Mitt Pulls A 'Weiner'

Mitt Pulls A 'Weiner'

When Bill Clinton wagged his finger at us saying: "I - did - not - have - sex - with - that -woman", we all knew he was lying. When Anthony 'that's-not-my-weiner' said: that's not my weiner, we all knew, that was his weiner.

Now when Mitt Romney tells Fox News: "I don’t recall the incident myself, but I’ve seen the reports and I’m not going to argue with that," we all know he's a lying weiner. M-i-i-i-i-t, look at me, look at me -- you're telling me you don't recall, one way or the other, whether you were involved with a group of your buddies who held down a weaker classmate and cut off his hair during your senior year? Now Mitt knows he knows and he knows we know.

The problem for Mitt is he doesn't have the skill set, and never will, of a seasoned reprobate like a Clinton or a Weiner, so he tries to half-ass, middle-of-the-road it with an 'I don't recall'. Clinton and Weiner would have gotten in our face and snarled until the blue dress and more weiner pics showed up. However Mitt doesn't have the luxury of attending a week long Clinton - Weiner seminar. The Obama Nasties have been bragging for months that they have a stack two feet high of opposition research ready to be unloaded. This week's free haircut episode was just one tiny sheet off the very top.

Jason Horowitz, the reporter on the Post hit piece said they gave the Romney camp ample time to respond. Ample time, and this is the best the Romney team could come up with, "I don't recall"? To anyone paying close attention it's clear that Romney is simply not a skilled politician and the Romney campaign is very much overrated. Obama's boys have to be laughing it up in Chicago as they toy with Romney like a wooden marionette.

Talk radio and right-wing blogs have been saying this is trivial stuff and will have no effect on the election. They are wrong. This isn't about free haircuts and mischievous schoolboys, this is about portraying Mitt Romney as a deviant, someone who plays dirty. This week's objective was to show Romney playing dirty even as far back as high school. Just wait till the Bain Capital crap starts flying, there won't be five schoolboys telling stories of high school hijinks, but fifty businessmen recanting stories of just what a dishonest, ruthless, dirty dealer Romney was.

And finally how hard will it be to portray Romney as a dirty campaigning politician. The Obama Nasties shouldn't even get paid for that day. Perhaps this is why people who put their 'money where their mouth is' have Obama up 60 to 37 on Intrade.

You might have asked yourself, how did we get here, how did we allow for a presidential election between two lightweights with the main issues being; dogs on cars, dogs with ketchup, stay-at-home-moms, car elevators, golf, bullies, blouses, druggies, dresses? I've asked myself that question. I wish I had the answer.

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  • mitty the poo is a NWO globalist who will sell us to the UN and soros just like obama will sell us to the muslims and soros. Want a real conservative? Let's back someone who will stnad up to the politicians.

  • To all of you whining about Romney being a RINO I ask you this: Do you HONESTLY believe Romney is no better than Obama?  SERIOUSLY?  I don't know how any clear thinking American can believe that.  ABO people.  A-B-O~!  There are few people less conservative than Obama.  Romney is not LESS conservative than Obama.


  • paul ryan's budget, does it take us from 16 trillion in debt to 10 trillion in debt, no it takes us to 20 trillion in debt. so the most agressive gop plan is worthless. do you really think mitt romney is going to bring a backbone to the table? just how long will it take for romney to cave to the dems when the cry about draconian cuts, 10 seconds, 11 seconds or 12 seconds?

  • if we don't stand up to the gop now, when are we finally going to stand up to them?  they rolled us with dole, they rolled us with mccain, now they want to roll us not with a moderate but with a liberal. ok he has a R after his name, bfd.  if we let the gop roll us with romney we'll be in the same damn place 30 yrs from now.  gop will probably back his son tagg romney.  is bho responsible for all 16 trillion, no he is not. go along to get along ruling class repub have gotten us here. yes we need to come together but not to back romney, we need to come together and flip off the gop.  if enough of us finally say no they won't allow mittens to be nominated. ask yourself why is the gop so desperate to have romney nominated? answer: they don't want a conservative, they want access to the purse string and the power. they want to spend just like the dems. people say we can't afford 4 more yrs of bho, but can we afford 8 yrs of liberal romney?  if romney squeaks by this election, which i don't think will happen, he'll loose in 4 yrs. then we'll have another liberal, maybe pres schumer.  so what do we gain with romney, virtually nothing.

  • This isn't even on my radar about mitty the poo. I have so many important reasons to not vote for him that this doesn't amount to a pimple on a gnat's butt. mitty will sell us out to the NWO globalist cabal operated by george soros. obama will selll us to the muslims so either way We the People lose. Both parties have it designed this way on purpose. They aren't fighting each other, they are conspiring together to enslave us.

  • I'm with William.......United we stand; divided we fall.  We are never going to agree on everything and everyone, but if we don't put our differences aside, and work together as a whole, our grandchildrens' futures are shaky at best.  Anyone who's read about the blood, sweat and tears of those men who locked themselves away and wrote the Declaration of Independence knows that there were bitter arguments and varying opinions about where they wanted this country to go.  But they understood the magnitude of what they were doing, and they kept at it until they found something they could all live with and sign their names to.  We can do no less.  I think it's pretty clear here that Mitt Romney wasn't our first choice.  He wasn't even my fourth.  But we are quite possibly looking at the end of our America as we knew it.  The young are being indoctrinated in the new society, so it's left to us to step up and do something; we're past the point of arguing.  We will not come close to succeeding in unseating Pres. Obama unless we stop being petty and wanting our way like spoiled children.  Romney seems to be what we have.  So, do we pout about our not getting our way and stay home in November?  Or do we take a deep breath, say a prayer, and vote for Romney.......and take comfort in knowing we did what we could within the confines of our political system (which, admittedly, needs a lot of work) to remove the man we feel is destroying everything our forefathers  worked so hard to achieve?  There are real issues here.......serious issues.  I'm not for gay marriage, either, but in the grand scheme of's a small issue in a sea of disastrous issues.  We have to let go of some of the things we want and concentrate on the big picture: we are losing our freedoms daily.  Another four years, and we won't be able to recognize our home.  And, as someone said, it's almost too late already.  President Obama didn't start this; the Progressives have been around for some time, waiting in the wings, laying the groundwork, awaiting the Deliverer who would put their vision for America into play.  It took years to get here; it'll take years to fix it.  But only if we remain vigilant and continue to stand firm about what we will and will not tolerate.  And it's imperative that we educate our children......because God knows, they public schools aren't!  Someone has to pick up the torch when us grown-ups (many of us Seniors) are unable to finish what we started. 

    The Tea Party won't even make it as a footnote in some dusty textbook if we don't find a way to work together.  Please! 

  • The last name I heard associated with Obam, Soetero whatever is Harrison J. Bounel. You might want to google that one. VERY interesting!

  • Romney was not my first choice as a candidate for president but the reality of the situation we are in is such, that, if we don't change the occupant of the White house AND the make up of both houses of congress, things could become messy that it would take 500 years to restore.

    Mr Romney has some outstanding accomplishments in his career, therefor he has a variety of exoeriences for success.

    NO ONE MAN CAN RESTORE THIS COUNTRY, not Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Donald Trump and most certainly, not Barack-the terrible.  the restoration of our country is in the hands and minds of all of us working in harmony, if not in absolute agreement .


    Each and everyone of us has to swallow hard and work together toward a common goal  THE RESTORATION OF THE GREATNESS THAT GOD MEANT FOR THIS NATION.  It is counter productive to argue, complain call each other names etc. about our differences and that is precisly what will

    destroy our liberty and make us slaves to the whim of whomever win.  We have the power to hire who we waqnt and to fire who we want.  THE POWER OF OUR VOTE IS THE WAY WE RESOLVE OUR DIFFERENCES, and when our nation is in dire straits, we must come together to begin the process of healing.

    We are a very diverse society with our own agendas but we have to put aside our individuality for the good of the group, This is not swocialism, communisism, tegal or anyhthing else, If we are to succeed, we must learn to respect the diverse beliefrs, concerns and opinions.  Each of us has the right to free think to the point until we can come to a common goal which wherein each of us can thrive and find fullfilment during our life time.


  • Yes indeed, we must pull together this time or the nation is doomed.  In 2008, 20% of the party refused to vote for McCain and stayed home, giving Obama his first disastrous term.  An instant replay of that will result in no nation remaining after another 4 years to leave to our posterity.  This November it is the anyone but Obama campaign in action and that now means we must go to the polls to vote Republican, period.






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