Mitt Pulls A 'Weiner'

Mitt Pulls A 'Weiner'

When Bill Clinton wagged his finger at us saying: "I - did - not - have - sex - with - that -woman", we all knew he was lying. When Anthony 'that's-not-my-weiner' said: that's not my weiner, we all knew, that was his weiner.

Now when Mitt Romney tells Fox News: "I don’t recall the incident myself, but I’ve seen the reports and I’m not going to argue with that," we all know he's a lying weiner. M-i-i-i-i-t, look at me, look at me -- you're telling me you don't recall, one way or the other, whether you were involved with a group of your buddies who held down a weaker classmate and cut off his hair during your senior year? Now Mitt knows he knows and he knows we know.

The problem for Mitt is he doesn't have the skill set, and never will, of a seasoned reprobate like a Clinton or a Weiner, so he tries to half-ass, middle-of-the-road it with an 'I don't recall'. Clinton and Weiner would have gotten in our face and snarled until the blue dress and more weiner pics showed up. However Mitt doesn't have the luxury of attending a week long Clinton - Weiner seminar. The Obama Nasties have been bragging for months that they have a stack two feet high of opposition research ready to be unloaded. This week's free haircut episode was just one tiny sheet off the very top.

Jason Horowitz, the reporter on the Post hit piece said they gave the Romney camp ample time to respond. Ample time, and this is the best the Romney team could come up with, "I don't recall"? To anyone paying close attention it's clear that Romney is simply not a skilled politician and the Romney campaign is very much overrated. Obama's boys have to be laughing it up in Chicago as they toy with Romney like a wooden marionette.

Talk radio and right-wing blogs have been saying this is trivial stuff and will have no effect on the election. They are wrong. This isn't about free haircuts and mischievous schoolboys, this is about portraying Mitt Romney as a deviant, someone who plays dirty. This week's objective was to show Romney playing dirty even as far back as high school. Just wait till the Bain Capital crap starts flying, there won't be five schoolboys telling stories of high school hijinks, but fifty businessmen recanting stories of just what a dishonest, ruthless, dirty dealer Romney was.

And finally how hard will it be to portray Romney as a dirty campaigning politician. The Obama Nasties shouldn't even get paid for that day. Perhaps this is why people who put their 'money where their mouth is' have Obama up 60 to 37 on Intrade.

You might have asked yourself, how did we get here, how did we allow for a presidential election between two lightweights with the main issues being; dogs on cars, dogs with ketchup, stay-at-home-moms, car elevators, golf, bullies, blouses, druggies, dresses? I've asked myself that question. I wish I had the answer.

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  • It's looking like 2008 all over again!

  • If we had said from the beginning "a conservative or we stay home" the GOP would have at least had to give consideration to our demands. BUT the teaparty's non stop mantra "anyone but Obama" only encouraged the Rinos (Rove and other eastern elites) to ignore our real desires and force Mitt on us. I have had  violent remarks from so called teapartiers who took issue with my statement that I would not vote if I couldn't vote for a conservative, I believe we would have better results if more had taken a stronger stance.   

  • I graduated from high school and there are a lot of incidents, that I do not rtecall or have any memory of, I don't know if my class mates loved me or hated me.

    Every succesful business person has made some friends and enemies, you cannot succeed in business without steping on some toes somewhere along the way and some of those toes are real tender so naturally they will squawk and exagerate the situation but who realy cares about the mistakes of the past that are not nessarily harbingers of the future.  Besides, we need a president who does not bow to ismlamic suedo terrorists and has the guts to step on toes when needed, so if Romney has not hesitated to step on toes that deserved stepping on, that is what we need to preserve our country.

  • It's called distraction!

  • John, don't listen to them! This story is a masterpiece!

  • Petty, petty John Alan.  Use your talents, if you have any, for something worthwhile---check out the real Obama and his ancestors, his Saudi buddies, and his life before the presidency.  You will then do our country a service that has been too long in coming---like almost 5 years.  Say a prayer everyday that Obama will never be re-elected president of our USA ever again.  Pray until Nov 7-- the day after the election.  One never knows what sleazy Obama will pull at anytime.

  • this is our countries survival that is a stake in this election. an alleged "cutting off someone weaker then you hair", this does not have any relavancy to running our countries government, and restoring us back to our constitution as originally written. this is another one of those, "thow stuff against the wall and see what sticks". we will see more and more of these actions until the election.

    has anyone noticed Ron Paul has been ignored, and still is ignored as a republican presidential candidate ? does anyone know why ? he has picked up convention votes in many states where romney had been declared the states caucus victor, the caucus victory means nothing until the party primary is held.

  • Romney must be a much, MUCH better candidate to beat Obummer that I originally thought if the Dimocrats have to go back FIFTY YEARS to find something bad to say about him.  I see this as confirmation from the Dims that Romney is a much better candidate to lead our country than Obummer.

  • Stop the friggin BS, we have a candidate that can beat Obummer and it is Romney. Don't waste our time with BS and put your efforts into beating the marxist in the White House.

  • WHO CARES! if this is the type of hype we're going to be blessed with don't send it to me

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