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Franklin Graham, How Dare He!


Do you ever get the feeling that perhaps you are the one who is crazy? It would have been easy for me to feel that way back in 2008. It appeared that every black person in America was giddy with excitement about the possibility of America electing its first black president except me.

Upon reviewing his hardcore liberal associations, anti-Semitic pastor, history of bullying political opponents out of races and admitting to Joe the Plumber his plan to redistribute wealth, I saw Obama as a far left radical Democrat, Chicago thug politician. Still, from my preacher dad to my 100 year old grandmother and everyone in between, my entire black family worshiped the ground Obama walked on. I was the odd man out; the weird one.

I find myself in a similar position today. Remarkably, famed religious leaders whom I purposely will not name are suggesting that Christians allow homosexuals to redefine God's institution of marriage; claiming to have biblical basis for doing so. While doing interviews on Christian radio shows, I was stunned a few times by hosts who took issue with me for not embracing same sex marriage.

A few years back, I flew out to LA. A Christian youth pastor picked me up from the airport. He said his church teaches to embrace homosexuality because God is love and God does not care who we love. Have modern Bibles eliminated scriptures that list certain behaviors as sin and an abomination to God? (Leviticus 18:22)

Flipping through my TV channels this week, I saw that the Home and Garden channel ran back to back hour long programs featuring remodeling the homes of same sex couples; back to back! Even a sandwich spread commercial featured a homosexual couple. With the secular world and much of the Christian church embracing the “new normal”, it is easy for one to ponder. Am I wrong about this?

But then, invoking the same elation in me as if he wore a leotard, a cape and an “S” on his chest, Franklin Graham stood up, boldly pushing back against Wells Fargo Bank funding a commercial promoting homosexual marriage and parenting. Thanks Franklin, I knew I was not crazy.

Praise God that someone of major prominence is finally saying “no” to the Left cramming its agenda down our throats. Graham is fighting back by hitting the aggressors in their pocketbook; removing Billy Graham ministry's hundreds of millions from Wells Fargo. Graham launched a clarion call asking Christians to boycott LGBT friendly companies.

Franklin, son of the legendary great evangelist Billy Graham wrote on Facebook: “...Let's just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God's laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention. Share this if you agree.”

Before I continue. Will someone please explain to me why suddenly corporations, the mainstream media, broadcasters and Christian churches are scrambling to please the LGBT community and further its agenda; the initiative trumping everything and everyone in America? Wells Fargo basically told Graham that pleasing the LGBT community is their top priority. Again, I ask why? For crying out loud, a CDC report said the LGBT community is less than 2% of the population, another reported slightly over 2%.

Imagine Buffalo Bob host of the 1950s kid's TV program, “The Howdy Doody Show” saying, “Okay kids, it's time for another GAY FAIRY TALE!” The kids in the live studio audience cheer, “Yeaaaaaa!!!” Today on American TV, toddlers are taught homosexuality via remakes of fairy tales. In a cartoon targeted at preschoolers, a boy rescues a prince and a princess, but chooses to marry the prince.  No, I am not crazy. That just “ain't” right!

Despite the objections of parents, Virginia public school administrators figuratively told parents, screw you, the curriculum will include gender identity.

Meanwhile, Franklin Graham, a good man of impeccable character is standing strong, daring to inflame the full-blown wrath of the Left and mainstream media who will attempt to brand him as an overzealous conservative religious hater.

Step two in the Left's Targeted for Destruction playbook is to stick microphones into the faces of influential conservatives and pastors; branding all who stand with Graham as fanatic nut-case haters. The Left will insidiously initiate the tactic of taking the slightest opposition to its agenda to the extreme. Graham and his supporters will be accused of being in solidarity with those who want homosexuals socially abused and physically harmed. This tried and true tactic is designed to intimidate people into backing away from Graham.

Graham has a history of pushing back against the Left's War on Christianity. He spoke out when Obama blamed Christians for Jim Crow laws and slavery at the National Prayer Breakfast.  The Left attacked Graham trying to shut down his “Operation Christmas Child” which has sent 100 million boxes of toys to poor children since 1993.

Graham's latest insubordination daring to say no to the Left cramming homosexual marriage down our throats may have, as my late momma used to say, plucked the Left's last nerve; moving Graham to the top of their hit list.

This is line in the sand time folks, Christians vs the Left's bullying.

Exodus 32:26 – “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said, “Who is on the Lord's side? Come to me.” And all the sons of Levi gathered around him.”

My fellow Christians, I feel we face a similar pivotal moment as did the sons of Levi. Who is on the Lord's side? Support Franklin Graham. I stand with brother Graham.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Baltimore: From Charm City to Deadly City

Baltimore's 40th murder in May set a new record for homicides in one month.

Hello Baltimore 1000x1000

My friend wrote...


The American Legion National Convention is scheduled for late August through early September, 2015 in Baltimore City.

Sad to say, I have canceled my reservations as I do not think the Convention is worth the risk to my life as I was very much looking forward to the Convention. Many others of American Legion are canceling due to high risk of being shot and/or killed.

I would very much appreciate your thoughts as you grew up there. No doubt , is a terrible shame to see a great City, Baltimore, go down due to liberal Democrats being in charge for the past 4 decades

Keep the Faith, Brother”

My reply...

Hey Brother, You are wise for staying away from sin city (Baltimore). Baltimore police are reluctant to do their job for fear of being arrested. Clearly, the mayor is allowing the inmates to run the asylum. The only thing the vile local Democrat government cares about is protecting their liberal narrative. Baltimore's mayor considers lives and businesses acceptable collateral damage. It is shameful and evil. God bless, Lloyd”

My wife Mary said perhaps Baltimore will come to it's senses upon realizing the financial consequences (at least $20 million) of allowing the thugs to wreck havoc.  I said to her, you are mistaken oh wise and beautiful one. The liberal zealots running Baltimore do not give a rat's derriere about consequences financial or otherwise. All that matters is furthering their liberal socialist/progressive big government controlling everything and everyone agenda. If Leftists are nothing else, they are persistent, patient and unshakably focused on achieving their goals.

For crying out loud, the Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby is running around acting like an anti-police pit bull, giving speeches in churches to rally the black community against the police.  Dear Lord what evil has overtaken my former home town? What has so emboldened Leftist Democrats to dismiss all pretense of fairness and legality, openly displaying their liberal bias and intentions?

Before I moved to Florida fifteen years ago, Baltimore was promoted as “Charm City”. I received a citation from former Mayor Kurt Schmoke for the song I wrote about my beloved city. A CD of my song “Hello Baltimore” was included in the city's Bicentennial time capsule.

Visiting Baltimore five years after I moved, a black Baltimore cop friend told me crime had gotten much worse. He said metal detectors were installed in public schools and almost every black nightclub. This does not support the Left's claim that cops are the problem.

My brother said his white girlfriend won tickets for a show at the famous Hippodrome theater. The riots made her afraid to venture to downtown Baltimore. My brother dropped her and a female friend off at the theater door and picked them up immediately after the show.

Folks, there is a pony hidden in the pile of excrement which is Baltimore politics. The dire consequences of full blown liberalism are exposed for all the world to see.

Here's a music video of my song “Hello Baltimore” illustrating my hometown then and now.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Chuck Schumer

A black liberal columnist made the point in his article that the future of the GOP rests on it getting rid of its conservatives.  Then, the GOP can modernize; attract more young voters of color by embracing open borders, amnesty, abortion and all the other filth coming out of the Democratic Party. Embracing this strategy is tantamount to embracing evil.

Many consultants and sadly, GOP politicians concur with the columnist's strategy. In essence, we are being told that the only way the GOP can win future elections is to embrace an anti-God and anti-righteous agenda. I can not and will not embrace this vile defeatist lie.

Democrats with mainstream media support have successfully branded the GOP as the party of “mean”. The truth is for decades the Democratic Party leadership has been the greatest dispensers of evil in America; hating morality while trashing all things wholesome and good.

As a matter of fact, the only behavior Democrats believe to be immoral causing them to respond with visceral hate is conservative, Republican and/or Christian.

Infected with depravity, everything coming out of the Democratic Party is rooted in lies and political deception. They assault us daily with new attempts to repeal our God-given freedoms and force their anti-God agenda down our throats. This “ain't” my dad's Democratic Party. When did the Democratic Party leadership sell it's soul to the devil?

The Bible speaks of “spiritual wickedness in high places.” Evil oozes from the pores and orifices of the Democratic Party from Obama, to their probable 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, to all their creepy minions.

Less you forget, looking America in the eye, Obama lied on over 29 occasions promising, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it!”  Cancer patients lost their lifesaving doctors.  That's evil folks.

Picture this folks. In the background was the flag-draped coffin of Mrs. Smith's son who was killed in the attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Hillary (then Secretary of State) looked the grieving mother in the eye and vowed to punish the SOB who made a video that angered Muslims, causing the death of her son. Meanwhile emails reveal that Hillary was lying because she knew the attack had nothing to do with a video. An Al Qaeda group planned the attack to commemorate 9/11.  Hillary is a lying sociopath.

The Administration's lie that an anti-Muslim video caused the attack was to protect Obama's lie that terrorism is no longer a threat. Protecting their narrative at all cost, the Administration ignored Ambassador Stevens plead for added security. Ambassador Stevens and other Americans were abandoned and killed in the Benghazi attack.  That's evil folks.

When it comes to winning a political battle, the Democrats consider no tactic too evil. To ensure that kids with cancer would get their meds during the government shutdown, Republicans proposed a mini-spending bill. Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked voting on the bill. Reid wanted the public to think Republicans don't care about sick kids. When a reporter asked Reid about allowing the vote for the sake of the kids, Reid replied, “Why would I want to do that?"  This man is evil folks.

Here's more Obama minion evil. Acting more like an activist than Baltimore's State Attorney, Marilyn Mosby irresponsibly charged police officers in the Freddy Gray case; outrageously charging one with murder.

Recently indicted, the six Baltimore police officers (three blacks and three whites) have been thrown on the alter, sacrificed for Obama's scheme to federalize (control and liberalize) all of our nation's police departments. The Baltimore six and other police officers assassinated by black thugs who believe the Left's lie that cops routinely murder them are acceptable collateral damage in Obama's quest to become America's top cop.  That's evil folks.

The Democrats callously view every disaster, accident or whatever as an opportunity to exploit for political purposes. Democrat Corrine Brown despicably tried to blame the tragic Amtrak crash on Republicans.  The inconvenient truth is the engineer was going twice the train's speed limit at the turn. This did not stop Brown from ranting about evil Republicans being the blame. Brown exploited the deaths of over 7 passengers. That's evil folks.

Before the Infants Protection Act, medical professionals were legally obligated to discard babies who miraculously survived abortions. Babies were placed in store rooms to die. Protecting his political aspirations, when he was an Illinois senator, Obama rejected the Born Alive Infants Protection Act three times to ensure himself the radical feminist vote.  That is bone chillingly evil folks.

The Left has the most perverse definition of morality and honor. Democrat Wendy Davis was heralded for her filibustering to give women the right to murder their baby all the way up to birth. Yes, you read correctly, to birth!  How evil is that?

Totally controlled by Democrats for 50 years, the Baltimore riots perfectly illustrate the devastating cost in pain and suffering from Democrat self-serving policies and programs.

Imagine a homeless man awaking one morning hungry, believing he has no money to buy food. His buddy sees a $100 bill sticking out of the man's back pocket placed there by a generous pedestrian while the man was asleep. And yet, the buddy does not alert his friend of his good fortune. Democrats have betrayed blacks in the same way. They have convinced blacks that they are poor victims, while the truth is blacks are rich with opportunity; blessed to live in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. Insidiously evil folks.

These items are only the tip of the iceberg of evil spewing out of the Democratic Party, wrecking havoc on our great nation that experts say the GOP must emulate to survive. God forbid.

The Democratic Party leadership is evil incarnate; always appealing to American's lower nature – celebrating what is bad – showing disdain for what is good. The Democratic Party leadership must be defeated; not pandered to or negotiated with.

Folks, taking the popular evil road with the Democrats will ultimately lead to destruction. To restore and save America, we must take the right road less traveled. “Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good.” Romans 12:9.

Conservatives must appeal to Americans' higher nature, touting education, hard work and the joy of personal achievement. Jesus said “My sheep hear my voice...” (John 10:27)

Lets go for the gold folks. After all, we are Americans!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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# White Lives Matter


A picture online showed a white Baltimore business owner with friends standing guard in front of his establishment, protecting his livelihood from looters. The men were armed with ax handles and a big dog. The image gave me a queasy feeling. Don't get me wrong, I sympathize with the business owner.

Baltimore's wacko liberal mayor ordered police, “let them loot, it's only property.”

Therefore, the business owner has every right and even a responsibility as a “man” to protect his property. Yes, despite our wimpified country, I believe testosterone managed responsibly is a good thing.

My concern is how the Left's attitude that white lives don't matter is affecting national race relations.

Blacks, whites and national race relations are merely pawns in the Left's chess game to nationalize (government control) America's supposed evil racist police departments.


Whites have been on the Left's hit list for decades. Disguising their assault on whites, the Left portray themselves as champions of black empowerment. They claim blacks are victims of racist America, despite elephant-in-the-living-room evidence proving otherwise. Meanwhile, the Left is engaged in a shock and awe attack on whites; public schools teaching kids to feel guilty for being white (white privilege). Lord, help us.

Hardcore Leftists are a minority. Nevertheless, portraying various groups as abused victims has been an extremely effective strategy for cramming their socialist/progressive agenda down the throats of the majority.

Here's another example.

Most Americans drank the Left's Kool-Aid of deception, believing them when they said all homosexuals are asking for is tolerance. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Americans are petrified to disagree with same sex marriage. Americans have witnessed the slaughter of enough Christians, fed to the lions in the Colosseum of public opinion, to silence the masses and quaking in their boots.

Decades of Leftist indoctrination has caused a generation of young people to believe that white Americans, particularly heterosexual white males, are the greatest source of evil in the world.

White cops killing a black person is extremely rare (1%). Blacks routinely kill blacks, over 90% of the time.  Stats confirm that the Left has created a climate in which it is open season on whites; sparking violent assaults on whites across America.

So tell me folks. How long can you poke innocent people (whites) in the eye with a stick expecting them not to push back?

Despite what evil lowlifes on the Left say, we have come a long way baby in regards to national race relations. American white voters (blacks too small of a percentage to make it happen) elected a black man to be leader of the free world two times.

My concern is that the Left's relentless abuse may be causing Battered White American Syndrome, creating a new era of racial resentment.

I am hearing from more and more frustrated angry whites. These folks are not Aryan Nation white supremacist nutcases. They are decent average white Americans who are tired of being used and abused, solely to further the Left's anti-God, Anti-American, government controlling everyone and everything agenda.

I wish I could end with a great solution. All I know to do is continue praying for my country, speaking out and standing up against evil. I pray you will do the same.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Dear Family and Friends,

Baltimore _1

Though you have not confronted me or organized an intervention, I know many of you do not understand why I dislike Obama, vote Republican and joined the Tea Party. Y'all think, Obama is black, we're black – so, what is my problem?

Dad told me that grandmother, 101 years old when she passed, cried when Obama was elected. I get that and totally understand. Still, I could not go brain-dead and hop on the elect-the-first-black-president bandwagon. As a matter of fact, I was stunned by how alone I was in considering who Obama was as a candidate and what he planned to do if elected.

Democrats and the media sold Obama as America's Great Black Hope. They protected him by hiding Obama's anti-American friends and writings.

I learned that Obama is another standard “liberal” Democrat con artist, only more extreme; sure to continue the Democrats screwing of black folks.

For those unfamiliar with political terms, in a nutshell, “liberals” are those who believe that man can perfect himself and is capable of controlling everything. Ninety-nine percent of the time, liberals reject God's laws and question His existence. “Conservatives” tend to be God fearing (reverencing) folks. I'm a conservative Republican.

Liberal Democrats have played blacks for over 50 years. Obama is simply their latest front man, brilliantly covered in a black skin disguise.

Now, before you go off on me, calling me an Uncle Tom and worse, please hear me out.

The recent Baltimore riots perfectly illustrate my point. Rioters expressed anger over high black unemployment, poor schools and poverty. Well guess who has controlled Maryland politics for the past 50 years? Liberal Democrats. And yet, they still keep playin' blacks with their standard lie – vote for us and we'll fix everything with our programs and block racist Republicans from keepin' y'all down and lynching you.

Meanwhile, there hasn't been one Republican in sight in Maryland for 50 years in a position to affect anything. And yet, all the problems liberal Democrats promised to fix have gotten worse. Y'all been played. Also, how long will y'all fall for their lie that the lack of jobs is Bush's fault? Obama has been president for six years. Y'all bein' played!

Aunt Bummie and four of her five sons were on welfare their entire lives. Theirs was a fatherless household. Only Poochie (Lawrence) her eldest remarkably worked his way through college. Aunt Bummie and four of her sons died early.

Sleeping over from time to time, at 9 or 10 years old, I felt the depressed vibe of their household and knew their lives were tragic. I felt sorry for them. I felt their envy of my dad living with us.

When President Reagan tried to wean folks off of total government dependency, Democrats and their media buddies told blacks that Reagan was a racist mean old white man who hated blacks. That was another lie.

Don't get me wrong, a government safety net is fine. But, addicting people to cradle to grave welfare is evil; robbing folks of pursuing their God given gifts and potential. Liberal Democrats hope to get as many folks as possible hating the rich and hooked on welfare to keep the masses voting Democrat.

A friend ranted about mean Republicans in congress cutting food stamps for the poor. Another Democrat lie. After six years of Obama, more folks than ever are receiving food stamps (over 47 million).  Remarkably, a third of the country is out of work.  Many quit looking for jobs, deciding to ride Obama's government gravy train. Come election day, they will vote Democrat. And guess who is hardest hit by Obama's job killing policies? Black folks.

Here's another Democrat scam. Democrats love to rant about evil Republican “draconian” cuts to welfare programs. Well, the truth is no program ever gets less money than it did the previous year. In Washington, a cut means congress will not give a program as much of an “increase” as first projected.

Despite Democrat control for 50 years and government programs out the ying yang, Baltimore blacks are suffering more than ever; high school dropouts, no jobs, still murdering each other, high out-of-wedlock births, poverty, high incarcerations and fatherless households. Even after spending trillions of taxpayer dollars fighting poverty since 1965,  Democrats tell the poor and blacks they're gettin' screwed by rich white folks. They're playin' y'all.

Obama's response to the Baltimore riots is typically liberal Democrat; more government programs and blaming Republicans.

Some of you will view Obama as your homey no matter what. It's a black thing. I get it. But, Obama does not feel the same about you.  If he did, Obama would not be flooding the country with uneducated poor illegals who suck up your welfare and your jobs.  He only cares about creating new Democrat voters. He's playin' y'all.

Meanwhile, y'all say, what is up with Peanut (my childhood nickname)? He just “don't” get it.

I pray that I have opened your eyes and that you will think twice before voting for another Democrat.

Love, Lloyd (Jr. Jr)

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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My brother texted me in Florida reporting from Baltimore, our hometown. He said the thugs have gotten crazy and need to be dealt with. My nephew who is a video journalist said it was appalling witnessing local black ministers arguing over street corners for their group of protesters, jockeying for position for the TV cameras.

A friend called interrupting me watching Bizarre Foods TV show, wanting to know if I was watching the coverage of the Baltimore riots. Upon turning the channel to watch the mainstream media coverage, I had to turn the channel away from it. It was too much to stomach.

All I saw was people behaving badly; from Baltimore's insanely liberal mayor to black talking head liberal operatives spewing idiotic excuses to domestic terrorist thugs turning the city into a war zone.

I thought, I have seen this stupid evil horror movie before (Ferguson) and I “ain't gonna” watch it again.

The media is reporting that some black leaders are calling for peace. Well, I am sorry, but that is too little too late. How do you expect black youths to react to the Left's orchestrated campaign to convince them that white Republicans and conservatives are racist and out to get them; white cops murder them at will, the rich got rich stealing from them and business owners are selfish and evil?

These lies have been sold to black youths by the highest black voices in the country – Obama, Oprah, Democrats, Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus and assorted other race exploiting scumbags. If I sound angry it is because I am.

What was that mantra George's dad on Seinfeld used to keep calm? Oh yeah, he said, “Serenity now! Serenity now!”

Enough with this hogwash that Christians should not get angry. The bad behavior destroying peoples' livelihood in Baltimore and the nuanced response to it should make decent honorable people angry.

The Baltimore riots and other incidents of black mob attacks and assaults on innocent whites across America are the result of the Left's hoax that blacks are victimized in America; perpetrating hate for political gain.  Such evil should make decent Americans angry.

When Jesus turned over the tables of the crooks in the temple, he was angry. Jesus even called evil doers names, “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” Jesus pretty much expressed my thoughts regarding modern day black so-called civil rights leaders.

I am not advocating bad behavior from our side. The Bible says, be angry, but sin not. I am advocating that we stop putting up with it. These thugs do this stuff because they can.

I still can not wrap my head around the mayor of Baltimore saying the thugs must be protected and given space “to destroy.”

In essence, the liberal mayor is saying that taxpayer businesses are acceptable collateral damage. I mean, who cares? Most of the trashed businesses are probably owned by rich white racists. Their ancestors probably owned slaves. So, they deserve it.

I am sick of it folks, liberal officials, liberal talking heads and liberal media justifying, tolerating and even celebrating bad behavior.

My brother asked if I noticed that all the blacks heralded as modern day civil rights heroes are criminals? I said, “Great observation grasshopper”, impressed by my low-info-voter brother.

Trayvon Martin was shot while attacking George Zimmerman.  I remembered watching a youtube video of Alabama State marching band honoring the thug, spelling out “Trayvon” on the field. I thought, you have got to be kidding me.

Equally frustrating is that all the black outrage, anger and violence is based on lies. For example. It has been proven that witnesses lied about Michael Brown after robbing a Ferguson convenience store and assaulting the clerk had his hands up in surrender to police. Brown was shot while attacking a police officer.  And yet, from the Grammy Awards to pro football players running out of the tunnel with their hands up, the lie, slander of America's police and hatred was furthered and nurtured.

Serenity now! Serenity now!

Meanwhile, truly extraordinary black role models such as retired black neurosurgeon Dr Ben Carson continue to be rejected and despised by black civil rights leaders. Only blacks who hate America with victim mindsets need apply for membership in their black civil rights movement club.

Blacks angry because of high black unemployment and poor economic conditions need look no further than their messiah (small m), Obama and his job killing policies and mountain of new outrageous regulations.

So please forgive me folks, my blood pressure can not take getting sucked into watching 24/7 sympathetic media coverage of this latest episode of Blacks Behaving Badly, Baltimore edition.

If the mayor of Baltimore and liberal media are going to take a don't-make-the-black-kids-angry approach to dealing with white bystanders being brutalized, businesses being destroyed, looting and chaos in the streets, there is nothing I can do about it. Someone said voters get the government they deserve. Baltimore is notorious for electing liberals.

While I pray for my former hometown, I must emotionally sit this one out.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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#Take Back Our Kids


Our nineteen fifty something station-wagon was loaded with mom, dad, big fat Aunt Nee (300lbs ), myself and four younger siblings. Aunt Nee raised my dad; his surrogate mom. Our family was excited about spending a hot summer day at Carr's Beach, Maryland. I had no idea at that time that it was the only Maryland beach open to blacks.

Before hitting the road to the beach, the ritual included riding from our black suburban community into Baltimore city to pick up Aunt Nee and stopping down “Jew Town” to purchase corned-beef and a bread that the adults loved. I did not get a sense that my parents calling it Jew Town was meant in a derogatory way. It was simply an area of Baltimore filled with Jewish businesses that sold great food.

As a matter of fact, most of the corner stores in black neighborhoods were owned by Jews. Blacks purchased items without cash, put on their account. Store owners would log items in their book; no bulletproof wall and turn-style between the Jewish store owners and their black customers.

We always had a wonderful time at the beach and rode home exhausted. Dad's car was not air conditioned. Looking back, I wonder how on earth did we endure; three adults, five kids, food and beach supplies stuffed in a hot station-wagon. And yet, all my memories of family days at the beach bring a warm smile to my face.

Mom was a great cook. Two of mom's weekday dinner menus stick out as favorites. One was mom's hot homemade biscuits with butter and King Syrup. The other was collard greens with cornbread dumplings. We kids were clueless about the economic component surrounding these meals. We simply enjoyed them, never feeling deprived.

Wednesday nights were prayer service at the storefront church in Baltimore city where dad was assistant pastor. On the way home, there was a corner bakery right before we crossed over the Hanover Street bridge. Whenever dad unexpectedly pulled over to purchase a dozen donuts, it was an exciting family treat.

As the eldest, I remember my parent's lean years more than my siblings. One Christmas, I was extremely excited receiving a secondhand bicycle. Years later, Santa delivered new bikes for my younger brothers and sister.

Dad was among Baltimore City's first black firefighters and mom worked part-time as a custodian at a high school and a domestic for white folks.

My point is we did not have what kids have today. And yet, we enjoyed the little things. We did not feel deprived. Mom and dad always found a way to get us whatever we needed. I remember wearing my new suit for 6th grade graduation looking at my friend Martin wearing a suit a few sizes too small. My three brothers, sister and I were happy.

The Bible says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). While my siblings and I had our individual periods of rebellion, like the prodigal son, we defaulted back to our home training; our parent's principles and values.

Today, the Left is aggressively usurping authority over your kids, ripping parenting out of your hands.

Decades of allowing liberal indoctrination to go unchallenged has produced a generation of youths who believe in the name of “fairness” that no one should have more than anyone else (income inequality). Needs and desires are now declared to be rights (government entitlements). In our quest to prove our tolerance as conservatives, we allowed the Left to steal our kid's minds.

Youths are idealistic. Once liberalized guilt-ridden youths are led down the road of trying to make life fair, the consequences are far reaching. For example: Pressure from students is forcing colleges to make all campus restrooms “all gender”. An Oregon High School created gender-neutral restrooms for transgender students.

In case you have not noticed, the Left has zero tolerance for anyone daring to disagree with their far left radical liberal agenda. They punish and even seek to criminalize opposing points of view.  How long will it be before our kids are reporting their parents to authorities after overhearing them express an opinion out-of-step with that of the Left, government and the mainstream media?

Folks, it is time that we take back our kids from Leftist's indoctrination.

Though “#Bring Back Our Girls” won rave reviews from liberals, sadly, it did nothing to free the 200 girls kidnapped and made sex slaves by Islamic extremists. A year later, the girls have not been returned.

I wish to implement, #TakeBackOurKids. I am calling all parents to closely monitor their local school administrators and school boards, confronting them when necessary. Home schooling is a great option. We can no longer sit back and passively allow the Left to totally control the thinking and beliefs of our kids. We must #TakeBackOurKids.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Mary's Garden and Henry Ross for Congress

For the past few months Mary and I have been working from home rather than on the road campaigning for conservative candidates. I built a container for Mary's veggie garden. How can someone be a gardener who freaks out over the sight of a worm?


Mary's Garden Box 2

My last blood test was not good. So, I have gone rogue in my battle to defeat diabetes; totally raw food. I only eat raw salmon and tuna and hearty salads. No diary. I only drink water with lemon and black coffee. No eating after 8pm. My daily sugar level has been dramatically better. I have been on this regiment for a month and a half. After 60 days, I will go for another blood test. I covet your prayers. I figure if I can get a handle on my health, I can introduce a healthy, but more normal diet and even cheat occasionally.

There was a knock at our front door. A courier handed me a package from CCC (Conservative Campaign Committee) with a memory stick inside. “Hello Mr Marcus. Your mission should you choose to accept it is Henry Ross for Congress, Mississippi. As always, should you or any member of our CCC team be caught working to send a true Tea Party conservative to Washington, the GOP will disavow any knowledge of our actions. This memory stick will self-destruct in 30 seconds.”

Okay, perhaps, it did not happen quite that way, but we at CCC proudly announce our endorsement of Henry Ross for U.S. Congress, Mississippi, District 1.

Why should you care? Folks, the only way we stop Obama and his fellow Leftist's anti-America and anti-God agenda is to replace Democrats, betrayers and spineless Republicans with rock-solid courageous conservatives; one race at a time.

Quoting CCC Executive Director, Joe Wierzbicki, “He (Henry Ross) is definitely “our guy” in terms of ideology and approach. He's a Ted Cruz-Louis Gohmert-Ted Yoho-Mark Levin type of Republican.”

Ross' bio is excellent – Former Circuit Judge, Assistant District Attorney, served in the U.S. Navy, was a member of the Navy JAG Corps, was an appointee to GW Bush's Justice Department and graduated from Ole Miss.

Far too many GOP candidates are obsessed with trying to prove to the mainstream media that conservatives are not that bad, willing to compromise and play nice with Obama and the Democrats.

What sealed the deal for me to support Henry Ross was his boldness in stating who he is, what he believes and his intentions when elected, “...bring us back to God centered limited Constitutional government, where we have rights, but we have responsibilities – responsibility to our nation and to our families. But government has responsibilities to us to follow the Constitution and not bankrupt the country.”

Patriots, please join us in helping Henry Ross win the GOP primary and the runoff.  Time is short. The GOP primary is May 12th. The special election runoff is June 2nd.

Henry, thanks brother for stepping up. Let's get behind him folks. Go Henry Ross for Congress!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Upon hearing Hillary's ad announcing that she is running for president, I thought, these despicable people (Democrats) have no shame. The substance of Hillary's ad is same old, same old; standard Democrat low rent campaign tactics; class envy and victimhoodism.

In her ad, Hillary says, “...the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.” Her message is vote for me and I'll stop those SOBs from hogging and stealing your share of the American pie.

Hillary's ad also mentioned that Americans have gone through challenging economic times and the importance of family. Well, the truth of the matter is the greatest enemy of business and families is the Democratic party. Democrats continuously exhibit hostility towards business, implementing anti-business policies, intrusive and job killing government regulations.

Democrats continue to make it easier and even encourage more Americans to forget working for a living and simple rely on government handouts. One can only conclude that this is Democrats' insidious strategy to win new voters. Who is going to bite (vote out of office) the hand feeding them? Folks, we are talkin' over 92 million Americans unemployed, but still have cellphones, flat screen TVs and not missing meals.

As for the American family, Democrat policies which enable and even nurture bad behavior contributes to the destruction of families. As an American who happens to be black, I have experienced in my family the devastating effects of Democrats' low expectations of blacks; numerous cousins addicted to government welfare which birthed serial out-of-wedlock births, crime, drug abuse, incarceration and early deaths.

Whenever Conservatives and Republicans compassionately address the havoc in the black community left in the wake of the Democrats' failed policies, Democrats flock to their mainstream media buddy's microphones to proclaim these good Samaritan Conservatives and Republicans white-insensitive-racists.

So, when Hillary and her fellow Democrats pretend to champion families, I want to say, “You got to be kidding me. Gag me!”

Here we go again. Hillary comes out promising to be a champion of the suffering and down trodden which she and her party created. Hillary's campaign is standard Democratic Party bait and switch; a continuation of their screwing of America. These people are disgusting. Have they no shame?

Hillary's game plan to win the White House is to continue the Great Democratic Party Deception: pretend to be an advocate for the common man while being the source of their problems; keeping them stuck in just barely getting-by-mode, enslaved to government and making it extremely challenging to rise to higher economic levels. Hillary is banking on a complicit mainstream media to help her pull it off, duping clueless voters.

I pray that our GOP presidential wannabes will have the courage and wisdom to speak out against Hillary's deceptive, disgusting and arrogant I-think-voters-are-idiots standard Democrat campaign strategy.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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President Obama shows great respect for Muslims and their holy days and even lectures us to do the same. And yet, a few days after another slaughter of Christians which Obama refused to acknowledge, Obama cavalierly chose the Christian high holy day of Easter to take yet another of his signature shots at Christians. Obama displays a hypersensitive respect for Islam while displaying little sensitivity or respect for Christians while claiming to be a Christian. The Bible says by their fruits ye shall know them.

At the Easter Prayer Breakfast, Obama accused Christians of not acting in love.

This Leftist trick (tactic) has worked on too many Christians for far too long.

Candidly, I found myself in church rolling my eyes listening to a sermon in which the pastor chided his congregation. His rebuke is the LGBT community does not like Christians because we are not loving enough to them. Most Christians I know are extremely tolerant and loving to homosexuals. I sat there thinking, “Brother, that's not what this is about. Obviously, you have not yet realized the Left's War on Christianity.” This “ain't” about homosexuals seeking acceptance. The Left's mission hidden in plain sight is to force their secular, liberal and anti-biblical agenda down our throats. Some say the Left has already won over a generation of our kids; hiBlackjacking their thinking starting in kindergarten with books like “Heather Has Two Mommies.”

Whenever Christians catch wind of the Left's stealthily orchestrated war on Christians and push back, the Left employs their you're-not-acting-in-love according to the teachings of Jesus tactic. Insidious and repulsive. These people who despise Jesus dare to reference His teachings to manipulate Christians.

The Left's narrative is love equals accepting someone just the way they are.

My brother said, “Love does not mean we should co-sign sin.” If your child is a thief, love does not require you to support their illegal behavior. Quite the opposite. Whom the Lord loves He chastens.

As I stated, far too many Christians are manipulated by the Left's love guilt-trip tactic. In the name of love, duped Christians are ignoring God's Word to adopt an anything goes mindset. The Bible says hate the sin, but love the sinner. The Left are highly enraged by this biblical command to Christians.

The Left demands that Christians enthusiastically rubber stamp anti-biblical behavior or risk being made an example of; humiliated in the mainstream media, sued and forced out of business. Hello, the Catholic nuns of Little Sisters of the Poor, Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Arlene's Flowers and Gifts, Elane Photography, Mozilla CEO, the Benham brothers who lost their show on HGTV and Memories Pizza to name a few.

The Left's message is alarmingly loud and clear. To all who do not embrace our mission to kill babies and paint the mark of the homosexual rainbow over the door of your business, we will figuratively bury you.

Loyal to Obama, some black pastors now embrace same sex marriage. I heard a black minister scold his congregation. He preached that Obama is correct in embracing same sex marriage because he is president, not a Christian evangelist. A supposed man of God praising the president for siding against God's Word.

A black Christian minister friend strongly opposed same sex marriage. Desperate to make Obama good and his Christian opposition wrong, my friend changed. His excuse is you can not legislate behavior. He said his faith does not permit him to attend a homosexual wedding ceremony, but he would attend the homosexual wedding reception. I thought, “What do you say chatting with guests? Wasn't Harry a beautiful bride?“

Praise God! A coalition of over 3,700 black Christian ministers are pushing back against Obama and the Left's anti-biblical agenda.

Folks, please listen to this compelling interview on the Joe Miller radio show with John Zmirak. John articulates what the Left has been scheming under the radar of most Christians. Note that John once supported same sex marriage, but has come to realize that it is only the tip of the iceberg of the Left's scary anti-Christian agenda.

Bottom line, Christian's strategy of appeasing the Left is in essence allowing the fox to run rampant in the hen house; corrupting the minds of our kids via public schools, Hollywood and the media.

In His love, it is time for Christians to stand up and be salt and light in our culture.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Thank the Lord Rush Limbaugh's On.


Walking out to my shed to work on a project, I thought, what if I turn on the radio and Rush is not there. It was unsettling. Please forgive me folks. My intention is not to be morbid, but that day will inevitably come; prayerfully many years from now.

In the black church I grew up in, at funerals, someone always sang, “Give Me My Flowers.”

Give me my flowers while I yet live so that I can see the beauty that they bring. Speak kind words to me while I can hear them so that I can hear the beauty that they bring.”

Folks, I just want to give Rush some flowers, to take a moment to thank him for the extremely positive impact he has had on my life and America. I still remember where I was the first time I heard him in the 80s. Who is this loudmouth guy? Where is my regular talk radio host Tom Marr? Shortly after that, I became hooked.

The major thing Rush did for me was to define the enemy; liberals and Liberalism. This knowledge opened my eyes to no longer be fooled by liberals' compassionate-sounding rhetoric. Rush educated me to their snooty racist superiority and failed policies, which have devastated lives, particularly blacks', for decades. While I instinctively knew it, Rush articulated why Conservatism is the best and most direct path for everyone seeking to achieve his or her American Dream.

Remember Dan's Bake Sale? In essence, it was the first modern-day Tea Party rally. Dan Kay called Rush's show. His wife said they could not afford the $29.95 annual fee for Rush's newsletter. Rush was tempted to gift Dan a subscription, but decided it would stifle Dan's drive to “be the best he could be” and make him a “dependent ward of the EIB radio network.”

Poking fun at the Democrats' encouraging elementary students to have bake sales to help Clinton pay down the national debt, Rush suggested a bake sale for Dan. Rush's idea inspired his millions of listeners, making Dan's Bake Sale an instant international phenomenon. May 22, 1993 upwards to sixty thousand Rush listeners from all over the U.S. and the world gathered in Fort Collins, Colorado to buy a cookie from Dan. The event was a powerful positive illustration of Conservatism.

On a personal note, inspired by Rush and led by God, I became the tea party activist I am today. Back in the early 90s, for 15 years I was a graphic designer at a Baltimore TV station recently promoted to department supervisor. Every day I listened to Rush while working.

Companies were downsizing, and people were laid off. Rush encouraged them to shift their thinking and view the lay off as an opportunity to pursue their dreams. Well, I bought it. I was not laid off, but did not want to put in another 15 years to retirement.

I always wanted a career as a singer/songwriter which I pursued on weekends and vacations. Fired up by Rush's optimism, upon getting the green light from my wife Mary, I gave the TV station my two week notice and began pursuing my dream full time.

It was an insane thing to do. I was in my late 40s. Rather than taking you through my entire wilderness experience, we became homeless for six months. During that time, God dealt with and matured me in many ways. As a P.K. (preacher's kid) I grew up hearing people in church say, “Trust God.” For me, it was a Christian cliche. Several times in my wilderness experience when all appeared lost, God came through. Thus, I learned to trust God.

Trying to survive, I was grateful to get a job as a helper on a construction site. During my lunch break, I heard on the radio that a local radio station was hosting a support rally for our troops. I called the producer and asked if I could sing my original song, “Celebrate America”. Remarkably, never having heard of me, the producer said, “Yes.”

Folks, performing at that rally led to being asked to perform at major rallies hosted by Glenn Beck, G. Gordon Liddy and Gathering of Eagles which led to being invited to tour the country on the Tea Party Express. I have been on over a dozen national bus tours with Tea Party Express and other groups which led to my current position as Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee.

Rush often referenced the American Thinker website. As a writer, my style in the world of politics is somewhat unique. So when AT publisher Thomas Lifson e-mailed that they were publishing my article, Mary and I were ecstatic. That was many articles and a book ago (Confessions of a Black Conservative).

Over the years, the Democrats and Liberals won unfair evil victories. Millions of conservatives could hardly wait for Rush to come on the air to bring us back from the edge with his infectious optimism, faith and inspiration. Thus, the thought of Rush not being there was a little unsettling.

Praise God, Rush is still on the air. I would like to end my flowers for Rush with one of my favorite Rush parodies. Please enjoy, “Thank the Lord Rush Limbaugh's On” performed by the Rush Hawkins Singers.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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The Lesson in MSM's Response to Rudy


A week or so ago, the MSM wanted Rudy Giuliani boiled in oil for daring to question Obama's love for America. They were shocked and outraged. How dare Rudy be so rude to Obama. They ran to Republicans for comments, hoping they would throw Rudy under the bus. As I watched the MSM go nuts over Rudy's “rudeness”, I thought, give me a break.

This man (Obama) just unlawfully took over the internet.  Obama refuses to acknowledge the radical Islamic Holy War and slaughter of Christians. ISIS publicly raped a three year old girl. Women are forced to divorce their husbands to be sold as sex slaves.

And how does Obama suggest is the best way to deal with these evil monsters? Job programs.

His bait and switch lie to pass Obamacare has cost millions healthcare plans they liked. Cancer patients are in fear for their lives because Obamacare caused them to lose their doctors.

Obama's illegal open border policy is exposing our kids to deadly diseases brought to school by illegals.

Under Obama more folks are going out of business than starting businesses (oppressive regulations, anti-business climate and taxes).

Obama ignored the rule of law for his executive action on immigration. In essence, he unilaterally granted amnesty to over 5 million illegals.  And guess what folks, Obama's illegals will be eligible for Earned Income Tax credit possibly receiving up to $24,000.  Illegals!!!

Determined to cram his will down our throats, King Obama has decreed back door gun control with bans on bullets.

A prolific liar, Obama's long list of lies to the American people makes him peerless among U.S. presidents.  Shamefully, our president even won PolitiFact's 2013 “Lie of the Year” award.

Clearly over the next two years, Obama intends to unilaterally ram through into law every item on the socialist/progressive dream list via executive order, or should I say King Obama decree. Almost daily Obama usurps more unlawful power, taking illegal actions yielding devastating consequences on our country and the lives of Americans.

And what has the MSM foaming-at-the-mouth mad? Rudy's rudeness to Obama. Are you freaking kidding me?

Folks, if this does not tell you where the MSM is coming from, nothing will. Any Republican thinking they will receive fair and balanced coverage from the MSM is an idiot. All the MSM cares about is assisting in the furtherance of Obama's agenda and protecting his presidency/legacy. Period.

So all you guys in the GOP pandering to the MSM, stop it. They are going to trash you no matter what you do. Focus on pleasing your extremely frustrated base who recently gave you the Senate in a landslide victory. There's an old saying, “Dance with the one who brought you.”

Love of country and my faith in God strengthens and keeps me hopeful and determined to continue fighting the out-of-control tyrannical megalomaniac in the Oval Office. I will not lie to you folks, the lack of “real” push back from the GOP is extremely frustrating. Even with control of the House and Senate, the GOP never seems to have enough power to stop Obama's hostile revolution. They continue to concede battles while promising to stop Obama next time.

Rudy's speech in which he boldly and passionately chronicled all the crap Obama has dumped on the American people over the pass six years had patriots across America standing up and cheering.  Yes, I chanted, “Rudy!” “Rudy!” “Rudy!”

Finally, someone had the courage to say it out loud without fear of Obama's MSM. Frankly, I am seeing signs of others in the GOP feeling emboldened following Rudy's lead; boldly telling the truth about Obama.

As for the power of Obama's MSM and army of thuggish operatives, Scott Walker's success proves that they can be beaten. Walker took all of their best punches, defeating them in three highly contested elections. Consistently, Scott Walker ignored media and Obama operative attacks and focused on serving his constituents.

Not saying that Walker is my guy for 2016, but this is the kind of conservative leadership, backbone and commitment to governing according to the best interest of We the People, so desperately needed in Washington.

The MSM's outrage over Rudy's “rudeness” has further exposed who they truly are; not reporters. They have laid their journalistic integrity on the alter, offered up in worship; cult followers of Obama – his minions. GOP, seeking praise, fairness or approval from the MSM is a fool's mission. Stop it and do right by your people.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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I confess. With 5 minutes left in the championship game, Russell Wilson's third interception and Seattle two touchdowns behind, I turned the channel assuming Green Bay won. Upon turning back to the game, I was shocked to see Seattle ahead by one point. Seattle ultimately won the game in overtime and is going to the Superbowl. During his post game interview, Wilson said despite 3 interceptions and the score, they simply kept fighting.
Watching the game, I watched Seattle blow numerous opportunities and make mistakes leading to turning the ball over to their opponent five times. Wilson admitted that he did not play his best game. Still, he kept encouraging his teammates to keep fighting and believing that they would win the game.

Please note that Wilson did not waste energy verbally beating up receivers for dropping balls, nor did the linemen stop blocking for their quarterback Wilson after he threw three interceptions. They stuck together laser focused on defeating their nemesis the Green Bay Packers rather than each other.

Brother and sister patriots, I hate it that we are so quick to kick a courageous patriot to the curb who fumbles the ball during an interview or is targeted by the dems and MSM for standing up for conservatism.

Shame on you folks who ran to the tall grass away from Sen Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin claiming they are simply too toxic. These two patriots are among a hand full displaying the character and guts to fight for us at their peril. Is this how you treat your friends? And then, you whine about Obama acting like our king with no one out there attempting to stop him. Well, you can not have it both ways. Whoever takes on Obama is going to be trashed by the dems and MSM.

Have you noticed the pattern? Anyone on our side who strongly pushes back against the left or does not let the racist stupid inmates run the asylum, we are told are toxic and must be kicked to the curb; less we suffer sure defeat. We have seen it happen with Cruz, Palin and others.

The latest is district attorney Daniel Donovan selected by the GOP to run for the congressional seat in NY vacated by Grimm. For crying out loud, what did Donovan do that was so horrible. He stood up for the law and did not unfairly indict in the Garner case.

It is time that we view the selection of Donovan as our candidate as an opportunity to push back against the dem's lies; make them accountable for rhetoric leading to the assassination of two police officers and painting a target on the backs of all police. It is one thing being on the defensive for doing the wrong things. It is cowardice and morally wrong to allow ourselves to be put on the defensive for standing up for what is right.

During the post game interview after Seattle's extraordinary come from behind victory, I loved Wilson tearfully giving thanks to God. It was also very cool that the TV camera gave the international audience a glimpse of the Seattle team holding hands while kneeling in a prayer of thanks.

Russell Wilson encouraged his teammates to ignore their failures, shortcomings and the odds appearing against them and keep fighting which led to them emerging victorious. This is what I have been relentlessly preaching to the tea party. Evil (Democrats and the MSM) has a way of appearing all powerful. If we keep fighting with God on our side, we win!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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We Won: Must Hold Their Feet to the Fire.

TeaParty-Sheriff-website.jpgMy lovely wife and I shared a victory toast and a kiss in front of the fireplace in the lobby of the hotel that we are staying in Colorado, upon the announcement that the GOP won the Senate. Our Conservative Campaign Committee team has been here for weeks working to elect Cory Gardner for U.S. Senate. Gardner won!

Folks, please do not get me wrong: I am elated that the GOP has won control of the Senate. Despite their faults, the GOP is closest to our principles and values. Also, we desperately needed to dethrone evil madmen Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader.

However, I must confess that it was annoying to watch Karl Rove on TV pounding his chest in victory about how he and his group pushed the Tea Party nut candidates out of the race. Rove had the nerve to say he and his people wanted the best electable conservative candidates. That simply is not true.

Chris McDaniel, to name one, in Mississippi was an awesome extremely electable Tea Party conservative who was pushed out of the race with GOP dirty tricks which included race-baiting. Yes, you heard me correctly. The GOP establishment machine engaged in the Democrat-gutter, tried and true, despicable tactic of race-baiting to screw McDaniel. I know. I know. You're saying, C'mon, Lloyd, that's in the past. We won. Celebrate and get over it. Sorry, folks. I expect better from our side.

Rove and his deep-pocketed homey’s strategy of the GOP keeping a low profile and letting Obama hang himself worked okay. Unfortunately, exit polling revealed that the GOP is still viewed unfavorably by a majority of voters. Given the horrors and scandals of the Obama regime, the Republican wave should have been a tsunami. What if the GOP had offered an agenda inspiring people to vote FOR them rather than AGAINST Obama? What if the GOP boldly articulated why conservatism is the best and most direct path for each and every American to achieve their American dream?

Two remarkable things happen this election that strongly suggest that blacks are open to hearing what Conservatism has to offer over Liberalism. A video of urban blacks in Chicago trashing Obama and the Democrats went viral.  My lifelong Democrat 86 year old black dad called from Maryland to tell me that he did not like any of the candidates, but voted Republican. Folks, that is huge. Dad has always believed that a vote for a Republican is a vote for the KKK. So something is up.

Republicans now control the House and the Senate. Praise God! Now what? Word on the political street is the GOP plans to give the Tea Party the finger.

Patriots, we must be more mobilized and engaged than ever. We must do everything in our power to push the GOP into doing what we worked our butts off for them to do: Stop Obama's Agenda!

D.C. insiders say that the GOP strategy is not to push back too soon or too hard against Obama's agenda as not to be called arrogant, aggressive and mean by the MSM. The game plan is to play nice with Obama as not to hinder our chances of winning the White House in 2016.

These D.C. insiders also say repealing Obamacare is impossible and the best that we in the Tea Party can hope for is for the GOP to fix it. Mitt Romney said upon the GOP winning the Senate an immigration bill would be top priority.  You see where this is headed folks? The GOP plans to go swishy on us and implement a Democrat-lite agenda.

We can not and will not allow them to get away with it. I am proposing that the united forces of the Tea Party launch “Operation Hold Their Feet to the Fire”. Every individual, group and organization must use their gifts, talents, skills and passion to force the GOP to do the right thing.

Folks, we have brilliant minds on our side. I have met many of you traveling on over a dozen national bus tours, attending over 400 tea party rallies. I challenge you to think of strategic ways to turn the GOP's agenda to our agenda; repeal Obamacare, secure our borders, fiscal responsibility, restoring our freedom and liberty and turn us back to one nation under God.

Ronald Reagan: “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit.” Patriots, I am calling for an all hands on deck drill to save our country by holding the Republicans' feet to the fire. Frankly, I do not care which Tea Party group, organization or individual that leads the charge. Let's just get it done!

Everyone pulling together is how we (Conservatives) won big in 2010, shocking Washington D.C., despite being ignored by the MSM.

As I said, we are in Colorado, too busy campaigning to enjoy the world renowned hot springs. In celebration of the Republican wave, America's push back against socialism, we can relax a bit. Mary and I plan to enjoy a few relaxing therapeutic soaks in the sulfur smelling hot springs.

Then, we will be ready to pack our bags and hit the road on a “Hold Their Feet to the Fire Tour”. I have even written a soon to be released theme song.

I thank God for our victory. But, there is still much more work to be done; miles to go before we sleep.

Congrats patriots, taking the U.S. Senate is a major step in the right direction.

I don't know why, but I feel compelled to end with this video of Kate Smith singing “God Bless America”.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Lloyd-Marcus-in-snow2-560x420.jpgI had my first taste of Walleye in Michigan. Delicious. Folks up there are use to hearty meals. And man, does it get cold. I remember David and Dustin the Millennials on our Conservative Campaign Committee team walking on the snow covered frozen Lake Michigan in Petoskey. A gentlemen was way out there fishing through a hole he cut in the ice.

I met a lot of great patriots/Tea Party leaders while campaigning across the state -- Norm Hughes, Candy Gillman, Steve Mobley, doctors Linda and Cal Dykstra and Trucker Dan to name just a few.

Lloyd-Marcus-Mr-Royer-WWII-Vet-92yrsold-300x205.jpgI posed for a picture with Mr Roher, a WW II veteran at a tea party rally in Grand Rapids. Mr Roher was deeply concerned about the direction our country was going.

Hosts of the Joshua's Trail black conservative radio show out of Detroit drove to our tea party in Livonia. It was truly refreshing to meet courageous Christian black men who were fighting the good fight in Detroit, the belly of the beast. These brothers were enlightening their black listeners to the virtues of Conservatism and how they do not have to continue eating the crumbs that fall from the Democrats' table; awesome patriot brothers.

My most endearing Michigan memory happened at a tea party in Traverse City. An excited white woman in a wheelchair said she was a huge fan. Her adult daughter who brought her to the rally told a staffer that her mom was dying. She said her mom said that all she wanted to do was to meet Lloyd Marcus before she died. Folks, I was blown away. Then, I became extremely angry at the mainstream media and the Democrats for despicably branding the Tea Party a bunch of redneck racists.

I have shared my personal experiences to say that while Detroit is a liberal disaster, the rest of Michigan is pretty awesome.

There are good people, and good businesses, that deserve better treatment from their government. The socialist, big-government policies that destroyed Detroit are being inflicted on the rest of the state - whose values are sooo different from Detroit.

Many Michiganders feel that it is time for a new chapter in their state. Leading the peoples' charge is Terri Lynn Land running for the U.S. Senate.

Terri Lynn Land is currently trailing in the polls because a bunch of liberal billionaires dumped huge amounts of money smearing her. They want the socialist, big-government policies that destroyed Detroit imposed on the rest of the state.

Folks, we see the glaring hypocrisy of the Democrats in every race in which the candidate is a conservative woman. While promoting their bogus Republican war on women, Democrats launch brutal no-holds-barred attacks on conservative women candidates who run as Republicans.

My wife Mary and I have noticed that the Democrats' favorite buzz word is, “extreme”. Any candidate such as Terri Lynn Land who espouses common sense solutions, respects traditional values and celebrates God, family and country is branded “extreme” by liberal Democrats.

Their modus operandi is to spread lowering the bar nationally. All their liberal policies have failed miserably making a mess of Detroit; once a great city. And what does the Democrat candidate plan to do? If elected, he will implement the same proven failure politically correct liberal policies state wide, all over Michigan. Say no voters. Just say no!

Our Conservative Campaign Committee team has put together a TV ad to inform Michigan voters that they have a much better choice than the Obama clone, Gary what's his name.

The Democrat candidate boldly touts his support for all of Obama's tyrannical and job-killing initiatives; Obamacare, amnesty, oppressive taxes, destructive social engineering spending programs and mountains of absurd intrusive new government regulations on businesses.

Please give our TV ad a view and share it, helping us to spread the good news about Michigan's superior choice, Terri :

Folks -- just a quick side note I wish to share. My lifelong Democrat 86 year old black dad called me this morning from Maryland. He said he wanted to vote for the Conservative Party candidate but did not see one on his ballot. He only saw Republican, Democrat and Libertarian candidates. I explained that Conservative is not a political party. I instructed dad to research the Republican candidate to see if he is conservative.

Folks, this is huge because typically dad would, without thinking, vote for the candidate with a “D” beside their name. Dad is finally understanding that the conservative candidate is going to be more in-keeping with his Christian and mainstream principles and values.

If he lived in Michigan, Dad would really like and vote for Terri Lynn Land.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Dad, the Dems, the Prospector and His Old Friend

prospector-rocker-box.jpgMy 86 year old preacher dad told me a great story. Surprisingly, it was a new parable rather than one dad forgot that he told me numerous times before.

Dad said a prospector worked his land digging for gold. Every Saturday, the prospector would take his gold/gold dust to town and cash it in. One Saturday, he bumped into an old high school friend who had fallen upon hard financial times. The prospector graciously invited his friend to bring a shovel and dig for gold on his land. Generously, the prospector told his friend that he could keep all the gold he uncovered.

Come Monday morning, the prospector's friend was a no show. The friend did not show up the entire week. Cashing in his gold on Saturday, the prospector saw and approached his friend, “What happened? I looked for you all week.” The friend replied, “Do you know how much a shovel costs these days?”

Dad burst into laughter at the trifling attitude of the prospector's old friend. I laughed with dad while seizing the opportunity to tell my lifelong Democrat father that the same trifling attitude is promoted by the Democrats disguised as compassion and is embraced by millions.

The prospector's behavior is Republican, offering his impoverished friend (the poor), not a handout, but a golden opportunity. He offered his friend the dignity, self-respect and joy of earning his own living with endless possibilities. Remember, the old friend was told he could keep all the gold he uncovered.

The old friend's behavior is that of an Obama, Democrat, Hollywood and MSM (mainstream media) indoctrinated entitlement junkie. How dare his rich prospector friend expect him to acquire a shovel. The prospector is obviously white, out-of-touch, racist, sexist and homophobic. This prospector seems like the kind of jerk who thinks it reasonable to expect all Americans to show an ID to participate in the American privilege of voting.

Upon further investigation, the filthy rich SOB prospector is probably Republican, Conservative and Christian. No wonder the insensitive selfish hate-filled jerk prospector expected his old high school friend to get a shovel without government assistance and show up for work.

Folks, the Democratic Party would place the prospector's old friend who lacked the initiative to acquire a shovel on a level just below sainthood, considering him to be the victim/hero in the story. This is the way Democrats view minorities and the poor; expecting very little, refusing to hold them accountable for any of their socioeconomic woes.

As a mater of fact, the less initiative and self-reliance the better. Democrats simply keep the barely-enough-to-get-by handouts coming, gin up class envy and hatred for the prospector; and promise to punish him. Their sheep who are in sync with their master's voice continue to vote Democrat.

If you dare suggest that people stop defrauding the government with false food stamp and disability claims; that blacks stop dropping out of school, shooting each other in epidemic numbers and stop having babies out of wedlock, the Democrats will vilify you. Their response is “Easy for you to say” you racist insensitive jerk.

The Democratic Party advocates lowering the bar culturally, morally and in every area of American life. The Left/Democrats deem any suggestion of holding people to a standard as mean-spirited, racist, judgmental and dare I say, Christian.

Back to the prospector -- the Left would argue that because the dirt road to the town where the prospector cashed in his gold was etched by wagon-wheels, horses and the foot steps of many, the mayor should confiscate the prospector’s gold and share it with everyone.

Remember when Obama scolded small business owners for taking pride in building their businesses? Obama said, “You didn't build that.”  Obama claimed that government built roads providing infrastructure for business to operate, thus making it only fair that he redistribute wealth. Deadbeats like the prospector's old friend stood up and cheered, “Obama!..Obama!”

Clearly, the prospector, the Republican, is the good guy in my dad's story. He showed real compassion for his old high school friend by offering him a “hand up” rather than a “handout”.

By addicting as many Americans as possible to government assistance, Democrats increase their political power. Their tried and true tactic is to brand the prospector as the devil, kick him in the teeth and encourage their ill-informed duped base to do the same. Insidiously evil.

For this reason, I am a black conservative/Republican.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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sarah-palin-for-Maness-560x227.jpgSix years ago I wrote the song, “American Tea Party Anthem” and was asked to perform my song at rallies across America on a Tea Party Express national bus tour. Back then, I was not politically savvy; clueless about how all this political stuff worked; back room deals, positioning, strategic narratives, optics and so on.

Like millions of my fellow Americans, all I knew was Obama, the Democrats and the MSM were pushing my country down the wrong road; exploiting the occasion of the first black president to force their dreamed socialist/progressive agenda down our throats. Insidiously, all opposition was branded racist. For this reason, I joined the Tea Party.

Lloyd-Marcus-TPX-Tampa-FL-300x201.jpgThe hardworking decent patriots across America who attended the rallies, mostly white, mostly Christian, middle-aged and grandparents treated our team (speakers and performers) like rock stars. We were their voice in the national arena, pushing back against Obama's tyrannical overreaches, fighting for traditional principles and values which they held dear.

They were frustrated and through with voting for soulless politicians on both sides of the isle who said whatever necessary to get elected without really giving a hoot about the desires and best interest of their constituents.

A remarkable unforgettable incident from one of the early bus tours was a whistle-stop. Our team had completed a huge rally in the state and was headed to our next rally in Memphis. Our rally coordinators informed our team that some folks requested that we make a brief unscheduled road side stop before heading to Memphis; supposedly 50 or so people wanted to meet us.

As our Tea Party Express tour bus pulled up to the location off a major highway, a State Trooper was directing traffic. Five hundred or more people greeted our bus cheering and waving U.S. flags. They showered our team with baked goods, hand-knitted patriotic gifts and requests to take pictures with them and their kids. Because it was not supposed to be a rally, the truck with our sound system and staging was on its way to Memphis.

Our team climbed up on the back of a pick-up truck and some guy handed us a bullhorn. After encouraging and thanking the crowd, and spontaneous outbreaks of the crowd chanting, “U-S-A! U-S-A!”, we closed with everyone singing “God Bless America”. There were very few dry eyes in the house (on side of the road). They were extremely grateful because we were their representatives, fighting, speaking out and working for them. They trusted us. We were their heroes.

Fast forward six years. Praise God, I have grown to become Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee; much more politically savvy.

Frankly, the GOP establishment candidates with unlimited resources have been kicking most of our true conservative Tea Party candidate's butts in the primaries. The GOP joined the Democrats in branding the great Americans I met at over 400 tea party rallies on numerous national bus tours, a bunch of extremists and racists for simply expecting candidates to honor the Constitution and stay true to their word.

Having said that, a third party is a loser right now. While the GOP is not perfect, it is the political party closest to supporting our principles and values. Therefore, it is wise to support the GOP while working to infiltrate its ranks with as many conservatives as possible. This means that on occasion we must vote for GOP candidates who may not be as conservative as we would like.

It is crucial that we (Republicans) win the Senate. I get that. After all, I am more mature and politically savvy.

However, there is one last race in which there is a true conservative, Col. Rob Maness (ret.) running for U.S. Senate Louisiana. Folks, tea party groups and people that I respect are understandably supporting Bill Cassidy because he is polling better than Maness against the Democrat and we really need that seat. Fine. But folks, I can not do it.

I thought about the five dollar lady that I met at one of the early rallies. She took my hand and placed a crumpled up five dollar bill in it for gas for the tour bus. With tears in her eyes, she shared how Obama's policies had caused her to fall upon hard financial times and thanked me for fighting for people like her.

Folks, for me to support Bill Cassidy is a betrayal of the five dollar lady, the patriots at the whistle-stop and the tea party movement.

Bill Cassidy is a liberal whose behavior is an anathema to the Tea Party. He trashed Ronald Reagan and campaigned for Michael Dukakis. Not only did Cassidy contribute to Democrat politicians, he contributed to Mary Landrieu, the same Obama sycophant incumbent Democrat senator he is trying to unseat. How bizarre and politically soulless is that?

Cassidy repeatedly voted to increase the debt limit. He received a failing “F” grade from FreedomWorks and was labeled too liberal by Senate Conservative Fund.

Conservative Rob Maness is an American patriot who served 32 years in the U.S. Air Force. Maness has been a fighter to defund and repeal Obamacare. He has proposed a Constitutional conservative agenda of lower taxes, reducing the size and scope of government, and expanding our personal liberties; in essence, restoring what Obama and company are incrementally taking away.

Rob Maness has received thumbs up from Sarah Palin, Conservative Campaign Committee, Tea Party Express and Gun Owners of America.

All you folks who choose to hold you nose and vote for Cassidy, I get it and do not judge you. You are my patriot brothers and sisters doing what you believe to be best for our country.

I am simply saying that I can not support a RINO when there is a real conservative in the race; not after looking into the eyes of the five dollar lady. For me to go along to get along would feel like a slap in the face betrayal.

The man in my mirror forces me to support conservative Rob Maness for U.S. Senate Louisiana; staying true to my patriot sister, the five dollar lady.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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The Oprah-rization of America

oprah-winfrey-cries-17-08-2013-300x181.jpgFeelings, nothing more than feelings. Trying to forget my feelings of love...” Okay folks, I'll stop singing.

Is it just me or have you noticed that feelings now trump common sense and rational reasoned thinking in America today? Feelings have become more important than national security, our economy, the lives of our troops and even public health when you observe the politically correct way our government is dealing with this Ebola thing. It is insane.

I am not blaming Oprah, but I saw this trend towards everything-being-about-feelings beginning decades ago when the Oprah Winfrey show became the hottest thing on national daytime TV. Has our culture become too feminized?

Before I continue, allow me to admit an embarrassing personal quirk. When I am passionately talking about an issue, I sometimes struggle to hold back tears. Encountering honorable things such as love, courage and goodness also tend to cause me to well up. Every time this happens during a radio or TV interview, I feel humiliated. I ask myself, “Lloyd Marcus what in the world is wrong with you?”

My mom was a very compassionate and emotional person. As her first born, I wonder if I inherited something from her. I rationalize my quirk with the knowledge that Jesus wept for his people. So, I am in good company.

Having said that, I am appalled by the emotion-driven touchy-feely brain-dead metro-sexual idiocy that is running the show in America today. Apparently, somehow I missed the national memo banning testosterone and common sense.

Dad taught my three younger brothers and me to take pride in being men; always try to do the right thing, stand up for what you believe, nobody owes you anything, protect and respect women. Dad instructed, “When you take a girl out on a date it is your responsibility to return her home safely.” That is being a real man.

In our new wimpy America, manhood is no loner celebrated. Respecting women now includes asking a girl's permission before kissing her. Folks, biology dictates that most women like confidence in their men. Wimpy liberal dudes and hardcore radical feminists do not go nuts and misinterpret my point. I am NOT saying that women like overly aggressive jerks.

1eternity_350x250-300x214.jpgAll I am saying is that I would not have witnessed the same swooning reaction from my mom to the movie scene in which Burt Lancaster kissed Deborah Kerr on the beach had Lancaster asked permission before kissing her.

America's obsession with taking a kinder, gentler, careful not to offend or hurt anyone's feelings approach to everything is out of control.

A few examples...

Guilt feelings over America's sin of slavery have lead author and Ebola expert David Quammen to suggest that we risk Ebola getting into our country rather than blocking flights from Liberia. So this fool cavalierly advocates putting millions of Americans at risk of contracting Ebola as payback for slavery. This is insanity, folks.

As a child, I remember my grandmother was sent away (quarantined) for over a year because she had tuberculosis. Should my family have raised a stupid emotion driven stink saying there they go again, locking way (enslaving) a black woman? Quarantining my grandmother was the right thing to do; common sense.

Then, there is the disturbing way feelings has been allowed to reign supreme in Ferguson. Cops were instructed, do not come across too aggressive and let the angry looters wreak havoc freely for a night or two. Despite the police super sensitive nuanced response, Ferguson is still a war zone.

Allow me to propose a radical and controversial concept. How about the Ferguson police locking up everyone who breaks the law? I am concerned that feelings, rather than the facts, may factor in the fate of officer Wilson who shot Michael Brown.

A Democrat Missouri state senator said if officer Wilson is not indicted, then the current rioting “will seem like a picnic”.  Isn't such a threat outrageously irresponsible and inflammatory coming from a public official? Oh I forgot, the senator is black and Democrat, so he gets a pass. Never-mind.

4StarGeneral-Jack-Keane-217x300.jpgGenerals are frustrated that we are fighting ISIS with one arm tied behind our back because our Commander-in-Chief feels it would be unfair and mean to unleash the full power of the U.S. Military in defeating our enemies. Such half measures ultimately lead to higher numbers of U.S. troops dying. Its all about feelings folks.

In keeping with the Obama administration’s pattern of using every governmental agency at its disposal to overrule the Constitution, punish its enemies and bully Americans, the FCC is considering a petition to ban the name “Redskins” from being used over the airwaves. Can you believe that folks? Remarkably, Democrats believe being sensitive to the feelings of those who are obsessed with political correctness is worthy of killing the First Amendment.

Everywhere you turn, Constitutional rights, the law and freedom of speech are being overruled by a hypersensitivity to hurting someone's feelings. Liberals tell us that public expressions of patriotism and wearing a t-shirt displaying an American flag to a California school on Cinco de Mayo is mean because it hurts the feelings of illegals. Don't you just want to yell, “This is my country! Get over it!”

I know what you are thinking. What about your feelings as a hardworking, law abiding, flag waving, tax paying, play by the rules U.S. citizen? As far as Obama, Hollywood, the MSM and assorted other liberals are concerned, your feelings do not count. Period.

Feelings, woo-o-o feelings...woo-o-o feelings, again in my arms.”

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Identity Politics: Fool Us Twice, Shame on Us


The root cause of the major issues that are devastating America is Obama; an out growth of who he is as a human being, his lack of character and what he believes.

Listing all of America's woes that are directly caused by Obama would take up far too much of this article; the flood of infected and unskilled illegals, the spread of ISIS, the devastating fatal consequences of Obamacare, Ebola in the U.S., over 90 million unemployed, the disappearance of the 40 hours a week job, our failing economy and more.

Yes, I am going to be a bit tacky and say, I tried to tell y'all back in 2008, my black family, white friends and associates, but none of you would listen. I kept thinking, am I the one who is crazy? Will anyone even consider looking beyond his race and taking a good look at Obama, the man?

Instead, you verbally beat me up and called me an Uncle Tom for not going brain-dead with you and making an immoral racist decision to pull the level for Obama solely because he is black.

Well now look at cha. We have an insidious liar who hates America as founded and a blame-everyone-but-himself narcissist running our country. As our nation crumbles, everyone is running around asking like the Marvin Gaye song, “what's goin' on?”

Folks, Obama is what you get when you sell your soul to identity politics, placing surface appearances above character, substance and not properly vetting candidates.

And doggone it, it looks like many Americans are about to be manipulated into making the same stupid mistake again when Hillary Clinton throws her bonnet into the ring, running as the first female presidential candidate. The MSM will ignore all her scandals and disastrous policy failures. Hillary's gender will be the major qualifier for her to become leader of the free world. Sadly, millions of Americans will go brain-dead and vote for her, suckered again by identity politics.

The same way O.J.'s defense team worked black Americans into a frenzy against white America, causing millions of blacks to rally around Simpson while ignoring the fact that he practically beheaded the mother of his children, Democrats and the MSM will play America's women against America's men.

Come election day, the Democrats and MSM will have low-info voters believing that any man not voting Hillary Clinton for president is obviously a Neanderthal, a wife beater, an abortion clinic bomber or a Christian throwback chauvinist who desires to keep women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen (without a dishwasher).

Rest assured there will be dudes guilt-ridden for being born with testicles who will become metro-sexual brain-dead zombies and vote for Hillary to prove they are not who the MSM and Dems say they are; the same way a lot of whites voted for Obama to prove they were not racist. Think my gender guilt prediction is over the top? The Left has successfully brain-washed many white kids into feeling guilty for being white.

My fervent prayer is that the number of us “thinking” Americans who will honestly access who Hillary is as a person, her character and the direction she plans to take our country will outnumber the knuckleheads and low-info voters.

Could anyone have imagined the crazy political times in which we now live in America? To look beyond surface appearances such as gender and skin color and select our leaders based on who they are inside and their vision for our nation is now considered extreme, racist, sexist and hateful. And yet, this is where the Left's political correctness has taken us in America today.

Despite six years of Democratic Party and MSM slander, lies and spin, at the heart of the Tea Party is decent patriotic Americans who seek to elect honest character driven candidates who will place the best interest of our country and the American people above personal gain and secret agendas.

I have been screaming this for years, folks. Character does matter!

My favorite teller at my bank is a middle-aged Hispanic immigrant. She and her husband came to America over 20 years ago and love this country. The other day, she expressed her sadness and frustration with the direction our country is going, low-info voters and political corruption.

The bank teller said her son was doing very well in a local school for special needs kids. For political agenda reasons, the state closed down the affordable school. Her options for educating her special needs son are priced through the roof.

I told her that the most disturbing and eye opening reality I have learned since getting involved; traveling the country working to elect conservatives (Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee) is that far too many politicians have agendas other than the best interest of We the People.

Call me corny. Call me naïve for expecting otherwise.

I would be remiss in not mentioning that during my travels, campaigning across America, I have been blessed to have crossed paths with real deal honorable conservative candidates; Joe Carr, Chris McDaniel, Ken Cuccinelli and Joe Miller to name a few. These are the good guys folks.

Patriots, we must do everything in our power to educate low-info voters so they will not be played again by political correctness; conned by Democrats and the MSM into voting identity politics over character and substance.

I have faith that America is strong enough to recover after enduring eight years of a far left radical empty black suit in the Oval Office. I am less confident in our ability to restore our great nation back to the vision of our Founding Fathers after several years of a Leftist empty dress at the helm.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Four Dead in Benghazi Video.

4063885028?profile=originalI made this music video because I want low-info voters to get it; to understand that four Americans unnecessarily died at the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists who overtook our U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Please do not be offended by my use of the term “low-info”. I am merely referring to Americans like my brother. He works hard, coaches youth football and gets his news from the mainstream media. He does not listen to talk radio, watch Foxnews or surf the internet. Thus, he is a low-info voter.

The MSM has refused to seriously investigate the Benghazi terrorist attack. Why did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama refuse to answer the cries for help of those trapped in our consulate. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was brutally humiliated, tortured and murdered.

Before being killed, Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the consulate attackers.  Diplomat Sean Smith was also killed during the attack.

The attack was before the 2012 presidential election. Obama was on the campaign trail pounding his chest like Tarzan proclaiming that Osama Bin Laden was dead, Al Qaeda was on the run and terrorism was no longer a threat.

With the anniversary of 9/11 coming up, Ambassador Stevens requested more security at our consulate. Strengthening security at our consulate would imply that terrorism was alive and well. So, the Obama Administration (Hillary Clinton) denied Stevens' request.

In essence, Obama and Clinton decided that the lives of Americans at our consulate in Benghazi was acceptable collateral damage to protect Obama's narrative. The Obama Administration’s decision was unprecedented because we never leave Americans behind.

Special thanks to the true patriots at Kurt Howland Enterprises for donating their time producing this video.

My fellow Americans please watch this brief music video, “Four Dead in Benghazi”.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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