of the ‘government.’ Ain’t it just wondrous how your government cares for you? 

The ways the government steals from the citizens of this nation are so numerous, it would take as many pages as the congressional records currently have to identify it. Why, the congressional records; for in those records are all the ways our government, through monetary manipulation, devalue not just your money, but they devalue the very God given inalienable rights of liberty – as our Declaration of Independence states – enslaving all of society. Reducing the citizens of this nation to – as serfs of the ancient form of governance, slaves – obligated to the dictates of the totalitarian sovereignty of government through their monetary and fiscal actions.

Here is the epitome of this action – by this act, of this young man, lacking any economic understanding – which is so dangerous. The obvious question is, why did this individual chose the communist form of enterprise evaluation, instead of merit based productivity? For that is the chasm between the communist, central planning form of government, and the society of enterprise based on merit and productivity. It is beyond comprehension that anyone, even those that work in this company, could possibly think that all workers have the same productivity. This is, and has always been the fallacy of the concept of the ‘collective.’ Not all men, or woman, are equal. Some are productive and some will never be productive. It is this merit, this productivity, separating the value the worth of all people. It is why a brain surgeon, as few have that skill, is paid more than a ‘community organizer’, for to agitate and destroy is not a skill, it is a social psychopathic mental retardation – relying on extortion – which is identifies as crime, for their sustenance.  

In Iceland today, an experiment is occurring that should be of great interest to every citizen residing on this planet. They not only rejected the fallacy of government policy debauching the currency, the wealth of the citizens, they threw the bankers who were the agents of this debauchery – under criminal penalty of theft – into prison.

They as a government, rejected the central planning concept of Keynesian communist monetary and fiscal policy, and are initiating what is, and has always been what is the true definition of economics. For economics was not, is not, nor ever should have been the manipulation of a nation’s wealth, by devaluating the very productivity of the citizens, which is the product of their lives.             

The vigilance of the citizens, the passing of the 17th amendment, the changing from a representative republic, to a democracy, where universal suffrage exist, are but the tip of the iceberg of this nation’s – premeditated, and destructive – current government policies.

The creation of the Federal reserve, where the whim of the nation’s elected officials, as agents of not the people, but of the political parties, determine this nation’s condition is criminal. If this nation is to right itself, we should do so by following the precedent of Iceland. This nation should throw those who are destroying this nation, into the calaboose – the prison – who are the current politicians, and their handlers, the leaders of those political parties.

Then and only then, an election is held, not nationally universal, but as representation of the states – as was the original design of small representative, government of the contract, the covenant of this nations design. Then and only then, will the environment of men, and woman, with the goal of this nation’s preservation, not its fundamental transformation, then be representative for the beginning of this nation’s restoration. It was never the design, nor the template that the government, the control of the monetary policy, and the debauching of our currency – the wealth of this nation – be the exclusive domination of the political parties and their minions.     

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Writing to create some solid foundations for what I find of validity, having some basis of fact, and to synthesize what is known as comparative to our current scenario, is this not what all – all who love, who bleed Red, White, and Blue – should not also be doing? Should not we, as the citizens of this nation, not reflect on the wonderment of our genesis, this nation’s wonder, not only created, but the reduction of trials and errors of mankind – civilized mankind – since the know history of not only society, but more specific our society?

Addressing this current situation, what sample set do we know that can be used, small enough to make a comparative, that a comparative with others in the same situation can be made? The reality of fact, men make up the majority of the political catastrophe the world is now experiencing, so if we use the smaller sub-set, women, can we make some analysis of this nation, with others? The answer is obvious. History has given us some women with such remarkable ability, and proven track record of political achievement they can more easily be measured against what this nation offers.

In man’s past history there are women who stand out. Queen Elisabeth, and the reign of her monarch of the World Wide Empire of Britain is remarkable. Facts are facts, she had a very powerful reign, but she also had the clout, the force to enforce that clout, and a nation striving to advance civilization during her reign. More was available for her success; then there were to oppose her limited dynasty.

In the modern era, no woman comes even close to the leadership of Golda Meir of Israel. When one studies the absolute catastrophe of leading a nation surrounded by political entities that not only are barbaric, but under their theocracy of insanity, the dementia of psychopathic sociopathic idolatry of islam, preserved and defeated the combined efforts of the coalition of these surrounding forced. The Yon Kippur War is today, and will remain throughout man’s history – if man’s history continues, and the darkest of dark ages is not initiated – as a shining example of the highest virtue, that man … or woman … can reach.  

Though Golda Meir is being used as an example, of the differences of women leadership in other nations and this nation. A point has to be injected about this scenario of dealing with the psychosis of sociopathic cult ideology of the theocracy of islam. This cult, this extension of government, indoctrinates their citizens where even the natural rights of man are dismissed. Those who are inundated in this societal perversion can only be compared to leprosy. Leprosy is a disease caused by bacteria. Spread among others by association of society, and the population.

The dementia of islam, has been identifies by Winston Churchill that is so to concise and to the point no other is required. His observation, ‘it is a fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, for there is indoctrinated into those effected a fearful fatalistic apathy.’

In the Middle East, Israel is surrounded by countries where this anti-civilized social disease is prominent. Spread by those with the disease, spreading their sociological distortion to other – mostly by the sword – as, unless one had mental distortions, cannot be accepted as logical reality. The most dangerous ideology, akin to communism, known in the history of civilized mankind.

Today, our president is breaking the laws of this nation, and using the purse of this nation’s wealth, to bring those with this social disease into this nation. There is no precedent to this insanity, nor is there any example in the history of mankind where any leader – by his own ideology of nihilism and intent to ‘fundamentally change this nation’ or shall we say, initiate genocide of an nation’s ethnicity, its culture, and everything else that is that nation – that is known. All with the intent and purpose to achieve only one result, which is to advance that very nation’s destruction.

Think of the difference, Meir preserved her nation from the forces of barbarianism. Our president is maliciously and with premediated rancor advocating, and applying his illegal actions with the objective of this nation’s demise. One in Gola Meir, a leader with understanding of what it is a leader does. The other, an absolute nincompoop, with mental retardation of his mind, the ideology of both islamic leaning, and communist thievery – as inversely dedicated to this nation preservation – the antithesis in his objective.  

History has another woman, who as long as civilized mankind exists will always be revered and remembered as what she was – the iron lady. Margaret Thatcher’s leadership during some insane times for her nation is so exemplar of remarkable, there is no comparative. During her watch, there was as attacks on – not the national sovereignty – but on the protection of British citizens. The Falklands invasion by Argentina was against British Citizens. The only reaction of a civilized nation's government – react for the citizen’s protection – to preserve the integrity of the ‘property’ of those citizens using force is necessary.

To make this a comparative is obvious. Today our national direction, by the current president, is amplified representing some of the most drastic destructive measures ever known in any society of man, every known. Our administration is leading the charge, not to protect the property of rights of man, but to destroy the rights of even man’s visions and reason. The destruction of property rights, in every way possible – one example is aimed at the intellectual rights of man, in the patent world – are being destroyed by government intervention. All Americans should be following this communist central planning fiasco being generated by central planning, under the fantasy of patent trolls – an imaginary term, that will only exist under the new legislation of this administration, for the ‘FIRST TO PERFORM’ the concept it must work – as there is no proof what you propose is possible. This is, and can only lead to the destruction of the wonder of this nation, occurring in the shadows while the citizens are oblivious. As our president is living proof, affirmative action will never work; this travesty is proof that Americans are oblivious of the facts of reality. Most appropriately, a British renegade television presenter, Jeremy Clarkson made this evaluation of Americans stated: ‘most Americans, barely have the brains to walk on their back legs.’ When one listens to the man in the street interviews conducted by so many, is it not confirmable that this reality exists? To say Americans are naïve in knowledge of their nation and the political environment, in which they live, is kind. For most Americans are so oblivious to the society of which they are part, and the history, the why, it is, is as if it is unknown.

Margaret Thatcher also admired this nation, this miracle of the united STATES of America. Perhaps the greatest evaluation of why, we, this nation is do different was her observation. ‘Europe was created by history. America was created by philosophy.’ When one understands that meaning, it amplifies those words of wonder Jefferson used in our Declaration of Independence explaining our nation’s philosophical intent.

What does this nation, in the current political genre offer for woman? Whom shall we review? As Hillary Clinton is running to lead this nation, we’ll look at her record. That was darn easy wasn’t it? A career where the highlight of her decision making was to turn down the opportunity to be a disciple of the cultural communist ideology – using the expansion and destruction of this nation with welfare overload – of Saul Alinsky. Easily understandable as she was an expert on such destruction of this nation, as she had written her dissertation on this psychotic dementia, of Saul Alinsky. The only fact of facts known for her ever to have made – refusing the appointment as a disciple – and commenting, I can cause more change from within, than outside the government. This is the format, the template of communist design since, long before even Marx and Hegel.

Another entity of the female persuasion we know – I’m from a foreign planet – Elizabeth Warren. History will always preserve idiotic rhetoric with such distasteful reservation, even if this nation is destroyed, will live on in infamy. ‘You didn’t build that!’

Where can anyone even make such irrational absolute confirmable fallacy as a statement is beyond understanding? Her irrational reasoning is that you didn’t build the roads that support the transportation your company uses. You didn’t build the schools that taught the workers your company employs, and other equally nauseating statements of such absolute illusion, it is difficult to even comprehend this insanity. Should not the first question be asked; then who did build these things? Who built these roads, these schools, taught these workers? Her contention, her fantasy of presentation, government built that!

Should not the challenge be, show me one dollar that the government generated – without first taking that dollar from the taxpayers, under their direction of how it is spent – that has built anything in this nation!

There is nothing. The simple reality is government builds nothing. Government is but a manager, taking from the wealth of this nation, and then – without consideration too often of the very citizens paying the bill, doing what they … not the constituents, or the citizens of this nation … desire. Long ago, the evaluation of what communism is was so eloquently identified by Antonia Gramsci, in the 20’s of what communism really is. His observation, ‘communism is not an ideology in which one believes; it is a criminal endeavor in which one enlists.’ Can anyone disagree that this observation is also not the same iconic reality of what government – all government everywhere – is? 

When we, as citizens of this nation make a review of what government has created, there is only one thing and one thing only. Our government has only one shining example of something they – and they alone – have created. It is so obvious that it can be measured, verified, and confirmed. The question is, why did not any journalist, why did not any politician, why did not anyone challenge this reality and ask the obvious – is not the only thing government has ever built for this nation is – what government creates; is ‘DEBT?’

To borrow in the name of the credit on behalf of the taxpayers who are responsible for these future obligations payments, the interest, and the taxation on the earnings they will make to pay this obligation are then identified as building something. Is there any more ludicrous statement possible? There is an evaluation measurement which states, a willing suspension of disbelief. As such, what is obvious to disbelieve, is removed from your consideration. You accept that, which no rational person, with the intellect of seeing the obvious would reject. In the understanding of mankind, there has been, and still is, the question of what is it that causes man to make the decisions he makes. That is a crude statement of the obvious, but in this nation the why, the reason the concept of philosophy even began? Is not the question that so many or more real, so few, desiring to achieve? In our modern society of mankind, why man does what man does is so convoluted, so criminal in reasoning, the why is often forgotten. The shining example is the congress of this nation. There is not anyone, who is cognitive enough to see what is obvious occurring in this nation today, who can possibly comprehend the why of their actions. In the acknowledgement of philosophical evaluation, one Immanuel Kant argued that man is driven by fundamental concepts. One reality that is, or should be, the obvious that anything one evaluates is measured by the cause – the why of why anything is done – and the effect, the results of doing whatever is done creates. Is it not incomprehensible that anyone would initiate any action, when the result – the ultimate result – of that action has a known result that cannot be changed? Stealing today, in some illusion that tomorrow will be better – ignoring the obligation of what that theft had done to society – is more than incomprehensible; it is beyond the reasoning or the rationale of anyone who would qualify for the identification of Homo sapient, a thinking man. Those actions, when the results, the effect, are known, advancing is beyond idiotic, the only measurement is the premeditated advancement of confirmable – malicious – insanity.

There once was an axiom that existed in society, unknown today. Once upon a time, in a universe far, far, away, where reason resides, there were certain ideals of society that had no variance. Some call them deal breakers, that last point, that – as Travis at the Alamo stated, the line, the final decision – no one can ignore, and not take a position, and keep that decision. Many have heard it stated as ‘them’s fighting words,’ statements made that were rejected absolutely. Our world today has no such deal breakers, those things that society, and individuals, by their choice of standards of their own chose, there mores, their morals, and their culture. Such principles, foundations, and confirmations are unknown in our society today.

Our nation today, has many patriots we often know, but don’t acknowledge. Who cannot be in awe of those such as Judson Phillips sponsoring, and auditing Tea Party Nation? This is not a singular media presentation, many, who realize that the gargantuan journalist effort of what has many monikers. We know media as, the drive by media, the mass media service, or whatever identifier you wish or recognize. It has, and provides too many, the only knowledge, and influence on this nation’s political understanding, and economic illiteracy, historical fallacy, and the list goes on and on. To say as Jeremy Clarkson shared, it is a wonder Americans can walk on their back legs, perhaps is appropriate. Though perhaps an entertaining cliché it is not accurate. What is more apropos is the reality that a nation once leading in the development of civilization, has now decided to reverse course and retreat to the barbarianism, mimic, the rest of the world.

In this reality of the reality of the society in which we, by our very existence, participate, those who take the time to evaluate, learn, and attempt to understand the cause and effect of what is happening in this nation, and the world, is so small it is damn near insignificant. When one measures the media that reaches our society, is in itself represents a very scary scenario. The most enlightened, who has that ability, the same as Kant identifies – to see the obvious and state such – is Rush Limbaugh. He reaches on a weekly basis according to the Nielsen … the most recognized gauge of radio listening … of 13.25 million people. Think of the reality of this measurement. Those who listen to Rush, listen to Rush regularly. So by interpretation, this measurement, this 13.25 million, can be accepted as the number of individual reached daily. Now consider the comparatives.

In the media of radio, the second most listened too is the National Propaganda Radio, of the government. They reach on average, 13 million, and as the Rush measurement, can be on a daily basis. Is it not obvious, for every individual who is exposed to the reality of what is happening, there is another individual who is being indoctrinated in some mantra of dogmatic rhetoric, that is so far from reality, that they wouldn’t know reality if it came up and introduced itself.

Compounding that irrational advancement of learning ignorance –as if the catastrophe of our academic indoctrination of social engineering, instead of learning our ‘federally’ control public academia is doing – is not all. The Collegiate level indoctrination, the media of local TV, and the printed news service in this nation, are for the highest majority, not for the preservation of America, but complicit in ‘the fundamental transformation.’

Thank you, all who take the time, the effort, and the engagement of thinking to evaluate – learning, and thinking about – the danger this nation is facing.

The answer is, as it has always been, the composite knowledge, the intellect of our society making decisions of reason, not emotion. It is, and has always been our salvation. Encourage all you know to remember that. If not the dark ages this nation is accelerating towards, will make the darkness of man’s mistakes in the past, be but irrelevant.

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Dow closes at record high! – The leaders of the five BRICKS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have signed a deal to create a new $100bn development bank and emergency reserve fund.   

The Dow rose 77.52 points, to 17,138.20

The Standard & Poor’s 500 index gained 8.29 points  

The Nasdaq composite rose 9.58 points

One of the goals for the BRICKS bank - whose creation has been discussed for some time - would be to increase the amount of money loaned to developing countries to help with infrastructure projects.

How many realize that the two heading, though seemingly different, are the identical story, written in different presentation?

Often as citizens of this nation, we, as those who were included in the ‘We’ of our constitution, find ourselves as those on Plato’s cave. Our impression of the ‘reality’ that is happening, is not reality, but the shadow of the pablum of carefully measured information to not inform society, but to pacify and corrupt societies knowledge of reality.

The real story that the headlines that we in this nation – as we the prisoners of the corrupt press, government and bureaucracy – don’t reach the conclusion of reality. Here it is in the headlines of those who use economics, not the fallacy of central planning as their foundations of comprehending enterprise.

De-dollarization continues: China starts direct currency trading with UK  China is pursuing its quest to strip the US dollar of its global reserve currency status. After establishing the mechanisms for direct ruble-yuan trading and settlement, Beijing is now kicking the dollar out of its transactions with the Great Britain.

What does each of these stories have in common? They have in this nation statistically proof that in all elections the Democrats always have 2-4% of voter fraud. This is a horrible reflection on this nation, and its people. Yet here is an even sadder and more condemning reality. If we take the lower number 2% as our measurement, there are less than 2% of this nation’s population who would understand all three of these headlines are from the same reason!

That this nation elected the most incompetent, and incapable individual in history of mankind is beyond reason. That he is by his actions, advancing the genocide, the destruction, the disassembly of this nation is incomprehensible. He is what his is the facts are irrefutable. There is no measurement of American philosophy applicable to his presidency. He is and has been a … dedicated Marxist with an attitude of visceral … emotional genocidal determined to deliver some coupe de grace to this nation. He desires to bring about not only the nation’s destruction, but with the intent to destroy the American society. To destroy this nation, that even the majority of the race of white men will be déclassé, lowered in status, in a nation of racial politics reduced to the minority is his only intent. Democratic genocide based on race, the incomprehensible deracinating, destroying the culture, the ethnicity, the mores, the morals, and the religion of America. Inclusive is this attack on the enterprise, the economics of our national wonder. Reducing this nation to nothing based on the American philosophical idealism but déclassé our wonder to that of the barbarian, and the uncivilized.

Key in this genocide, this national destruction is exactly what these headlines all identify. Is the Dow ending at a higher level indicating that this nation is doing better? If so, I challenge any businessman, economist, or politician to explain not only the why, but the why the gain of this event is advantageous to this nation?

The debauchery – the destruction of the ‘VALUE’ the wealth of the dollar – is what all of these headlines are addressing. They are all saying the same thing, the difference, is the separation of reality – as the BRINKS, identify, and the Chinese identify – and the illusion, or hallucination of our … what words describe the press in this nation … propagandist that the Dow closing higher, without a change in the nation’s wealth is good? This is beyond the absolute ignorance of the most incompetent person who has ever earned a dollar in their lives to comprehend.

The value, the amount of dollars it takes to buy stocks has nothing to do with the ‘speculation’ of earnings, which the stock may create. The value, the amount of dollars it takes to buy stocks has everything to do with the ‘WEALTH’ of each and every dollar has depreciated – by government monetary insanity – where it takes more dollars to but the same value of a stock. The higher price is not a positive, it represents the monetary debauchery of our nation’s Federal Reserve, and a Congress based on not foundations of economics – which require that there is stabilization of the dollar’s value. They are based on the absolute diametric opposite, the destruction of the value of the dollar, making the lifetime earnings, the accumulated wealth of all citizens nullified, voided, and stolen by these policies.

What should society know? The how they – the absolutely disgraceful government of this nation – are doing it, or would it be more important to know the why … these central planning totalitarian sovereigns … are doing what they do?

How so we get the people of this nation to understand that the America of our nations design is no more. It is as gone as identified in the song Tumbling Tumbleweed, when night is gone – that a new world is born at dawn. That new world we are awaking to is not the America we know or cherish. That new world we are awaking to is the ‘fundamental transformation’ of this nation as caustic as Democracy is to a Republic, as caustic as ‘liberty is to slavery and domination.’   

Perhaps the why is most important, as so few know this nation. The why is that in this nation today, the concept of representative government is as done as last night’s darkness. Today our political design can be identified as an auction house. For in an auction house, what is for sale is sold to the highest bidder. This is the same format of congress … what were once the financers of government insanity … and thanks to the 17th amendment, also the Senate, that the votes of this damn democratic concept are sold to the highest bidder – the citizens – the suckers paying for this deception, be damned. 

Economically is it not absolutely amazing that the average … whatever the hell that is anymore, perhaps a marijuana smoking stoner in abject fear of zombies and vampires, learning from the wisdom of Oprah and Obama … American can realize if someone sticks a gun in their face and takes their money they are being robbed. While the same citizens stand in abject in cognitive comprehension when the government stands behind each and every individual, lifts your wallet, and take the wealth of your currency on a continuum. Each and every second, each and every minute, each and every day, week, year, since Calvin Coolidge this has been happening and the American citizen is oblivious to the reality.

You have to admit, our politicians aren’t quite as ignorant of knowing their constituents as we imagine. Sure, they don’t give a damn about preserving this nation, they don’t give a damn about those simple ideals of preserving and protecting the constitution, or any other enumerations placed on them. They do know though, that if we give something, even if we steal it from others, to some, they will vote to continue the theft from others. The absolute reality that whenever I hear the comment of ‘REDISTRIBUTION’ it is so un-American why it does not make any American shudder is beyond my understanding.

What they realized is that even the most ignorant economically, politically, and historically society known to inhabit this planet – the American citizen – can tell when a gun is shoved in their face and is being robbed.

Even those Americans who pay taxes – an ever shrinking minority – realize the meaning of the acronym of taxes … (Taking your Assets through eXtorsion Every political Session) … begin to rebel being the host of the bloodsucking leaches of politicians. The answer, don’t use the gun – the direct approach – use the subterfuge of debauching, reducing the value of the dollars, that the ignorant public will not even be aware. Compound that with the complacent lèse majesté attitude – we cannot challenge the sovereignty of the government, or our anointed one – the American public’s ignorance is accelerated and acerbated.

The economic system of this nation is not changing it has changed. What word one would use to identify this change is difficult to even identify. The problem being that too many in this nation want to use the definition, without the realization that the definition of some words has been changed in application. In great sadness is those Marx gave us. Marx gave this nation the economic identification of communism. His description, ‘the way of organizing a society in which the government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property’. The real application identified, ‘a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production’.   

The difference in the identification is the use of the word ‘OWNS’. This word in definition creates problems in our understanding. The definition; ‘has certain to have power or mastery over’ – ‘to have or hold as property’.

If there is one thing that history has shown is, it that those in the political arena can use wording that is not only vague in application – but in that application – be used to mean the exact opposite.

History gives us examples all Americans – and all citizens of the word – should not only know, but also understand. Lenin’s application of state ownership was such a failure when usurping Russia, that starvation, lack of all services, the whole infrastructure required in a society was abject failure. Fearing another revolution to overthrow his usurping the government, his answer, allow that horrible capitalism to be reinstalled to create production. Learning in the process, that the proletariat cannot just seize the means of production, for the production is only one segment of the enterprise cycle. Just as the consumer is an important, if not the most important entity of the enterprise cycle. How those in this nation do not understand that those who reject the consumer, the individual is the most identifying characteristic of those who believe in authoritarian control. One only has to watch the current first lady – now that is a misnomer if one is ever been used – dictating that government will dictate to the individual, destroying the simplest of the identification of liberty that can be known. This can be magnified in all the ways it has happened. Political correctness is what? Is it not that you do not have individual liberty to speak what you wish? Is it not the antithesis of the protections of the first amendment in the Bill of Rights? There is no one in the world – that is not hallucinating – that can disagree, or make argument of this reality.

Is not that the control of the property of who you are? Is not that the most stringent ownership anyone can apply? When you cannot have the liberty, by the reduction of your freedom through state application, and legislation inverse to our founding of man’s natural rights, those rights endowed by God, is not that about the epitome of reducing man’s ownership of his own life. It is the most invidious and demeaning slavery every imposed on man. This is the same invidious design that all who succumb to the totalitarian intrusion of government beyond comprehension … the definition of communism.

Using the dollar – by printing more and more, destroying its value – is the tool of what is in the current use, as used even in treaties this nation engages, is  described as economic coercion. Our government uses this economic coercion every second they are in session, and with the residue of legislation that will provide the death knoll, the final genocide of our culture, our philosophy, and our nation.

What do we hear on a continuum from our government? Do we not hear whenever a problem appears, the president, our congress, the shoeshine boy in the lobby needs such and such emergency funding to deal with it? How in the name of Hades with the largest bureaucracy, the greatest expenditure of wealth any nation ever known in the history of man, that our organization is so damn incompetent that we do not have the resources to deal with anything that occurs? Why is not the question ever asked; what is all the wealth this nation is committing continually not prepared us to deal with any event that occurs? Is not that the question that should be asked?

The answer is simple. This nation does not spend money to deal with the preservation of this nation. It spends money to use ‘economic coercion’ not for this nation’s needs, but for the political power of the party in power.

This is the exact same reasoning of the BRINK international banking. By controlling the ‘economic coercion’ of the nations, especially the third world nations to be submissive to the ‘money’ provided by the bank. The money has strings, those strings are the totalitarian control of government, the identification of what communism’s design is.

Why is China dealing with the Yuan instead of the dollar? Same scenario, by the exchange of currency, being based on the Yuan instead of the dollar – the control … the requirement that trade for their products be in Yuan … makes compliance with China, the most important. Why they control the money, they control the nation.

This is the same policy of our nation. We print money, give it to other nations, for what reason? Once it was to influence the advancement of the American form of enterprise, the concept of free choice of consumers controlling the economic activity of nations. Is that not been the most absolute failure ever conceived by any nation in history? What is the result? The results have been, more nation’s governments have learned that political power rests with spending wealth not existing, as this nation, for the votes of the ignorant, to preserve political power is better for the politicians. That is what they have learned from this nation. They did not learn about the simple fact of our rhetoric, that liberty and freedom have wonder and value. No, they learned that economic coercion, and the using the largess of the nation’s purse, even if borrowed from other preserves political power. It is the same format, the same template, the same insanity that both political parties – Republican and Democrat – use in this nation to gain and preserve political power.

What you hear, what you read, is a lie. If it is in the press, in the news, told to the American public in this nation one thing is guaranteed – it is, and has been for far too long – nothing but lies. It is pablum, spoon fed not for the citizens knowledge, but to pacify, to patronize a nation with learned knowledge of ignorance. Where men are not men, where insight and question do not reside. Where a society hears, but does not listen. Hears but does not understand. Our society listens in abject incomprehensible trumpery to nonsense without once, for even a second, engaging the mind’s capacity of thought, to attempt to realize this is minutia of insanity. The one thing that is constant in all acknowledgements of what we – the citizens of this nation – should ask no matter what the question. We need to be as what was once press. Answer the who, what, where, when and the thing if all of this nation would just thing about for a second would correct much – WHY?

Our nation’s preservation rests in but one place. In the minds and hearts of those who rejoice in the marvel of the miracle of the nation they reside. Not understanding that wonder is understandable with the information we are exposed. With a government based on lies, a press, not full of lies, but so incompetent it makes the government look competent.

The task is as all tasks of civilized mankind. The task is the exclusive domain of the individual. The same thing that made this nation the wonder it is today, the individual. It is you, and all whom you know, by their own knowledge and choice that will preserve this nation. It must happen now, or the corruption, the coercion, the nihilism of this nation will be so advanced that no cure will be possible.            

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Thank you America, for the miracle you are!

As we celebrate the day of this nation’s birth, when we recognize that event of the American declarative, we reject the rule of others, and accept it upon our own citizens. Was this a remarkable event? No, it was more than remarkable; it was the first time any society by their own determination rejected the rule – the rule of the jungle – with the intent to create a society of preserving and protecting the sanctity of each and every citizen.

As we reflect, as citizens of this nation, we often forget how close that this nation even existed occurred. We forget that but for the wealth being looted and stolen from the nations of South American, Mexico and Central America – the Spanish may have been the foundation of our society – not the English.

Is it not interesting that the same governance of the jungle, the template, and format of all forms of government – other than the result of this nation – is the only form of government that exists anywhere on this planet. Perhaps it is the reality it is so simple. The predator and the prey – the law of the jungle – that is driven by ‘animal instinct’ and not the ‘reason’ of man … Homo sapiens … thinking, let me repeat, thinking man.

To dominate, or take from the prey requires no more knowledge, intellect, or nothing even representative of intelligence. The perfect icon – if we eliminate our current president – is the great white shark. How anyone reaches the conclusion of the attention span of a Great White Shark is hard to visualize. What hypothesis did one make, what experiment did one create what conclusion would one require confirming, or rejecting such? The experiment was as simple as the filming of a White Shark attack on a diver’s cage. The shark would strike the cage, the steel bars surrounding the diver inside, in order to … as all predators … achieve a meal. The result, the cage stops the attack. The shark recoils. In less than 3 seconds, the shark once again attempts to reach the prey, striking the cage, with the same results.

The hypothesis is the result of not the speculation of the event. It is the conclusion, observed, that dictated the hypothesis. Inverse, but with White Sharks, to conduct repeated experiments, which confirm the same result, are known to occur. That simple conclusion – the shark forgot the initial attack – and the subsequent attack is, to the shark, original and new.    

That may be quite a long lead in to many, those who are reading challenged – and as the White Shark – have developed the American attention span. Now how they measure this, I’m not sure either. Knowing only that the scientist who have the capacity of mental stimulation and attention of the human capacity of the brain is now identifies – from what they’re not sure – the inundation of TV advertisement, losing attention because of becoming lost when our president speaks, or some other reason. The result, they have determined the average American’s attention span is 2 seconds. Is it not interesting that a White Shark has over half the capacity of attention than the average American? Why do we then wonder we elected this man of immeasurable incompetency to our position of president?

Now that we are all on the same page, a problem that is so magnified in this nation that speaking the same language is impossible. Far too many think their relativism of the meaning of words is, is much more important than the definition and the meaning of the words themselves.

The old icon, who originated it I know not, ‘ignorance advance in even its most concise form is still ignorance.’ Yet it emphasizes that we accept the clique, the quirk, the non-explained as viable, without any verification, or credibility. The simplest of examples, any statement, every speech, and all of the legislation passed in the term of our current president. None let me repeat none, of such has been either constitutionally legal, passes the philosophy of our nation, or is even the standards of thinking man – homo sapient – than but the dictates of the jungle, the predator over the prey.

The wonder of this nation may have never been. That’s something we never hear, never read, or are ever explained. It is the most important – besides the Protestant Christian religion, and the English reformation – event that resulted, as it was not the law of the jungle, but the law of protecting the rights of the individual that created our society. That society that once was, with the ethnicity, the norms, the mores, the morals, and the foundations of our religion that led to the miracle and the absolute wonder of this nation’s origination.

As this nation celebrates this birthday – is it not more apropos – that we are morning our ‘fundamental transformation?’

An old cowboy ballad, slightly changed in the lyrics, seems appropriate for our epitaph. The song called the ‘Cowboys Lament,’ could just as easily be the funeral of America. What more words could be more fitting for this nation’s demise?

"Oh, beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly,
And play the dead march as you carry me along;
Take me to the valley, and lay the sod o'er me,
For I'm (but an American ) and I know I've done wrong.

Why is it so difficult to not acknowledge that to be an American is as unique as any wonder known to the species of man. This is not something of physical identification, not some hegemony of cultural separation, not the division and balkanization of our nation; it is the opposite. To be an American requires that one assimilates into – and conforms to – the philosophy of this nation. There cannot be, will never be, or can it be preserved; if this nation continues this course of not the conformed to the idealistic wonder of this nation, and continue on this illusion that all men are the same. What absolute ignorance of recognizing reality could possibly exceed this impossible conclusion?

Today we have two – or to some three – political parties dedicated to their own myopic desires of using this gargantuan bureaucracy of legislated theft to do but one thing, advance their agenda … the nation be damned.

We – are led to believe that we are not a nation advancing nationalism. Could there possibly be anything more ridiculous? It is not the choice of any nation to unilaterally say they have no sovereignty. It is a journey into insanity. If a nation does not preserve what it is – that nation is doomed – to be destroyed and placed on the flotsam of man’s history.

An example of the insanity of what is happening currently that emphasizes this point. Our southern border has been destroyed. On the other side of that border, a nation – Mexico – has the same immigration policy that this nation created in 1924 – where the preservation, not the destruction, of this nation was the objective. Why does Mexico have these rules today? They are not so ignorant to accept that all people are just people; they have the 6,000 years of the literacy of mankind, and the observation that on a planet with countries far and wide across this earth, none are the same – except those that abide by the law of the jungle. Even understanding that to preserve the law of the jungle, you must have a population of some homogenous makeup to preserve that nation’s form of the Law of the Jungle. As such, to get into Mexico is difficult, and regulated by the jurisdiction of the ‘LAWS’ of the state of Mexico. Yet today, they are allowing a tsunami of illegal entry, for one purpose and one purpose only. That those let into Mexico from their southern border, do not stop in Mexico, but pass through and invade the nation to the north, THE united STATES of America.

Why, every time THE united STATES of America is reduced in political power, the altruism – the welfare of the largess of America – is increased. The result is the greatest economic benefit for Mexico. Mexico does not use Keynesian destruction of their wealth to stimulate their economy. They use the wealth of welfare in America, by their population in this nation – either legally or illegally – that send money back to Mexico.

It is the nationalization of theft from this nation – for their purpose – their national interest that motivates their actions.

This nation is doomed if we do not realize that if we do not stand for the principles of this nation – which in a republic are laws – and enforce them, and make sure they are legislated to preserve this nation … not its destruction … we are not in celebration, but attending the wake of this nation’s wonder.      








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Who could possibly view this nation differently than as identified by our Nation’s father, in a letter to Lafayette – what we have created can only be described as a miracle! Today not only do not the citizens not comprehend that reality, they seem so lacking that knowledge they don’t even know is that truth.

Reading the other day about the problems in Nigeria, one thing acknowledged was that in Nigeria, there are 350 tribes with 250 languages. It would be obvious that in any society, when communication is so separated and diverse, that for understanding to exist would be difficult. The result that reason would dictate is the result we see in a nation such as Nigeria. They have massive debt, corrupt government, limited academic opportunities, many who are illiterate, and as a society a complete lack of understanding of any foundations of the society in which the citizens live.

In retrospect, upon considering this scenario, could we not also be talking about the nation we live it? Could we not be talking about a nation titled – THE united STATES of America – where the citizens, as if speaking different languages, lack any understanding of the nation they live in?

Is it not remarkable that even the title of this nation, THE united STATES of America implies certain characteristics that many – or in honesty most, especially those who vote – have no idea of the concept of an association of separate entities. Little realizing that in that very title of states, had not only identification as an objective, but signified the difference of this nation from all others.

Today our society accepts the utopia of the communist design that has usurped our government, our society, and even corrupted and destroyed the economic engine of this nation’s wonder.

If there has even been an article that emphasized the inability and the lack of communication that exists in this nation, this article – that in the world of economics, if not absurd is ridiculous – confirms that words do not communicate meaning. There is a term in economic activity, which reflects the position that pricing and cost adjustments make in a business cycle. The term used is business cycle, which is as vital to the enterprise of business, as – in all economic environments but communist – the consumer. For it is the consumer, in the American enterprise system – that seemingly all-knowing entity, identifies as the ‘invisible hand’ – which is the one in control of what is produced, how much is produced and at what price those commodities produced will be sold. This is nothing new or remarkable. What is different is the ‘economies of size’ creating larger and larger concentrations of production dampen the speed of how quickly pricing is reflective of the purchaser – those who are the invisible hand – response.         

As pricing is as vital to the free enterprise of society, as the actual product itself, you can imagine the shock it was to find out that ‘THE BUSINESS CYCLE IS OUTDATED!’ As I read Robert Samuelson’s presentation in the Washington Post – it was obvious that my tribe – and his tribe, were speaking a different language.

This isn’t something new, but it is something that is occurring more and more often as I read so many presentations that use the words, that we accept in this nation as part of our language, but are delivered applying a completely different message than Americans would understand.

It is common with the understanding of the nation. Many think we are in some ‘Democracy’ of lunacy ruled by the mob – who votes for self-interest, sharing the wealth of the government’s ability to steal on their behalf … redistribute the wealth of others … in taxing and social expenditures – proving altruism insuring political power while spending from this largess of the treasury.

This same inverse psychology of irrational thought is prevalent in our nation’s understanding of economics. Too many, far too many in this nation believe we are communist, and that central planning is our design, not the time tested and proven to work philosophy of free enterprise. Somehow our citizenry have been corrupted in reasoning and knowledge forgetting that the same foundations of our nation’s design … the free will of man … is also the foundations of our economic design, the free choice of man using that free will. There has been no compact between the citizens and government where man has accepted slavery. There is no document – accept the usurped actions of legislation in direct violation of our constitutional protections – that by concept of the people accepts the totalitarianism and the absolute sovereignty of government over the citizens. In fact, the opposite exists. It is the confirmation in the document of this nation that reflect and emphasize the inverse, the diametric opposite is the intent. It is the role of government – as identified – to protect the ‘individual’ rights of the citizens, not enslave that same citizenry.

This same distortion of the role of government in our society has permeated, and corrupted our economic system, as well as the social structure of our wonder. Economics – the business of business – as Calvin Coolidge identified this nation works if, and only if, it is separated from the manipulations and intrusions of government. The entrepreneur is – as the consumer – only the invisible hand of what should and should not be produced. It is their choice, not the government’s czars, that by utilizing resources of this nation, and others, that dictate what that use will be. It is as important and vital to the free-enterprise system as the consumer is in the final decision. It is the one that determines the choice of the investment of the entrepreneur, is correct, or if not marketable, determines failure.   

The report conducted by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland is labeled as the loyal opposition to mainstream economics. Opposition must be in the mind of the beholder. The one thing, the same problem that exists in today’s economic environment since the introduction of Keynesian communist central planning economic design, is the lack of the role currency plays in this corrupted enterprise cycle. While they acknowledge that debt is bad, and that government is influencing the business cycle, they miss the fundamental problem that intrusion – by government through proxy, as in this nation, the Federal Reserve – creates on the economic environment.

The fallacy of using monetary policy to eliminate, or reduce the impact of the … natural pricing discrepancy … that free enterprise, must create for it to work, is beyond lunacy. Sadder yet is the reality when analyzed that there were actions that created a much greater problem than the business cycle, but hidden in the debauchery of the value, the wealth of the currency of the citizens. It is stupefying to even comprehend that to steal in the form of this debauchery of the wealth of the currency – by the way, also creating the fiction things are getting better because things now cost more; not worth more – is answering the problem. Reality tells the opposite, the loss of wealth of all of society is gargantuan comparative to the negative aspects of what the business cycle of pricing adjustments create.     

We in this nation are identical to the 350 tribes speaking 250 languages of Nigeria. Our corruption of government is as caustic, and destructive as theirs. Our leaders and bureaucracy is as corrupted and exploitive as theirs is. Our citizens are as uniformed and lost as theirs are. The sameness is fact and we can identify and see it daily.

What is different is that in this nation there is information – knowledge available, and (if we still have literacy in our society) sources to eliminate our ignorance – if we only seek them out. The problem this nation has is contentment to be acquiescent and accept the destruction of this nation – as it is not … in our observation … effecting us – personally.

Here as citizens, we are wrong. The assault upon this nation – this fundamental transformation – is on a continuum daily. It is all around us, in everything we observe, in everything we hear, in everything even the press provides. Our nation’s error is not that we are not vigilant; we are not even capable of understanding the depths of destruction that are occurring. Lacking that knowledge, we in silent submission allow the assault to continue without objection. Actually using the strength of our vote to confirm and as but that unimaginable action, continuing the ‘FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION’ and the destruction of this nation – and the form of government upon which this nation is founded.  

America’s philosophy is simple. So simple apparently we forget it. Beginning with the simple fact that as men, with free will, it is the choice of men to determine by their reasoning what is right, and identifying what to their society is wrong.

If there is anything clearer than the problems we are now facing is the fact, we, the we as the citizens of this nation, do not identify what is wrong, and what is right.

The examples are known to all. Our nation, the design of this nation, is that the rights – those endowed rights of our creator – are the reason of government. This concept has a diametric opposite. That opposite is also known. It is communism. For to protect the individual, cannot then advance the ideology of the collective. These two terms are opposite. No nation can apply one with the other it is an impossibility.

Our nation is designed on the theology of Protestant Christianity. The basis of Christianity is the sanctity of human life. Sanctity of that life, also by the very construct recognizes the ‘free-will’ of man, and his individual responsibility. It is impossible to have a nation with the theology of Christianity, and the dementia of ideologies of those concepts that are the diametric opposite of the Christian foundations. The proof obvious, what can one identifies a foundation of ‘SUBMIT and OBEY’ to any totalitarianism as even compatible with the protections of individual rights. To do so would prove and confirm that one is an idiot. This would be the epitome of ignorance to some absolute measurement beyond measure.

We celebrate our miracle, our genesis of a nation of incomprehensible design. The one and only nation steeped in Christian principles that the individual – the singular independent individual – is the cornerstone of our government responsibility. It is not the equality of men – that from each according to his ability, and to each according to his needs – that is our philosophy. It is the diametric opposite, that all men are equal in opportunity. We, as a nation of our design, believe that all men are equal in the sight of legislation, and in the eyes of the laws to preserve that legislation. We believe and adhere to the simplicity that no man by the actions of men is, or can be elevated over any other. We confirm that the life of all men is held in the sanctity of that life, that men have the endowed right – those rights by our very conception – inalienable from our creator that no man, no entity, and no government has any rights to dismiss.

That is our celebration, that is our prayer of thanks, for by some wonder of an exceptional miracle of the path of our lives has put us in this nation, at this time, to be immersed in this wonder.

Even that is not ‘free.’ For man to have the freedom to enjoy his liberty is the greatest effort ever demanded by mankind. For man, is man. As man, there are those who will do all in their power to steal that, which is the birthright of all men. It is this danger, those in this nation forget. They forget, as they do not know who they are. Not knowing who they are, they have no concept of the wonder of what they are losing. Not perhaps, but the greatest tragedy every known in the history of mankind!     

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The number of ways you can be shown as confirmation of the antithesis occurred in this nation would provide enough material for an encyclopedia of examples. While the facts remain, all of these actions are most easily identified as the diametric opposite of the philosophy, the ideals, and the principles of this nation’s design.

Where do we begin? What is the first identifier that would confirm this reality?

Is it that in this nation are populous, our (?citizens?) have no idea of what the foundations of this nation are? Could it be that we have reached some place in our history that too many of this nation only claim to being an American is some paper confirming their citizenship? While in reality, the reality is, they have no more idea of this nation than the rest of the world.

There is no more obvious example of just how far this strategy has advanced the statement of our current president on the Lyndon Johnston and the anti-American legislation of civil rights. Obama made these comments on LBJ's civil rights laws of the 1960’s. Stating, ‘are a foundation’ for the future, ‘we cannot be complacent.’ He urged younger Americans to recognize that civil rights is more than a law, that ‘our rights, our freedoms are not given, they must be won.’

In my life, I do not believe I have ever heard anyone make a statement that is complete antithesis of what this nation is. Why is it not obvious that this man is completely clueless of any knowledge of the wonder of this marvelous nation? How can anyone who has lived in this nation…even if gaining citizenship, not knowing this nation…ever conclude such a conclusion that is opposite of this nation's foundation?

Everything that explains the philosophy, the ideals, and the principles on which this nation is founded can be found in this little refrain of the Declaration of Independence. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Who cannot identify that the statement, ‘our rights, our freedoms are not given, they must be won’ is not the direct antithesis of what our nation’s evaluation of rights, where they come from, and why—rights—are applied to all men as equal? Our rights are the only things we know of that are actually free—given by our creator—at our birth. It is not the duty, it is not the responsibility, and it is not even suggested that government…either has the design too, or the authorization of…creating rights—civil rights—as their duties or responsibilities. 

What could be more obvious? Is it not that civil rights, are the antithesis of endowed rights? Are not endowed rights, given to all men, thus preserving that all men are equal? Is it not also obvious that if the government—in advancing some inequality of condition, insuring men are not equal—by some ‘relativism—of fundamentally transforming’—is not the exact antithesis, the opposite of the philosophy of this nation? If not, what is there that is hiding this obvious reality from anyone’s reason?

Our current…Mea Maxima Culpa, the president, our greatest mistake…for the first time in his presidency said the first thing I’ve hear, which was fact and truth.

“Because of the civil rights movement, because of the laws President Johnson signed, new doors of opportunity and education swung open for everybody…’  “They swung open for you, and they swung open for me. And that’s why I’m standing here today — because of those efforts, because of that legacy”

There are no clearing or accurate words this absolute incompetent individual could possibly make that is fact. He never earned anything he ever was—because of civil right, being a foreign student, and most of all, because he was black—qualified to have…if he would have been treated ‘EQUAL’ and been as all other, forced to compete for whatever he applied ever advanced.  

I’ve not read the book, but there is only one quote of his rendering, ‘I dreamt I had a father,’ one must remember. ‘I chose the race of black, for the other held no advantage.’ By his own volition, he confirms, I did not, cannot, nor am able to be an American as all others. I can only be functional in this society, if and only if, the tragedy of civil rights, evaluating me—as I’m black—above others to compete.

It is the exact identification that all of this insanity of civil right advances. If you are an American, and if you can reason, and you do not see that the government advancing civil rights, is identical to the King, the lord of the manner, dictating the social structure of society—then you are incorrigible. So propagandized in false ideology it is your mantra—and you accept this false dogma without thought, reason, or logic.

There are few things ever passed in this nation—as legislation, resulting in laws—that are as anti-American in principle as any concepts ever conceived from the mind of man. The philosophy of this nation is so simple, that to apply the rubric of how it would be administered needed only approximately 3,500 words, in such…The Articles of Confederation…not only legislated every intrusion that nation federal government would have. It dealt with, and explained why little things such as courts, confirmation that national government is required to be, and will remain subservient to the control and political design and power, of the states, who will remain—with total sovereignty—independent. There are those who say this design this wonder, was insufficient to have the power federal government must have. If there ever was a greater lie, a falsehood, or a convoluted illusion proposed to the citizens of this nation—I challenge anyone to either show it, explain it, or justify it.

This nation has a problem in the knowledge of the citizens in accepting the false ideologies of others, while never stopping—considering—or even engaging their mental processing to contemplate the reality of the fallacy of our current political  oBOMBination.

The genesis of this man—simply he’s black. What nation in the literate history of mankind can even comprehend such a ridiculous reason, such insanity, to elect anyone as a government administrator? It is the most irrational, unreasonable, and incomprehensible decision ever of any society every known.

Why, there is a reason. Do you know why, can you explain why, do you know the reason why, this nation ever by the actions of those who made this decision, did so? Here is the saddest evaluation, my postulate…my simple objective conclusion…of those who voted for, and those who didn’t vote did so determining this result. My conclusion didn’t come easily, for the subterfuge of all the reason, the whys, have some validity—but nothing, nothing even suggested or explained can even come close to any rational reasoning of this absolute national tragedy.

Perhaps I’m retarded in my reasoning. For in my life, I look only at whatever I analyze from the simple reasoning of cause and effect. It is the same as everything as an example in the Bible, that record of the mistakes of man, that man is a sinner, and that man’s driver for everything he does, is driven by self-interest and self-interest alone. Man must have something in it for himself in order to do what he does. In the record of all there is; there is no example of anyone, any man—except for so few, they can be counted on the fingers of one hand—that did for others over their own interest. In the history of mankind, there is only one organization that came closest to this idealism as a political entity. Those who wrote our Declaration of Independence, who constructed the Articles of Confederation, in the whole history of man, created ideals, based on philosophy—principles—that are the conclusion of man’s dreams since the beginning records of recorded time.

As a society, we hear those who are in opposition make reference that those who voted for this absolute disgrace did so because of the ‘candy,’ the theft of stealing from others to ‘redistribute’ to them.

It has some feasibility. There is some logical reasoning, some insight, and some rational conception attitude that would make this possibility a consideration. There is one factor being ignored, and not considered, which destroys the whole fallacy of the presentation. For the reality is, as much as we’d like to think those identified in the Articles of Confederation…that had no protections of citizenship…identified as paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives, incidentally the exact voting constituency those who would destroy this nation cultivate…were not allowed to vote.    

This is the reality; this nation’s direction is based on one ideology and one ideology only. It is simple for it refutes everything that civilized society advances. It is the ideology of the nihilist, based on the antitheism of the design specific for this nation’s destruction. It has been so successful, that today we don’t even recognize those who elected…and the reasons they did…this absolute disgraceful interlude of this nation’s history.

For this reprobate was elected by—those white Americans who in some irrational incomprehensible decided that a proven incompetent, a proven communist, proven islamist, proven to reject and disregard every concept of this nation—electorate that had enough. They had enough of a political party that has lied, to them, rejected the foundations of this nation, refuted the enumerations of our society, advanced the inequality of legislation, and legal jurist prudence, ignoring the American foundations and values. A disgrace that can only be blamed on the Republican Party, not the institutionalized paupers, not the vagabonds, who are also the fugitives breaking our laws with illegal entry into this nation, not the illegals of criminal activity—advancing voter illegality—and promoting election fraud.    

The largest voting bloc in this nation is—white people who, though eligible, don’t vote—resulting in the reality, though we are not, nor ever were designed to be the worse form of government ever envisioned…damn-o-crazy…using the mistake of universal suffrage, another catastrophe, allow the rule of the ‘mob, of the minority,’ majority. Strangely, this is the exact scenario that allowed Lenin to declare his minority party the majority—though he had to prevent them, the majority, from voting—which was complete fabrication.

Proof of the postulate that it is antitheism electing the mistakes we are experiencing.

When this reprobate was brought upon the political scene, who was the candidate front-runner for those advocating the ‘progression’ away from American philosophical idealism? They advanced a woman, not a Golda Meir, not a Margaret Thatcher, but one who had a record of American nihilism without one example of ever providing, advocating, or advancing any American idealism. One who had matriculated under the tutelage of Saul Alinsky, advancing cultural communism of Antonio Gramsci—and who had said, ‘I can effect more change from inside government than outside.’ The mirrored retort of our current debacle, that using government to dictate society is acceptable! If there was the total diametric opposite of this nation, this concept is that.

She insulted the very foundations of this nation. She was the antithesis of every concept of the American idealism, American philosophy, and American principles existing from the day of our…nations…creation.

Yet when along came Barack, she was discarded like an old shoe. Did you ever stop and ask why? Why did this absolute reprobate of a—perhaps human being—rise like a shooting star in the adulation of those advancing their nihilism, their ‘fundamental—not transformation, but destruction’—of our form of government, and our nation’s philosophical principles?

Is it not the obvious hypothesis, he was actually a greater antithesis, the anti-everything American in one package. He represented the ultimate denigration of the culture, ethnicity, mores, morals, and definitely the religion of this nation! The perfect antithesis of those advancing disparage of this nation’s wonder, its idealism, and its exceptionalism!

The examples are numerous. The dementia of islam is the antithesis of the concept of religion, and the theology of Christianity. Communism is the antithesis of our form of governance based on individual liberty, and government protecting that liberty. Atheism is the antithesis of civilization, refuting the simple reality that man is more than animal. Slavery, totalitarian sovereignty of government over man, is the antithesis of a nation of liberty, preserving freedom.  

To go on can be continued by anyone who has the minimum of knowledge of this nation. We live in, and are blessed to have a nation of such wonder. We forget that the words left us by Thomas Jefferson are as true today as the day he spoke them, ‘eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.’ It is not those who would destroy this nation that allow us any relief; allow us exception; or excuse our actions from preventing the tragedy this nation is facing. The enemy, the real enemy is not our perceived enemies, our enemy is our own innocence, our own naivety, and of not identifying that antitheism is the tool of the enemy. It is our lack of realizing that reality, has allowed those who destroy this wonder, to bypass our vigilance…if it existed…advancing their agenda resulting in the—fundamentally transformation of this nation.             

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 On the other hand, could it be the mental atrophy, seemingly unabated, continuing on this same path?

Is there any proof needed to confirm that our atrophy—this absolute illogical irrational reasoning—of our society and the individuals…the citizens of this nation…that we may have lost even the ability to reason—especially in the arena of politics, press, and the bureaucracy then yesterday’s offerings? 

There of course are the headlines, of those who have no mores, standards of civilized action do things that sensible rational people,—fortunately…I still somehow still have hope for… the majority of our population—would never ever consider. The reason, obvious, we are a Christian Nation with the philosophical foundations of this Christianity, the sanctity of ‘Life.’ How we in this nation use ‘civil rights’ to advance killing of the unborn, the most innocent is still something that with mental cognitiveness is beyond comprehension.

Do crazy people do crazy things? If we reject that premise, we refute the simple reality we are as someone identified us, Homo sapiens, thinking man.

Nationally the message that was dismissed ignored, and if one wasn’t scanning the information of idiotic mantra of dogmatic minutia, we accept as news, it may have not been even noticed. 

New figures by the Congressional Budget Office released on Monday reveal that over the next 10 years the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio will double to 78%.

Over the last four decades, America's average debt-to-GDP ratio was 39%. At the end of 2007, federal debt was just 35% of GDP. The CBO report says gross federal debt will soar from $17.7 trillion to $27 trillion over the next ten years. 

As ominous as this headline seems, it is a lie, and it does not even begin to explain the real danger this nation is facing.

As if not to be outdone, those of the—I’m not sure what to call them anymore?  We identify them as Republicans…but if your policies are designed for the republics destruction, not its preservation…plan to advance more communist designs in our nation, and the debauchery of the ‘solid’ currency of our nation, what about the party has proven they are for the Republic?  

Reading the headlines, and then reading this travesty of a budget, the name gave me a headache, ‘The Path to Prosperity—A Responsible Balanced budget.’     

Here is the horrible fact. They are both lies, premeditated, that perpetuates and feed on the ignorance of this nation’s citizens.

If one takes all of the presentation of both of these reports, combines them elevates them to some exponential power of (nth) to the highest possible, and compares them to ‘cow flatulence,’ the flatulence for value would be much greater.

Have you put gas in your automobile in the last (5) years? Gone to the grocery store, buying food, and been cognitive of the ‘PRICE?’ Bought anything, even that imported from the supplier of most manufactured goods in this nation…China…and noticed what is happening to the price? Are our citizens, our population so beyond even comprehension of the reality of what reality is; we have no idea? Here is something that every American should know, and memorize right along the Pledge to the Nation of our allegiance. Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million can diagnose—John Maynard Keynes, 'The Economic Consequences of the Peace!' 

What that says, for those who don’t put the destruction of the ‘value’ of the ‘purchasing power’ of the ‘wealth’ you earn, is that the inflation you are experinceing is the—not only direct, but the premeditated—plan of the politicans that are in control of this nation. Gas is not of greater costs because gas is more expensive. It is more expensive because the value—the purchasing power—of the American…not dollar…but congressional monopoly money, is falling faster than a decending meteor in our atmosphere.

It is the same thing with these, both of these reports, is that they are written as if the dollar has some constant value. Our dollar has about the same value as the stability of the sand facing the ravages of hurricanes on our ocean shores.        

In the ‘enumerations’ of the constitution of this nation, in section 8, line 5; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

Who in their right mind would believe the intent, the principle of our founders was to have the government, debauch, and destroy the value of the very instrument of our economic activity? If so then you are one of the lucky few that can hold a conversation with our politicians, the Federal Reserve, and the bureaucracy of this nation; for they are the only ones that clueless.  

To begin with understanding the monetary policy, we don’t need much knowledge. When this nation began, to insure that the ‘VALUE’ of the currency was retained—this nation used the Spanish pieces of eight. Why you may ask? I was simple really, the silver—as the base medal—of the coin, had the value of what the coin was worth—either as a coin, or the base medal. This is the foundation of currency. This is why the Constitution states regulate the value—the meaning, the principle, that is throughout our nation’s historical foundations—to preserve, maintain, retain, and keep the value of the currency. There was never a design to destroy, to debauch, and to devalue the value of the currency. Devaluing the currency is the same as ‘THEFT.’ To do so premeditatedly, is worse than just theft, it can only be identified as absolute soulless lack of any ethnical behavior of anyone. Yet, today this very action is the foundations of every action of our government, the administration, the congress, and the bureaucracy supporting their actions.

Historically the Spanish (8) was rejected as our currency when the Spanish, lowering the silver amount in their coin—incidentally this is the exact template and procedure of this nation—where it did not have ‘VALUE’ equal to the face amount…that the currency represented in currency transactions. This is the simple means of ‘debauching’ the value of the currency. To preserve the value of currency, by its property of existing value, wealth is a concept—this simple fact—is known called Say’s Law. This law states simply that ‘goods and services’ should buy ‘goods and services.’ The currency, the medium of exchange is just that—nothing but a medium of liquidity, a means—accomplishes the ‘contract’ of enterprise, the buying and selling. In the world of real solid currency, and stable value, this is and the only purpose of currency.

I know not the word that would be used to identify what a dollar is worth in the future, if one used it in any means to ‘forecast, or budget’ anything in the future. We amortize money, for value in the future, based on some rate of return. We earn, or it makes a return for its very existence for others to use that wealth—pay interest—and this results over time the wealth—the value we initially had…has some value in the future.

Now for the government to make such a projection, the inverse must be included in the budget proposal. To make it in terms that is easier to imagine here is an example. When I quit smoking, I earned about $10 hour. A carton of cigarettes cost $2.32, two dollars and thirty-two cents a carton. In a vending machine, a pack of cigarettes was 25¢. The wealth—the currency value of my money, my currency—measured in cigarettes was for each hour of labor, I could purchase 40 packs of smokes. For a quarter a pack, for a dollar 4 packs, for 10 dollars 40 packs. Today a pack of smokes, in the state where I lived and was a heavy smoker, the cost for a pack of cigarettes is ≈ $6. Now for me to have the same wealth of purchasing power, per hour of labor, using cigarettes as the baseline of wealth, what would my wage per hour be? To remain constant is easy. It would be—40 packs, what I could buy at 25¢/pack, times (the current cost) of $6 pack times the number of packs an hour of labor would purchase. The wage requirement would be $240 dollars an hour, just to maintain the purchasing power of when I quit smoking. Though I’ve charged more than that for an hour of my service, I’ll ensure you, I did not get that amount as my payment for services.

It is the same in every measurement—in each commodity—in each service, of our society. The difference of separation between those who make more, and increase their wealth, is not that they are paid more. The difference is that the service they provide, such as the most skilled and least available—an example a skilled surgeon—have been able to retain their purchasing power of their labor, not that it cost more, but because they are retaining this—PURCHASING POWER—of their service costs. Those who have less demand, cannot raise their ‘cost’ as there is competition, and others who will provide the service at a ‘RATE, a PRICE’ that purchasers will pay.

The result, the less skilled, the less in control of the economic environment they participate in, are the first victims of the ‘government’ ‘debauchery’ of the ‘VALUE’ of our ‘currency’ and ‘monetary’ policy.

That is the past record of the wonders of our nation’s government—for who are the only people who can change the ‘VALUE’ of our currency—is our wondrous government, and the most incompetent financial institute known in the literacy of man, the Federal Reserve, a travesty beyond measure.

What are the current conditions of our wondrous incompetent legislative bodies, the congress, the bureaucracy, and most certainly beyond any doubt the tragedy without comparison, the oBOMBo administration?

You can look up any consumer index of value in comparison to the American dollar since this error of this nation. You will inform yourself that the purchasing power, since the emasculation of this Mea Maxima Culpa, America’s greatest mistake, is ½ or 50% of what it was when he took office. What the Congressional Budget Bureau’s report is explaining—that the next 5 years this rate of debauchery, the loss of the dollars, purchasing power ‘wealth’ will accelerate, and be even more.

So let’s use just this simple reference as our ‘constant’ of losing buying power.

In a ten year budget what would that mean? Here is the question, not asked, not considered, or even thought about.

If the dollar—today’s dollar—is devalued at this rate, over a five year period—what does that mean to our calculations?

First of all, any savings proposed by reductions in whatever magic is being proposed are false, and a fallacy. Fact is, in 5 years the amount of saving proposed will be only ½ of what the projection states. Why is, of should be hopefully by now, that the dollar value is less by this 50%, so any saving expected will also be less—by the same 50%.

As if that isn’t bad enough, there is another problem. We are looking over what seems like eternity when evaluating the incompetency of our government. We are also adding another 5 years upon the first 5 years. We know, the minimum loss of wealth, by the record of our comparison currently of debauchery, is for every 5 years the value of wealth of the dollar is being cut in half. The result, that 50% reduction of the current dollar down to ½ of its value, will reduce that amount by another 50% over the next five years. So we will not be receiving any reduction of savings dollar for today dollar in 10 years, we will receive only 25¢ for every dollar currently budgeted. So whatever illusion, or hallucination that this budget of magical imagination states will occur, is 4 times higher than fact, even at this limited devaluation—we are told will accelerate.

If this was the only part of the problem perhaps it would be allowable to forgive such a misrepresentation of reality. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg.    

For those who have never done budgeting, this is a down and dirty quick scenario. You are attempting to ‘project’ into the future, based on what has happened, or is currently happening. It’s that simple. A comparative of what you know your income steam was, and the expenses you have and will continue to have. In the government budgeting this is the comparative, they are in some illusion attempting. The things we can—cut back on—decrease expenses—and compare them to—the expenses, what we will have to pay in the future. If costs are reduced, and the expenses stay the same…this will lead to a reduction in the fiscal position of the organization, the company, or even the government.

This is impossible because of what we’ve just identified with the problem in savings. The saving we thing we will realize, can’t happen because the wealth—the value—of the dollar is shrinking. So even if in dollars you can make it look like a reduction—it is not. For the value, the wealth of each and every dollar is falling, making the whole process a fallacy.

The savings are only the small part. For those expenses you—budgeted—for whatever amount proposed, were also made projecting the ‘value, the wealth’ of the dollar was to remain constant. If there is one thing we know about the dollar, since 1810—that is about as likely as Christ’s resurrection occurring tomorrow.

For you see, all of those cost of tomorrow in this budget projection are also a lie. For the dollar of payment tomorrow, will reflect the value of the dollar tomorrow. It is the reason since this communist design of fiscal policy has been advanced, the cost of energy, has doubled. The cost of attempting to secure—and preserve wealth…with gold—has doubled. Every commodity that is able to preserve value has doubled. The proof, it had to, for if the value of wealth of the currency, the dollar is half—is it not logical, reasonable, and factual that the cost of those commodities would be twice—to maintain the value of the commodity?

So we know, that the dollar’s value is shrinking by 50%, at the current rate, every 5 years. So if we budget for tomorrow, we cannot use the dollars of today, we must use the ‘VALUE’ of that dollar at the time span. In five years, for every expense budgeted for, will require twice the amount of dollars budgeted for. If we extend it to ten year, we will double that again. So for every dollar of expense budgeted out ten years, based on the dollar today, will require not a dollar, but 4 dollars for each dollar currently of recognized expense.

Remember, we are making a comparative between savings, and expenses, to reduce the deficit. If we have underestimated—or fallacy budgeted—our reductions, hypothesized by a factor of 4, meaning we are only going to get ¼ the amount of reductions we are saying we will. While we have underestimated our spending requirements by this same factor of 4, meaning we will need 4 times the dollars we thought we would, or we projected we would. The results are, the proposed illusion of savings is such a fallacy it is impossible to even consider. The gap, the differential between expenses and reductions is reduced not by a percentage, nor is it reduced by a factor. If the proposal suggests we will have a $100 reduction, in reality, the budget is probably a deficit 8 time larger than any reduction initially ‘proposed.’    

Our history has only one example of reducing the size of government and beginning to achieve fiscal responsibility. It was done with one action, and action alone, nothing else. It occurred with Warren Harding. He and he alone reduced the deficit, the only time in this nation’s history ever it occurred. His tool, shrink the size of government. This is the same format that all businesses use when market share shrinks, resulting that they have deficit fiscal positions. There is no other know way possible for it to happen, now or nevermore. This fallacy of increasing government employment, government spending in the economy, government intrusion into the ‘crony’ capitalism of insanity—can and can only—result in not the reduction of the problem, but by these same actions it acerbates and accelerates the reason in the first place the problem exists.

Ever government employee, puts 2½ other people out of work. Every dollar spent by government, steals $2.50 from the wealth of the people in this nation. Every dollar borrowed by the government, is paid for immediately by the reduction in the ‘wealth’ of the dollars of the citizens of this nation.

Economic illiteracy, in the citizens, is horrible enough. That our government agencies, our bureaucracy, our congress, the bureau of budget, and the administration are also economic—not only illiterate—but ignorant, is a tragedy that we must be corrected, if we are to save this nation.   

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Does this question not resonate whenever one thinks of the ‘debauchery’ that has occurred to the American dollar by government design. ‘Why is Bernie Madoff incarcerated, while the administration, the congress, and the bureaucracy that is their agents, not? Perhaps there should be a punishment much more than just incarceration, but that’s a personal choice.

Attempting to even comprehend why our citizens have no clue, the slightest iota of the catastrophe occurring, what is the why? Why is it that our nation’s citizens, those who are the victims of this fraud of immeasurable proportion, are oblivious to the event? What could have happened to acerbate and excel such lack of knowledge, advancing this unparalleled ignorance?  

How do we define the why of this problem? What is there about the average American today, that has perpetuated this absolute incomprehensible lack of understanding they—the public, the Federal Reserve, the banking system, wall street, the majority of the corporations in this nation, and definitely our congress, our administration, and the bureaucracy that does their bidding?

So we begin with the people themselves? Is our citizenry so incompetent, so illiterate—in economic realities—that even the words of description mean nothing? Have we so corrupted the world of reality, that our nation’s populace can’t distinguish fallacy from reality? Is there perhaps a more sinister reason, has the mental retardation of drug use…specifically marijuana…so retarded the mental capacity, rendering it incapable of ‘THINKING,’ we have lost reason? Is our nation somehow ‘evolved’ with this drugs use, ever the society itself—parent to child—has destroyed basic foundations of thought? 

Is the answer in our ‘conformity,’ not education of our academic environment? Have we so disregarded thinking, and replaced it with the mantra of ideological dogma, we lost the objective of why there is the environment of education…and teaching? Is this fallacy of emotional falsehood, this feel good environment of self—self-interest—delusion, so convoluted our society that even the concepts of right and wrong are dismissed from the society in which we live? Is this not heathenism? As it is the definition, then is it also perhaps by losing our foundations of mores, morals, and the religious foundation of our society equally the problem?

Should we not consider this simple reality, today in the wallet…or the purse…of the average American is the means to wealth unknown even to kings of 3,000 years ago! That is remarkable, when one considers it. Today, with the magic of unlimited credit, perpetuating the consumer society, with but a piece of plastic, with magnetic bar code, you can buy anything from a candy bar to an automobile. Not only does our society have this absolute remarkable wealth, they have a plethora of consumer articles available. A world of economic miracle never conceived in the history of mankind. Has this so corrupted our concept of even the identification of wealth, we do not comprehend or understand what wealth is? Can we not compound that problem? How many are there in this nation, up to third generations, that have never made any connection between working, or effort, and results? Their very existence, and their families’ existence is, and has been dependent upon the Post Offices’ ability to deliver to them the wealth—stolen from others, or printed from thin air…they depend on, and feel entitled to—for their sustenance? How can those who are in this society, through political design, to make the recipients ‘obligated’ to vote for them politically—for their own self-interest—not feel as victims? How can this reduction of liberty, the degradation of even human existence, respect, or acknowledgement become the genre of their normality?

Is there not another problem beyond comprehension? Listening to the political ‘ideologies’ suggestions of how to make the situation correct itself, who would not be confused? The communism of Keynesian monetary and fiscal policy of the Democrats is easy to hear, the only problem it doesn’t make sense, nor has any record of ever making sense. As if to not be outdone, the Republicans have the concept of waving some magic wand, coming up with equally ridiculous concepts, and them saying, see this works. When in reality, no they didn’t they acerbated the problem, and accelerated it, as their concepts do not deal with the reason the problem exists.

Think of our poor Bernie Madoff, what did he do? He was a thief who created a way to steal, that those who were the victims believed they were gaining from this event. I challenge anyone, any who think they are an economist, understand business, commercialism, are in the debauchery of employment of the Federal Reserve, the insanity of reducing taxes—and the insanity of their presentations, the flat tax, the horizon tax, the value added tax, the vertical tax, the psychedelic tax, or the insanity tax—present an antithesis of this position! Can they even present one example of their illusions, or hallucinations that have been successful! I’ll guarantee they cannot. I’d stake my life, as they are staking your wealth on it.

Bernie stole by telling people, you give to me, I’ll give to you—what more could you want? Is this not the same message of the political parties in this nation? Oh they give to others in different way, they steal from the treasury—from all of us…who are in the game rather we wish to be or not—by giving back to some, while stealing from all. Was Bernie’s design any different? If so, I challenge anyone to explain the difference!

The dementia of both Keynesian insanity, and the lower taxes insanity, at their foundations are not only equal—they are exactly the same in theory—using different tools of reason. The communist plan, if we put more ‘artificial wealth’ ‘valueless dollars into the economy—perpetual motion will begin—and the economy, because of this injection will continue on robustly! It’s worked so well that every time it has been attempted there is only one and only one result. I’ll continually use this example, for there is no better, and it is something every American should know and understand. The results of Keynesian communist monetary and fiscal policy…as all of communist design…were best identified by Henry Morgenthau, Jr. who was the Secretary of the Treasury under the Administration of Franklin Roosevelt as the Great Depression and its rampant unemployment were of primary focus for Morgenthau. After almost two terms served by Roosevelt, Morgenthau assessed the federal effort to relieve economic conditions by proclaiming, "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work...After eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started...and an enormous debt to boot!"

The lower taxes, through whatever illogical concept advanced, changing the tax concept to the above mentioned…the flat, round, square, or crazy tax…does what? The concept makes the revenue of the nation more, by allowing more of those who have capital, to invest that capital—excuse me isn’t this the same as the insanity of the communist plan of Keynesian insanity—to allow the expansion of business increasing the revenue environment? There is only one difference—the capital of those who are producers, invest in production—while the communist plan invest in anything but…unless it is crony capitalism of some ideology…in the enterprise of the economy.     

The result, tax revenue increases, the ‘deficit’ between the—as our illustrious one call it…insanity beyond reason…revenue—taxes and the government expenditures are less. Were any of the reasons for the problem corrected? Do you know? Have you thought about it, or do you accept the propaganda of lies—supplied by the Republicans—that it was so good, things were doing so well. Yes they were—if we compare it to the absolute incomprehensible incompetence of the Jimmy Carter fiasco. What if we compare it to political design of say, the long lasting corrections of Warren Harding, who corrected the problem? Would it even be comparable? I’ll save you the trouble of the research—there would be nothing comparative. Why, you may ask. It’s simple, Harding identified the errors, and dealt with what the errors were. Regan, as he was handicapped by the wondrous absolute incompetence beyond measure of Tip…never met a drink I didn’t take…O’Neal. The result of course, in the term of Ronald Regan, with the reduction of taxes, the debt ceiling was raised under Regan 17 times. Why, because the problem wasn’t addressed. The problem is not gaining more of the pie, or even making a bigger pie. The problem was then, as now, is not the revenue side. It is not the tax side. It is nothing but the spending side and the spending sides only. The reason that Harding’s design worked, and the reason it is the only way you can ever correct the problem. Remember it was the Republicans who broke the trillion dollar barrier, that was all that stood between the inanity we have today, and the Republican mess created by Nixon when the dollar was separated from the gold standard. Not only did Regan’s presidency break this barrier—it tripled—the debt from $1 Trillion, the base, to $3 Trillion in his presidency. Yes, he was a great president compared to Carter, but he was what he was. A great American, but he was as clueless of the economic realities of enterprise as our current disgrace. 

Whenever anyone makes a deal with the devil—as Regan did with O’Neal—the results should be expected. For every dollar that Regan increased the—sic (oBOMBa) definition, revenue, taxes—O’Neal and the wondrous Democrats, with the increased revenue, then borrowed $2.50 more for each dollar of revenue. Folks for every dollar of a pay raise you get, if you spend $3.50. I’ll guarantee you that you will be more in debt!

Think of the results of these actions. Today the most incompetent man to have perhaps ever walked the surface of this planet, is increasing the debt of this nation, by not a Trillion over the term of his presidency, but has so far averaged over—the estimate by independent auditors, not the propagandist of government coercion—of close to $3 trillion a year! Think of that, in but 5 years, we see the increase of debt, the debauchery of our currency, and the legislative intrusion into our society—creating expense for those in enterprise…resulting in cost we have no way now to even estimate…as corruption of our society for perpetuity; as long as this nation exists.

Could it be worse? Unfortunately it not only can it is. Since 1918 when this nation, by its economic strength, transposed the English Pound as the world currency—what small stability that could be established was based on the—solid currency—policy…in its abated reference of our own economic (communist) policies—had some limited effect, worldwide on some currency stabilization. When this nation monetized our currency policy, creating this present scenario of absolute—I lack the word, perhaps ideocracy—of our current monetary policy. It opened the floodgates to the absolute nonexistence of any monetary policy worldwide. Advancing not only the debauchery of currency, through inflationary policy, while advancing deflationary earning reductions created by the loss of wealth in the value of our currency—not only to this nation, but to all other nations worldwide. The direct result that the more and more economic and monetary incompetency was advanced in this nation—the same wealth and value of currency worldwide, was also destroyed. The result, today every nation on the face of this planet, all nations, without exception, is in the same conundrum of economic insanity—the communist monetary policy—of their own governments.

Think of this for just a minute. What if Regan would have undone the genesis of our nation’s problems, instead of kicking the can down the road, to be dealt with later? What if, the Republicans would have initiated that the dollar be tied to something of value, if not gold, perhaps another thing that must be created by effort, not some relativism of government ideology. What if the cancerous bureaucracies of Carter, Johnson, and Franklin Roosevelt would have been reduced, and removed, instead of their existence concreted, establishing them in stone, while being expanded. Think of a world without the EPA, the HUD, and all of the altruistic societies—the parasites feeding off the life blood of this nation—would have been removed! It is a world, a society, a nation that is beyond comprehension considering that today, we as a nation accept the thought of government, intruding into every segment, every corner, everything of our society.

With this economic change, of world currency position, another possibility, beyond the insanity of any nation, anywhere for any reason, occurred. Those with this new power—this magical capacity—this nation could make wealth out of thin air. A power no nation had ever decided that they could by some relativism of what the wealth of the dollar would be—politically—influence all societies…economic policy…beyond our shores, in the world economy, advancing the corruption of our monetary illiteracy.

How did we use it? The absolute corruptive insanity of the international monetary fund, using the communist tool of finance, and capitalization, to direct not only our nation’s direction, but the other nations of this planet.

The example, of our attempt to temper the actions of Russia in the Ukraine, the absolute useless policies of sanctions against Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and just about every other nation on the face of the earth. The two edged sword yielded as ineffectively no matter how. First, if you do not comply, we will chastise you, and not allow you in the society of our economic dominance, and our wealth—imaginary at best, illusionary in reality. If not we will loan you some of this same fallacy, making you a debtor and obligated to our system. The result, those who ‘steal the wealth,’ of our benevolence, use that wealth for what? They use it to perpetuate their power, in the political spectrum buying the votes, the same as this nation, the Bernie Madoff policy of both political parties. 

Excuse the length, I know many are literacy challenged, and if too long, as the average American have an attention span less than a great white shark of 3 seconds, it may be strenuous.

We are not in some easy scenario. Our pending demise—economically—is not something that can be corrected easily. It can never be corrected if as a society—as currently—we remain absolutely ignorant—of not only the problem, but even the esoteric of the language of the problem.

Today, the powers of Russia, China, and Iran—all with wealth—created by the lifeblood of modern society…oil…are devising how they shall leave the irrational economic currency policy perpetuated by this nation. It matters not if they use, dollars of barter, trade, or whatever the…real and tangible… means of measurement they decide on, it will destroy this fallacy of ‘thin air’ monetary policy of this nation.

The result, the debauchery of the communist policy to destroy this nation will be complete. Our wealth, being destroyed by our own government at an ever-increasing rate, while we stand in not only mute silence, but in cognitive of the reality. The dollar will have no value. Our printing presses will be of no use. The wealth of a great nation will have disappeared in the time frame of our life’s experience.  

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What has happened that those who live in this nation of wonder have forgotten that as Americans it is our wonder that creates that miracle?

As most of us wake up I the morning, read the news, and check outside to insure that by some magical transformation we’ve gone through some portal to a universe we do not recognize. Simple concepts are so distorted that without discarding reason and thought, it is difficult to even comprehend the statements themselves. We can all take the journey, it requires only one thing—the marvelous experience of thought.

Now many say we all think. If so, where is the proof? Or is it we don’t know what thinking is, so we can’t really measure it? Is it not only thinking, but even communication that distorts this ‘Brave New World’ of the ‘fundamental transformation’ we are experiencing? Have we so convoluted even words and concept, that the simple reality that as men, we are as the ‘Tower and Babel’ and cannot even express thought and ideas to one another? If so why has this happened, and if we can identify it has happened is it possible to correct?

That question posed has no previous answers supplied. The result if you engage your mind in wonder, you will experience that marvelous experience of thinking. For thinking is the one thing, we can verify, that this nation has far too little. Yet if we identify we don’t think, and we have areas that we should engage thinking in to contemplate, do we even comprehend what is required to think? As for that matter, do we even ever stop to think, can we talk to one another, or as the story of the ‘Tower of Babel’ was there an observation of fact it explained that what exists we can’t seem to comprehend today?

The latest comment that was beyond my limited capacity to comprehend was the statement of the head of ‘Homeland Security’ that ‘Illegal—(I do not know what these are)—immigrants, have earned the right to be U.S. citizens. The very convolution of the words used was enough to give me a headache. How can you do an illegal act, resulting in gaining a right? And when did God intervene and decide that only by breaking laws, he would decide if you are qualified to have a right? In addition, what is this right so inalienable that only those who break the law are entitled to it? You can begin to see my dilemma if you only stop and think about it for a moment.    

First of all, this was akin to hearing our current president talk; who talks like this, who lives in some fallacy that reality is rejected and words of insanity are substituted? Who has the foundations the background, the absolute ignorance of this nation to speak such as a blithering idiot, and then get it in the press? I’m amazed, that such people exist, and as they do exist what are they doing in any position of power in this nation? Compounding that little reality, if you have no idea what citizenship means, how in the name of Hades does one become the head of Homeland Security—that from my understanding is to protect this nation—not advance its annihilation? It became very obvious not only was the statement absurd, it couldn’t possibly be advanced by anyone who was an American? Who is this person? The only question my mind screamed for an answer.     

Well in this world today, we have means to use literacy, the written word to find out much in a short period of time. This is all possible by the miracle of the world of electronics, and the creation of a computer. Add to that wonder the efforts of ‘Al Gore’ and the creation of the internet, just about anything can be researched, with both good and bad information close to the speed of mental thought. Now in searching for Jeh Johnson, something jumped out in his bio that was remarkable. For you see, Jeh Johnson is the only person I know on a bio that is government related that is an ‘American.’ This jumped out at me, as I’ve filled out a multitude of forms, and had to write in American as it is not offered as a choice. Having them rejected, for even on the cultural hegemony census form we were all by ‘government decree’ forced…by threat of penalty…not able to declare ourselves American. Instead every subset—every hegemony—every separation of what we could or could not be, was available. There was not a choice for American. Yet this Mr. Jen Johnson…whose very name—Jen—is from an incident if Liberia…in private practice was an African American (again one of those things I have no idea what that is) but now as he is in a government position has risen above all others, us lowly peasants who grovel before our masters, and become an American.

Now with this foundation, he has become so elevated that single handedly without legislative design, rule of law, or any of those other impedances dictates policy. He and he alone, not as an employee of the government, one enforcing our nation’s laws, but as acting potentate, has determined that the very existence of being in this nation illegally is all that is required to be a citizen. 

When one thinks of this reality, isn’t it beyond reason we have so many government employees. Why? Why would this nation employ so many when, we are seeing it takes so few to run this nation? Think of it—we have a president that ignores the concept of enumerations of government! He uses the misguided concept that as he ‘has a phone, and he has a pen,’ that he has the power, through ‘executive orders’ to play god little (g) on earth to us the unwashed public, the citizens of this nation. It must be so; I neither hear nor read anyone objecting to this reality of fact. In fact, I’m not sure if our congress has been in session since the passage of the legislation that never existed, and was reconciled—creating legislation that never was in the first place—creating communism of central government taking over health care! Wait, I just remember, there is a continuum of bills passed by our disgraceful politicians passing funding bills, of which we have no money or—as the ignorant among us say, revenue—to pay for, to prevent not a government shutdown, but for doing anything to cure the every expanding problem of this nation’s monetary debauchery. How could we forget?

In a movie of the 60’s a line that has lived in infamy as it is as apropos today as when spoke. ‘What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.’ A script line from ‘Cool Hand Luke.’

Think about it for a moment. Is this not the prefect identifier of our current debacle of our nation’s absolute journey refuting every foundation of this nation’s design? Is it not that so many placed in position of power are not only unable to communicate, but apparently lack literacy to even attempt to understand the format of our nation’s design? Is it they can’t read, or is it what they read isn’t acceptable. For we watch in stupefied incomprehension as our elected one, reads from a teleprompter, saying such gibberish, do we not challenge he has any comprehension of his understanding what he says? If you have, you have either my admiration, for I’ve understood nothing. However, you may deserve my empathy, as somehow you’ve lost the ability and means of reason.           

Is it not the problem of this ‘failure to communicate’ that is the very reason this nation has such variance, such veering, such nihilistic journey from our philosophy? If it not that there is no understanding of the concept of enumerations, the idea of ideals, of principles, of simple foundations of both the concept of ‘equal’ and the wonder of ‘liberty’ missing from our current dialogue?  

This failure to communicate is not something new in this nation. In the literacy, the recording of those who even created this wonder, many had completely diametric opposite ideas of what our design is. Those same divisions exist to this day. If fact, in the reality of reality, it is more confusing as even the terms and applications have been so convoluted, what is a conservative of our nation’s beginnings is now in the camp of the federalist, those who advocate government. While the concept of liberty, once the bulwark of conservative principles has all but disappeared, gone, nonexistent in the actions and the concern—even considerations—of either political party.

If this is the problem, this ‘failure to communicate’ what do we have for confirmation? There seems to be a great problem in this nation, some illusion that all are the same. That all men everywhere are alike. That if we take a man from one society, in which the language of his programming of all of life he knows and transport him to another society—there is some magical fit, some restructuring occurs—making this assimilation possible. Is not the question, why, who came up with this and where is their verification?

As man has such problems understanding man, perhaps we should start with something most, 99.9% of those who work and understand functionally the wonders of the modern electronic area, or maybe 30% of the population, that computers have different operating systems. It is accepted intuitively that if you have an ‘Apple’ operating system, you cannot just plug it into an ‘IBM’ machine and have it work. Yet the reality is; the hard components of each machine are the same. The hard drive, the whirling noise making, the disk readers, the chips inside are the same—yet one cannot use the others language. How is it we can see this reality of difference, and not understand the same reality in the language of man?

How the reality that man is as a computer when we arrive. We are not a functional entity ready to face the world. All around us, we see those of the animal kingdom that are. In the world of the wildebeest, the newborn calf has on average of 4 minutes to conform to the society of the wildebeest or they become part of that generic population we identify as prey. For if a calf cannot, does not, and isn’t able to conform and join the herd—that is the result—guaranteed.

Here is where this inability this ‘failure to communicate’ occurs. When a man, of any race, is born, he has certain characteristics that make all men equal. It is that in all men, in their remarkable mental foundations come with ROM, the preprogrammed provided by our creator, to do what we to live must do. It is simple instruction, written into the DNA the generic instruction written onto deoxyribonucleic acid—as we have hard drives, bubbles, tapes and an assortment of other ways to convey pre-programmed information in the computer arena. We as men, have the same ROM instructions. Men at birth can change from existing in the amniotic fluid of the womb, and transform to the system of man, breathing air. The sensors, the transducers in the brain cell, identify the amount of CO2, carbon dioxide—sending a signal to the diaphragm to flex. This causes the lungs to inhale, and exhale, creating the transfer of air, and the required element of life, oxygen to enter the lungs, be absorbed into the blood stream and supplied to all of the body, creating the very sustenance of life. Either you have this in your ROM, preprogrammed system requirement of existence, or you die. There are no other alternatives, unless you are in a surgery suite that can mechanically preserve your life. This is repeated over and over in all of the systems of our body. It requires no learning on the individual’s part. No teaching or conformity from the society in which we live, it occurs all from the programming of life we are preprogrammed with. I will not keep repeating this wonder over and over, if you are cognitive, this reality should be known.

Is there a problem with what we know? Is there something that every rational sensible reasonable cognitive human being should—by their ‘own’ mental processing of ‘THINKING’—should not be identifying? We all have installed at our birth the ROM required of our life. We, none of us, anyone ever born, have any RAM. For it is the RAM, the random access memory, the magical formatting of our wonder, that is the operating system of our mental memory, thought, knowledge, intellect, and if developed perhaps intelligence and maybe someday wisdom. None of these remarkable abilities that a man can develop and obtain, come in our arrival.

As a computer, man also has to do that horrible task to develop the RAM of their knowledge. As a computer—where the magical requirement is, the operating system, the language of operations—so is man. For it is the language of man that becomes the RAM of his existence, language supplies all of the things required to make man, a Homo Sapient, thinking man, from animal. That means of knowledge, from which identification, storage, and retrieval can occur. It is how the human mind works. It is how every person that has ever been conceived, given life, basic anatomy, and become cognitive, with memory of the world around him gains knowledge.

Now here is where this ‘failure to communicate’ becomes evident. As the language of the operating system of an ‘Apple’ and an ‘IBM’ is different, so are all the languages and applications of man. There are those who are linguist among us who can explain the differences of how the basic structure of languages works; I’m not one. I know from experience that those of different languages do not even when knowing the language of English, cannot communicate in English. As a parrot they talk English—the use the words—but they make statements in the format of their…programmed…language. My simple world of international consulting, it was something that was difficult for me to understand. Often at a loss that what I’d explained in perfect understanding to me, as I only speak and write English at the barbaric level I do. Finding that the results were often the inverse of what I’d explained. For in their assembly of structure, how the bytes if their language work, they’d taken the words I’d said, interpreted them to their language—and the results were as expected. Their operating system, based on their language, was different from mine. The results, though they heard what I’d said, they did not understand what was the meaning, in English, I’d conveyed.      

So when we look at our nation, is it not obvious that our problem with allowing those with a different operating system, a different mores, a different social foundation of everything of this nation—and our operating system—that we do not have problems?

This ‘failure to communicate’ is not an unintended consequence. It sadly is the design of Antonia Gramsci who envisioned this destruction of this nation in 1920—that is now being applied since the absolute tragedy of the immigration policy of 1965. The is, and was the most illogical, ill-conceived, and irrational pieces of legislation ever from the mind of evil in the ‘communist’ advancement of culture communism specific to destroy this nation, and genocide the culture of this society, this federal republic of States United in America.

Our problems are large. They aren’t simple to cure. They aren’t something that can be cured by in the future something magical being applied resulting in any illusion of utopian society. The inverse is fact. Every step, every advancement, every movement of man’s society improving came about by work. Hard work, reason, study, learning, applying, and all of the tedious demanding effort are what are required in society to advance this wonder of our very existence.

To improve our society, preserve our foundations, and retain the remarkable concept of this experiment of our very existence requires we begin with one simple requirement. We must correct, and understand this ‘failure to communicate’ must be identified, and corrected. For no society where there are those with different operating system, their very foundations of culture, society, and understanding. Here we begin. Here we identify why so many attempts to correct our problems fail. Here is why so much government does only acerbate the problems that exist. It is traceable to the simple fact, ‘we…as a society…have a failure to communicate.’   

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What a New Year, yet can we not wonder this simple question. Is this the end?

Could there be more of a premise to the future of this nation than our present condition? Are we as a nation not in the same irony of the end of civilization before? The ‘beginning of the end’ as Wilson Churchill applied so apply after the ‘Battle of Britain.’ His metaphor applies conveying the reality the depths of destruction had been halted currently, and the future of the nation may survive. While currently in this nation—the destructive forces are as some never-ending tsunami of culture destruction destroying our society, while at the same time condemning our civilization.

Is it absolutely incomprehensible that a nation with the foundations by their very design allowed the people of this nation to stand apart, above all other societies that ever were; is now reduced to serfdom lower than any nation of chattel, potentate, or totalitarian nation or society every known in the history of mankind. Condemned not because so much as we have fallen, but because the incomprehensible of what we were when this tragedy began. No nation ever has the comparative of such a beginning as they rush headlong to a despair of what we are becoming. A nation from the pinnacle of design, to the depths of hell, our trajectory more magnified from the simple acknowledgment of how high were this nation’s ideals when it began. We now experience this free fall of absolute madness. The depths of the fall, only magnifies the absoluteness of the tragedy. For no nation, ever had achieved the pinnacle of magnifying the Protestant Christian concepts of Christianity applied in the form of government as this nation. Many scoff at that little reality, little realizing that if there was one iconic identifier of this nation wonder, and its destruction, the same barometer would be the signification. For if Christian of whatever else there is, perhaps papist, in the concept of the simple foundations of man’s right to ‘liberty’ it is not written or magnified in any doctrine other than the reformation of the concept of Christian belief. For it is, now as always, the only doctrine that recognizes the free-will, and the reality, the cognitiveness, that as the physics of the universe proclaim, it is man who comprehends in the very foundations of his soul that right and wrong exists. Good and bad is as much a part of man as his physical construct. For when man acknowledges that there is a right way, and a wrong way, to view all we do, does the reality when right is identified, and right is advanced has civilization advanced. Then man can truly stick out his chest, announce to the world, it may not be perfect but the way we do it is better than any before. Then the society, the civilization of that nation can they flout their hubris success, their acknowledgement that ‘no it wasn’t magical’ they have experienced the effort to achieve the result. Those results came from careful reasoning, studying, and acknowledging that not only in society, but also in the very soul of man is tacitly some magical identifier of evaluation. It is ‘absolutely’ remarkable to imagine that men are soulless, to a man with a soul. Yet in our experience as society as the citizens of our nation, as the actions of our political environment inundates us daily, that there are those without a soul. They also have no respect for man, or even the society in which we live. They refute the foundations of this nation, this civilization, the philosophy of Western Man since the known history of man, and the literacy of our species on a continuum.

Once a young man, a true idealist that in all his errors understood the absolute miracle of this nation, John Kennedy told us; ‘A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.’  

If anything emphasizes the loss in this nation, this little simple statement does. For in the history of mankind—no society, no people, no civilization—ever first acknowledged that as the scripture identifies, there is right and wrong, then reacted on that simple cognitive observation—that absolute common sense reality.

This nation, this absolute miracle, this acknowledgement of the conclusion of the reformation of national design, which began at the infancy of man’s literacy, achieved the highest pinnacle of design known then, or known today. That simple concept, the mirror of the Christian principles of man’s dignity of as living entities have, and deserve that simple reality—we stand as men who were born free, without constraint, without dictate, and that as men with free-will, will make those decisions. We make them for not only our government but our society as well. We as a people acknowledge men are born with liberty, and it is their right, by their approval to acquiesce that intrusion of government, to reduce their freedom by that choice.

Our nation’s founding father, George Washington understood the dichotomy of man as the agent for any legislation. ‘Mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government,’ Washington told us. Is not the current situation of what our government is doing proof positive of this reality? Is not the continuum of dismissing the whole concept of an ‘enumerated’ republic, with specified duties and responsibilities of what government is not only dedicated to do, but is restricted in what they can do, disappeared from our genre. On the other hand, even the design of what our government does. Has not the men, those who have gained the power of this nation…as men…completely disregarded our nation’s design…proving beyond any doubt that men are unfit for their own government?

In the journey of man, we have little knowledge of all events. In the last 6,000 years, since for some reason man miraculously decided that literacy, to think, and to record that thinking in the form of written language, was a great idea, we know. Yet in that adventure, we have many conflicting ideas, ideals, philosophies, and even ideologies, along with the theologies that man has experienced. In all of the different evaluations of mankind one thing seems, by objective confirmation, that has always been identified as man’s major deficiency of society; ‘theft.’ Even the concept of laws, organized society, legislation or even forming a society has always been with this simple foundation. This simple reality, this cognitive observation, we see actually written in the commandments of the Christian foundations. That it must be written as a law—or was written as a law—is ample proof that Washington’s observation of mankind, existed long before his evaluation. For it was written the simple doctrine; ‘thou shall not steal.’ In the doctrine of preservation of the theology of Judea-Christian foundations of a monolithic religious order, and the doctrine of such, why the commandment of ‘not stealing’ was included is a question hard to visualize and respect how important is this simple requirement for civilized society. So important it is inclusive in the basic doctrine of the theology of the religious foundations we identify as Christianity.

As many things that are but hypothesis, such as man’s evolution, never proven but accepted as doctrine; we can identify that the societies of mankind have been, in the quest to find and apply this simple construct, to create a society, and a governance applying this same principle. In man’s past, and the history of man, one thing has been clear. Man did not come with our foundations of society. In fact, even under the hypothesis of evolution, man is animal that has somehow transformed to a homo sapient, a thinking man. In that process, one of the results is civilization. Though some would question with the individual elected to lead this nation, perhaps not all in society advanced along this path, content in some retardation of development; or perhaps destructive behavior of drug use, and mental destructiveness.

Things developed, such as society, civilization, and the interactions of mankind’s genesis is difficult to trace. To say that ‘Theft’ is the driver of man’s society, is acceptable, as all of history verifies it. For what is the hierarchy of our societies known as government? Are they not based on the form of theft we identify as taxation? Has not taxation been identified since the beginning of man’s literacy, this record of the past, as theft? Yet the theft of all for the reason of a few is so accepted in this irrational comprehension we are a ‘democracy’ where the dumbest among us can elect their idol, the epitome of the dumbest among us. Who can and has shown in the position of power in a government without restriction—one without rules and enumerations of what it can and cannot do—has shown through action in such a glimpse of time, that any government can debauch and destroy any nation…and sadly even this one as the current scenario is confirming.





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In the ethnicity of our nation’s history, the song, ‘The World Turned Upside Down,’ is included! Is it not perhaps time, our nation revisits and rewords this ballad for who we are today?

One remarkable event in this nation’s history we acknowledge is the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. In that historical perspective, the British marched to their surrender with the band playing the march, ‘When the King enjoys His own again.’ Of little knowledge is that the tune was also the melody of the tavern ballad, sung during the royalist rejection of the Puritan rejection of all things—which we could only imagine in this nation—of celebration and Christmas.

Studying this time, or the Rump parliament, and the clash of Cromwell and the Crown, the breaking of the royal monarchy, the death of King Charles, is a history that is nothing but the foundations for the obvious result. That result that there would be a group of Englishmen, who continued the rejection of totalitarian sovereignty of any king, and pope, or anyone who would dominate society without approval of the citizens to be governed. That this nation would be the result was only inevitable. For the colonies of this nation, had already had self-governance, and had created the philosophical idealisms of what this nation’s government policy should be. We in this nation are unfamiliar with this foundation, but you can ‘Google’ it, finding the wonder of ‘the Articles of Confederation.’

This simple ballad—as much in history—became interwoven into the ethnicity of this nation, becoming as one with it. That this nation has an ethnicity is in itself remarkable. I’m always mesmerized by the word ethnicity itself. For it simply means that there is a culture, an identifiable characteristic of a group; as an American. For those who are Americans are a unique ethnicity, for they can come from any other ethnicity, reject—as the singular sentence of the poem by Emma Lazarus’ on the Statue of Liberty—with the only sequel, the only verse of American sense to this nation; ‘Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!’ For it is only by rejecting, and refuting the society of your heritage, and acceptance in our society of such simplicity, liberty and the sanctity of human life. Then and only then, when individually those who come to this nation, become one with this nation, then they are part of our ethnicity an American. Yet in the definition by Merriam-Webster uses this example: a particular ethnic affiliation or group <students of diverse ethnicities>. Is it not strange, that definition? Is it not the exact inverse of what ethnicity is? Is not ethnicity that a society has a culture, has a foundation, their proclaimed mores, morals, and most of all the religion, as Montesquieu identified long, long ago?  

Today we experience so many things in this nation that are not of this nation’s culture, or our society, it is difficult to identify the nation or our origins. Looking over the lyrics of the song, ‘The World Turned Upside Down,’ it seemed so appropriate to use it in the context of our nation today. The society of this nation is experiencing a ‘fundamental change’ and a transformation as surely as the world of England experienced when the revolution of this nation separated.

There is one great difference unsurmountable in comparative. In the separation of the United States from England, it was nothing but another, though separate of the reformation of the English experience. The pinnacle of their rejection of totalitarian monarchy, yet different that once accomplished—a philosophy of man’s freedom was born, not the continuation of what was, without a plan, resorting to what was before.

Today there is a plan for this nation’s future. It is the darkest and most demented ideology of social design known to the society of mankind. Proven time after time to fail, to reduce mankind to a society less than animal, where even the species of Homo is rejected. We find this conformation daily in the diatribes of our current president, in the actions of our congress, the decisions of the Supreme Court. We as a nation are so far from the culture and design of our nation’s wonder; to even find any essence of that wondrous exceptionalism, is difficult and so buried in ideologies foreign to our society, as they mirror diametric opposites. One is the liberty and preservation of man, the other the destruction and the domination of man. One with the acknowledgment of man’s creator and natural rights, the other with no more regard to man than but he is animal, regulated to chattel, slavery and serfdom to the power of government.

Perhaps you’ll also enjoy:

Listen to me and you shall hear, news hath not been this thousand year:

Since Wilson, Lincoln, and many more, you never heard the like before.

Holy-dayes are despis'd, new fashions are devis'd.

Old Christmas is kicked out of our nation and town

Yet let's be content, and slaves shall we be, you see the world turn'd upside down.

The wise men did rejoyce to see our Savior Christs Nativity:

The Angels did good tidings bring, the Sheepheards did rejoyce and sing.

Let all honest men, take example by them.

Why should we from good Laws be bound?

Yet let's be content, and slaves we shall be, you see the world turn'd upside down.

Command is given, we must obey, and quite forget old Christmas day:

Kill a theology, or culture and compassion destroy, we will give thanks and praise amain.

The bong will be inhaled, we will hallucinate and think we think.

And visions blurred confused and strange abound.

Yet let's be content, and slaves we shall be, you see the world turn'd upside down.

Our President and congress, and the Supreme Court too, do mean old American principles to forgoe:

They set legislation upon our citizens, for there is no liberty thereat.

They count it a sin, when citizens are heard.

Totalitarianism by power, freedom is drown'd.

Yet let's be content, and slaves we shall be, you see the world turn'd upside down.

The government redistributes our taxes, and debauches our wealth.

The congress out of the way, the feds keep the keys,

The poor old worker, in his account doth look,

Where no wealth still exists, or hope can be found,

Yet let's be content, and slaves we shall be, you see the world turn'd upside down.

To conclude, I'le tell you news that's right, Christmas was kil'd by Engel v. Vitale

Christianity was slain at that same time, the Court had ‘kicked God out of School.’

Likewise then it dies, our philosophy and ideas did too.

No mores, morals or religion no quarter found.

Yet let's be content, and slaves we shall be, you see the world turn'd upside down.



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Has the hypothesis of evolution been confirmed? Is man today nothing but identified as not Homo sapiens, but more correctly identified as Homo obliviosus? 

Our use of Latin to identify the stages that some men hypothesize man in his journey of existence on this planet is interesting. Greater in that in observation is the reason for the different stages of our journey measured over some time line of academic identification. This identification begins at the acceptance that man, as but a creator, one of the animals of this planet, by some fate of luck, or accident became something unique and different from all others. In fact, man is so unique and different from all others, he is the only animal, by their theorem, achieving this advancement. The only animal, that became civilized by definition, developed language, the written word, and the use of tools, electricity, and all of the other wonders of man; yet began from the same beginning.

If other primates do have the mental capacity of abstract thought, do they not wonder, why them? Why are we as we always were, while they, those other primates accomplished so much? Changing the very world on which they exist for their use. Refuting that man is just governed by the existence of nature, but doing all in his power to protect and preserve his species from the very powers of that danger of nature. In the comparative with man society, it is funny as I write this question, it is the exact question that those who believe in communism ask; ‘why do not I have all that all other possess?’  

IN the anthropology of this hypothesis, certain high points, those things that occurred changing our adventure of existence, measure man. One such measurement is identified as Homo erectus, upright man. In strange reality, there is no example of man, not upright. But why should we let a little thing like reality, or lack of any tangible proof of this fact, cloud the relativism of those who have reached this hypothesis? No, man from what we know came as upright, not primate, so maybe the beginning—the creation—of man would be more appropriate.

Then man for some reason, perhaps he subbed his toe, developing speech to cuss out the situation. Perhaps he was compelled to take from others, and needed some way to notify them that he was ‘fundamentally transforming’ and ‘redistributing’ the wealth of others. The why we can only speculate; yet, this is identified as another event on this historical journey, of man’s experience. From language came thought, reason, communication, and eventually the ‘literacy’ of man. The written communication of mankind, the one tool so vital to communicate not only with each other, but across the void of time. Where the thought of man today, will be read and understood by man in the future; if our species survives.

This man, this identification is Homo sapiens. Those who can think, reason, and from such have advanced mankind, encouraged civilization, created social entities today never comprehended in man’s past. Truly thinking and creative man exponentially building on the foundations of those before to make the future better for all of mankind.

Can we say now that man is advancing? Is even the culture of mankind improving? Is the very sustenance of the society of man improving? What measurement, what validation exists showing that this current society of mankind has any improvement identified? Alternatively, can we even as thinking, Homo sapient man, even find one example of any improvement in the society of man? Is it not in fact that the inverse is fact? Is it not that our measurements of society are not advancing, but as a society going backward? Our very ethnicity, our societies—very specifically the society of the most advanced achievement of mankind, America—is exponentially on a course reverting to barbarism, not man’s advancement of civilization!      

There is no way my amateurish excogitations will ever be included in the anthology of our society. For I am but as every other average, pay your bills, enjoy my simple pursuit of happiness, and content to enjoy the fruit of a nation that allows me liberty—though under the present attack on this society—it is a slowing disappearing measurement of freedom with the intrusion of government. For there is not an American in this nation…one who believes in the simple philosophical idealism of man are equal—and that equal is magnified under the courts of this nation, and the laws this nation’s government—which exists by those same citizens ratification of acknowledging and renouncing individual sovereignty—treat each and every one of us the same. As such, any American with this simple foundation has the ability to write a diatribe of the variances of legislative action in complete diametric opposition to this principle.

It is not the mistakes that create or make us wonder; for we all can identify them. What we lack in this nation is the absolute apathy, the complete acquiescence of even acknowledgement of the reality in which we exist. Today we are the nation of the oblivious. This factor is most identifiable in the abject rejection of those of the white race in this nation. The verification in the last election when a confirmed communist was running to continue the nihilism of this nation, over 44% of the white race eligible to vote advanced gormlessly a nonpareil decision—I will not vote! By this simple action confirming that the white race in this nation has reached some déclassé and acceptance of the coup de grace of this nation—beyond just a mea culpa, of my mistake, but refuting the fundamental concept of English foundations to forfend the defense and preservation of this miracle of this nation, and our design.

Is that what a Homo sapient would do? Is this the action of thinking, reasoning, and rational society? Alternatively, is could it be that we have somehow changed from that identification? Is it perhaps we are not any more Homo sapient, and as such should we not as all of the hypotheses of anthropology again make an identification of what our society is currently?

What is the most absolutely confirmable identifier one could make of society of this nation? What words would be most identify the majority of citizens in this nation? What concept is most descriptive of what our nation has become? There are many, many, many more than any one of individually could identify. So many in fact we would be hard pressed not to make a travesty of the size of the current greatest travesty, the advancement of communist medical policy in this nation; the 2,500 page ‘oBOMa-NATION policy of the greatest mistake, beyond the election of this travesty…our national mea maxima culpa, our greatest mistake…in this nation.      

One world that is obvious above all others is the simple fact for a variety of reasons most in this nation are oblivious. An obliviousness that compounds all of the ignorance of mankind, the lack of literacy of politics, of history, and of economic reality. In fact a society so propagandized, knowing only the minutia renderings of what masquerades as journalism and press; it is beyond unknowing, it is a willing suspension of even cognitive reality. Is this not sufficient to make a new classification of our society? Identifying this new milepost of a man who is completely oblivious to even reality? Is not the Latin identifier of oblivious, obliviosus most correct?

So in the world of man, in our adventure of existence on this planet, as the world turns, and we ‘fundamentally transform’ not only our society, but also the very nature of man; is not ‘Home obliviosus’ most appropriate and correct in identification?    


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To stop and contemplate this reality; the Democratic Party with this simple foundation advances the communist ideology; ‘all men are victims?’ This accomplished with passing legislation and laws that insure and perpetuate the simple communist ideology by design that; ‘all men are—by the actions of the government guaranteed to remain and continue being—victims!’ 

It is beyond comprehension that using the same words, by application, results in achieving the exact dichotomy. To identify man as victim—then advance the perpetuation of legislation—insuring that man is victim, is so illogical and irrational it is a wonder it is so successful.

That it does work is a wonder. Yet the fact that in our society it is successful; is perhaps this is the more important question? Is not the reality, the fact that the ideology of communism— proven throughout the empirical history of man; nothing but a colossal failure— in in some either dope induced stupor, or advanced the success of learning ignorance beyond reason, is now accepted?

In each case, the results are obvious. Today the advancement of communism is accelerating unobstructed as the nihilism of this present administration is in compliance so exactly with the template of Lenin’s destruction of Russia, one can only hypothesize that Lenin’s design is on the bed stand besides our president’s copy of Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto.’ For by just cognitive acknowledgement of the actions—the proof, that our current administration and a compliant congress, Supreme Court, and bureaucracy…are all assisting in this nihilism of the American nation, the United States…‘fundamentally transforming’ our exceptional miracle and wonder of the philosophical idealism of this nation. 

In the experience of watching the destruction of this nation—by this advancement of the dementia of communism—one thing stands out as the obvious icon in identification of this sociological, psychotic, ideology. It is so simple that every America should be able to identify this psychosis, this total rejection of all society of mankind, from their own life’s experience. The simplest identifier of communism by my definition is; ‘I’d rather steal from the efforts of others, through the legislation of government, than be responsible for providing anything—even my own sustenance.’ While willing to accept and be content renouncing their position as an entity of the species homo sapient. They reject not only a creator; but by doing so reject that, man has enumerated rights or responsibilities, refuting the free will of man. They dismiss even the rudimentary concept of accepting or advocating thinking, accepting slavery, while content to be but, as animals; chattel to be herded and moved, controlled and dominated by the totalitarian sovereignty, the whim of government’s design.

In the study of this psychotic dementia of psychosis, there seems to be a single similarity of all who ‘believe’ and advocate such. They accept theft. They also have no problem, as recipients of stolen property, accepting this theft; for their benefit. If we study the men who advocated this demented ideology, it’s interesting they all have an identifiable similarity. There is not one person who has advanced the ideology of communism who has worked providing anything but social disorder to society. None worked, the closest association was that of Marx, who lived off the enterprise of Engels, without whose altruism, the design of those who wish to be supported from those who work, would have died as all vagrant dopers, and drunks in English society. The world would have none of the psychosis of Marx, the dementia of communism, and the advancement of legislated theft by government.     

There is an equally interesting theorem, or hypothesis one by not research, not by study, or reasoning, just by observation; can conclude. The reality of bureaucracy and of government legislation is that no matter what the objective in the legislative process they create; the results are more problems than originally existed. Thus requiring yet, more and more legislation to correct the unintended consequences not foreseen. The inevitable result, more legislation, leading to the only thing that any legislation has ever created, more problems. Then what required? It requires more legislation, under the guise of unintended consequences, to create more, more and even more legislation of irrational, illogical, ill prepared, legislation leading to even more, and even more beyond that of new legislation. The end result; you guessed it, more legislation to correct whatever the latest catastrophe created by government intrusion into more and more of our society leaving nothing untouched!

This nation is inundated by the propaganda of such irrational, illogical, and insane indoctrination that we have rejected and refute thought and intellect in our decisions, our actions, and even our daily existence. A nation that is so lost, without foundation, wandering without direction, as it is being coerced toward its nihilistic destruction. While the citizens, of this nation of wonder are oblivious of the event, unbeknown that every action, every piece of legislation since the Tyranny of Abraham Lincoln, the insanity of Franklin Roosevelt, the vicious and vindictive advancement of our current nihilistic president and his absolute destruction, the ‘fundamental transformation,’ of our nation is occurring.  

Yet, those who would destroy this nation are correct. It is that our citizens of this nation are victims. Sadly, it is not the victims they identify and use in their caustic patronization as the ploys, the reason, to advance their destruction that are truly the victims. The victims are the citizens of this nation who in abject ignorance, and with a willing suspension of disbelief, stand in silent ignorance, oblivious to the advancement of the destruction occurring to their society of wonder—the absolute miracle that is this nation.    

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Attempting to explain the difference between the society we are, a republic, and the illusion that so many think we are, a democracy, this retort was offered to this simple fact. We are a democracy because we have representative government.

That simple analogy was so beyond any reasoning I’d ever considered, like an epiphany it became obvious that this simple misconstruction answered the reality that today this nation is so far from its design, our designers would not recognize it.

If we envisioned the course of our nation, following a path like a river, we’d now be walking beside a dry stream, like one in the Texas drought, where the only thing in the river bed would be is dry sand. It would be void of any semblance of it once was, or any suggestion of what it once was.

The why would not be because of a drought, thought that may be an analogy, but because as a society we have so diverted, and changed the course of our design, there is nothing left for us to ‘even recognize’ who, or what, this nation’s miracle once was.

Is it that simple? Is our nation’s destruction accelerated and advanced as easily as replacing the design of representative government with the entry drug of communism, democracy?

For those who question this analysis, let me share who first advanced this obvious conclusion, Vladimir Lenin, who realized that it is the perfect tool, this democracy—for it by its very construct—creates the cornerstone of communism; that there will never be the respect of nature’s laws, and nature’s God, if advanced. For foremost in the constants of nature’s law is this simple endowment of self-evident acknowledgement, that all men are equal. That all men are born with free-will, that all men have domination over their greatest wealth—that very life of creators gift—and that all men have the rights to be protected from the domination…and the control…of other men.   

This reality has been confirmed in the reality of mankind since the ‘trial of Socrates.’ Man’s first challenge to the power of the most dangerous entity ever created from the mind of mankind, government. It has been confirmed by the philosophical evaluations of philosophers over the ages. From Socrates, to Montesquieu, to Tocqueville, to our own present American philosopher, Thomas Sowell of this reality.   

Thinking of the retort, that we have elected representatives—thus we have a democracy—was a simple analogy of error we seldom consider. For the design of using the vote…as in representative government of this nation’s design…and the universal voting rights of everyone, as in democracy, are as inverses as night and day.

If as a society, we do not understand this reality. What is missing creating this error? In my simple analysis, my conclusion is that we as a nation do not understand physics. The reason we as a nation must understand physics, is that the reasoning required to comprehend our design, is based on the simple reality of the second law of thermodynamics, or as many know of cause and effect, Newton’s second law of motion. The concept, the fact we must comprehend and understand is ‘cause and effect.’ For it is the actions of the decision to do, by man, and the fact that he…that same man…will reap the results of those actions which is the basic knowledge we must comprehend.

For it is this simple fact, this simple constant, that is our nation’s design. As such, those who voted in this nation were never designed to be universally all. For what rational nation would allow those to vote, who did not have to live with the results of the decisions they made. How can a man, who pays for the excesses of government spending, and the result of the actions of that government, in rational reasoning, allow those who would benefit from the theft of taxation to have the opportunity to also vote? It is the most illogical, irrational, and unreasonable concept ever devised by man. For by doing so, it refutes that basic concept of physics; that the cause and effect must be in the genre of politics have results to all ‘equal.’

There never was, nor was never intended that all men in a society would be allowed to vote based on the simple reality—they exist! For to do so is so irrational, illogical, and in diametric opposition to the simple physics of the physical world, the universe in which we live, it is incomprehensible that anyone would even contemplate such irrational, illogical, design.

Is that the problem? Is it that our society, the men who inhabit this planet, have no more understanding of the ‘constants’ which make up the universe? Is it the simple reality that in all of the empirical history of man, we have one thing that is an example of confirmed variable? Is it beyond understanding that the variable is, that man, and his ability of ‘abstract’ thought and reason, is that variable? Alternatively, do we even comprehend what the concept of variable is? Do we even lack that?  

There are many different definitions used in many genres that identify variable for their use. The only constant is that ‘variable is not consistent.’ In the society of man, this is most easily recognized by considering an experiment. In the hypothesis of man we conduct experiments to use the same genesis, our foundations, resulting in a conclusion. If the conclusion is repeated over and over every time we do the experiment, then we say because of the results are constant, not variable, then the hypothesis is proved, and accepted.

Yet in the actions of man, there is no hypothesis of our political environment we require proof. For in our society of man, we repeat our experiments over and over, even when in that experiment we have—by the results—confirmed, proven it is failure. Yet we, in the environment of the artificial entity of man, government, do it again and again, with failure after failure. The difference, we compose different inputs to the same experiment, proven to fail, with some illogical illusion that, no, now we have the answer. Never once do those who believe in ideology, not reality, accept the fact that the very constraint, the very idea, is in error and will never no matter the application be successful, or work.

The examples could fill a book; communism, islamism, democracy, totalitarian sovereignty, which are all synonyms of the same disease that has plagued mankind since its conception; government. It is no more evident than the illogical insanity of advancing both theft, slavery, and insanity of the ideology of communist control—by government—of the health care system.

In the history of the literacy of mankind—there is one, and only one—example of a concept of government with the result of success. It was the wonder of the United States of America, from 1775 to 1789. This brief window of existence a nation with the only design of government that had within its construct, all of the protections of man’s natural laws, and the laws of God’s design were preserved. It wasn’t even a design of western man, it was the plagiarizing of the construct of the tribes of the North American continent; where the Iroquois federation of five tribes, established a unwritten constitutional government and elaborate political system. The key, the wonder, you not only enumerate—restrict—government, you keep it powerless, unable to dictate—to be the totalitarian sovereignty—to the society of man. This is the reason of this nation’s very existence, and something as a nation, with the corruption of the illusion we are a democracy, and those who do not have to live with the error of their vote, have destroyed.

That is the error. That is our demise. That is the ignorance of our society. Perhaps that is the easiest correct. The means to restore reality, restore reason, and restore logic to this absolute insanity of the path currently of this nation. Perhaps the answer is that simple. If we ensure that those who vote, must be responsible to pay for the actions of this government; perhaps the sanity of our design can be restored.

This is not something new, something original of our nation, not known before. For long before this nation, in the early 1700’s the Scottish in their union with England made the obvious observation. ‘Government has no right to steal in the form of taxation, that which an individual by the criminal laws of the nation cannot do.’

Is it that simple? If we reject the power of government to steal in the name of government—that no man in society can do—is that just how simple our preservation may be?   



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In four words, explain America's exceptionalism!

If allowed but four words; could you explain why America should be admired, cherished, and preserved for the exceptional miracle it represents?

In this nation today when Americans are experiencing the destructive nihilism of government actions creating this destruction; those same Americans lack the capacity to explain or present the wonder of this nation. Is that by accident? Alternatively, could the answer be as citizens we haven’t been taught, either learned, or understand the wonder of this nation? To complete this absolute incomprehensible wonder, why can’t Americans but remember four words? For if, they know those magical four words, understand their meaning; they would have the answer, the philosophy, and the idealism of principles that define this nation’s miracle.

In the four words, one is absolutely paramount and required to understand this nation. For it is one singular concept that defines this nation; and it is not hidden. In fact, in the very declarative of this nation, the document ‘The Declaration of Independence,’ this simple reality stands out like a beacon in the darkness of night for our acknowledgement.

In the literacy of mankind, there is that simple singular sentence that does today, has in the past, and as long as this nation survives—a great question with the actions of our government and the present administration—will be the epitome of man’s greatest political philosophical idealism ever. What simple language saying so much. How can any American not know this, not be able to explain this, and in their heart not adhere to this marvelous principle? ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’ Is it not beyond comprehension that any American, if asked what this nation is for, could not explain the wonder of this philosophy?

So we know one word, it’s simple…Liberty…for without liberty, then man is slave and all of the other ideals, principles, or concepts are null and void, for they have no value for any man who is not immersed in this environment of wonder, liberty.

Yet our founders left us with an example of absolute wonder, a genius that many do not recognize or even understand. For they were men, men of reason, men of principle, and men of cognitive reality; they saw reality as it is, not in some relativism of false ideology of our current political environment. As such, they before any other action identified what they knew from the history, the empirical knowledge of the civilization of man before they even began to construct a government. What would you identify as the greatest danger ever known in the history of mankind? What would you identify as the greatest danger that man would have to consider if they were to begin and create a new form of government? A form of government this planet had never known. A government that was the diametric opposite of any attempt ever know of governance. A concept based specifically on the knowledge of every indefinable error, mistake, and problem that every government since man’s recording of literacy…and surely far before that…had experienced. Would you not first have to identify those things that created the problems? Would you then not have to specifically state the problems, and from that evaluation then begin the creation of a system addressing the errors of man’s past? Is this not the format of man using his capacity of intellect, his ability of developing intelligence, and as this knowledge results in wisdom—would it not be best to make decisions from wisdom—not emotions or platitudes, ideologies  or fantasies, illusions or hallucinations? Would it not be the reasoning of mankind that thought, intellect, and empirical knowledge of experience of man’s history…his successes and failures…be the most vital, the most important to this creation of the most wondrous society possible?    

If we as citizens today, do this same analysis, what would we discover? We’d discover what our founding fathers acknowledged and used as the very fundamental foundation of everything they created. The reality, the obvious, the known since literacy of mankind, and long before that; there is no greater danger to the liberty of man, than…? If you could answer anything other than government, you are in cognitive of reality! For in the history of the species of mankind, there is, nor ever has been anything as dangerous, or as detrimental to mankind than—government. How any American forgets this reality, this obvious fact, is beyond comprehension? What lack of reason, lack of even the slightest intelligence, the capacity of intellect would be require to not conclude this? Where, and what is an example that government has done, now or ever, anything to advance the society of man—except this nation—with the foundation of creating a government acknowledging this reality. With that acknowledgement, the greatest design of government ever created by man was established. The guidelines, the wonder, the miracle above any miracle ever by mankind led to the simple design of the ‘Articles of Confederation!’

Many dismiss this wonder, this marvel of the Articles of Confederation, who can only be identified as enemies of that simple philosophy of man’s endowed rights of ‘liberty.’ Their corrupted excuse, identical to the blasphemy of our current president complaint of the ‘Constitution,’ his very words, his condemnation; Obama stated that ‘I’ view the current Constitution as being a negative document. IN that it does not grant enough power to the federal government.’

This isn’t something new, this is the same complaint of others who believed in the domination of society and man. Who among us could not hear Alexander Hamilton stating the same, the obvious? For was this not the same argument to overturn the ‘Articles of Confederation’ and replace it with a government document that provide more ‘power and domination’ to the federal government?

It is not something a great revelation to realize the wonder of ‘The Articles of Confederation.’ One only has to read the indictments of the ‘Declaration of Independence’ those enumerated, and listed documentation of the King’s ‘repeated injuries and usurpations’ against the American’s ‘rights and liberties.’ Then read the Articles of Confederation. What you will discover is so simple, so obvious; it is beyond any possible confusion that our founders feared government more than any danger known to mankind. For in The Articles of Confederation, the fears of man—and the cure to prevent government usurpation; that attack on unalienable rights, and the preservation of man’s liberty—were addressed and preserved.

Therefore, we have the philosophy required to make liberty possible. It is this design to enumerate government, to restrict government power that only then can preserve the Liberty of man.    

So the next two words are exposed, fear government. For without this abject fear, and consideration by every action in our society concerning government, we as a society by our own volition become slaves.

Liberty cannot exist without the fear of government. They are not separate; they are a summation, which one cannot be if the other is. 

Liberty, fear of government, both is philosophies. Ideals that any civilized society must not only know but also understand ‘to even say’ they represent civilized society. Yet there is one concept, one remarkable word that must also be understood before even the application of liberty or government fear can be considered.

This is the magic fourth word. It is the word used by Jefferson as self-evident, that man endowed by their creator is created ‘equal.’ For is this word is not known, is not understood, is not applied correctly, the exceptionalism of the wonder of this nation’s design is corrupted, rejected, and made null and void.

The word is so simple, in design and definition, why it is misused, misunderstood, and misapplied is beyond the reasoning of rational mankind. Who among us has not heard this word used in so many ways, in so many misapplications, and in such convoluted presentations, even the meaning is distorted? It is such a simple world, such a simple idea, such a basic philosophy, concept and ideal yet the most confusing thing to the reasoning of most men in this nation. What word could create such confusion, such absolute incomprehensible reasoning of man? The answer is so simple for the word the concept the idea is something man created from abstract thought, begun with physical acknowledgement. In the world of measurement, in the world of math, in the reality of physical construct equal is recognized and exists. From man’s very beginning of physical measurement, the simple balance beam scale, where on each side the weight was equal to the other side when balanced…the beam horizontal…the concept began. From there man in his abstract thought, realized and concluded that in society, in the very existence of man there is equal—in the fact that all men are by some divine power equal in possessing life.

As Americans, we not only forget this importance to our existence, we forget or do not understand this is not something new. Aristotle told us, enlightened us, ‘that the worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.’ Explained it with such simplicity why man confuses and convolutes this concept is remarkable. For to be equal, then all men, in the eyes of society, in the laws of the nation, and in the conscious of all other men must preserve and maintain their right of being equal.

Is that the nature of our society today? If you think so, or say so, then you are in cognitive of reality. Yet those who say we are not equal do not advance that men are equal, but the diametric inverse, the corruption of advancing equality, not men are equal. For is a man pays taxes to the state, while another receives altruism from that same state, redistributing the wealth of the payees taxes, where are they equal? This corruption, this absolute distortion of man is equal is the basis for the greatest majority of problems this nation is experiencing.

So we have the four words, the four philosophical ideals, the principles that create the exceptionalism of this nation known to no others. It is the light, the wonder, the imagination of wonder that the world desires but has no more idea of what it consist than the president of our nation has today.

You as Americans should know this as tacitly as the acknowledgement that you require air and its oxygen to exist. As intrinsically as knowing, that sustenance is as important to your existence as life itself. For without that sustenance that life is extinguished.

That is all any American must know. We are the society of man’s liberty. That liberty is preserved by restricting and fearing government, preserving that liberty by insuring our freedom from that same government. We must never veer from the simple reality that only by always making sure that before all of those considerations are adhered to, then equality, liberty, and the fear of government will not occur. All men must be kept equal, acknowledge as equal, and treated as equal—not in some illusion of equality—but equal.

This is the summation of an American. This is why this nation, this miracle of something unknown anywhere at any time to mankind—is—and will be, the true miracle of mankind, the highest advancement of homo sapient civilization ever imagined.   

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All day we face…the political waste…without a hint of ‘culture’—cool, clear, ‘culture!’

The lyrics of the old song ‘Cool, Clear, Water,’ by the ‘Sons of the Pioneers’ seem the perfect backdrop to the political wasteland that this nation has been experiencing for so long; it seems our destiny.

The events of our current experience, the Zimmerman fiasco, the absolute rejection of the Republican Party to represent this nation’s interests, the use of racism as the catalyst for this continuum of the nihilism toward this absolutely wonder of a nation never identified better than by our ‘nation’s father’—George Washington—as nothing but a miracle, inundate us.  

Yet there is a problem and it as if all of these happenings are events that the majority of our society, the citizens of this nation, seems oblivious. 

One of the most absolutely ignorant comments ever made in the political environment was, ‘you didn’t build that!’ As we are inundated with absolute illiteracy of reality from this present administration and government, we just accept it as the dribble of their constant verbal articulation of senseless tripe.

Yet it emphasized the reality of our nation’s ‘relativism’ of reality we are now inundated. It is as if our society…from their illusion of reality…began with government, and from that came the society—the culture—the civilization of this nation. How can this absolute fallacy even be presented without abject objection is beyond rational comprehension? There has never been known in any society, anywhere on this planet, at any time any society that did not begin with the commonality of society. Culture first, resulting in then a government as it is the projection of the requirements; the mores, the morals, and the religion of that society; as identified by Montesquieu so long, long ago.

The why’s of many other societies we will never know? Why is there societies of kings; we speculated because of the law of the jungle, might is right. How do societies begin with the melding of man’s desire for acknowledging a spirit, his religion, interwoven with the society of governance of his society? Yet we find it in many societies we as civilized man today would find uncivilized. The examples are many, the Aztec society of human sacrifice, or the dementia of islamism a society where man’s very existence isn’t even considered, only held in contempt. Yet they exist.    

The course of history of mankind is based on the societies based on more than race, more than environment, but on the foundations of agreement with the society’s standards, the mores, of what that culture would accept…and assimilate.

From these basic foundations came the design of what they, as the citizens, would accept as governance. This exists in every socially stable society known to man even to this day. We do not have to speculate what is required to make a homogeneous society where the apex of social liberty and freedom exist. For we have example after example today on this planet to verify what works; and what is an absolute abject failure. The only problem we as rational man have is when we reject, we refuse to examine, we live in some illusion of relativism…that what we believe is fact…trumps facts based on reality. We apply our emotions of social engineering, our abstract desires, above the facts versus fallacy of some utopia of our illusion. If we but take the reality of fact, the empirical history of man’s journey of existence, the answer is obvious. Societies that retain, a culture of their design, exist as long as that culture remains intact. Those society’s that reject this reality, attempt to create that which is not the culture of the society, fail. They are washed away as flotsam of mistakes and attempts of man that had no base, had no foundation, and were missing the culture of the society to preserve. For it is the culture of mankind that is the sinew holding society together, even when that society makes great mistakes that are often immeasurable.  

It is this wonder of the culture of this nation that created an environment of liberty unknown to mankind. So unique that the result of the culture, designed and created, a government based on the very foundation of natural law of nature’s God. It is a simple foundation…that the liberty of man…is the only requirement that government should provide, through application.

Yet we have forgotten, or have been so dumbed down, in today’s illiteracy, show an absolute ignorance in our society as if we cannot even understand the words we use.

Our culture’s destruction began long ago. The most destructive nail in this nation’s coffin was the passage of the ‘civil rights—racism’ of the bill signed by Lyndon Johnson on ironically July 2nd, in 1964—the same day the our declarative…the Declaration of Independence…was initially signed in 1776.

Now why did this destroy our culture? The answer is in the wording of ideals written in that same Declaration of Independence. For in that independence this nation stated, based on natures law and nature’s God, that all men are created equal. This is fact; it is one of those truths that are self-evident.

Yet this simple wording was completely destroyed by the substitution of the description of ‘equality’ vs. ‘equal.’ All men are created ‘equal’—but that has nothing to do with all men are endowed to exist in some utopic…communist…concept of ‘equality.’ There are no two men, humans, on this earth who are endowed with equality. Our intellect as of all men is different. Our compulsion to accomplish an objective, in all men, is different. Our belief in what direction our lives should take, what we believe in and accept, and the efforts of our family, our society, our environment and what we do individually is different. There are no two men on the face of the earth the same. To believe such would be to accept that a singular identifiable atom, from all the rest, of the hydrogen could be found among all the molecules of water that exist on the surface of this planet.         

Yet in this illusion of using legislation to create this fallacy of equality, not an environment of equal—the whole culture, the whole society was condemned.

The last and most destructive of all nails in the coffin of the American culture was signed into law on Oct. 3 1965 by Lyndon Johnson. That death bill to destroy this nation’s culture, the immigration bill and nationality act of 1965.

Now here is the fallacy of our cultures destruction. The immigration acts initiated in the 20’s were never designed to be based on racism. The bill in 1965 was totally based on racism, and the rational of the bill was—that the immigration bills before were based on racism. This is the greatest fallacy ever sold to the American people; except the concept that Hitler’s Fascism is the diametric of communism, when they are identical, with different application.

The design of the first immigration policies was to do what? Preserve the existing, proven, and developed culture of this nation. Was this decision sensible? Let’s take the reality of every society that has homogeneous social civilization. Every nation with societal harmony has one thing in commonality—they are determined to preserve their culture. We see it in China, in Japan, and in Austria, even the nations of ideology of Iran, Saudi Arabia, and our neighbor to the south, Mexico. Every country that has escaped the problems of attempting to coagulate different cultures, and different ideologies, different theologies, and different theocracies believing that there is a possibility of creating a homogeneous society is—and has been proven—not only impossible, but an adventure into insanity.

So when the tsunami of immigration occurred—the intelligent decision was to insure that those who came to this nation would be of the same social experience of civilization as the English idealism that existed. How do we identify those from those nations with the same culture—we identify those nations with the same history. As such it was the nations of European culture, governance, and history that had the foundations to assimilate into the American experience—as they had the same cultural foundations.  

Were they right? What have we learned by using only racism as the basis of allowing those of cultures not ours into this nation? Think of the reality, in Texas we have whole communities that have been here for multiple generations where English is not spoken. We not only don’t have assimilation, we have the destruction of the educational system in some insanity of advancing illiteracy in two languages. Even our government signs are corrupted in languages other than English. How can we have anything like a homogeneous culture with this scenario?

Yet there is no example of the failure of this insanity of forgetting who we are, and what this nation is, than the allowance of opening the doors of our nation to those of cultures diametrically opposed to our form of philosophical idealism. Those who not only are not of our principles, our foundations, but in the theocracies of their dementia are disdainful of our culture, and our miracle of a society of liberty.

There are none who are of this ideology that can ever be Americans, swearing allegiance to that which they hate. Sadly in their demented ideologies lying to those of our culture is accepted, and honored.

The examples of those who represent this charade are plentiful. The man from Turkey who has lived in this nation for years, an  American citizen, when notified he has not completed his obligation of armed service for Turkey, takes a sabbatical from his American job, in his American society to return to Turkey serving his true nation’s choice obligation. The Chinese who are citizens of this nation, advocates of the economic wonders they have achieved, while only desiring the strength and power of this nation be weakened below the power of China.

Once we have immigrants who came to this nation not for the economic environment, but for the idealism of the philosophy of liberty and protection from government preserving their freedom. We see their names in the rows and rows of tombstones—German names—who died to preserve this nation against the totalitarianism of the communism under the guise of fascism. We find row after row of Japanese names, those who died to preserve this nation from the same totalitarianism. Their names and many others are strewn around this world, as eternal symbols that it is the idealism, the culture of this nation they died for. They did not die for the economics of our society, or the altruism of government entitlement. They died for the preservation of the culture, the principles of this marvelous nation.            

Today the spokesman for most who are immigrants into this nation, who are not here to become Americans, who do not share our ideals, who do not have our tacit beliefs, that this is a nation designed as a wonder; this is our strength, our miracle.

There is no greater example than the statement, taken completely out of context so often said; ‘we are a nation of immigrants.’ That is a fact; we are a nation of those who came to these shores to share in the wonder of this remarkable nation. How ironic that then this statement follows, which is the greatest lie ever—it is our diversity that makes this miracle. This is a lie beyond lies. For the inverse is the truth. It is what this nation, the idealism and philosophy of our wonder, which is the gift this nation gave to the immigrants that is the wonder. It is not what they gave this nation; it is what this nation gave them. For there is nothing outside of the English experience that is America; we are the apex, in our design, of their destiny. Our error is we have forgotten that culture, that harrowing journey to reach where we are.

There is no greater spokesman for far too many who enter this nation than the statement by the Boston bomber. Who when asked how he could swear allegiance to this nation, gaining citizenship, then kill his fellow citizens of this nation answer with the greatest truth ever spoken by any of the islamic ideology; ‘I lied!’

When this nation rejected the ‘League of Nations’ the greatest identifier of this nation was stated by Warren Harding. His simple worlds to the world are the true identifier of the separation of this nation’s culture from all others. ‘We are not of you, and you are not of us!’

That is America. This nation is more than just the shining light on the hill representing liberty. It is the last hope of mankind ever rejecting the slavery of totalitarian sovereignty of government—strangely the exact genesis of this nation’s existence.  We cannot preserve, we cannot survive, we cannot ever be the wonder this nation is, unless the reality, that harsh simple truth is recognized and remembered. ‘We are not of you, and you are not of us!’ when dealing with the world.         

Dan Short

Today in this nation; the government of the United States is currently imposing upon the citizenry ‘slavery’ to an extent unknown in the annals of empirical history known to mankind—while that same citizenry in silent ignorance raises no voice, nor action of rejection. Yet the wonder of this nation—before this intrusion, this assault upon the natural rights of all men— was identified long before this nation’s existence, less we forget; or sadly so few ever comprehended!  


Edmund Burke...the people of the colonies are descendants of Englishmen.... They are therefore not only devoted to liberty, but to liberty according to English ideas and on English principles. The people are Protestants... a persuasion not only favourable to liberty, but built upon it....from kindred blood, from similar privileges, and equal protection. These are ties which, though light as air, are as strong as links of iron... keep the idea of their civil rights associated with your government,—they will cling and grapple to you, and no force under heaven will be of power to tear them from their allegiance. But let it be once understood that your government may be one thing and their privileges another, that these two things may exist without any mutual relation,—the cement is gone, the cohesion is loosened, and everything hastens to decay and dissolution. As long as you have the wisdom to keep the sovereign authority of this country as the sanctuary of liberty, the sacred temple consecrated to our common faith, wherever the chosen race and sons of England worship freedom, they will turn their faces towards you. The more they multiply, the more friends you will have;  the more ardently they love liberty, the more perfect will be their obedience. Slavery they can have anywhere. It is a weed that grows in every soil.

They may have it from Spain, they may have it from Prussia. But, until you become lost to all feeling of your true interest and your natural dignity, freedom they can have from none but you





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