
  • Here's one to consider... how about a GOP political leadership CONVOY... that ends with blocking the Senate and Houses from conducting business until it calls an Article 5 Convention to consider Amendments to reform government.  How about the GOP leaders doing something effective other than engaging in empty rhetoric and the hype of political theater.  Where are the Thomas Paine's and George Washington's... where has the spirit of 1776 gone?  Surly, the RNC and GOP leadership understands that our Nations's Constitutional heritage is under serious challenge and in danger of being subverted?

    Such a crisis demands immediate critical action to reverse our course. Yet, all we get is silence from McConnel and McCarthy... and ineffective resistance.  It is time that they respond to the seriousness of this crisis by mobilizing the party and ITS GRASSROOTS to actively challenge the fraud operating as our representative government.  It is time to take a page out of the Lech Walesa Polish Solidarity Movement's tactics for reforming government and adapt their methods for use in reforming our government. Sitting on their hands while grandstanding on the floor of Congress is no longer enough.  Shut it down... use parliamentary orders, call for quorum counts, and motions to adjourn until a quorum exists... Demand in-person votes on the floor... Demand all bills, acts, and referendums, be READ IN FULL on the floor before voting on them... Become obstructive until Congress calls an article 5 convention.

    • lopez, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!  mccarthy and mcconnelll are new world order globalist establishment TRAITORS, always have been!!!!!!!!!!




  • As the Constitution states, The election is the first Tuesday after the first Monday of Nov.  That is the way it should be done.  No advance warning. No mail-in ballots, absentee with excuse only and picked up and sign for at the county election office.  No drop boxes or harvesting.  You vote in person at your precinct on election day.  

    • I'm onboard with that! Rain or shine......that is the day!

    • We all know what needs to be done to limit election and voter fraud... WHY ISN'T IT BEING PUSHED BY THE RNC/GOP in every State Legislature?  Who is behind the current election fraud pandemic?  Given the facts and observing what the GOP has done they are no different than the Democrats... working to continue the status quo and their warped views of political power.

      Both political parties are corrupt... opposite sides of a two-headed big government only coin... flip it and it always lands heads up for big government.  We need term limits... one term, 6yrs, with 1/3rd of all elected and appointed officials standing for election and appointment every 2yrs... similar to the US Senate.  Include all judges, US Attorneys, and cabinet-level appointees.  Term limits will require an Amendment to the US Constitution.   

      Both political parties are against Term Limits as proposed above.. that should tell us all something... and that something is that term limits will break the hold of the political [arties on the government.  Term limits will put our government back in the hands of citizen politicians who serve their term in office and then return to their homes and local professions/employment.  Term limits will return government to the people, that it may be by the people, and for the people... it will end partisan government by special interests.

    • Marlene, I agree, there are trolls on here now who do nothing but criticize anyone who won't rubber stamp their position!!!!!  There are some that I don't even read their comments much less respond to them!!!!  Yes, there are churches that promote ungodliness, the catholic and methodist denominations not only accept but promote homosexuality unless they have change d their policies very recently!!!!!  I had a cousin who was a homosexual, married in the catholic church and the family praised his "enlightened" state of mind while disowning me because I left the cult and turned to Evangelical churches!!!!!  They think I am going to hell because "only catholic go to Heaven"!!!!!  That is the sick crap I was taught for 18 years before I left home and the catholic church!!!!!  By the time I left I was so jaded that it took me 20 years to find salvation and turn my life to God!!!!!!!!!!


  • The elections ARE secure to the left, they know they can cheat and get away with it because they control every aspect!!!!!  Remember what Stalin said, "who votes doesn't matter, what matters is who counts the ballots" and satanic Stalinists control who and how the counting goes!!!!!!!!!!

    • There is only one way to get Term Limits into law... a Constitutional Amendment... is required.  There are only two ways to Amend the Constitution ... See Article 5 of the US Constitution for those means... one is a Congressional path and the other is an Article 5,  Convention of states.

    • Oh, really? If these reps and senators really wanted to support an Article 5 Convention they missed the train on that issue over 10ys ago and have shown NO REAL INTEREST in calling one even though there are several major public groups calling and actively working for one.  These reps are pandering for votes. They have shown no intention in the past to take up the cause for an article 5 constitutional convention. 

      How much popular support does it take to get state legislatures and Congress to respond... is 77% enough? That is the latest poll supporting claims of Election Fraud and not one legislature or Congress has moved to decertify the 2020 Election.  There already exist sufficient active requests to Call an Article 5 Convention in the Congressional record.  However, Congress refuses to acknowledge them and the States are unwilling to move on the issue by going around Congress.  

      You really need to become informed on this topic before engaging... Congress is to 'call' a convention once 2/3rds of the States petition for one. There is nothing in the US Constitution that states petitions expire, or that petitions have to refer to the same or specific causes when petitioning Congress for the convention... ie., There are many open petitions pending before Congress, requesting an Article 5 Convention.  Several, that remain open, were sent to consider a Balanced Budget Amendment in a convention. When these valid petitions are added to the current total, calling for a Term Limits Amendment, the number of pending petitions before the Congres greatly exceeds the 2/3rds required to 'call' a convention. 

      Congress refuses to 'call' for the article 5 convention... claiming, that the previously submitted petitions are invalid, even though the Constitution doesn't put an expiration date on them nor does it excludes petitions based on other issues... They all call for a convention.  The only way to exclude open petitions from the 2/3rds total is for the State Legislature to repeal or recall their petition.

      So, what's your plan for getting an Article 5 Convention convened... you can expect Congress, the Marxists, and Globalists to fight tooth and nail to deny any such convention. Then what ... civil war?

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