Whats In An Acronym? AWOP

Why is political correctness become such a burr under our saddle?

Check this out.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel have been directed to no longer refer to illegal immigrant children crossing the border alone as “UACs” (unaccompanied alien children).

Instead these individuals are to be referred to as “unaccompanied children” in official correspondence, according to an internal ICE email obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies and shared with Breitbart News.

“This was briefed earlier today during he (sic) command and staff meeting,” an email sent to ICE personnel reads. “It has been requested that in correspondence regarding unaccompanied children, They (sic) not be referred to as UACs. The term UAC should not be used in official correspondence.”

The email, with the subject line “UACs,” continues, “The appropriate messaging on documents should be using the term : unaccompanied children all lower case. (Unless capitalizing would be grammatically correct).”

ICE did not respond to requests for comment.

While ICE has been discouraged from using UAC as an official term, Customs and Border Protection is still using “unaccompanied alien children” (ages 0-17 years old) as an official term as it tallies the number it is apprehending at unprecedented levels along the southwest border.

From October 1 to June 15, more than 52,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors have been detained crossing the border.


The article doesn't mention who requested the change but, ask
yourself who would be offended by the word alien?
My guess is the acronym started out as being UIACs
(Unaccompanied Illegal Alien Children) but, not to
offend them (even though they are), the word illegal dropped.
Oh, and alien is just too harsh to call childern that
have been through so much.
 If it walks, swims and quacks like aduck, its a damned duck.
I guess they feel softening the acronym makes everyone all
warm and fuzzy inside. Illegal aliens (the term I use
because I don't descriminate against age) are non-Americans
here illegally, period.

 I can imagine some rejected acronyms like:
Children Being Sent Here To Turn Our Nation Into A Third
World Country or, CBSHTTONIATWC. Admittedly, not very catchy.
Future Democrats of America or FDA. Already taken.
Additional Burdens to the Welfare System or, ABWS. Doesn't
flow off the tongue.
My favorite, so far is: Aliens WithOut Papers or, AWOPs.
It has a little sumptin' sumptin'.
Think I will submit this to ICE and see what happens.

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