4063707026?profile=original  Sarah Palin Returns to Fox News as Conservative Tea Party Champion and movement leader

With the stroke of a pen, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin returns to Fox News as a contributor while liberal bombast Chris Matthews of MSNBC loses his weekend syndicated show in July. Does this spell the resurrection of the political street bona fides of Palin who has been a lightning rod for conservatives and the national Tea Party movement since its inception?

What seems clear is that Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News has reached a conclusion that the scandal beleaguered administration of President Barack Obama is fair pickings for conservatives. And what better conservative to have on your news team than Sarah Palin who has done considerable heavy lifting for the conservative movement since Obama took the oath of office as president in 2009.

This is especially critical when one considers that the upcoming mid-term elections of 2014 are rife for the political pickings in terms of governorships, the U.S. Senate and increases in the GOP House majority.

Examine the landscape of the world of politics now where the polls are pointing toward a downward slide regarding Obama’s favorability and a notable upward surge in the public’s rejection of Obama’s handling of Benghazi, the IRS attack on Tea Party organizations’ First Amendment rights and spying on journalists.

The surge in public outrage has changed dramatically since Obama’s reelection when he cobbled together a number of key state victories with Chicago style political strong arming that would make dishonored former President Richard Nixon blush. Yet, while America was having its news hijacked by a compliant mainstream media, Sarah Palin remained on the forefront using their own vehicles to communicate the cracks in Obama’s administration armor.

You remember Benghazi, the murder of four honorable Americans, including America’s Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens scandal that would not go away? The investigation by the House Republicans continued to peel back the wall of lies constructed by the White House and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice under the direction of unnamed State Department and White House officials.

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  • By now everyone knows she's going to speak her mind. If they don't like it they ignore it or make fun of it. I think she may open some eyes. It's a good thing.

  • Go Sarah!

  •  lady of integrity and very transparent!!

  • Sarah Palin, what a great American. Glad to have her back on Fox.

  • I have no problem with Sarah Palin . If she wants to work on TV I am all for it . A refreshing voice , totally honest , unlike the usual Republican blather.

  • Rich, you seem to forget that Palin does not have the forum to speak out that some of the pundits you mentioned have; and she is extraordinarily well-versed on "the topics," and I can't think of a tougher "fighter."  Are you sure you have been listening to her through the years? She is what she is, and she's not about to adopt an attitude to please, nor drop her so-called folksy ways to gain points:  She's authentic. As for being "tougher"  - name  one single Republican that's any tougher than she is - but Ted Cruz  - right now - seems to be right up there.  Notice how Rubio caved? And Ryan? And Romney when he was running?  Sarah on the other hand has never stopped fighting for "individual rights," - especially those of the unborn. And for that, she was vilified by the left.  Let's protect her back; we need her.

  • I will be glad to see her again.  She may be "folksy", but she is the one that started opening our eyes to this illegal President.

  • Only if she becomes well versed on the topics and becomes a fighter like the pundits Ingraham, Crowley and exposes the idiocy of the left with good backround info.  Palin is despised by the left because of her "folksy", outdoors , gee whiz attitude.  The morbid, tortured libs(woman) hate anybody that does not conform to their mold of NOW, affirmative action, pro choice, anti male, hate the world and all things American.  When libs have their ideas questioned and their rules violated, they are like rabid dogs.  Palin needs to be tougher and well versed, drop the homey aura when debating, but support ideas of individual rights, personal strength and responsibility.

  • Beware Sarah going the way of Huckabee, from serious politician to TV entertainer.  Sarah's strength is her integrity and choosing her own battles, far different from answering to a program director who sets the agenda.  It seems to me that TV is to politicians as universities are to professors.  You are left to question why, if they are so good, they didn't succeed out in the world.  I still happen to believe that Sarah Palin remains a formidable option in future national elections.  TV will only diminish that option. 

  • Sarah Palin was given the full Alinsky treatment by the liberals in both parties, i.e. LIE, and destroy the individual.  The various media  did a good job of damaging her even in RINO circles, relegating her to the status of nonentity during the last two election cycles, and nobody came to her rescue.  In fact some of the women Republicans were vicious.   Alinsky, however, obviously remembered Hitler's advice in how to destory the opposition:  "Ridicule..." It works every time. he advised.  But nobody attacks anyone who is insignificant, so you can measure the fear she arouses in her enemies as well as in the competition  She is articulate and has a great vision for America. We'd do well to listen to her own words and not what the liberals say about her.

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