Earlier this week we all have seen Mr Obama tell the country he wanted to lower housing interest rates....

Here is my take on this - and I think I'm correct in my assessment.

In 2008 this failed "policy" provided a means for this administration to steal (my opinion) taxpayer monies and claim they were bailing out the economy.... A $43 TRILLION dollar lawsuit emerged for Racketeering and Money Laundering against White House staff, Eric Holder and many others..... 

And I quote from the article;

"This lawsuit represents the most massive scale of corruption, theft of public funds, laundering, racketeering, and failure of the government to pursue it’s duty to the citizens of America in history. It promises to unveil and divulge the corrupt inner workings of the federal government along with its malignant relationship with the banking industry, Wall Street, and government officials who have considered themselves cunningly beyond the law!"

Continue reading at http://www.nowpublic.com/world/43-trillion-dollar-lawsuit-awaits-obama-white-house-and-banks

That was then; has anyone seen a penny of that money find it's way back into our Treasury? No, we are told it will take years as it wends it's convoluted way through the Court System. WHY?

It seems to me that $43 Trillion dollars would help our economy out, it would likely put us back in the black..... so why wait? Why drag it out?

Now, we have Mr Obama attempting to do the very same thing all over again..... and not a peep is heard in dissension.

I submit to you that we have been lied to, our National Treasury has been raided by thieves calling themselves elected, we have a felon in charge of the Nation's highest Law Enforcement office - and Congress is doing nothing to prevent any of this.

I submit that should Congress allow Mr Obama to decrease interest rates again, allow him to force or coerce Banks to provide sub-prime mortgages - we will see another Multi-Trillion dollar loss of taxpayer dollars to thieves calling themselves elected... providing an excellent springboard for a marxist/communist/muslim/illegal alien to take complete control of our Nation.... as he invokes martial law when the public finds out the Nation is bankrupt and revolts.

Why has this entire issue dropped completely off the radar and why are there no Congressional Leaders standing up to protect the Nation?

Why has the House refused to cut off Mr Obama and his extremely frivolous spending?

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  •    Because we have a HOUSE of fools and cowards , and a Senate even more ignorant , and is , in fact EVIL . There is only a tiny minority of elected officials , mostly put there by the TEA PARTY that care more about the future of the nation and their constituents than about padding their own bank accounts with our money . As mentioned by Mr. Hutchens , there should be an edit capability added for all us pre-electronic old timers .

  • Can't any of you see what this is all about? Obama, our "Great Emancipater" of the illegal immigrants wants to make sure they have the same things we do without having to work for them HOMES! And they will be ahead of everyone else in line to take advantage of this. He wants to be another Abe Lincoln. We all know he's obsessed with Lincoln. And in return they will all pledge themselves to him and his party. It will be his highest form of bribery yet. He will pass up his own black brothers and sisters to do this because some of them aren't Democrats. That will be one of the qualifications for these loans.

  • I always make mistakes in these posts and I truly hate not being able to fix them.  The price of the ice cream in the long post below should be $100 billion, not a mere $10 billion.

  • First, the idea of a $43 trillion lawsuit is ridiculous: You might as well sue for the planet Jupiter.   How would you collect an amount that's close to three times the U.S. GDP?

    Second and equally important most of what went on during the housing market collapse and subsequent banking (etc.) bailout was legal.  The $787 billion bailout was set up by an act of Congress, most of the people who got that money were acting legally.   That the whole works was stupid doesn't make it illegal.   In other words we have a problem with a clueless and/or corrupt congress but not so much with the people who got those checks.

    Imagine Congress passing a law that the government will buy every American $10 worth of ice cream every day for a year.  That would be perfectly legal, since it would be a law.   Since we don't have a spare $10 billion lying around and obesity is already a problem it would also be stupid.  The dairy farmers would go nuts over it and you'd have a very hard time not doing it next year.   Many of us would like it too -- hey, ice cream is good.  

    Now suppose someone famous says "Hey this was so stupid that we need to sue to get the money back!"   Well ... who do you sue?   Everyone was acting legally, it was just stupid. 

    That's the problem with the idea of a great big lawsuit over the housing/banking collapse and bailout.  Yes, there were some individuals who committed crimes but the great big numbers came from 'stupid.'

    Where did the 2007-8 problem come from? 

    1. An interpretation of the 'Community Reinvestment Act' that came down to "If you (Mr. Banker) aren't loaning as much to people who can't pay as you are to those who can, then you are 'redlining' black communities and we will sue your pants off."   The banks did the only thing they could do:  Make mortgage loans to people who couldn't pay.  

    2. A government-backed program (Freddie and Fannie) to buy mortgages from banks (bank gets cash) and resell bundles of those mortgages to investors including other bankers.   Because of #1, many of these bundles contained very high risk mortgages and buyers didn't know which were bad or just how bad.  And:

    3. The banking industry is interconnected, with many banks owning parts of other banks.  

    When it was discovered that many of the 'you don't need no stink'n job or down payment' mortgages were not being paid, a whole bunch of banks that had 'mortgage backed securities' (those bundles) as assets were suddenly bankrupt.   Furthermore, it took months to sort through the mess and see just what MBS's were worth how much.  

    The choices were either a huge bailout (as was done) or let a large fraction of the U.S. banking industry collapse.  People argue about whether we should have let the whole thing fall rather than throw $787 billion at it, but that would certainly have been a whole lot messier. 

    The big crook in this was the Democratic Party who forced the policy of forcing banks to make shaky loans.  Co-conspirators included Republicans who -- though some of them spoke out against it -- did NOT derail this policy.   If you think the whole Congress (late 1990s-early 2000s) should be thrown in jail I won't argue.   Maybe the bailout was a bad idea but reasonable people disagree about that.   What is not true is that the whole thing was caused by a bunch of crooked bankers.  Yes there were surely some, but the root cause was U.S. government policy.

    The most important point is this:  The Ofraud administration is going flat out to do the exact same thing again.   The same policies and worse are being pushed, the mortgages are going to people who won't be able to make the payments if the economy hiccups ...

    What do you think will happen?   Right, the same thing as before, and within ten years.   One big difference this time:  When the big bang happens there won't be a bailout because there won't be enough money in the universe to do it.   So the banking system will come down in a heap. 

    It's not worth focusing now on the history and certainly not on lawsuits.  We need to be looking ahead to the near-future consequences of the bad policy that is in effect right now.

  • Once a thief, always a thief.

    Semper Fidelis
  • 1. LAW is FORCE in disguise, USE LAW. (Statutory Law, codes, regulations)
    2. Political freedom is an IDEA, not a FACT and is merely an illusion and distraction.
    3. USE "LIBERALISM" to obtain control via "GRADUALISM" through "EDUCATION". (OBE)
    4. GOVERNMENTS are to be destroyed by either EXTERNAL (War) or INTERNAL (Liberalism and corruption) means.
    5. We must get CONTROL over all Government economies by controlling the MONEY supply.
    7. FORCE & MIGHT = RIGHT, there are no absolute moral or ethical codes. (No Biblical Law)
    9. WE will become SUPREME LORDS over all people.
    10. The power of MONEY must remain hidden and SECRET until we are in such a position of POWER that no one can stop our PLAN. (Fractional reserve banking / debt based paper currency)
    12. We have the RIGHT TO SEIZE ANY AND ALL PROPERTY, by whatever means necessary, to bring all PEOPLE UNDER OUR CONTROL. (Merger of Admiralty/Maritime Law and Equity Law, abolishin of the common law, corruption and registration of title / Property taxes.)
    13. We will use the terms "LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and FRATERNITY" which will establish a "NEW ARISTOCRACY". (French revolution)
    14. The qualifications for this "ARISTOCRACY" will be WEALTH, which we will CONTROL.
    15. WARS WILL BE INSTIGATED, FINANCED and DIRECTED so that we control BOTH SIDES, placing all parties FURTHER INTO OUR DEBT. (American Revolution through Desert Storm, Afghanistan and WW III ?)
    16. Candidates for PUBLIC OFFICE will be selected, educated and groomed, servile and obedient.
    18. Engineered FINANCIAL PANICS and CONTROLLED DEPRESSIONS will bring about our "NEW WORLD ORDER". Rothschild Manifesto - circa 1840?
  • Because congress is complicit, has no desire to limit themselves or concern for the health of our nation! No BALLS in congress or articles of impeachment would have been drawn up long ago!!!! The more time that goes by reduces awareness of the offenses of FAST and FURIOUS, and BENGHAZI. obummer counts on that fact! he and e. holder are the first ones to impeach, and I'm sure there are many more.

  • Not to worry, Jeb Bush and the GOP have a secret plan to restore America, but first we need to elect them so the GOP elite can have their turn at the public trough. 

  • Lane:  These people have NO shame. They use dead children whether in Newtown or Chicago, to advance their own agenda. And our liar-in-chief grandstanding in Colorado, more than disgraceful. Yet the lame stream media eats it up. Question? Is the American electorate realy this stupid or misguided?

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