john (57)

Help Wanted: New Generation of Founding Fathers


                        This is an open letter to a new generation of founding fathers who I hope will stand up and “pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor” to the cause of a restored Republic of the United States of America.  I am asking for leaders to lead; people with wealth, name recognition, and the trust of We the People to lead us into a revival of  the liberty once known by citizens of America.  It is time for a political party to represent the disenfranchised in both political parties and the Independents who have been disenfranchised for a very long time.

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Well, John Boehner took time out from his latest sob-fest to come out with promises that he is going to “do things differently now”, he “has learned his lesson”.  We are hearing to same old tired rhetoric we heard before the 2010 mid-term elections.  Didn’t he come into the Speaker’s chair promising to “drain the swamp”, to use Nancy Pelosi’s famous lie?  Didn’t Boehner say that Republicans have “learned our lessons” and would “do things differently if given a chance”, uh, as in 3 years ago?  So, in 2009/2010 they had learned their lessons and now in 2013 they have learned their lessons?  Which lessons have they learned this time or is this just more of the same tired old B S coming from the royalty in Washington D.C.?  To quote the late great Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, this is just more “Bovine Scatology”.


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Mullin in Boehner’s Pocket Already?


Newly elected Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Ok 2) was on KFAQ radio’s Pat Campbell Show on Tuesday Jan. 8 to “explain” his vote for John Boehner as Speaker of the House of Representatives ( His explanation of why he voted for Boehner seems to be “business as usual” in Congress.  I thought we sent him there to oppose the business as usual mindset.  One explanation he gives is that he was told at the freshman orientation that he could only vote for someone who was nominated, and naturally Boehner was the only one nominated.  His other position is that not voting for Boehner is the same as voting for Pelosi.  That is the same lame crap we heard from the Republican establishment in the 2012 general election (not voting for Romney is voting for Obama).  It didn’t take him long to cabbage onto the establishment lingo did it?


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4063633387?profile=originalLiberals and democrats have now chosen to open their favorite boogieman door and take out the always convenient racism race card. This time, democrat leaders including the incoming Congressional Black Caucus leader, Cleveland democrat   Rep. Marcia Fudge (D.-Ohio), the incoming chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus went on the attack Friday, November 16th charging racism!  This time the targets were Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Senator Kelly Ayotte.

Out came the old tired and quite familiar race card.  “How dare these white senators and especially these white men attack this black woman!”  All one can say to these congressional women who sang this same familiar tune. Grow up!  This is not 1962, it is 2012.  Americans lives were lost and facts do matter! 

Nearly 2 months ago, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on 5 national news Sunday talk shows selling a lie which covered up the truth of the murders of four Americans at the Benghazi consulate in Libya.  The administration lies have taken on their own life, and on Thursday, November 15th the republican senators demanded answers.

Yes, it does matter that Ambassador Rice covered up the lie about a You Tube video being the reason for the attack on the Benghazi Consulate. The administration it knew to be a lie. It was a fiction that President Obama knew was a lie, and avoided telling the truth about.  It was a lie that Obama’s former CIA Director David Petraeus knew as a lie 24 hours after the deadly 9/11 attack.  Yet, Susan Rice never offered even a scintilla of evidence about an Al Qaeda attack being the reason for the assassination of Americans.

So why go back to the same card game with Americans.  Why the double racial standard?

Why do congresswomen like Cleveland, Ohio congresswoman Marcia Fudge, incoming chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus feel it is necessary to state, “ It’s a shame that whenever anything goes wrong they pick on women and minorities!”

The answer is clear. 

The politics of racism practiced by liberals, by the president, and by white guilt ridden apologists is that they need America to continue to be divided.  They are now the true racists in an America that has moved on. This nation now has a president who is black.  Americans believe that job security, an approaching fiscal cliff and crushing debt is more important than finding imagined racist boogiemen hiding in America’s dark corners.

Susan Rice does not need to be defended on the basis of her race or on her gender.  Susan Rice as any other administration official that plays footloose with the facts concerning the deaths of Americans must be held accountable. There is no two-tier level of responsibility.  American does not have nor need a racial Affirmative Action type of imagined protection for minorities or for women.

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To Serve Man

There is a debt of service due from every man to his country, proportioned to the bounties which nature and fortune have measured to him.

Thomas Jefferson[i]


Have you ever wondered what is meant by the term ‘public servants?’ I suppose these days it depends on who is either using or misusing the term. If you look at any of the signers of the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution, you will see men who believed in public service. And I will show you examples of this. I have absolutely no doubt the founding fathers of this nation knew what the term meant: to serve the public for the greater good; public servants. But what is today’s meaning? As I have shown in other treatises about the Legislative and Executive Branches, our politicians are extremely self-serving. They concern themselves with the aggrandizement of their bank accounts by trading stocks using classified information, they take money from lobbyists, they believe in nepotism even though House Ethics Rules forbid the practice and there have been earmarks where Congressmen have made vast sums of money at our expense. There have been incidents such as Watergate and Iran/Contra, plus there have been organizations like the Suite 8F Group. All of these examples have been of our present day public servants, but they only served themselves. I believe our illustrious, or should I say lusterless politicians believe public servant means something altogether different, such as the public as servants; public servants. The term public servants isn’t really a double entendre, but it has been perverted into just that; a term with a double meaning, which when used by our smiling two-faced professional prevaricators, has rendered us all into nothing more than offal on the slaughterhouse floor, to be devoured as carrion by our vulture-like politicians. I suggest we take a look at some of our forefathers and find out just what it means to be a public servant.

I found something interesting on a blog called Dover Beach. John Adams wrote, “Public business…must always be done by somebody…If wise men decline it, others will not; if honest men refuse it; others will not…Integrity should be preserved in all events…through every stage of his existence. His first maxim should be to place his honor out of reach of all men[ii].” John Adams does make me ask a few questions. Do our elected leaders today have this same belief? Are our leaders in any way wise or honest? Do they have integrity or honor? One might think that as the most powerful nation on the planet, the answer to these questions would be an unequivocal yes. Unfortunately, just the opposite would appear to be true. Our elected leaders are only wise in their deception to the public and their honesty is always a matter for debate. As far as integrity and honor, I seriously doubt you can have either if you aren’t wise and honest, but I would state our politicians possess neither. But there isn’t a reason to go over the dirty-laundry list of our politicians again; I would simply direct you to read some of my other treatises or read whatever you can find on our leaders of today, then you can answer the question yourself. This is more about the founding fathers of this nation and their beliefs with regard to public service, so we will know exactly what it is to serve the public. We can easily look back at history and state with certainty, the founders were an extremely wise and honorable group of men, who possessed a great deal of integrity and honor. All one really needs to do in order to know this is read the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution and they will come to that conclusion.  John Adams finished his thoughts for the most part with these words, “In order to do this he must make it a rule never to become dependent on public employments for subsistence. Let him have a trade, a profession, a farm, a shop, something where he can honestly live, and then he may engage in public affairs, if invited, upon independent principles.” I cannot fathom in this day and age, a politician who isn’t a career politician; much less one who has undertook public affairs upon independent principles. Certainly some have been quite successful before they entered public office, but we see these people feeding from the public trough for twenty, thirty years at a time, while gorging themselves at the cost of our nation’s wealth and well being. And they consider themselves to be righteous! No matter how much they have, they want more and actually increase their net worth while in office at an astronomical rate. This isn’t public service, it’s gluttony and avarice.


Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it is obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit.

James Madison[iii]


As I was reading George Washington’s first inaugural address, it made me think about what was just written about John Adams and his beliefs regarding public service. While it may seem as though I am actually going backwards, from the 2nd U.S. President to the 1st U.S. President, I believe what George Washington said in his first address simply underscores what John Adams averred. George Washington stated, “Since there is no truth more thoroughly established than that there exists in the economy and course of nature an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness; between duty and advantage; between the genuine maxims of an honest and magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity; since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained[iv].” Washington’s ardent belief that man is perpetually bound by his association to the truth through the immutable bond between his virtue and his happiness, his moral obligation and his circumstance, his generous course of action and the blissful rewards of his office, reminds me of Adams when he spoke of wisdom, honesty, integrity and honor; without these four maxims which Adams spoke of so fervently, there can be no truth which Washington spoke of so eloquently. As our first President, Washington knew this new nation would rely on his wisdom, honesty, integrity and honor, and his duty as our first President relied on truth to the people. His reward was not only his happiness but the divine advantage given to him by the people and by God. Washington was happy to serve, he sought nothing more than the opportunity to be a public servant in a prosperous nation of people, “When I was first honored with a call into the service of my country…the light in which I contemplated my duty required that I should renounce every pecuniary compensation…I must decline as inapplicable to myself any share in the personal emoluments…and must accordingly pray that the pecuniary estimates for the station which I am placed…be limited to such actual expenditures as the public good may be thought to require.” I cannot say it enough times; George Washington’s only desire was to serve the public. His reward was the honor of the office itself; he eschewed any monetary compensation other than the expenses which were appropriate in relation to the Office or greater good of the nation. I realize there are politicians in this day and age who receive no more than $1 for their service, which is admirable. I can only believe they are not only fans, but followers of our forefathers. Men like Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison truly believed leadership was best accomplished by being a public servant, and by being a public servant they were able to lead by example.

I would like to take a moment and speak about the 5th President of the United States, a man who is considered to be the last founding father of this nation who was President, James Monroe[v]. Monroe had a long history of public service to this nation; his final service was obviously as the President. Just prior to Monroe’s departure for Europe after being appointed as Minister to France in 1794, he gave his nephew some advice which gives us some insight into Monroe himself, “You may by your industry, prudence, and studious attention to your business…advance your fortune and reputation in the world, whereby alone your happiness or even tranquility can be secured[vi].” I believe Monroe was telling his nephew that only through the careful and diligent application of his endeavors would he truly be able to increase his wealth and his repute or good name. And from those endeavors alone would he find happiness and the inner-peace of an honest businessman. How many men these days tell their own sons such things? Monroe then said, “Solid merit and virtue alone will support and carry you with credit through the world.” Once again, here is a man who espouses good, hard, work not only done honestly but done with a good moral center or righteousness as a mantra for a way to live a good life.  But if you look at Monroe’s reasoning for telling his nephew this, you can see where public service comes into play. “The principle danger…if he errs, he inflicts the most incurable wound on his reputation, is the abuse of pecuniary confidence. Let me, therefore, warn you never to use your client’s money…for the protection of virtue, it should never be commenced.” This was really just the beginning of Monroe’s cautionary advice to his nephew with regard to vice and virtue. Monroe, like the rest of the founders, believed that virtues were Heavenly as vices were not. The belief that a man’s reputation was his name meant everything. If one was to get caught with their hand in the so-called cookie jar the lack of confidence in the man and his name would simply be irreconcilable. This all goes right back to George Washington and trust, John Adams and wisdom, honesty, integrity and honor. Without any of those five traits, there is no virtue, no good reputation and certainly no happiness or tranquility would or could follow a man throughout his life. Monroe further stated to his nephew, “I would make it one of those sacred rules of my life which should not be violated.” There can be no doubt James Monroe knew any type of service to others, especially public service, cannot be done without a virtuous reputation which fosters trust. Are we able to say this of our present day politicians? Think about the seven deadly sins and the seven Heavenly virtues for a moment. Most people could name the sins, but not the virtues. Which seven do our politicians follow?


If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

George Washington[vii]


I have been asked why I write these papers. My only response can be that I find what the founders said and wrote to be extremely enthralling. That being said, and with regard to this paper, in no way do I claim these treatises are a public service of any kind. If anything, I believe they are simply a vehicle for me to express what infuriates me with regard to our government today and if these treatises actually possess anyone to think about the state of the union, if I am allowed to make that pun, I believe it is a good thing. But I cannot help but to compare our modern times and political leaders of the day with that time of our past political leaders which we call our forefathers and recognize the predominant chasm which exists between them. Truly, I believe if our politicians carried themselves in a manner akin to the forefathers of this nation, with the same passion for our Constitution and showed the wisdom and an honorable determination to lead by virtue rather than vice; perhaps I could and would be content. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

I was asked by a friend, “Why do you put your own name on these treatises rather than using a pen name? Don’t you think if they ever read this stuff you will get into trouble?” My response was actually quite simple. I told him, “Do you really think the shameless lot of bottom-feeders who are running this nation into the ground care about what I think or say? After all, I really have nothing to lose.” Certainly, any fraudulent charge could be trumped-up against anyone, but that’s nothing more than an exercise in futility. I say this because it would only tend to confirm what I write and what I claim to believe. Of course, the point is moot. After all, today’s politicians habitually speak out publicly against each other without a modicum of truth to what they say and in as harmful a manner as possible. I at least give honest examples of what I believe. Their sole purpose is to publically malign and destroy their political rival for personal and political gain. As I have previously stated, I only want people to think. But privately, I would bet they [these political rivals] are friendly sipping Dom Perignon, eating fillet mignon and lobster while washing it down with a bottle of Chateau Lafite-Rothschild together, and on our dime. I simply can’t imagine the founding fathers of this nation carrying on in such a dishonorable manner. What we witness is nothing more than a public dog and pony show which is meant to appease us, as well as divide us in a partisan manner, while they privately scratch each other’s backs and reap the abundant rewards of the dishonest lawmaker. Besides, if you look at the bigger picture, such as the way our infant-like politicians constantly bicker with each other and the odious nature of their discourse (especially during an election year), I would have to say that I’m really being quite generous.

Think about John Hancock for a minute. This man didn’t just sign the declaration of Independence, his signature was so large compared to the rest of the signers, he may as well have had a neon-sign with arrows pointing directly at him. John Hancock had his wealth, property, position, family and his life to lose. Of course, in no way am I or would I compare myself with John Hancock who I consider to be a great man and leader. So that comparison just isn’t possible. I am only trying to point out a man, a leader, who really had something to lose, but did the honorable thing despite the overwhelming risk. The vast majority of us today are a mere fraction of what any of our founding fathers were, and we should all be extremely grateful for their sacrifice, intelligence, courage, selflessness, honor, integrity and public service. We should also remember to view them as true role models.

Stop and think about what it is to really put yourself in jeopardy. Look to our troops throughout the history of this great nation who courageously put themselves in harm’s way on a daily basis, that’s public service. Or look at the fire departments throughout the nation, while people are running out of burning buildings, who risks their lives by running inside to save people and property? The firemen do and that’s public service. When there is an armed robbery or a kidnapping or any number of other violent crimes being committed, who wades in while putting themselves in danger? Someone in law enforcement does. These people have families and they have something to lose, yet they still come to the aid of others, that’s public service. And there is a seemingly endless list of other professions which also provide a public service to our nation. Are any of these people our servants? No, of course they are not. However, they are all public servants and they all do their duty which serves the public interest. How can it be that the leaders of a nation are not held in such high esteem? Personally, if I was a politician, I believe I would be offended. Yet the ordinary people of America who are in these various professions, don’t stand there telling you how great they are, they stand there and tell you how great America is. Yet our politician can’t wait to have a press conference and tell you about their exploits and accomplishments, which are nothing more than mere fantasies! So I would have to ask you, who really are our leaders?

So, after all of this has been said.  Who are our leaders and public servants? Is it our forefathers, our elected and appointed politicians, or those Americans who daily risk their lives for us? The easy answer is our forefathers, there can be no doubt they knew what public service was all about; George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, John Hancock as well as every other founder who was an honest and honorable upstanding man. Then there are the regular Americans who work within the vast variety of professions who daily risk their lives or who work under conditions so deplorable that most of us would not wish it on an enemy, these people are certainly our leaders. Perhaps they aren’t elected, but they are leaders nonetheless and they certainly know what public service is. And lastly, we come to our elected and appointed politicians. What can I say? If these people had the wisdom, honor, integrity, honesty or sense of duty the size of a mustard seed I would undoubtedly fall over dead. But it would appear as though all they desire from public office is to find the lamp which holds their Djinn, so they may rub it and be granted whatever they wish. Sadly, what they wish for is the public to be their servants.




An avaricious man, who might happen to fill the office, looking forward to a time when he must at all events yield up the emoluments he enjoyed, would feel a propensity…to make the best use of the opportunity he enjoyed while it lasted, and might not scruple to have recourse to the most corrupt expedients to make the harvest as abundant as it was transitory.

Alexander Hamilton[viii]



God Bless this Great Republic, the United States of America.



Brett L. Baker 



[i] Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government; Duties of Citizens,

[ii] Dover Beach; John Adams on the obligation of honest people to engage in public service,

[iii] Founding Fathers Info; Federalist No. 51, James Madison.

[iv] American Presidents Life Portraits; First Inaugural Address, George Washington, Thursday, April 30, 1789: New York City.

[vi] American Statesman James Monroe; In his Relations To The Public Service During Half A Century, 1776-1826, pp 179-180.

[viii] Founding Fathers Info; Federalist No. 72, Alexander Hamilton.

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Republican Tyranny in Tampa: What Happened and Why?


I just read on one of the social network sites I belong to that Ron Paul is planning a 3rd party run for President.  People have their panties in a bunch saying he will be the reason Obama gets re-elected.  I have a few thoughts to share and several questions to ask on this matter.  The questions I have need some answers from people who will take an objective look at what I write and respond with thought rather than emotion.  Put your partisan hat aside and read on.


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Republican Party Treachery Rises Again in Tampa

Republican Party Treachery Rises Again in Tampa

Republican and Democrat: Two Wings of the Same Vulture

The choice of Paul Ryan as the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate almost had me convinced to vote for Mitt Romney in November but once again the Republican Party blew a chance to show me they are above the Democrat Party when it comes to morals, honor, integrity, and concern for the Constitution of the United States of America.  Once again the New World Order globalists who run the Globalist Oligarchy Party (GOP) reminded me why I should vote for John Albert Dummett Jr. (, a write-in candidate for the Republican Party in 2012.  At their convention this past week the Republican Party establishment showed me they have no regard for the grassroots workers, the “We the People” they should be looking to for support.  Instead of looking to grassroots conservatives they have once again shown they have no regard for liberty whatsoever.  The party establishment again spits in the face of We the People and tells us “we know better than you, we don’t care what you want, sit down and shut up”.


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Attention Florida Voters

Since the birth of the Tea Party, we have had great success if replacing liberal, establishment Republicans with Tea Party conservatives.  When Mike Lee defeated "Bailout Bob" Bennett, we sent a shot across the bow of the RINO Republicans.  

This year Richard Mourdock defeated 36 year incumbent Dick Lugar and soon, in Texas, Ted Cruz can send more shockwaves through the establishment by beating insider David Dewhurst in the Republican primary.  But those aren't the only battles.

In Florida, redistricting placed two incumbents John Mica and Tea Party freshman Sandy Adams in the same district.  Mica is a career politician who has now been caught with his hands in cookie jar.

Since his election to Congress 20 years ago, Mica has become a world traveler -- on the taxpayer dime.  

Adams estimates that Mica's trips to countries like Malaysia, Italy and France have cost taxpayers in excess of $4 million.  Adams spokesman Lisa Boothe said, "John Mica’s decision to put his international travel bucket list ahead of Central Florida taxpayers is appalling.  While Mica has been attempting to pull the wool over voters’ eyes by denying his long history of runaway spending and record-setting earmarks, his 20 years in Congress tell a different story.  On top of adding $10 trillion to our nation’s debt and requesting $4 billion in earmarks, Mica has been earning frequent flyer miles on the backs of hard-working Americans.  At a time when Central Florida families and small businesses are struggling to pay their bills, how can Mica justify jet setting on their dime to some of the world's most popular international travel destinations?”

Conservatives and Tea Party activists in Florida's 7th district have an easy choice to make this August 14th in the GOP primary.  They can continue the Tea Party revolution by going with Sandy Adams or they can reward a RINO for his earmarks, K-Street connections and extensive taxpayer travel.  The choice is ours.  


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What is Wrong With Conservatives?

I often wonder what is wrong with conservative voters.  Too many people either can’t or won’t see the forest for the trees.  People decry John Boehner for being a coward but take a look at voters who call themselves conservatives.  I belong to 25 conservative social network sites and interact with people on facebook almost daily.  The biggest majority of those I come in contact with are so afraid of Barack Obama and what he will bring in a second term that they are willing to vote for “anyone but Obama”.  I wrote about this very subject a few months back ( .  Fear is not a good motivator in something so important.  It blinds people to the danger ahead. 


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Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln.


Remember always that he was the greatest president of the 19th Century, and literally saved the young Union from being inexorably torn in two.  Abraham was a great politician.  He was a decent, just, humble man, and in the most virtuous sense he was also a great politician.  He used the power of his political skill and rhetoric to appeal to a nation, the Union in its entirety, to address the problem of slavery in a way that best preserved the natural rights of all men.  He was not like the extreme abolitionist, John Brown, who murdered for the cause.  He was not a slave holder who defended the practice as essential.  

He was not a racist who saw Whites as superior to Blacks.  But he was a great politician who had to appeal to the extremes on both sides; the abolitionists on one side, the slave states on the other. And he had to find common ground so that the Union could be preserved. For, without the United States of America, her Declaration of Independence and its statement of Natural Rights, and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights, slavery would not be eradicated.  It would continue to exist in some form within and without the Union indefinitely.  

Abraham Lincoln used his expert political skill to maneuver sentiment and popular opinion.  He used his debate skills to trap Stephen Douglas and others dedicated to the protection and perpetuation slavery to expose their hypocrisy, and turn their Constitutional arguments against them.  Lincoln spoke to a deeply divided America. Racism, superstition, fear, and economic necessity impelled the slave states to fight to the death for the practice upon which they based their culture.  Ideology, human freedom, and Christian love impelled those who sought the immediate and unconditional abolition of all slavery.  Only when he was unsuccessful in the political realm to heal the rent Union, did Lincoln resort to military action, and with the force of war, called the secessionist states back home.  He hated the Civil War. Lincoln's skill as Commander in Chief did not match that of his political skill. Yet he persisted, in the name of freedom, and in the name of the indispensable Union, he persisted.  He, at first, refrained from using the full force of the Union against the Southern states.  And it was not until Ulysses S. Grant became the Commanding General of the Union Army, that victory over secession, and victory over the practice of slavery became possible.

Abraham Lincoln was a great politician, and a reluctant Commander in Chief.  His love of all people is unquestionable.  And he knew that for America, and the rest of the world to have a "Last, best hope," that the Union must preserved and its Constitution along with it.  Happy Birthday Abraham Lincoln.  Your memory and legacy blesses us still.

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4063390752?profile=originalIt was the 80s at WJZ-TV an ABC affiliate television station in Baltimore, MD. I was a rare black graphic designer in the art dept. Oprah Winfrey was the co-host of the station's local morning talk show, “People Are Talking”.


“People Are Talking” associate producer Debbie DiMaio sent her “reel” to Chicago in response to a job opening. The folks in Chicago, saw Oprah on Debbie's reel, liked her and the rest is television history.


Little did I know my co-worker would eventually “Oprah-rize” America; making everything about feelings and self-esteem. Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying Oprah is solely responsible for feminizing our culture and banning score keeping at school sporting events for fear of injuring the losing team's self-esteem. Unquestionably, Oprah is a superstar on the liberal Socialist/Progressive team committed to furthering their “brain dead” all-about-feelings agenda.


My brother has been coaching little league football for over 25 years. He has noticed a disturbing shift in the attitudes of more and more kids. They think they are entitled; demanding maximum rewards for minimal effort.


Contributing greatly to America's new “gimme” mindset is President Obama, preaching his gospel of “spreading the wealth around”, confirming blacks victims of racial inequality, promoting entitlements and demonizing achievers.


And when did a belief and faith in God become a bad thing in America? God is so banned from the public square, any politician boldly proclaiming their faith is branded a religious zealot nut case by the liberal media. Meanwhile, the liberal media considers anything less than a celebration of sodomy to be ignorant and worthy of attack for bigotry. I preface my comment by saying I have homosexual family and friends whom I love dearly. But, I will not be bullied into proclaiming their behavior normal.


Founding father, John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. And yet, the left seeks to ban all references to God from government.


Surfing the channels, I stumbled across a TV program titled, “Hip Hop's Most Shocking Moments”. It was unfortunate witnessing so many youths influenced by a culture which celebrates ignorance, crudeness and guys employing a duck waddling walk to keep their pants which are already below their butts from falling all the way down. The liberal media celebrates this behavior as authentic “blackness”. Conservative educated English speaking blacks are trashed for trying-to-act-white.


The liberal media and the left also appear to hate any suggestion of standards, character and honor. In their perverted thinking, unless you can walk-the-walk of Jesus Christ, you have no right to demand a standard of behavior from anyone. Thus, any Conservative Republican misstep is heralded by the left as punishment for daring to raise a standard in the first place.


Democrat sins are celebrated as resume enhancements; portraying them as flawed and “real” like the rest of us.


Brother and sister patriots, I believe it is crucial that we make an immediate u-turn from the direction our country is going; get back to standing up for standards, character and honor.


When selecting our presidential candidate, I believe the “C” word, (character) means everything! Presidents have an abundance of advisors and fact finders to educate/brief them on any issue. Only a president of character with faith in a power greater than him/herself will make decisions based on what is best for the American people rather than what is going to win the most votes. While this is not a formal endorsement, I believe Herman Cain is a man of character worthy of occupying the Oval Office.


Bottom line, we tea party patriots MUST take our country back; back from politicians who demonize achievers; back from politicians who promote entitlement to enslave as many voters to government as possible; back from bottom feeding parasites seeking freebies from Obama's stash; back from those who hate moral standards of any kind; back from those who hate our military; back from those who seek to divide us along racial lines for political gain; back from those who celebrate and sympathize with the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11.


And most of all, back from Obama who upon entering the White House toured the world apologizing for America's greatness and has vowed to “fundamentally transform” her. You sir, are unworthy of our extraordinary legacy. And with God's help, we will take our country back from YOU come November 2012.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin








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A Battle Victory, but a Turncoat Among Us!

We had a small but significant battle victory yesterday when we stopped the "vote" on the disgusting bill that Mr. Boehner was going to send over to the senate.  That liberal bill would have been twisted further into the communist mold and sent back to the house, eventually being "passed".  That would have been a victory for the communist-led senate. 


But as often occurs during an argument, one can find out what side a person really stands on when the pressure increases.  In this case, Allen West of Florida, showed his true colors.  From what I understand from FOX News this morning, Mr. West was voted in by us, yet he now favors the business-as-usual, liberal and spineless "bill" that John Boehner put forth to be voted upon yesterday.  That bill would have been an aid and comfort to the enemy. 


Take notice Florida Tea Party!  You have a turncoat among you!  You better make plans to VOTE OUT Mr. Allen West the first chance you get.  He apparently likes his new job better than his duty to the citizens of conservative Florida!  Keep throwing the tea overboard!

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“. . . a lot of other Europeans in the wake of the Climategate scandal have started calling environmentalists there, not just “greenies,” but now “watermelons” (green on the outside, deep RED on the inside) in recognition of the fact that the chief interest in Cap and Trade has been mainly kept alive by ultra-socialist groups and communists because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how, etc., etc. ad nauseum.” Rajjpuut

‘Progressive-Elitist’ John Kerry

Fumes Over Unsophisticated Voters

According to several internet stories, one-time Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry is NOT a happy camper. According to Yahoo, Kerry would like to “elect a new people.” Complaining that Americans have “abandoned science and truth,” Kerry insists on preaching to anyone that will listen that Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck have led us into a new era of “know-nothingness.” Kerry, you see, is bitter over the fact that Cap and Trade legislation in the senate (a bill he sponsored) never even came to a vote there over the last 17 months, much less passed into law. Kerry feels that “. . . truth and science and facts don’t weigh in. It’s all short-order, lowest common denominator, cheap-seat politics.”

Kerry, the Senate’s richest man has apparently never read this ten and a half month old story:

Why not? Well, because the American MSM (mainstream media), that gives unrelentingly false and favorable coverage to folks like Kerry of the progressive-elite, failed to publicize the fact that even the ultra-liberal London Times (after examining the evidence released in so-called “Climategate” revelations) agrees that global warming is a hoax. That would mean that some particularly sane Americans like Rajjpuut who have long been “global-warming deniers” have actually abandoned gullibility and inanely following the crowd as far as the Europeans are concerned. By the way, here’s a list of 31,000+ other Americans (all scientists, with 9,000+ of them PhD’s who’ve also long denied global warming:

And then there’s the fact that the 2,500 year model global warming theory was based upon had dropped 500 years out of their data collection. Which 500 years? The Medieval Warm Period when temperatures got so warm that ice virtually disappeared from the Northern Hemisphere and Greenland was truly green and Leif Erikson discovered Greenland, established Viking settlements there and even discovered “Vinland,” a.k.a. Canada’s Newfoundland and even established a short-lived settlement there also. So the reason recent times looked so warm is because the global warming “scientists” (we’ll use the word ‘loosely’) while they’d dropped the Medieval Warm Period from their calculations had put extra emphasis upon the 500 year long “Little Ice Age” that killed off the Vikings in Greenland . . . with all that happening and after creating false “hockey stick graphics,” of course the figures lied and said global warming was factual. Poor Senator Kerry never read this article about all that either:

Not only that but Kerry, who recently got a lot of global-heat from trying to avoid Massachusetts’ taxes on his yacht, likes to complain to other tuxedo-wearing participants at $1,000-a-plate dinners somehow couldn’t connect the outrageous taxes on his yacht to the laws passed by liberal fools like himself, preferring rather to gritch about Limbaugh, Beck, the TEA Party and the stupidity of the great unwashed masses who won’t simply take his every sainted utterance as pure GOSPEL . . . the nerve of them!

Kerry, of course, discounted entirely that Cap and Trade would immediately jack up all prices in the United states by 77% (our present economy is $13 trillion thanks to the recession; adding the $10 Trillion per year cost of cap and traded according to some of its most famous proponents . . . we’d then have a $23 TRillion economy based purely upon the addition of “blue sky”; resulting in 77% inflation) . . . leaving that aside for now . . . Barack Obama, in a rare moment of actual truth-telling, told the San Francisco Chronicle his Cap and Trade policy A) “would bankrupt the coal industry” and B) would also “necessarily make the price of electricity sky-rocket.” I guess the fact that 53% of the country still voted for Obama after that revelation spoiled Senator Kerry . . . he apparently assumed silly voters not only were very, very silly, but also absolutely could NOT learn even when the obvious was staring them in the face.

Of course a frequent tux-wearer on the other side of the Atlantic Lord Lawson, former Chancellor of the Exchequer actually called Cap and Trade “a royal highway to corruption” while a lot of other Europeans in the wake of the Climategate scandal have started calling environmentalists there, not just “greenies,” but now “watermelons” (green on the outside, deep RED on the inside) in recognition of the fact that the chief interest in Cap and Trade has been mainly kept alive by ultra-socialist groups and communists because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how, etc., etc. ad nauseum.

Bjorn Lomborg, the famed “Skeptical Great Dane Environmentalist,” though he believes in global warming is an eminently practical and honest man. Lomborg has said that even if we imposed Cap and Trade, with all of its ability to straightjacket the already paralyzed world economy, it would result in barely a 1-degree difference in Global Warming by the end of this century. In response to the exaggerated alarmism of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” Lomberg created a documentary called “Cool It” which urges hisfellow environmentalists to cool the rhetoric about global warming as an existential threat to the planet.

As for Senator Kerry, the truth is that progressive elites like him owe the country a huge apology. All the worst ideas still plaguing America (and a lot of others as well) right now are rooted in progressivism, all of them. Think of the worst unfunded liabilities initiated for “all the best motives” and you’ve described progressivism to a “T.” Here are some of those ideas and the president’ in power when they began:

1. Truly Big Government: Teddy Roosevelt

2. Government Control over large land tracts: Teddy Roosevelt

3. The Federal Reserve Bank: Woodrow Wilson

4. The Income Tax: Woodrow Wilson

5. Fighting in Europe’s Wars: Woodrow Wilson

6. Government propaganda: Woodrow Wilson

7. Internment Camps: Woodrow Wilson

8. Controlling (and shutting down) the press: Woodrow Wilson

9. Big interfering Government: Herbert Hoover

10.Ultra-high protective tariffs: Herbert Hoover

11. Huge Tax and Spend Government: FDR

12.Confiscation of Gold: FDR

13. Devaluing the Dollar: FDR

14. Ultra-big Government: FDR

15. Social Security: FDR

16. Expansive Welfare: LBJ

17. Medicare: LBJ

18. Medicaid: LBJ

19. Government Bailouts of Cities: Gerald Ford

20. Government control of Mortgage Industry Jimmy Carter

21.Government bailouts of companies: Jimmy Carter

22. Expansions by fiat thrice by legislation to Carter’s CRA: Bill Clinton

23. Motor Voter Act: Bill Clinton

24. TARP bailouts: G.W. Bush

25. Federal Government involved in bankruptcies: Barack Obama

26. Nationalized Healthcare insurance: Barack Obama

27.Government control of auto companies: Barack Obama

28. Government control of Banks: Barack Obama

29. Government control of student loans: Barack Obama

30. Financial control “reform”: Barack Obama

31. Bailouts of Banks and Wall Street: Barack Obama

32. State Socialism: Barack Obama

Remembering the “Watermelon-Connection” wherein ultra-socialists “green on the outside and Deep RED on the inside” want to use Cap and Trade as a stepping-stone to government takeover of virtually everything because it practically requires nationalization of all of a nation’s enterprises; requires the all-powerful central government to control all decisions about what to produce, where to produce it, when to produce, where to market it, and how . . . . isn’t it fitting that Barack Obama and progressive-elitist and would-be president Kerry are so interested in this seriously flawed “science?” And so looking over that unending list of failure every time serious government taxing, spending, control or interference is contemplated, Senator Kerry still just can’t understand why the masses of sheep are no longer following him to the slaughter house, "It's absurd. We've lost our minds," he keeps repeating.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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It's a shame when any community loses a good volunteer, and Eve Schiff seems to be a very good volunteer indeed. She appears on 4 different committees on the PTA roster in her local neighborhood in Maryland. Obviously a hard worker.

Carpetbaggers: Democrat Adam Schiff does not live in his district, carpetbagging from Maryland to California. His wife Eve seems to be a member of a Maryland PTA. Guess that's where they are raising their kids.

So it's a darn shame that Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena in California has lost her volunteer services. Because her husband is Congressman Adam Schiff representing the 29th District in California.

I guess this means they are sending their kids to school in Maryland. I guess this means they actually live in Maryland. I'd provide a link, however her personal phone seems to appear on the roster.

John Colbert has a better vision for his constituents in California's CD 29. For starters, he actually lives in California. Heck, he actually lives right in the district he wants to serve. And he's a real businessman. Endorsed by

Matter of fact, you know when you're watching those CSI shows and the evidence techs are doing those computer/internet forensics? That's John Colbert's enCase software. Developed at the end of his 13 year career with the LA County Sheriff as their lead cyber investigator. John's team (both at LASD and Guidance software) developed the the gold standard for cyber-forensics that can withstand judicial scrutiny.

There's a lot more to learn about John Colbert and his journey to Congress, but in this post I wanted to let you know how easily we expect him to replace Schiff - because of who Schiff really is.

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Until the American mainstream media comes to its senses and begins acting like journalists again, real investigative stories (like the one linked above from the ultra-liberal London Times) will not appear in ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN newscasts. Truth will NOT be available to Americans from our oldest news outlets. That story is over five months old and required the London Times to eat some very serious crow, for they had been driving the global-warming bandwagon for many years. The actual event took place on November 17, 2009. It took the Times twelve days to research the story before their Environment Editor Jonathan Leake drove a stake into the heart of global-warming with his article entitled “The Great Climate Change Science Scandal” which agreed with the conclusions of the press and neutral scientists around the globe, that the East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) had perpetrated an expensive and elaborate hoax on the world. That story has not been run in the New York. Times yet nor in any other major Liberal newspaper or broadcast company. As we speak, Cap and Trade legislation based upon global warming theory is poised for passage in the United States Senate.
Another story you’ll probably have to pick up first on FOX News or in the London Times is this one . . . our president Barack Obama and our ex-vice president Al Gore are still using that false global warming alarmism to confuse the American public and are guilty of deliberate conflict of interest that will bilk the American economy of $10 TRillion each and every year.
You’d have to read that in Investor’s Business Daily ( of course, not in the mainstream media) or hear it on Fox. The lamestream media is too busy protecting Obama’s butt and worshipping him to actually protect our country.
Here (above) is a brief schematic of the corrupt connections designed to sell America and the free market down the river and scam us all of 40% of every dollar spent in the country from now till hell freezes over . . . .
If and when Cap and Trade legislation passes . . . an enormous fortune will be made by Joel Rogers, the man who owns Obama’s strings, and the brains behind CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange). CCX is a business venture owned by Al Gore and his London partners the fifth largest owners; Barack Obama, Joel Rogers, John Ayers (brother of Weather Underground bomber and Obama ghostwriter Bill Ayers, several Goldman Sachs bigwigs, and 10% owned by Goldman Sachs the investment firm itself; Richard Sandor and surprise, surprise by Fannie Mae (who owns the patent on the methodology) as well as several other key progressive organizations and individuals such as Van Jones, Andy Stern and unions AFLCIO and SEIU.
Sandor, the founder and man in charge of CCX has been videotaped saying that cap and trade will be a $10 TRillion industry. Since all actual U.S. manufacturing production and services (where something is actually produced or a service actually performed) create $15.4 TRillion per year that means that about 40% of all costs associated with anything produced in this country will be associated with Cap and Trade legislation and therefore the final costs after cap and trade costs passed on to American and world consumers will be roughly 67% greater because of the existence of Cap and Trade Laws. For you arithmetically challenged .4/.6 = .6666667
But Sandor is a small potatoes guy . . . the brains of the outfit, the man behind the great green curtain in Obama’s Emerald City Ozville is a communist activist Wisconsin professor named Joel Rogers. He is the man who owns Obama’s strings, a man who says here in this link below that “Capitalism is Monstrous.” He is the creator of the Apollo Alliance (seemingly a progressive money-laundering foundation) which received $80 Million from Obama’s stimulus funds. These progressive foundations (The Joyce Foundation; The Tides Foundation; The Apollo Foundation; the old ACORN; etc. are just a few of a long list of progressive foundations who channel money into other progressive foundations and quite naturally receive money channeled into them by other progressive foundations . . . while big surprise, Barack Obama’s name is found on the board of many of them) received a huge amount of our stimulus money. Joel Rogers is the leader of a cunning collusion for profit and power. But the mainstream media will not cover All-American Joel or his organizations or his connection to Barack Obama or Al Gore or the full corrupt story . . . . when they finally regain their senses and their journalistic spirit, Rajjpuut suggests they start their investigation with CCX. Why? Follow the money!
Being associated with all these progressive foundations with all that loose money floating through them is surely profitable, but only chump change compared to what happens if and when cap and trade becomes a reality. When it first appeared that Cap and Trade legislation which narrowly passed in the house last spring was dead on the senate floor . . . Joel Rogers is the one who prodded Barack Obama to prod the Environmental Protection Agency to issue an edict, a regulation, that would in effect make cap and trade legislation the law of the land and classify carbon emissions as dangerous pollutants and that would make the CCX immediately a going highly-profitable concern and make the individuals mentioned above a fortune for selling, uh . . . blue sky. Free blue sky with the carbon-dioxide in it that plant life needs to grow and produce oxygen for us to breathe would be symbolically exchanged for other free blue sky with a bit less carbon dioxide in it in accordance with the EPA directives and run through the exchange system computers on programs for which the patents are owned by Fannie Mae. Something for nothing, abso-frigging-lutely nothing will never cost so much in the history of the universe and Joel and Obama and Al and Richard Sandor and John Ayers and the Goldman Sachs bunch are the folks who will be taking us to the cleaners while literally selling “licenses to pollute,” according to their own interviews. Makes you proud to be an American, eh?
Actually, Rajjpuut is very proud to be an American and one reason is the existence of Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn, his April, 2010 Statesman of the month who took on Al Gore’s lies face to fact (link above). Al can run to his $9 million new mansion in Montecito, California alongside the global-warmed rising seas but he cannot hide from her direct question, “. . . will you in any way, profit personally, from the legislation you’re supporting here today?” Ms. Blackburn and Senator Inhofe are also behind the movement that made the EPA backdown from instituting cap and trade by regulation . . . you see the EPA was violating its own rules because they cannot issue regulations based upon somebody else’s studies but must do the environmental, or in this case the climate, studies themselves. And, of course, the EPA was basing their edict upon the Climate-Gate fraudulent figuring done at CRU in East Anglia, my, my, my. Ms. Blackburn’s got more courage in her pinky fingernail than all the inglorious mainstream media reporters and executives combined.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Hey, You’re about to be Re-Raped by Gore, Goldman Sachs,

Barack, and Your Very Own Federal Guv , Have a Nice Day!

In the upcoming re-rape of the U.S. Taxpayers engineered by the Federal Government, most of the citizenry will not even get a kiss. But since Rajjpuut likes YOU, we’ll see to it that you not only get a kiss, by Jove, but perhaps even enough understanding to survive or glory-be actually thrive. Pay attention, now, you really do want that kiss!

First a bit of history: the last time the country got raped it was through a little manipulation called the sub-prime lending crisis. The laws had to be changed four times before that scam finally worked. In chronological order those laws were: the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. The expansion of CRA into the Federal progtams at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac in 1992; a smaller expansion in 1995 and finally the Bill Clinton expansion in 1998 that put the whole system on steroids. A group called ACORN with lawyers such as Barack Obama worked at forcing lending institutions to grant ridiculous loans (forced by the four laws just mentioned) to some people

A. without I.D.
B. without jobs
C. with abysmal credit ratings
D. without even a bona fide rental address and even to
E. illegal aliens.

Then some people bundled a lot of these horrendous mortgages together and sold them to other people known as “fish.” One of the biggest profiteers from this activity was a group on Wall Street known as Goldman Sachs. You may have heard of them. As far as Rajjpuut can tell GS, sometimes known as “Government Sachs” actually did nothing technically wrong, they just made a lot of money out of the entire country’s misery . . . . originally Rajjpuut thought that ACORN and the progressive politicians were the culprits . . . but GS, well, let’s see where our story leads us . . . .

OK, OK the last time we bundled mortgages together, so the suckers won’t fall for that for at least a decade – how in hell can we make a dishonest buck? Hmmmm. But first did you know that eleven key regulators of the financial industries (FEDS, in other words) and eight key members of the Obama industry have spent a good deal of their adult lives working for Goldman Sachs? Maybe that’s where the name Government Sachs comes from. Let’s see where were we? Oh, yeah, how to re-rape the country. Well first we need something to sell . . . .

“I know, I know” said a clever senator from Tennessee and another clever senator from Chicago. The two clever senators decided to sell the country and the world “Blue Sky” – clear blue sky, step right up and get your blue sky.

Here’s how it workes . . . You may have heard of the Tides** Foundation, it’s a place where rich progressives donate a lot of money and then you can’t tell that they’re involved because everything is hush-hush secret and done by this anonymous entity . . . the foundation. The Tides Foundation is a non-profit that’s purportedly promotes social justice, cleaner environment, etc., but what it really does is take advantage of the godawful regulatory climate, which progressive lawmakers have pushed onto all of us, to find appropriately complex and very profitable scams . . . all in the name of advancing questionable liberal/progressive goals. The Tides Foundation is huge. Well imagine something even bigger, something that could fit up to ten or twelve Tides Foundations inside it and still have wiggle room. In fact this larger entity, The Joyce** Foundation, actually is one of, if not THE largest funder for the Tides Foundation. If that looks like money laundering to you . . . well so be it.

So in 2001, the senator from Tennessee had just almost been president of the United States and he was going around the world in his jet spreading a lot of nasty exhaust but telling a lot of lies supposedly based on real science, but actually just plain lies about something called global warming. And this Joyce Foundation they gave him and others money for a start-up grant to create an entity called CCX which would eventually sell the “blue-sky.” And the board (the group) that’s running this CCX (which stands for Chicago Climate Exchange) consists of that nice Tennessee fellow Al Gore and a London Investment group he works with (no relation to East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) of climate-gate shame, we’re sure, (or are we?); plus the brother of the well-known Weather Underground Bomb-maker Bill Ayers, John Ayers; plus three or four key Goldman Sachs people; and the Goldman Sachs Company itself (10% owner); plus Barak Obama who actually wasn’t even a U.S. Senator but just an Illinois Senator when he and a fellow named Sandor who’s the President of this CCX put the whole scam together. By the way, CCX is a voluntary agency – get that voluntary. And remember they’re selling (eventually) blue sky.

When Mr. Sandor was interviewed recently he estimated that the blue-sky sales business (also known as “Cap and Trade”) which creates something literally out of nothing would shortly become a $10 TRillion industry every single year. Since the full value of all the stocks on all the American exchanges and over the counter in all the companies is estimated at $15 TRillion which is $15 TRillion over all the earth’s history and therefore nothing compared to blue sky being worth $10 TRillion every single year . . . well that’ll give you a pretty good idea of what exactly blue sky can be worth in the hands of people with imagination and a bit of larceny in their souls?

$10 TRillion, but wait, remember we said that the CCX was a voluntary group? You did remember that? So they've been working basically without reward for nine full years basically out of the goodness of their hearts, my my. Of course if climate-law such as Cap and Trade ever became the law of the land and they already were the most experienced at the business in the whole world . . . well $10, TRillion . . . . Any wonder why, with Cap and Trade stuck forever in the Senate, Barack Obama has tried to make (a presidential edict) Cap and Trade the law of the land via the EPA? Ah well, bend over America, ENJOY! And as for Barack Obama, it's called conflict of frigging interest Mr. President.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** and for any reader that thinks that the Tides Foundation and the Joyce Foundations sound vaguely familiar and might actually be parodied in Michael Crichton's thriller "State of Fear," come on now, that's a work of fiction, Crichton wouldn't do that, would he?

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Rajjpuut just listened to yet another Democrat talking about the relationship between the TEA (taxed enough already) Party and the Ku Klux Klan and then he also mentioned the “hate-mongers like Glen Beck” with his very next breath. This is a typical example of the lame-stream media in action. Regular viewers of Beck’s show have often heard him close with “let truth be your anvil and non-violence your hammer and reject anything which doesn’t answer the test of truth and non-violence.” These words of Gandhi are very close to the spirit guiding the TEA Party and, of course, are the furthest thing from what CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN would like you to know about those “crazies that are attacking the programs of our Dems and our President.” The amount of lying about the TEA Party by the Obama administration and the congressional Democrats and the lamestream media has gone well beyond epic proportions . . . .

Supposedly when Nancy Pelosi and the Dems were walking in unison on the day that Obamacare passed, at least one TEA Party member shouted the word “nig__r” fifteen times at Representative John Lewis and another Black Democrat was spit upon by a white TEA Partier. Now fifteen times is an awful lot of racial abuse but somehow with all the mainstream and other media (including FOX News) in the area, not even one racial slur was aired on the public air waves. Andrew Breitbart has challenged Representative Lewis and his honor, in effect calling the good congressman “a liar.” Rajjpuut will herein repeat Breitbart’s offer of a reward of 10,000 paid out of his own pocket for conclusive videotape proof that one of these incidents occurred . . . .

“It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.

“And surely if those cameras did not capture such abhorrence, then someone from the mainstream media — those who printed and broadcast his assertions without any reasonable questioning or investigation — must themselves surely have it on camera. Of course we already know they don’t. If they did, you’d have seen it by now THOUSANDS OF TIMES.

“Rep. Lewis, if you can’t do that, I’ll give you a backup plan: a lie detector test. If you provide verifiable video evidence showing that a single racist epithet was hurled as you walked among the tea partiers, OR you pass a simple lie detector test, I will provide a $10K check to the United Negro College Fund.”

Looking over dozens of online videos, Rajjpuut has seen only one scene in which the “spitting incident” might reasonably have been THOUGHT to have occurred. In one scene a dark skinned man, presumably a Democratic representative, walks up the stairs through the assembled TEA Party protestors and one white fellow has his hands cupped around his nose and mouth to amplify his voice. It appears that this man is yelling, but the videotapes showing this incident are all “silent movies” for some reason. If this actually was a fellow yelling the “N-word 15 times it surely would have been picked up by somebody with live audio since it is very obvious that he is yelling something. As far as the spitting?? Well, again the onlyreasonable candidate located by Rajjpuut is that same possibly obnoxious fellow yelling and quite clearly he DID NOT spit, however, the possibility of hims spraying his message accidentally as he was saying it does exist . . . but there was no reaction by the dark-skinned man to indicate anything but being weary with the yealling as he calmly turned and continued up the stairs.

Supposedly the story of John Lewis’ horrific experience was witnessed by one of his associates . . . who like Lewis will NOT take a lie detector test, even to enrich the coffers of the United Negro College Fund. Just yesterday, a union man who said he was there has come forward and said he heard the racial slur and saw the spitting but was totally uninterested in providing evidence didn’t even wish to talk about who was filming when this all supposedly happened. Let Rajjpuut be very clear here: in the 2008 elections, there are racist claims and then there are racist facts: Barak Obama got more White votes than Kerry or Gore in 2004 and 2000 respectively . . . almost 48% of the White votes. John Mc Cain, who was a pretty good man, got just a bit over 4% of the Black votes. The highest percentage of real racists in this country are probably not going to be found among the White voters. Let us just say that if 8-10% of the Whites in America could be called serious racists then perhaps 40-50% of the Blacks might vie for that dubious honor.

Talking more personally about racism, President Obama listened for 20 years to Jeremiah Wright spewing hate from the pulpit before the cameras caught that magic “God Damn America!” moment as he proselytized about White’s treatment of Blacks in the United States . . . perhaps Obama and his administration and his fellow Dems are just accusing others of what they themselves are guiltiest about? Last time Rajjpuut looked, none of his ancestors ever owned a Black slave or even an indentured White servant; indeed Rajjpuut personally kicked the crap out of two much bigger (thankfully drunk) White fellows verbally assaulting a trio of Black girls so quite frankly accusing the Ol’ boy of being a racist or of being responsible for racism in this country is pretty darn stupid and yet that’s precisely what the Dems are doing . . . accusing every TEA Party advocate of hate and racism. And why? Just to detract the attention of the sillier branches of the media from the justifiable attacks on the Dems in congress for their anti-constitutional tax and spend and magnification of already too-big government agendas. Obama and his ilk have been playing the racism card for almost 40 months now on the national stage. It never was true, it isn’t true now and he ought to apologize right now. Fat chance of that man ever admitting a mistake, eh?

By the way, the Dems’ accusation that the TEA Party is made up of extremists and radicals was put down recently by not one but four different polls showing the TEA Party make up to include roughly 58% Republicans, 28% Independents and 14% Democrats; and another poll that showed that on most issues people in this country trust the TEA Party more than they do President Obama 48% to 42% and far more than the Democrats in Congress 21% or the Republicans in Congress 27%. And yet another poll by the mainstream media showed that 62% of TEA Partiers call themselves conservative; while 28% call themselves moderate; and 9% call themselves liberal; and while 34% of ALL Americans prefer Democratic candiates and 32% prefer Republican candidates; 28% prefer candidates supported by the TEA party.

On a related front, several TEA Party groups have created the National TEA Party Federation (NTPF)** and this central group has also announced alliances with the National Taxpayers’ Union and the following other organizations with fiscally-conservative agendas:

  • 60 Plus
  • Americans for Prosperity
  • Americans for Tax Reform
  • Bannon Strategic Advisors
  • Citizens Against Government Waste
  • Citizens United
  • Constitutional Sovereignty Alliance
  • Contract From America
  • Doctor Patient Medical Association
  • Family Research Council
  • FreedomWorks
  • Heartland Institute
  • Institute for Liberty
  • Let Freedom Ring
  • Moms for America
  • Ronald Reagan Institute for Conservative Leadership
  • Richard Viguerie
  • Tea Party Patriots Live!
  • Victory Media Group

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


Said Arkansas Ex-governorMike Huckabee talking about the NTPF, “Pedophiles are more popular than members of congress right now." as he presented a very perceptive look at the growing TEA Party movement despite the contempt and unfounded accusations thrown their way by some Democrat members of congress.

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