democrats (442)

We have all heard about the corruption of politics, but not with the force this administration has wielded. We not only heard about it, but witnessed it in a front row seat. The Democrats always overreach, but this time it was in your face, to use one of Obama's favorite idioms. A classic example of things to come was the scene outside a Philadelphia polling place with Black Panther thugs wielding nightsticks intimidating white voters [charges mysteriously dismissed], but most people didn't want to face that little tidbit.TECHNOCRACY: THE DEMOCRATS' TECHNOLOGICAL THUGGERY
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Nothing could be more delicious than to watch the Democrats self-destruct, but this time we have, are, and will pay a high price. Having lived through a few recessions, the worse being the Carter recession and almost losing my home, I have never witnessed a 'jumping ship' as we are witnessing today. It is an understatement to stay the Democrats have overreached as never before, but America has never before had such a narcissistic despot in the White House.THE RETIREMENT FLU: DEMS START TO STAMPEDE
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