carta (1)

Please contact me fellows Tea  Party Members. We like to get together with members who can help us put together  a forum [with guest speakers  from our local Universities]  for an evening + a month on each of the Amendments to the Bill of Rights and the foundation that  it was constructed from; See; the [Magna Carta]. The U.S. Supreme Court  has diluted  some of those "rights" , but, the States [some] have enhanced them [see ; Federalist Papers ,Hamilton, #33] Yes!!!, Our States have the legal Constitutional  right to construct in our favor and enhance our protection from Government Intrusion and  magnify[in the citizens favor ] any of the 10 Amendments of the Bill of Rights. The fact is: Our Bill of Rights our mostly derived from State Constitutions  [preceding ] the U.S. adoption of , " Bill of Rights ".

[ The great charter]. This June 2015 is the 800 Anniversary of that Charter. E mail me direct at or call me at 201.242.9425

A Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving to All.


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