Walter Williams ask; “Are We Equal?”


           Are women equal to men? Are Jews equal to gentiles? Are blacks equal to Italians, Irish, Polish and other white people? The answer is probably a big fat no, and the pretense or assumption that we are equal -- or should be equal -- is foolhardy and creates mischief. Let’s look at it.


            Male geniuses outnumber female geniuses 7-to-1. Female intelligence is packed much closer to the middle of the bell curve, whereas men’s intelligence has far greater variability. That means that though there are many more male geniuses, there are also many more male idiots. The latter might partially explain why more men are in jail than women.


            Watch any Saturday afternoon college basketball game and ask yourself the question fixated in the minds of liberals everywhere: “Does this look like America?” Among the 10 players on the court, at best there might be two white players. If you want to see the team’s white players, you must look at the bench. A Japanese or Chinese player is close to being totally out of the picture, even on the bench. Professional basketball isn’t much better, with 80 percent of the players being black, but at least there are a couple of Chinese players. Professional football isn’t much better, with blacks being 65 percent. In both sports, blacks are among the highest-paid players and have the highest number of awards for excellence. Blacks who trace their ancestry to West Africa, including black Americans, hold more than 95 percent of the top times in sprinting.


            By contrast, blacks are only 2 percent of the NHL's ice hockey players. But don’t fret about black NHL underrepresentation. State underrepresentation is worse. Most U.S. professional hockey players were born in Minnesota, followed by Massachusetts. Not a single U.S. professional hockey player can boast of having been born and raised in Hawaii, Mississippi or Louisiana. Any way we cut it, there is simply no racial proportionality or diversity in professional basketball, football and hockey.


            A more emotionally charged question is whether we have equal intelligence. Take Jews, for example. They are only 3 percent of the U.S. population. Half-baked theories of racial proportionality would predict that 3 percent of U.S. Nobel laureates are Jews, but that’s way off the mark. Jews constitute a whopping 39 percent of American Nobel Prize winners. At the international level, the disparity is worse. Jews are not even 1 percent of the world’s population, but they constitute 20 percent of the world’s Nobel Prize winners.


            There are many other inequalities and disproportionalities. Asian-Americans routinely score the highest on the math portion of the SAT, whereas blacks score the lowest. Men are 50 percent of the population, and so are women; yet men are struck by lightning six times as often as women. I’m personally wondering what whoever is in charge of lightning has against men. Population statistics for South Dakota, Iowa, Maine, Montana and Vermont show that not even 1 percent of their respective populations is black. By contrast, in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, blacks are overrepresented in terms of their percentages in the general population. Pima Indians of Arizona have the world's highest known diabetes rates. Prostate cancer is nearly twice as common among black men as white men. Cervical cancer rates are five times higher among Vietnamese women in the U.S. than among white women.


            Soft-minded and sloppy-thinking academics, lawyers and judges harbor the silly notion that but for the fact of discrimination, we’d be proportionately distributed by race across incomes, education, occupations and other outcomes. There is absolutely no evidence anywhere, at any time, that proportionality is the norm anywhere on earth; however, much of our thinking, many of our laws and much of our public policy are based upon proportionality's being the norm. Maybe this vision is held because people believe that equality in fact is necessary for equality before the law. But the only requirement for equality before the law is that one is a human being.

By Walter Williams. Professor of economics at George Mason University.


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  •  Michael Savage, on his radio program, out of San Francisco, consistently states that he believes the liberals have a mental disorder of some kind.  He is not joking but is extremely serious about it.  Mr. Savage is from New York and is Jewish.  His insights to the world we live in are profound.  He has a God-given gift of pealing away the layers of misinformation and confusion so as to reveal new insights, especially about the political world of Washington.  Jewish people will always be special to God regardless of whether they reject him or not.   In the old Testament some of those who were traveling with Moses, to the promised land, and were impatient with God were severly punished by Him.  They are special to Him but He has shown possibly that His punishment is more severe to those that He considers special or as they say His Chosen People.  This is not to say that He does not love the rest of humanity...on the contrary He loves all of us with a love that is truely profound.  We should do everything possible to avoid offending him buy not not sining, i.e., breaking the 10 Commandments.

  • NO WE ARE NOT EQUAL!!!  Liberals, Progressives, Democrates, Socialists, Communists are all in the same, they are not equal to the rest of us.  They have a demented, evil plan.  The way they think & reason shows that they are mentally ill.  Most of them don't respect the rights of others, nor do they obey the laws.  They are low life, bottom feeding weasles.  They are Criminals (just look at Obozo & his clowns.  My advice to all- never, never trust the Government again, never, never trust the Communists (Democrates, Liberals, Progressives).  No they are not equal- WE THE PEOPLE ARE BETTER THAN THEM!!!


















  • Sometimes "Gifted" people boast too much, and I guess that I "laid it on pretty thick" about some 'natural talent' and inventorship of Hebrew people, but the statistics, I believe, are there for all to see.  Some of you gentlemen are correct about belief about the GOD of the Jewish people being their most important ID trait, and thank you for pointing that out.  And if the Jewish people still living do not bend knee and accept the true Messiah as their personal Lord and Saviour -- they too will be lost.  The Scriptures say that a "remnant" will actually DO THIS before the end.  I have heard a great sermon/ talk from a Messianic Jew last year on how stubborn the Jewish religious  leaders in NY can be... lol, but they are far from stupid people.  By the same token, I am truly embarrassed, disappointed, sorry that my own German kinsmen don't embrace the Lord Jesus Christ either, as there are HUNDREDS with my name!!  I feel:  "What a waste of good humanity/ flesh !"  But God sees things a different way -- and not with imperfect eyes.  I apologize if I used some cutting terms before... albeit one guy loves to get me started, it seems, and not too many folks on this subject have bothered to use the Bible to explain their thoughts, etc....   sorry.

  • Without the God of Israel a Jew is nothing but another person. I read about it every day.

  • Jews have been arguing incessantly since time immemorial about who is a Jew. My son in law cannot go into a synagogue and tell people that he is Messianic without a bunch of people telling him he is a Goy. It doesn't matter that he has had his Bar Mitzvah. On the other hand a Communist like Noel Ignatiev can declare his atheism and still wear his Yarmulka and be thought a Jew.
    I stands to reason that people with a sacred covenant should also be very polorized between light and darkness. On the one hand you have some of the worlds greatest doctors and humanitarians, You have some of the greatest musicians, composers, and philosophers, and of course you have the prophets of old. On the other hand you have people who claim the same ancestry and the same heritage who deny the God of the covenant and embrace Godless communism. Not all of the people of the tribe of my father's ancestors are people of the covenant. The faith of Abraham, Isaac and Israel is the heart and soul of what it means to be Jewish, and without that having Hebrew parentage has no benefit whatsoever. Without the God of Israel those empty people miss the point of what it means to be Jewish.

  • "Historian", thank you so much for "getting it" and responding in such a lucid and intelligent manner.  Refreshing.
    As a former elected official and a conservative who loves God and country with a passion, I try to convey to my fellow countrymen that name calling and aggressive talk does more to harm our cause than anything our enemies could dream of.  Preaching to the choir rarely does anything more than increase ratings.
    While I love the passion displayed in many of the comments, I cringe at their ineffectiveness.  Candidly, the Tea Party needs people like me who believe as they do but have the ability to convey our message in palatable terms that motivates moderate Democrats and big government Republicans to rally behind America and her children's future.

  • Gutsy posting Chris. I am surprised that it made it past the Tea Party Censors.  You have accomplished something amazing by being able to speak the truth and get away with it. It is hard to pin neo liberal leftists down on what equality is.  I remember a book that I read many years ago called the Dialectic of Feminism in which they unabashedly stated that equality is accomplished when all distinctions that create identity are removed.  The diagram in the back of the book illustrated how the fulfillment of the dialectic would be when sexual distinctions, race, religion, culture, class, and nationality were all abolished. Frankly that would leave humanity an empty shell. 

    Genetic research has revealed how much difference there is among us. The problem is the CRT (Critical Racial Theory) and Race denial have penetrated deeply into the Academic world.  Where funds go for research is determined a lot by the litmus tests of Political Correctness. It is a scary thing to think that Harvard research is so tainted by leftist presuppositions that it can no longer be presumed that a square plug cannot be driven into a round hole of the same size if conflicts with their agenda. 

    Equality is not equal. Some disparities are as  Walter says New Hampshire vs. Georgia regarding ethnic distribution.  Other things are genetically inherent as in the diseases that different haplogroups are prone towards. Others are products of mandates of Hollywood,i or NCAA and other biased sports organizations.  It was not until boxing went international that you started seeing European competitors being allowed to be competitive.  Nonetheless it has come to pass that the occasional token Caucasian is allowed to excel in the areas expressly reserved for blacks. 

    One thing is certain, we are all equally human, and we all should be equal under the administration of the law. Most other theories of equality are a myth. The myth has created a lot of chaos in human society.

  • This Quota system is LONg overdue to be done away with It now amounts to reverse Discrimination ,were as it may have once upon a time been valid it now makes it IMPOSSIBLE to be FAIR.Affirmative action is a thing of the long GONE past no relevance in modern day world at least not in the U.S. A.

  • Rabbi Katherine,

    What you say makes sense, or course, but i still believe that God gave the first people on earth, Hebrews, Adam and Eve, a generous portion of intellect... so much that He had to make it very rough on them after they got kicked out of the Garden, just to scratch out a living/ suvival,  because with a "perfect brain" they could have worked/ invented EVIL things to mess up mankind and the Earth.  YHWH, Jehovah, Yahweh, gave many "Gifts" to Abraham, at Genesis 12:3, etc., and blessed him and the future Israeli people, even to this day!  I, personally, love the Jewish people-- as all Christian must, as they are the "Chosen Race"-- even if they dropped the ball many times, as Jehovah said that 'they are a stiff-necked people!'  [lol].   But now the gates have been opened to all other human kind--the Gentile people... and I am thus, Saved, too.  Me-thinks that the whole world will speak Hebrew someday.

  • I think that diseases like cancer is caused by poor habits, genes, location, enviornment [many Vietnamese live near the Gulf of Texas and fish for a living, etc], blacks cook all the vitamins out of their veggies and eat too much fat, IMHO,  etc, etc., and misinformation plus lower educational skills caused by dropping out of school too soon.  I just happen to be German-American, but I believe that God blessed the Jewish people with a high intellect for inventing things, etc.

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