wiley (2)

Who Belongs on Anti-American Wanted Posters?



          If you were to logically examine the greatest dangers facing America right now and then to put a face to each of them, it’s likely you’d be stunned at what many of those faces look like . . . as you’ll see from our countdown of the . . . .



Nine Ultra-Dangerous

Anti-Americans at Large Today



#9 Osama Bin Laden has become largely toothless, the danger lies from the newer, younger faces now in charge of the various Al Qaeda branches around the globe . . . faces largely only known to the CIA. However, one face that many Americans are aware of is Anwar Al Awlaki a man with dual citizenship in Yemen and the United States. Despite President Obama’s efforts to remove the concept of Islamic Terrorism from our radar scopes, Awlaki, who was raised right here in the United States, is the highest profile semi-successful terrorist most of us know about. Besides being the “brains” behind the high profile failures of the “Underwear Bomber” and “Times Square Bomber” and “UPS Bomber,” Awlaki was the inspiration for the Ft. Hood massacre carried out by Islamic Army Major Hasan who cried out “Allah Akbar!” as he started the shooting rampage that claimed the lives of 13 people and wounded 29 others, mostly soldiers at the U.S. Army base near Killeen, Texas. Like Bin Laden, Awlaki during his young manhood got involved with prostitutes and became so self-loathing that he needed a big scape-goat for his sins: Western Decadence and the United States. Luckily so far, except for the Army’s total incompetence in dealing with the danger of Major Hasan . . . Awlaki and his followers have thankfully proven themselves quite incompetent. Grade as an Anti-American so far? D+

#8 Faceless foreign Islamist terrorists eager to kill Americans on foreign shores have done a chillingly effective job against Americans outside this country. Whether its suicide bombers; planters of improvised explosive devices (IEDs); Taliban fighters in Afghanistan or those who slaughtered over 100 and wounded at least 250 (mostly Americans and British) at the Indian hotels favored by Westerners and other areas in Mumbai, India in coordinated attack waves; or the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole . . . these guys mean business and have had success against us. In light of the large number of terrorist attacks they pull off, however, Americans have been surprisingly infrequent targets. Their greatest latent threat? Taking over Nuclear-armed Pakistan. Anti-American Grade: C+

#7 The greatest and obviously fastest growing threat so far comes from faceless home-grown Islamic terrorists as the recent FBI sting operation that foiled a would-be Christmas Day attack in Portland Oregon. Because of the failure of Islamic leaders in this country to face down terrorism and the idea of Jihad . . . thousands of young Muslims are being indoctrinated and radicalized right here in this country. Barack Obama and Eric Holder who could easily have sought their help in a high profile way, have pretended that there is no Islamic terror war aimed against us . . . it’s unlikely their political correctness can save us from such attacks. The recent broad-daylight attack on a Detroit police precinct wounding four officers is a shocker. Was this an Islamic Terror attack? We’ve not been told anything; the shooter has been identified, but not yet “characterized.” We do know that the Detroit area holds the highest Muslim population density in the country. In any case, unless something changes such attacks will be carried out by Jihadists sooner or later. Grade: F- Threat A+

#6 Chinese President Hu Jintao and his country pose huge  military, economic and cyber threats to the United States and have abetted the insane regime in North Korea as well. He is now calling for the Chinese Yuan to replace the American Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. If this happens the American economy will be able to hide behind Obama’s and Fed Chief Ben Bernanke’s façade no more: we will be exposed as utterly bankrupt and economic chaos the like of which the United States has never known will collapse the entire economy. Barack Obama seems content to let China continue to lead us down the primrose path in that direction. Grade D- but threat A++.

#5 Frances Fox Piven has been the most successful and little-appreciated American traitor in history. She clearly was the power behind the throne of the Clinton presidency. 




Earlier, the efforts of Piven, her husband Richard Cloward, Black militant George Wiley  and the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) created by the threesome to show the strength of the infamous “Cloward-Piven Strategy” took eight years to bankrupt New York City (it required a federal bailout in 1975). NWRO used Saul Alinsky’s (author of Reveille for Radicals in 1946; and Rules for Radicals in 1971) street crusade tactics to double the nation’s welfare rolls from 8 to 16 million between 1967 and 1975; and just missed bankrupting the entire state of New York.

While working with NWRO, Wiley Lieutenant Wade Rathke was considered imaginative. He put that trait to bad use in creating his original ACORN (Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now) in conjunction with the support of Bill Clinton were answers to Cloward’s and Piven’s calls for their army of supporters to move on to “voter registration and housing as our next emphasis areas” for radicalism. After Jimmy Carter’s 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) first required home lenders to knowingly make bad loans to high risk people, ACORN was created and immediately the landscape of American mortgages began changing. After success in Arkansas and in supporting and getting Bill Clinton elected governor for 12 of the next 14 years, ACORN became national and changed its name slightly dropping “Arkansas” and replacing it with “Association.” 

            ACORN helped put Bill Clinton into the White House in November, 1992, and he immediately set to work to definitively answer the Cloward-Piven call for radical attacks on voter registration by enacting the Motor Voter Act in early 1993. Piven and Cloward are standing just behind Slick Willy in the official photo of the signing ceremony. Motor Voter was called “a twelve-lane highway to voter fraud.” Clinton also enacted serious and deep reform of the regulations behind CRA ’77 in 93; and then twice had bills expanding CRA ’77 become law in 1995; and finally passed a steroid version expanding CRA ’77 in 1998. Clinton clearly had repaid his debts.  In 1975, before CRA ’77, one in every 404 home loans was issued at 3% down or less and virtually all loans were granted with 20% down payments. By 2005,  More than one in every 3 home loans (34%) was done at 3% down payment or less; many with zero down payment.

            Thanks to the Clinton steroid expansion in 1998, ACORN was able to use its street demonstration tactics to get loans as easily for $440,000 homes in 2005 as they had for $110,000 homes in 1995. Now people with no job; no savings or estate; no ID; no rental history; only food stamps to show as “income”; terrible credit ratings; and, yes, even illegal aliens could be put into ultra-expensive homes. Piven was the founder of our financial meltdown as the sub-prime lending crisis infected the very soul of the nation’s economy . . . .

            Today Piven is aghast that the unemployed are not angry enough and not taking to the streets. She has called for violence akin to what’s going on in Greece to finally bring the Marxist Revolution here to fruition. Things haven’t changed much for Piven.  Cloward and Piven’s infamous article “The Weight of the Poor” first exposing us to Cloward-Piven Strategy for revolution brought on by chaos first ran in the Nation magazine.  

“Now, with the dropping New Year's ball, Piven is at it again, ringing in 2011 with renewed calls for revolution. In a chilling and almost unbelievable editorial again in The Nation (”Mobilizing the Jobless,” January 10/17, 2011 edition),” she is again calling on the poor to be storm troopers for her revolution.   For the angry unemployed “to rise up in a violent show of solidarity and force.  As before, those calls are dripping with language of class struggle. Language she and her late husband Richard Cloward made popular in the 60s.” Grade A+  Current Threat C


#4 George Soros:  So-called “philanthropist” Soros has had a checkered past. As a 14-year old in his native Hungary, George Soros was (as a capo for the Nazis) delivering the orders from the Third Reich officials for his fellow Hungarian Jews to assemble for their freight car trips to the death camps. Today the 80-year old Soros is known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England.” Multi-billionaire Soros is claimed to be the world’s 4th to 8th rich man. He’s made an awful lot of his money by taking advantage of (and some say by “engineering” or  “manipulating”) currency collapses. Full-fledged economic meltdowns in England, Russia, Thailand and Malaysia and in a couple of Balkan States which Soros exploited made him a billionaire. He is currently backing the Chinese Yuan and appears to be seeking harm for the Euro and Dollar. If he succeeds and makes a greater fortune by destroying the dollar, however, it will be Congress and the Presidents seem 1964 who have load the gun, Soros will just have incidentally pulled the trigger. His real danger is as a so-called activist and philanthropist. Soros right now funds the Tides Foundation and 48 other anti-American progressive foundations all aimed at bringing about an eventual collapse of the American economy and Marxist takeover of the United States. The incredible chart at the bottom of this blog link says it all; George is funding every single bit of it:


            A good friend of the Clinton’s and close to Barack Obama, Soros could become the world’s first trillionaire if he can pull of the collapse of the Euro and the Dollar and getting the Yuan to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. His danger to the United States, however, lies in his being the banker for the progressives’ revolution. Grade C- potential danger A

#3: Obama’s Regulatory Czar” Cass Sunstein is called “The Most Dangerous Man in America” by fiscal-conservative and constitutional-conservative political pundit Glenn Beck. In the face of the House Republican majority, Obama will rely on Sunstein to take over the country for progressivism much like Bill Clinton did using regulatory fiat to expand the powers of CRA ’77 in 1993. Sunstein and progressive think tanks are the ones who get together behind closed doors to write up the massive Obamacare; Financial Takeover; and Cap and Trade Bills turning America into a socialist state. He’s currently working to undo Talk Radio and Fox News; and drastically limit Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech in this country. Grade B-   Potential Threat A++

#2 While Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have done great harm to our country, at the end of the day, they were both just leaders of the yes-people for our President. Barack Obamas charisma is not ever to be underestimated. Intelligent conservatives realize that the president’s multiple failures in every avenue of Oval Office accomplishment mean absolutely nothing.   After flirting with a 40% approval rating against 56% disapproval in September, 2010 . . . 51% of the nation now believes Obama’s job performance is effective. The son of a liaison between a radical communist American mother and a Marxist Kenyan, Barack Obama has zero accomplishments to his credit over almost half-century of living. He is living proof that Abraham Lincoln was wrong, not only can you fool some of the people all of the time, you can definitely fool most of the people most of the time. His lackey, Sunstein, is a dangerous man, but only Obama can get their entire administration another four years to carry on with their mischief.

            Community Organizer Obama and ACORN lawyer Obama were highly effective at not only getting banks to give bad home loans to ultra-risky clients, but was also famous for shaking them down for ACORN donations.   A master propagandist, Obama has the American people believing that conservatives and the free market caused the crash which progressive laws like CRA ’77; progressive programs like Medicare and Medicaid; and progressive interference shackling the free market created. 

Obama, Al Gore, Franklin Raines, Joel Rogers; Richard Sander and some forty-five other noted liberals created the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) which would have made the group hundreds of billions if not TRillions of dollars with the passage of cap and trade laws. Last month the group disbanded after CCX’s nine-year old potential failed to come to fruit.   Had they succeeded, the $10 TRillion per year carbon-trading industry (producing nothing but selling supposedly clean air) would have turned the $15 TRillion U.S. economy into a $25 TRillion economy with the same goods and services and nothing better to offer. This would have amounted to a 67% virtually immediate inflation in the country. This would have also fulfilled two of Obama’s campaign promises (to “bankrupt the coal industry” and to cause the price of electricity to skyrocket”) as revealed in a San Francisco Chronicle interview.





                Mr. Obama has also promised to create five million new green-tech jobs. Based upon a Spanish economist’s study of Spain’s efforts along similar lines (which took Spain from the most prosperous economy in 1997 and 4% unemployment; to being endangered by bankruptcy and today’s 20.8% unemployment rate) with the government subsidizing “green programs” . . . those five million green jobs would cost the real economy eleven million real jobs. Furthermore (just as in America, the Spanish politicians treated and counted jobs lasting two weeks or three months as if they were permanent jobs so that count is NEVER to be trusted) only 10% of the green jobs in Spain proved permanent . . . bottom line: half a million permanent green jobs would cost eleven million real jobs (a disastrous 22/1 job-killing ratio). Also of interest, the green jobs averaged about $12.44 per hour. It’s obvious that the media and the voters don’t pay attention to Obama’s words since they’re so enthralled by his pretty face? We could go on and on, but we’ll live out Obamacare and all his other disasters such as stopping oil-drilling in the Gulf . . . . Grade B+   Threat A++

#1 The top spot on our Anti-American wanted posters is a tie between the mainstream media (MSM) also known as the “lamestream media”; and the unaware and ignorant American Voter. Even more than Frances Fox Piven, these are the willful powers behind the presidential “throne” and also every seat in the House and Senate. All of the content of the eight earlier bad boys should be common knowledge in America but our MSM has contrived in Obama Adulation that none of it is known by more than about 8-9% of the populace. The voters, for their part, have shown a marked preference for sitcoms and “reality” TV over understanding how they’re being governed and informed. The rise of FoxNews and the demise of the liberal-leaning NY Times; Washington Post; etc. shows that enough people (who want the truth and will accept nothing less) are no longer funding the MSM’s lying; slanted and willfully incorrect news coverage to eventually bankrupt them all. The voters after partially coming to their senses in November have dropped back into the lap of apathetic ignorant bliss. Obama seems like such a nice fellow . . . it’s hard for them to be mad at his treason for very long . . . . Grade A+  Threat A+++


Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,





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Obama's Radical Reliance upon R-Word #1's
R-Word #2 is Barack's Goal
Readers of the tales of Arthur Conan Doyle’s masterfully-drawn detective Sherlock Holmes realize that “after all the impossibilities have been eliminated, what’s left, however, improbable must be the right answer.” The burning question left us since roughly 1965 is this: why has the radical left-wing of the Democratic Party, now in TOTAL charge of that party, relied so thoroughly upon the single word: RACISM?” The easy answer is “because it works for them.” The question begged is “Why?”
Racism or “R-word #1,” is a fact, a piece of evidence, which is crystallizing before us and the more we examine the history of this crime, (and it is a crime that the largest and most influential of our nation’s political parties has become the handmaiden of the least principled of persons and their perverted interests) and its ubiquitous presence definitely implies the existence of “R-Word #2, nay, REQUIRES R-wod #2 to be revealed later in the blog.
Rajjpuut suggests that as facts and history pile up ever higher one atop the other . . . and as all of the far more “preferable” and at first more likely answers are eliminated . . . only one highly improbable answer remains: “R-word #2. It is indeed a puzzler . . . .
If in solving the puzzle, we are repeatedly and ceaselessly confronted by the single inglorius word “RACISM” at every turn . . . “IF RACISM IS KEY TO THE ANSWER, (in other words, if use of the word “racism” willy-nilly at every key juncture is the METHOD) WHAT MUST BE THE QUESTION (in other words what is R-word #2, a.k.a. the GOAL)??
As always those who deny or refuse to learn their history are compelled to suffer its consequences. 1965 should have seen the halcyon days for the United States of America. The Civil Rights Act had just been passed. At last, the Civil War, also known as the “War of Nothern Agression” in some parts of the South, was successfully concluded. But the enemy within saw their opportunity and they hijacked the word “RACISM,” R-word #1 from the Civil Rights movement and therein lies our tale.
The country as a whole refused to acknowledge their presence and that made it easy for the enemy soon to come to nearly dominate the leftwing politics of the day. They have been able to disguise themselves, their nature and their goals right up till today. Yesterday so to speak, however, they began to be noticed finally. In a recent poll, 55% of Americans said that the word “Socialist” was a fitting description of Barack Obama, thank God! But at first and until very recently only they were able to make things appear to be quite different on the surface than the reality beneath where they were operating.
They – you are now aware enough to call them “Socialists,” but Rajjpuut has long known them as “Communists” since the first time he read Saul Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals” or studied the “Cloward-Piven Strategy’s role in the bankruptcy of New York State in 1975-- were helped by the fact that when the first true battles in the Civil Right Movement were engaged after World War II, the Democratic Party was split asunder by the conflict and the smaller splinter group was a tempestuous group of Southern Whites known as the Dixiecrats who ran on a platform of thinly-disguised Confederacy (circa 1860). In fact, it was that single fact, that a highly concentrated group of racists that the rest of the United States came to hate actually existed and actually held the Confederate States of 1860 as an ideal that made the Communist’s takeover a plottable and possible outcome . . . and today that outcome is nearly a fait accompli. And that takeover is our R-word #2: Revolution or “Fundamental Transformation.” Here’s how it all came to be . . . .
It all began to come to a head in late 1945. Among the heroes returning from the South Pacific and Europe at the end of World War II were a large contingent of Black soldiers, 85-90% of them from the south. They were not always regarded as heroes when they got home. The president at that time was Harry S (no period, no middle name, just the initial) Truman, the greatest president of the 20th
In those days all Blacks, 100%, voted Republican, the Party of Lincoln. And the "Solid South" was the Democratic stronghold just as it had been before the Civil War. And the country was much more uniform and far less urban than it is today.
Century though he served less than two full terms. Truman was raised as a Missouri segregationist, so it must have been a tough battle for him. Rajjpuut thinks of Harry S. Truman as the inspiration for the founders of today's TEA Party movement.
Whatever else Truman might have felt about Blacks, Truman was himself a war hero from World War I and when hundreds of the returning Black soldiers were lynched across the south (one poor fellow with his battle ribbons still on display trampled into the ground beneath his corpse) in 1945 and 1946 he would not stand for it. He and the Republican Party and moderates of his own Democratic party quickly passed federal anti-lynching laws and Truman sent U.S. Marshalls into the south to enforce them. He also, by presidential edict, integrated the armed forces. Blacks in the navy, for example, had only been allowed to be cooks and stewards, and in the army had fought in entirely Black units. All the key segregationists of the day such as Harry Byrd, Strom Thurmond, Henry Wallace, Jesse Helms and George Wallace were outraged . . . to their mind another hated Reconstruction period was in the offing brought about by another War of Northern Aggression. They were actually right. This time the civil war took about eighteen years to fight, it was far less bloody but no less intense.
In effect the segregationists of the south, had once again fired upon Fort Sumter (lynchings) and once again the Union had regarded the act as an act of war and responded righteously (the anti-lynching laws and the presence of the U.S. Marshalls and integrating the armed services).
One fringe group needs to be mentioned: the Ku Klux Klan had been a huge power in the country since the earlier groups of Blacks had returned from World War I, and they’d been very popular in the early 20’s, not only in the south, but also dominating politics in some urban east and mideast states and around Rajjpuut’s home, Colorado. But the KKK’s power had been waning since several incidents in 1925 and 1926 had brought their patriotic-sounding rhetoric into obvious conflict with their goonish and sub-human true nature. There would be a resurgence of KKK activity during the next eighteen years but a large percentage of the southern populace and virtually all the rest of the country had moved well-beyond these thugs. Later as the undeniable courage of the Freedom Marchers of the ‘60’s led by Martin Luther King, Jr’s Gandhiesque non-violence surfaced into crystal-clear focus, more and more southern Whites came to appreciate the Black situation and the basic unfairness and injustice of segregation.
When Hubert Humphrey of the Democratic Party at their presidential nominating convention of 1948 introduced an “integration plank” to the delegates, Thurmond, Helms, Byrd and both Wallaces and their ilk walked out of the convention. Soon, calling themselves the States’ Rights Democrats or Dixiecrats they immediately created a third party and nominated Thurmond as their presidential candidate. It was considered only a small gamble. The split of the Democratic Party in ’48 was seen as virtually guaranteeing Truman’s defeat and the election of Republican Thomas Dewey, if Truman didn’t “come to his senses.” Despite all this, Truman continued to campaign vigorously along populist lines while Dewey, with supposedly 55% of the popular vote and 60% of the electoral vote coming his way according to the polls, gloried in the disintegration of the Democratic Party and espoused positions that appealed only to the plutocrats in both parties.
The Dixiecrats were almost as equally smug and reasoned that 1) after they defeated Truman, unless, of course, he invited them back in ’48, their power would be obvious and things would go back to normal or 2) after they won enough southern states to send the election to the House of Representatives, the south would basically control the selection of the President (certainly NOT Truman) and again their power woud be obvious.
What they didn’t foresee was that about 60% of the few Black voters; and the vast majority of other minority voters; and many of the urban white Republican voters and other White voters all across the nation changed their allegiance almost immediately, voters admired Truman and didn’t connect with Dewey and now that the segregationists were out of the Democratic Party many of the most independent felt comfortable voting that way. This was the natural birth of the TEA Party movement, which acted like one huge Independent voter hopping from party to party over the next few years until the communist undercover movement clearly took over the leftwing of the Democratic Party by say 1992.
Unhampered by this decidedly foreign presence in the Democratic party this respect for integrity and progress within tradition represented by the TEA Party would have likely changed the history of the country dramatically. They were the naturally center-right Independents of the country and controlled things from 1948-1960.
Meanwhile, in ‘48 Truman despite being consistently defeated by the Gallup polls defeated Dewey soundly and suddenly those Dixiecrats were a cause without a viable party. The Republicans, Party of Lincoln and far more interested in northern and eastern and urban concerns than in the south, had less room for them then the Democrats did. In presidential politics they were party-less until 1964.
The success of the Civil Rights Movement largely on the back of and inspired by the non-violence of King and the 1964 Civil Rights Act, was the ultimate straw as far as the Dixiecrats were concerned, not only that, but the Republican presidential candidate that year was a conservative named Barry Goldwater and one of the few good things about the Dixiecrats was their respect for traditional values. Unfortunately, “racism” was a traditional value for them too. So now the Old Racists were aligned with the Republican Party in November, 1964, a fact the Democrats haven’t stopped shouting about even since racism went out of style under Ronald Reagan and beyond. It’s ever necessary to keep the Black’s in their place (under the Democrat’s flag) and to remind Independents of what is no longer true. Anytime, in short, that a Democrat candidate is in trouble, the “Racism-Ploy” is appropriate. R-word #1 will never go out of style.
Remember that R-word #2? Revolution! Meanwhile, our enemies had flourished. Lyndon Johnson’s ill-conceived “Great Society” dove-tailed with their plans nicely. Saul Alinksy’s book was their Old Testament and in ’64 two communist Columbia University (NYC) sociology professors Richard Cloward and Frances Piven suggested that implementing Alinsky’s ideas on a large scale could quickly bring about the “fundamental transformation” they were seeking. They suggested the natural “vehicle” for their ascendancy was the Democratic Party of the United States and its weakness for complicated social programs outside the traditional American value structure. With Alinsky as True North they published their ideas now known as Cloward-Piven Strategy, which some have called “forced change through crisis” or “overloading the system.” Then they set about making their goal of a guaranteed national income come true. They aligned with George Wiley, a militant Black chemist and Civil Rights Activist to create an Alinsky-type battle plan.http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=1769
Together they created Wiley’s NWRO (National Welfare “Rights” Organization) and set about first putting many more people on the state of New York’s welfare rolls, large quantities in NYC. While doing that they set about using these urban poor as their shock troops disrupting the welfare landscape with angry but well-coordinated street uprisings (really orchestrated demonstrations) until by 1968 they’d grown the welfare rolls of the state by 8 million. By 1975, NYC was bankrupt and NY state almost bankrupt . . . the broader welfare crisis they sought to provoke across the nation never materialized and the guaranteed national income was never seriously contemplated except by the extreme left of the Democratic Party. Nevertheless a huge success was, they believed, achieved, and while bragging about their efforts in print, they suggested the next two areas to advance the Popular Front (Communist Movement) should probably be voter registration and housing. Wiley set about creating ACORN.
You know most of the rest, probably, but Rajjpuut will summarize it here:
C-P defiles the housing market and ballot box
The U.S. had the highest home ownership in the world 62-64% depending upon the economic conditions, but Jimmy Carter and the Democrats passed the Community Reinvestment Act in ’77 forcing lenders to make bad loans (it was a mortgage-guarantee program) to people who could not afford to repay them. This program was expanded in ’92 to include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and George Bush I did NOT veto it. Under Bill Clinton it was expanded three more times (twice in 1995 and the steroid version in ’98).
By ’93, ACORN had begun perfecting its Alinsky techniques. From ‘95-’97 they found out that using lawyers like Barack Obama to shake-down the mortgage lenders and getting free publicity from PBS and network television was their ticket. Between ’99 and 2007, ACORN had it down to a science so that people without IDs, without jobs, without rental history, with horrendous credit ratings and even illegal immigrants could expect to receive forced loans from cowed mortgage companies and bankers . . . often far larger and more expensive homes than typical middle-class Americans owned.
If anything, ACORN’s involvement with the voting process has even been more corrupt. As far as the general election 32 ACORN operatives were convicted of fraudulent activities (the tip of the iceberg). But earlier was when the real problems arose:
ACORN and the Black Panthers helped Barack Obama steal the nomination of the Democratic Party from Hillary Clinton by allowing him to shakedown the system and win thirteen of the fourteen caucus states although being well-beaten overall in other states. Bussing, intimidation, dirty tricks and fraud were the featured activities.
More recently Obama’s Department of Justice in the person of a Deputy Attorney General assigned to head the DOJ, Julie Fernandez, has played politics by dropping a Philadelphia voter-intimidation case for the general election in 2008 against the New Black Panthers which the Bush administration had won with strong video evidence. Only one handslap was given out to a man seen in other videos calling for the killing “of crackers and their cracker babies.” And the aformentioned Ms. Fernandez let a roomful of DOJ employees know there was “no interest in prosecuting or investigating cases with White victims and Black perpetrators; or in investigations along Motor Voter Act.” Richard Cloward and Frances Piven are standing directly behind Bill Clinton in the phots as he signs the Motor Voter Act which has been called “a license for voter fraud.” Now Ms. Fernandez says that even the ultra-weak Motor Voter Act will not be enforced “because it might hurt turnout.” What??? Turnout of dead voters and moved voters will be down; duplicate votes will not occur, other voter irregularities will be culled . . . and Ms. Fernandez doesn't want that happening?
Today, by hook and by crook and by underhanded, under the table activitites, the Constitution of the United States is being shredded before our eyes. Our free-market system is being enslaved to bureaucracy on a dozen fronts, our present economy is being castrated and our children and grand children are being enslaved by Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation. His next target: the ballot box in November, 2010.
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,

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