glen beck (1)

Rajjpuut wishes Glen Beck all the most Scintillating of Successes and Good Feeling at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28; and Success to all the Freedom Movements such as the 9/12 Project and the TEA Party movement, we remind you that Glen is wrong when he says that history repeats itself . . . it doesn't, as Mark Twain said, "History does NOT repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes a lot!"

Ya'all live long, strong and ornery,
p.s. Just heard that the recent firebombing of a Missouri Progressive Democrat's campaign office blamed by the media on the St. Louis area TEA Party has seen an arrest, of a disgruntled long-time progressive activist (for not getting his check) employed by the office bombed; and that the man had been sabotage-blogging on a TEA Party site recently. The suspect Chris Powers has reportedly confessed his actions and has also been implicated in "astroturf protest" during an Obama visit to Missouri where he pretended to be a racist TEA Party member.

I'm sure the Left is thinking "firebombing the Reichstag worked for our National SOCIALIST buddy Adolf back in 1932, so it should work for us. Representative Russ Carnahan, whose office was bombed and who declared to the press (and was, of course, duly quoted) originally said "It was most likely a domestic terror crime by some right-wing racist." In the media it was printed and broadcast that "some violent TEA Party member probably did this. There's a lot of hate out there." Since the arrest,Carnahan and his staff have reportedly quieted down and purportedly, they are unwilling to proceed with charges against their former employee, think the "correction" will make the mainstream media (MSM)??? Since this is a federal crime, Rajjpuut hopes that the bomber Chris Powers is prosecuted by the FBI to the full extent of the law and that if this sick fellow needs it, he gets the treatment required. Whatever happened to the once great St. Louis Post Dispatch? Proud Missouri U. was once known as the "journalism capital of the nation" back in "better times."
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