Tea Party

Don't want to be a "Party Pooper" but I am saddened by the direction I see the Tea Party going.  The numerous e-mails receieved from National Directors De and Melony sound more like something from a liberal organization.  What's up with all the name calling and sniveling and acting like the liberals do.  Let's get back to facts and logic without all the crybaby emotion.  What started out with true good intentions is going down the drain fast.  Let our goal be organization and integrity and be more like the NRA.

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  • To Jerome Ennis:

     Thank you for that fascinating story about Dr. Sam Vaknin take on Obama.. Dr. Vaknin is spot on. After much discussion between my husband and I we have come to the same conclusion. I wish we could have known Dr Vaknin thoughts before this, It would have settled a lot. My husband and I fully concur with the good doctor and as all Tea party members know Obama is a danger to our country and needs to go!

  • A rise of conservative enthusiasm caused by Obama’s treason gave birth to the Tea Party movement that I am a proud member of propelling Republicans to record victories in the 2010 midterm elections, which gave them control of the House and gains in the Senate, and what I am not proud of is what they did with it; absolutely nothing to stop Obama. The GOP had 4 YEARS to work towards finding a field of candidates to replace Obama. And what did they do? The exact opposite of the message/orders they were given at the ballot in November 2010. My Idea of what the Tea Party “collective” represents is it understands the dysfunction of our debt money system and how abandoning the Constitution on the road to socialism is removing individual freedom by inducing economic slavery. I have been working for 2 years to grow that collective through facebook.

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with our system of government and until more citizens understand this we cannot fix our government. I do not advocate overthrowing our system of government. I advocate removing all who occupy the offices of our federal government co-conspiring to destroy our system of government and country. The percentage of citizens becoming anti-constitutional government is growing and this must be stopped and needs to be the mission of the Tea Party. That anti-govt trend is now being fueled by Obama’s 99% spring. What needs to be growing is the Tea Party making more citizens understand we need anti-corrupt, anti-communist, anti-socialist, and anti-Marxist government. The attacks through widespread corruption on our political system, free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, fiscal, cultural, moral, ethical, & judicial systems are now on the verge of ending the Republic. It seems 90% + of Americans are confused and vulnerable to the current majority cast of corrupt politicians in our government who have a vested interest in weakening America so that the people will welcome a new system, and that system will be world totalitarian government. We need drastic steps ASAP to purge the entire crowd of corrupt power in Washington. Many on the left who represent the globalists, Obama, Ayers, Alinsky, Van Jones, George Soros etc., are trying to convince Americans representative government is out dated due to the visible dysfunction of government today. They have worked many, many decades for the combination of public discontent & corruption we have today in the federal government, and it’s for the sole purpose to overthrow the entire system of government in America for a world government. It could not be clearer today why our Framers insisted on limiting the power of government who also limited the ability of the majority of voters to strip away the rights of their fellow citizens. Remove that and we will fall into Fascism, Communism,…primed to be enslaved by the NWO, and that has been the globalist plan for 60+ years now.

    Every election cycle we vote someone out, not for what will reverse the madness. Anyone but Bush, anyone but Clinton, anyone but Bush, anyone but Obama, and if Obama is replaced with Romney in the next election cycle the plan will be anyone but Romney. The Tea Party has been undermined by the GOP and the Democrat Party in an obviously coordinated campaign to intimidate the only real opposition that exists to the establishment. As we see with Romney RINO’s win and conservatives lose again. With the GOP House we have inherited the Patriot Act, NDAA, and they tried to give us SOPA and now CISPA. Not to mention endless inactions allowing Obama to commit treason for years now. The GOP and Democrats have become two heads on the same snake against the people. Until we rise up and take our nation back we will only be pushed to becoming SLAVES to the globalists.

  • I'm sure Sharon is RINO because RINO is very afraid of liberal democRAT, no matter what democracks sais very bad things for them, they still never fight back. Look at pres. Bush & McCain what ever democraps, lamestream media LIES, DISTORTIONS, PROPAGANDA, BIAS, Bush bashing 24/7 for more than 10 years & he NEVER fight back was stupid way because it makes more people hated Bush, even around the world too. If Obama & media keep REPEATED LIES so many times then people believe it.

    If we want to win this battle with progressive communist we have to be strong offensive, aggressive voices like them or much more than them to fight back of their LIES & PROPAGANDA. Liberal did used aggressive ways to spill out of LIES & they are very successful.  Why we have to be all the time in defend? democRAT party bully us too much already. We should have some comedies in our side to mock & humiliate them like they had nasty late night show, Stuart or Saturday night line to lies & distortions about our candidates & lots of stupid NO IQ people believe them. Look at what they did to pres. Bush & Shara Palin, two smart people & they call them "no brain" all the time & people believe it. Pres. Bush is good man but he chose a wrong adviser RINO Carl Rove to tell him do not fight back. McCain deserved to lose at 2008 because he did not attack LIES MACHINES of Obama, media & unions. Foxnews is RINO also. 

    Thank God we still have strong TEA Party fighters in this webside & lots of more are fighting back against LIES, PROGANDA MACHINE  of communist democrap party. If all of us like RINO Sharon, Obama will win this reelection again.

  • The nra is nothing without its members,which i am one. That group needs as many patriotic americans as it can get to survive,they can do nothing without our voices and money helping them. The tea party started this time started by a corrupt Govt,period, and we saw through it. The communists and yes they are communists, not just because i or we say so,THEY SAY IT THEMSELVES!. Our country was founded through the belief in GOD!, not man and we as freedom lovers and patriots to GOD. We have an obligation to spread facts,just like what paul revere did, but now we have to protect our country from an ideology that freedom loving people would be slaughtered and have no doubts,that is what would be done to anyone who opposes them, HISTORY!!!. Dont put any of us down,dont look down on true american patriots- BE PROUD AND STAND UP WITH US AGAINST TYRANNY. GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

  • Remember! The best way to defeat an enemy is to know and understand your enemy.


    We do get trolls, Lyle.....we try to weed them out before they make much of an impression. The subtle ones are harder to catch, but we keep trying!

  • Has anyone thought about the Tea Party sites and the left. It's easy to sign-up. So! Why wouldn't the left sign up to spread discontent.

  • As far as I'm concerned when our country, our freedom and liberties are attempted to be taken away from WE THE PEOPLE, emotions come into play, but I agree with the comment posted above. We should try our best to remain civil. Without civility all hope is lost. I get as emotional as anyone else, but try and reign them in.



                                                            ROBERT WILLIAM GRADY. JR.

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