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4063964023?profile=originalEven a few white conservative radio hosts became uncomfortable and pushed back against my saying that slavery happened a ga-zillion years ago and it is time for black America to get over it. Apparently, they considered such a statement coming from a black person too Uncle Tom-ish for even them. Their retort is “Surely, you must admit that being African American in America is challenging.” When my reply is, “No, it is not.” their reply is, “Thanks for coming on the show Lloyd. And we'll be right back.”

I am in my sixties and America has come a very long way since my youth. Mary, my beautiful awesome white wife of 38 years and I began dating over 40 years ago. We caught heck from both sides; severe push back from our families. We were chased in our car by a car load of angry white boys. On another occasion, we were waiting at a traffic light when a white man got out of his car, cursed at us and spat on our car. A white landlord revealed to me that her black maid advised her not to rent to us because any black man who dates a white woman is no good.

Then, there was the time at a family restaurant, a white man approached our table and smashed a beer bottle on my forehead and fled the restaurant. I was not severely injured and he was later apprehended. Back in those days, being black in America had its challenges.

Today, in terms of living a happy and fulfilled life; achieving one's American dream, racism is not serious enough to block anyone. As a matter of fact, America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. I am extremely grateful to God for blessing me to be born an American. Cut the victim crap and go for your dreams.

Is racism alive and well in America? Absolutely, on both sides. People have a variety of prejudices. Is racial prejudice in America prevalent enough to stop anyone from achieving? No.

The Bible says “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Wow, what a powerful truth, able to empower or destroy you. If you see yourself as a victim, you are. But, if you see yourself powerful and free, you are.

Can someone please explain to me how viewing themselves as victims of slavery empowers black Americans today? It does not, quite the opposite. Liberals love to lay the serious economic and moral problems devastating the black community at the feet of white America and America's sin of slavery. This mindset weakens black America because it places their salvation in the hands of someone other than themselves; contingent on white behavior and intervention. Are we slaves on a national plantation waiting for our masters to better manage our lives?

Throughout American history there are countless inspiring tales of blacks using their will to succeed. Born in 1885, A'Lelia Walker was a black businesswoman. She was the first self made female millionaire in the United States and also one of the first black millionaires.

Imagine Miss Walker's life had she obsessed about slavery and reparations.

My black college buddy Joe Ford was a wonderful role model; focus and determination. Joe had every excuse to fail. He lived in a Baltimore ghetto, raised by his grandmother and spent a year in jail for stealing.

A black tech school teacher taught Joe how to earn a living painting signs. Joe and I were students at the Maryland Institute College of Art. It was the 70s. Black power was the rage. All of our black college friends where heavily involved in the movement, successfully pressuring the college to allow the Black Panthers to rally on campus. Joe did not have time for any of that stuff.

No matter how hard our black associates tried to convince Joe that whitey had stacked the deck against him, Joe refused to embrace their hopeless self defeating victim mindset. He worked and studied hard. After graduating college, Joe drove a school bus, putting himself through grad school at Cranbrook.

Joe Ford was the first black art director hired at W.B. Doner Advertising Agency in Baltimore. I was blown away. I do not know if Affirmative Action got Joe in the door. I do know that Joe Ford was and still is reliable, responsible, thorough, talented and professional.

As a Christian, I believe my success or failure is totally in the hands of God and me. This mindset is empowering. Thus, I refuse to embrace a self sabotaging victim mindset. I feel a bit resentful when white conservatives say while they appreciate my independence and self reliance, it is challenging to be black in America. First of all, how would they know? And secondly, their assumption has the distinct foul odor of condescension.

The most powerful thing advocates for black America can do to help them achieve their American dream is to stop reenforcing a victim self image; forget reparations and blaming others.

I am delighted to report that over the years, blacks have branched out to become successful in every area of the American experience.

A victim mindset keeps many black Americans down, dependent and enslaved to government. Advocates for blacks must push self-reliance, education, hard work and responsible choices.

These conservative principles build real self esteem, not living in the ancient past whining about slavery and demanding handouts.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Yes, I Blame White Liberals

4063962600?profile=originalA white teacher said he routinely overhears vulgar and racist comments from students at an all black high school. I blame the black youth's negative mindset on blacks in the civil rights exploitation business and white liberals with their stomach-turning bigotry of lowered expectations.

We see snooty arrogant superior intellectual sounding white liberal pundits and hosts all over TV touting their absurd narrative that blacks have a right to be angry in racist America and must be coddled. These liberal celebs followed certain steps and behaviors to achieve success. And yet, they claim expecting blacks to follow the same road map to success is racist. Blacks should be repulsed by this liberal narrative which implies that we are inferior. I want to scream, “How dare you lower the bar for me! I “be” as smart as any white person!” Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I have witnessed the same racist mindset in a white liberal couple who are longtime friends. They have had financial highs and lows in their efforts to run various businesses. They work hard and will take any job to pay their bills. Applying for government welfare is not on their radar. They employed horrible black employees, always making excuses for them; giving them a pass because they were black. I was amazed that they could not see the racism at the root of their low expectations, disguised as compassion.

At every turn liberals send the message that blacks are lesser Americans. Liberals say it is hateful for conservatives/Republicans to expect blacks to speak English correctly, show an ID to vote, refrain from murdering each other and stop dropping out of school. White liberals say asking blacks to refrain from having babies out of wedlock is culturally insensitive and imposes morality on them. Libs ignore the truth that fatherless households contribute to gang membership, black on black violence and poverty. Do you see the pattern? White liberals insinuate that urban blacks are poor uncouth savages. Therefore, a 6'4” 290 pound black thug should be given a pass for robbing a convenience store, assaulting the clerk and attacking a police officer while on his way to grandma's house.

By the way, 54% of black kids grow up in single parent households which was reported as high as 72% in 2010.

Years ago, I spoke to a class of black students at a Baltimore middle school. Diction was so lazy and poor, I had to ask several students numerous times to pronounce their names before I understood what they were saying. Why was such lazy speech tolerated?

My late Aunt Nee was a pastor and a brilliant black women with only a fourth grade formal education; an avid reader and studier. Aunt Nee did not tolerate lazy or inarticulate speaking from me and my siblings. Etched on my brain is her sending me to the corner store at 7 or 8 years old. “Ask the man for Uneeda Biscuits.” She pronounced each syllable and spelled it. She respected my intelligence.

Politically, white liberals pander to blacks to recruit Democrat voters which furthers their socialist/progressives agenda. Their sales pitch is every problem in the black community is caused by racist white America. Therefore, blacks can not achieve without big government intervention; lowered standards and entitlements to make things fair. I suspect secretly, many white liberals do believe they are superior.

White students are taught to feel guilty for their “white privilege”; instructed to be tolerant of black anger and irresponsible behavior. Black students who do not resent white America are called stupid traitors to their race.

During a debate on TV, a fellow black guest attacked me saying, “I have researched you and you never met a white person you didn't like.” The liberal host of the TV show said nothing. Imagine the fallout had that same statement been made by a white person to another white person. “You never met a black you didn't like.”

To all you liberal college professors and intellectuals who say blacks are still suffering the psychological repercussions of slavery, please knock it off. You evil race hustlers are all about exploiting the goodness and fair-mindedness of the American people.

Slavery happened a ga-zillion years ago; get over it.

In the 1960s, my black college buddies and I were huge Star Trek fans. We loved watching the racially mixed crew of the star-ship Enterprise on which race was not an issue. Further making the point was the episode that white Captain Kirk kissed black Lieutenant Uhura which was pretty racy and shocking on TV back then.

Gifting an unworthy black president two terms confirms that Americans long to be united as one nation under God. America's desire for national unity is sabotaged by liberals. Their modus operandi is to divide Americans into feuding angry voting blocs – rich vs poor, black vs white, employers vs employees; Americans convinced they are victims due to their race, gender or economic standing. Liberals consistently rip open “healed” racial civil rights wounds and pour in fresh salt. Despicable.

Liberals have been feeding black America excrement sandwiches for decades. Sadly, a majority of my fellow black Americans blinded by decades of liberal indoctrination and MSM spin keep consuming their excrement as if it is filet mignon.

For crying out loud, look at what liberals offer us. They did an extreme makeover packaging black thugs Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown; promoting them as heroes to black America. White liberals awarded an immoral black rapper who had 11 babies by 10 women with his own reality TV show titled, “All My Babies' Mamas”.

Meanwhile, liberals reject and even vilify excellent black role models like world renown retired neurosurgeon Dr Ben Carson and businessman extraordinaire Herman Cain. Why would liberals do that if they truly care about empowering blacks? Why do they offer us low rent faux black role models and reject the real deal?

Black America, you have been sleeping with the enemy, Democrats and white liberals, far too long. It is time to politically get out of bed, shower to wash away the stench of liberal racist low expectations and use Conservatism as the vehicle to speed to the fulfillment of your American dreams.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063959624?profile=originalInsidiously, Obama is using beautiful needy illegal alien kids as perfect Trojan Horses to continue his fundamental transformation of America for decades. A Hudson Institute study shows that illegals granted amnesty by Obama are far less inclined to assimilate; embrace English, the concept of American Exceptionalism and respect our Constitution.

The study also shows that illegals granted a “get in America free” pass from Obama do not view America as being better than other countries. Thus, putting these future Democrat voters on the same page as Obama and the MSM.

Obama using kids as time-released sleeper cell Trojan Horses for his transformation of our country is brilliantly evil. His exploitation of these kids includes using them as human shields, providing cover for his hidden-in-plain-sight criminal illegal alien invasion of America. This arrogant evil man is skillfully exploiting the compassion, generosity and goodness of the American people.

Even the hearts of Glenn Beck and George Will have been touched and deceived by the faces and plight of the children invading our country daily.

Both Beck and Will have joined the chorus of those calling conservatives mean for not rolling out the red carpet to those invading our homeland.  Illegals disrespect our laws, contribute to the dismal state of our economy, exhaust our resources and wave their country's flag while calling us insensitive when we celebrate or wear the stars and stripes – in our own country. Frankly, it is breathtakingly rude to come into our home and make demands.

Rewarding those invading our southern border is misguided compassion. It sends the world a message to come break our immigration laws and risk the extremely dangerous trek in which children are routinely abused, raped and murdered. The odds of rape are so high during the journey to America, Coyotes load up illegal alien girls with birth control.  Is it truly compassionate to encourage foreign parents to risk the lives of their children by illegally sending them to America?

I wish to address the manipulative flawed narrative that says true Christian love means never calling out evil doers or pushing back against those who aggressively impose their will on us. Does true Christianity require us to sheepishly allow the Left's “anything goes” philosophy to overtake our land?

I asked the wisest man I know, my 86 year old dad who is still the pastor of four churches after 50 years in ministry. Dad chucked and said, “I let the Word of God do the work. When I say something is an abomination to God, it is not me offering my opinion. I am simply quoting the Word of God.”

While the Left is typically repulsed by Christianity and the Holy Bible, they love to throw scripture in our face when they think it serves their purpose.

For example: When arguing against the death penalty for murders, the Left is quick to talk about the biblical mandate to forgive. And yet, these same people are outraged when anyone attempts to talk a woman out of aborting her innocent unborn child.

Psalm 127:3 says: “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

I have about had it with Christians scolding our side for being angry and aggressively pushing back against Obama's unprecedented lawlessness, tyranny, and iron fist assaults on our freedom and liberty. Handled responsibly, some anger is justified and even righteous. God does want us to fight back!

Paraphrasing a Bible story, King David and his army returned home after a battle greeted by the smell of smoke. The camp had been invaded and burned, their women and children were kidnapped, their possessions were taken. David's men were so heartbroken and angry that they threatened to kill him. David prayed to God for guidance. God instructed David and his men to go get their stuff. They attacked their enemy and recovered their families and possessions.

1 Samuel 30: 8 -- “And David inquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And He answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.”

It is not God's Will for Christians to allow evil to go unchallenged.

The metro-sexual weak-kneed spineless passive Christianity encouraged by the Left is simply a tactic to nullify opposition to their super aggressive repeals of our freedoms as they implement their socialist/progressive agenda; Obama's fundamental transformation of America.

Upon his arrival on the national scene, Obama was seen as a messiah in the eyes of many; an articulate orator able to control the sea levels and create world peace. The Bible speaks of such false prophets.

Romans 16:18 -- “For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naïve people.”

2 Timothy 3:6-9 -- “These are the kind of people who smooth-talk themselves into the home of unstable and needy women and take advantage of them; women who, depressed by their sinfulness, take up with every new religious fad that calls itself “truth”. They get exploited every time and never really learn. These men are like those old Egyptian frauds Jannes and Jambres, who challenged Moses. They were rejected from the faith, twisted in their thinking, defying truth itself. But nothing will come of these latest impostors. Everyone will see through them, just as people saw through that Egyptian hoax.”

Real Christian love is making responsible, wise and character-driven decisions with the best interest of others at heart; not embracing lawlessness or surrendering to evil.

It is God's Will that we take back America. Like King David and his men, lets go get our stuff!

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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GOP, Are You Ready To Reach Out to Blacks Yet?

4063958410?profile=originalBecause I am a black conservative, someone wrote asking me this great question.

What is it that compels some black men and women to cling to, and follow people like Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, Obama, Spike Lee, Black Panthers, Holder, etc.?”

I have pondered the same question. Some black folks embrace victim status because it provides cover for their laziness and irresponsible lifestyles. Black Judases preach a false evil gospel of victimhood-ism for profit. Some blacks are racist, pure and simple.

I believe a majority of black Americans simply have not been exposed to unfiltered Conservatism; blacks articulating how blessed they are to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet.

Ironically, all of the blacks who are given big microphones to tout the horrors of being black in America are wealthy. The MSM and Democratic Party viciously and relentlessly block any and all patriotic black voices from the main stage touting achieving success and wealth the old fashion way via education, hard work and morally right choices. And of course, we know the reason for their attempts to silence such voices is because the MSM and Democratic Party's mission is not to empower blacks, but further their big government socialist/progressive agenda.

Now that America is burning in the flames of racial tension and polarization, it is crucial that Republicans/Conservatives finally reach-out to black America. I am not suggesting that they offer blacks a Democrat-lite, America sucks and is somewhat racist -- so we will lower standards and give you free stuff message. Heaven forbid.

I am talking about taking a pedal-to-the-metal conservative message to black America, boldly articulating its virtues and why it is the best for all Americans; the most direct route to success.

While I have no problem with packaging our message to better connect with diverse audiences, our rock solid conservative principles must remain in tack. Republicans must reject using the Democrats' insidious tactic of dividing Americans into victimized voting blocs (blacks, women, Hispanics and so on). After convincing various groups of Americans that they are victims, the Dems request their votes to use as protection money to keep their white racist sexist Republican/conservative enemies at bay. It is disgusting and evil.

A young black college student worked on the Tea Party candidate Joe Carr's U.S. Senate campaign for college credit. The black youth told me that he realized he is conservative. That's what I am talking about; giving blacks an opportunity to hear our inspiring be-all-you-can-be feel good message. Ronald Reagan's speeches always made me feel good about myself and my country.

Several years ago, I produced many of the Volusia County Florida Republican Executive Committee annual Lincoln dinners. I was one of two blacks on the committee. I was always thinking of ways to invite and involve more blacks. A few outspoken voices said, “Why bother? They are going to vote for the Democrats no matter what we do.” I have experienced that same defeatist mindset in the national GOP leadership.

Using my background from working in the Creative Services Dept of a major TV station, I designed a campaign to reach out to blacks titled, “Reach Your Dreams”. My campaign included touring the black community; music and conservative minority speakers telling their stories of how they achieved their American dreams. GOP officers consistently shot my idea down. “Why bother?” They thought it would not produce enough votes to make it a wise financial investment. I argued that it was not totally about producing votes. It was the moral and right thing to do.

Well, the GOP's chickens have come home to roost for allowing the Democrat's lie that America and Republicans/Conservatives are racists to go unchallenged. Oh my gosh, did I just quote that evil man, Rev Jeremiah Wright?

To spread Christianity, Romans 10:14 says:

And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”

I wish to apply this same wisdom to spreading our gospel of Conservatism. Blacks can not embrace the liberation of Conservatism without hearing about it.

My dad has been a Christian preacher for over 50 years. Little did I know that God was preparing me for such a time as this; appointed to spread the gospel of Conservatism to those suffering, lost and enslaved by Liberalism.

Bottom line, we conservatives must find a way to bring our good news to black Americans. It is the moral and right thing to do for America.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063957420?profile=originalQuoting the Pointer Sisters, “I'm so excited!” Peterson Vazquez is a conservative Republican running for the New York State Assembly

This Hispanic epitomizes the conservative message we must spread to minorities and low info voters. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Anyone can achieve their American Dream via education, hard work and responsible choices. Folks, them there are fightin' words to the Democrats and MSM. Minorities are suppose to act like powerless victims of a racist America, unable to achieve without Democrat lowered standards and entitlement programs.

Vazquez was a school dropout who turned his life around; served 13 years in the Army, a disabled veteran, a husband, a father, a small business owner who started from nothing, a Christian and a community leader, running as a Conservative Republican – a great American Dream story. I know Democrats are repulsed, but I can hardly contain my excitement.

A poor rebellious Hispanic kid rising to achieve great success in America. Vazquez's success flies in the face of the Democrats' sacred cow false narrative.

Why did this guy choose to become a Republican? Calm down Lloyd. I see your hand raised. Okay, go head. Answer the question. Vazquez chose the Republican party because it truly is the party for dreamers; people who want more out of life for their families and themselves than food stamps and a free Obama phone.

Boldly articulating conservative principles, Vazquez has captured the imagination of the people of Henrietta, Rochester and beyond. Despite having no money or name recognition, Vazquez won 36% of the vote when he ran two years ago. This time around, his star is rising with a growing base of grassroot supporters.

I am excited folks!

Vazquez is being challenged by dueling Nemeses; Democrats and the GOP establishment. It appears that Vazquez's conservative principles are an anathema to the local non-supportive Republican party; choosing to ignore him.

A local radio show exposed the GOP's attempt to sabotage Vazquez.

I realize that running for the New York State Assembly is not a high profile national race. However, my gut tells me that this man has the ability to inspire a younger demographic of minority low info voters with his conservative message. We must bolster Vazquez's efforts with our prayers and support.

I would like to see a major Tea Party organization host a local rally for Vazquez with national minority speakers such as Katrina Pierson, Herman Cain, Kevin Jackson and myself. I would love to sing and speak at a Vazquez rally. What a great minority outreach opportunity, sharing our stories how we achieved our American Dreams via Conservatism. This could be the start of something big.

Folks, check out his website. Watch his video. You will be uplifted and impressed as I. Then, send this courageous young man a check, wave signs, volunteer or send him a note of encouragement. Catching it from both sides of the political isle, Vazquez needs to know his conservative family across America has his back. Thanks and God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063955658?profile=originalThough skillfully orchestrated to transform convenience store robber Michael Brown into a heroic martyr for civil rights, his funeral was hijacked into becoming a platform for the evil and obscene slander of police and America, perpetrated by the usual deplorable suspects; Al Sharpton, Democrats and the MSM.

Candidly, as a black man, it is easy to feel a little like odd man out; consistently finding myself taking the opposite side than a majority of black Americans. In 2008, over 96% of blacks voted for Obama. I did not.

While I am familiar with black Republican author, orator, and advisor to U.S. Presidents, Booker T. Washington, I only recently came across this amazing quote from him which nailed the Rev. Sharptons and Rev Jacksons of America back in 1911.

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Wow! Booker T. Washington had these low life scoundrels figured out way back then. He perfectly described the shameful despicable exploitation of the goodness of the American people on display at the Michael Brown funeral.

Folks, in a nutshell, the Left's selective outrage over Brown's death is about getting paid and ginning up rage-based black voter turnout for Democrats in November. Apparently, the Democrats and MSM only consider a young black male's life of value when it is taken by a white person. Epidemic black on black shootings only get a yawn from Dems and the MSM while sipping their mocha lattes.

Insidiously, irresponsibly and strategically, President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder even threw in their anecdotal two cents, sharing their uncomfortable experiences with police as black males.

Allow me to offer a few of my numerous anecdotal encounters with police.

In the 1970s, my cousin who lived in a low income neighborhood in Baltimore had a nervous breakdown. He held his two toddler sons hostage in his basement, threatening to kill himself and his kids. Shortly after I arrived on the scene, two white cops responded to my cousin's wife's emergency phone call.

In seconds, the young slim fit cop dashed up the ten front steps into the house. He then waited for his partner's instructions. His much older obese partner moved a bit slower. After negotiating the steps, he waddled to the open basement door.

Upon catching his breath, with wisdom, experience and compassion, the seasoned police officer talked my cousin out of the basement. “C'mon son, I know you're hurtin'. But, you don't wanna do this.”

Fearful for my cousin's life, I was extremely relieved. The incident totally contradicted what my militant black college associates said to expect from white “pigs”; shoot the n***** and ask questions later.

On another occasion, my wife and I were surrounded by police cars at a traffic light and ordered out of our car. A bank robbery had just taken place. The perpetrators were an interracial couple driving a car very similar to ours. Mary and I were calm and cooperative. Upon checking us out, the police apologized for the inconvenience and were quickly on their way.

There were other opportunities for an over zealous or racist cop to act like a jerk; it never happened.

Am I saying that bad cops do not exist? Of course, not. Man is a fallen sinful creature. Consequently, bad players show up in every area of the human experience; bad cops, priests, teachers and so on. Jesus had a 12 man crew. One was a bad apple.

I am saying that the Left's narrative that police departments across America are dens of “institutional police brutality” is hogwash; as bogus as their mythical “Republican war on women”. Neither are white cops using black boys for target practice. According to FBI stats, out of 12 million yearly arrests, only 400 resulted in fatal shootings; many justified.

Another disgusting aspect of the Left's political exploitation of Brown's death is the cruel crucifixion of Officer Darren Wilson without a trial.

Several years ago, I visited a buddy at work at the police station. He was a black veteran Baltimore City police officer and talented musician; a gentle giant. On the occasion of my visit, he was working lock up. My friend greeted me with his signature big smile and easygoing personality. During my visit, I witnessed his personality fluidly flow between easygoing musician to tough cop mode when dealing with criminals and prisoners.

He later explained that policing 101 requires that you always take control of the situation; less you risk getting caught off guard and stabbed in the back by a suspect's weepy old gray-haired mom or a girlfriend.

People who are second guessing and criticizing Officer Wilson for not tazing or shooting Brown in a non fatal area of his body are just plain clueless.

I wish to offer my sincere heartfelt, thanks, prayers and support to all of our brave men and women who protect and serve us; police, troops, firefighters, veterans and border parole agents. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Is The Tea Party Dead/ More MSM Lies

4063954410?profile=originalI have been engaged in a series of interviews, radio/TV discussing the topic, “Is The Tea Party Dead?” Because I am black, every interview has begun with me being asked my take on Ferguson before discussing the Tea Party.

Talk about the excrement hitting the fan; liberal interviewers are outraged when I say blacks are not routinely shot by police and that the MSM is promoting a deplorable, divisive and irresponsible false narrative.

One radio interviewer laughed at me saying she was looking at stats on her computer screen which proved otherwise. During another radio interview the host cited stats that say one hundred thousand people are shot by police every year in America. Bill O'Reilly stated the true FBI stats. Out of 12 million arrests only 400 fatal shootings; many justified.

Clearly, the Left is using lies to spread their despicable evil lie that blacks are targeted and murdered by police. I am struck by the liberal interviewer's passion behind spreading their lie. They act as if their belief is as true as there is a sun in the sky. The liberal media’s attitude is, of course the police murder black males. The media will slap around anyone who states otherwise.

The MSM's shameful coverage of Ferguson is as criminal as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Remember the outbreak of black flash mob attacks on whites?  No one in the MSM is talking about the “Knock Out Game” also known as “polar-bear hunting”. Mostly black youths bet whether or not they can knock out an unsuspecting innocent white person with one powerful punch; women, seniors and more.

My God, what is wrong with these people in the MSM? Furthering the socialist/progressive agenda and bolstering Democrat voter registration and turnout has trumped all sense of decency and morality. If dividing Americans along racial lines and selling millions of black youths the lie that whitey (Republicans, Conservatives and police) are out to get them will further the Left's cause, the Left says so be it. This truly is spiritual wickedness in high places.

After several rounds of verbally beating me up side the head, realizing they can not force me to agree with their claim that cops are shooting blacks at will, the liberal interviewers move on to gleefully proclaiming the death of the Tea Party.

They cite how numerous Tea Party candidates have been defeated in primaries by GOP establishment candidates. As chairman of The Conservative Campaign Committee, my team, my wife and I have been boots on the ground in Mississippi, Tennessee and other Senate races. We are away from home so much that upon our return, Sammy our greyhound only gives me an acknowledging glance and retires to his bed. I think the pet sitter has conspired to steal Sammy's affection from me. But, that's another story.

In every Senate race, we (CCC) have witnessed the intense involvement, commitment and enthusiasm of the local Tea Party groups in support of our candidates. Every race has been a David vs Goliath scenario; highly qualified grassroots funded Tea Party conservative candidates vs deep pocketed GOP establishment and big business funded and MSM supported Democrat-Lite GOP primary candidates.

While Dave Brat's stone launched from his Tea Party slingshot, struck and defeated his GOP Goliath, we have lost several races. Our most recent disappointing loss is Joe Miller's run for U.S. Senate, Alaska. Several great patriots in our Tea Party family came together to endorse Joe; Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family, Conservative Campaign Committee and others.

I point out to interviewers that the Tea Party is more fired up than ever; more sophisticated, schooling and honing conservative candidates to perform well on the big stage. Several Tea Party groups have targeted various aspects of the electoral process which include addressing rampant voter fraud. Other TP groups have focused on reaching out to and educating low info voters. My patriot brother, Michael Holler (Mr Constitution) has been passionately educating and spreading the gospel of the Constitution for several years via his book, “The Constitution Made Easy” and lecture tours.

No, the Tea Party is not dead, nor will it ever die as long as there are those of us who love, God, family and country.

Without a doubt, we in the Tea Party have a very high mountain to climb. With all due respect, I say that is Okay. Our cause is just and God is on our side. We have lost battles, but the war is far from over. Our mission each day is to wake up every morning with faith and hope in our hearts which empowers us to faithfully continue fighting the good fight for that which we know is right. Faithfulness is the key to our victory.

We at Conservative Campaign Committee are planning our next mission. That's what I'm talkin' about!

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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MSM and Left Racism on Parade in Ferguson

4063952652?profile=originalTalk about deja vu Trayvon Martin spin all over again, I could hardly believe my eyes. During a discussion on CNN about the shooting of Michael Brown by a white police officer, in the background was a photo of Brown in a school graduation cap and gown. Give me a break!

Where was the picture from the surveillance video of the 6'4”, 290 pound thuggish Brown grabbing the store clerk by the throat after stealing cigars? The DOJ has advised news outlets not to broadcast the video of Brown assaulting the store clerk and robbing the store, claiming that it might insight violence. Okay, so allow me to make sure I understand the DOJ's logic. Rather than exposing the true character of Brown, promoting the lie that a white police officer shot a studious innocent black youth who was simply minding his own business will not spark violence. Absurd.

I tip my hat to black conservative, Kevin Jackson who hung tough during a slightly contentious CNN interview. Kevin refused to allow the CNN host to get away with portraying Brown as a “choir boy”. Way to go Kevin! By the way, liberals on the internet have called Kevin a fool.

I had a similar exchange with a reporter during a radio interview about the chaos in Ferguson. However, the reporter during my interview attempted to cut me off at every turn. She had zero tolerance for any other narrative other than white cops across America are shooting young black males at will.

In both Kevin and my interview, the MSM interviewers were incensed and a bit shocked that as black men, we were not all about blaming and resenting whitey. Were we Uncle Toms, stupid or what?

Like in the Trayvon Martin case, the MSM has launched a false narrative. Angelic Michael Brown was murdered by a racist white cop. Period. No amount of facts or truth will cause the MSM to report otherwise.

What I find most disheartening about the MSM's and Leftist talking head's coverage of the shooting is that it is all rooted in lies, political correctness and a racist low expectation of black Americans.

The term, “institutional police brutality” is being tossed around. Hogwash! The fact that Michael Brown knew he could walk into a convenience store, take whatever he wanted and assault the store clerk without consequence says that Ferguson thugs have no fear of the police.

Pundits all over TV are scratching their heads about how to stop the violence and looting in Ferguson. The answer is simple. Arrest and lock up the bad guys. Unfortunately, political correctness does not allow common sense solutions. PC dictates that the police behave like impotent social workers, rather than protecting store owners from looters. PC caused police to back off, forcing store owners to arm themselves to protect their businesses from looters.

The elephant in the room is the MSM's racist bigotry of low expectations. The MSM have been disproportionately critical of Ferguson police while expressing little rebuke of the thugs and looters. It has been complicit with the DOJ in hiding the character of Michael Brown.

It is as if the MSM and the Left have taken the role of parents of spoiled brat children (black criminals). They refuse to acknowledge the bad behavior of their children and attack anyone who dares discipline them.

As in the scenario of a parent coddling a spoiled child, the MSM and the Left hiding and ignoring bad behavior by black criminals is destructive to the black community.

Epidemic black on black murder in Chicago, genocidal high black abortions, epidemic black school dropouts and black out-of wedlock births are taboo topics of the MSM. Compassionate whites who dare address these issues which are devastating the black community suffer the wrath of the Left and MSM. Ask Bill O'Reilly.

And another thing, Ferguson residents are being terrorized by thugs and looters, not by the police.

As a black American whom liberals have called a stupid N word on numerous occasions for touting my conservative views, I get the feeling the MSM's unspoken opinion is as followed. N****** have a right to act like n******. America should understand and compassionately tolerant it. This is pure racism and bigotry of low expectations.

Stemming from our legacy of marching with Dr King, we are a conservative, upright and moral people. A majority of black Americans, if given the truth without PC and political spin will come out on the side of justice and the law. The MSM and the Left's condescension is demeaning and insulting to black America.

Thank God there are faithful black conservatives demanding a higher standard; defending the character and dignity of black America. Black Americans are so much more than who the MSM and Left portray us to be.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Sarah Palin, Joe Miller and We The People

4063950982?profile=originalOnce again Sarah Palin has proven herself to be a true leader, a powerful voice and a consistent advocate for We The People by endorsing Joe Miller for U.S. Senate, Alaska.

Joe Miller is the only rock solid conservative candidate in the August 19th Republican primary.

While his GOP opponents are squishy on numerous issues, skilled in noncommittal political speech, Joe Miller always says what he means and means what he says; refreshing and honest.

Without sticking her finger in the air to see which way the political wind was blowing or surrendering to polls, Palin selected Miller because he is the Tea Party candidate. Period. I like that.

Gov. Palin, my Conservative Campaign Committee PAC is on the same page with you sister. We have also proudly endorsed Joe. Please listen to our CCC produced radio ad for Joe Miller.

Gov. Palin explained her endorsement.

"To restore liberty, to defend our Constitution, to build American exceptionalism, we must send fighters to the U.S. Senate who will stop Barack Obama's fundamental transformation of the nation we love. The status quo has got to go, and in Alaska the man who understands this key to our state and country's future also has the guts, wisdom, experience and optimism to fight for what is right -- and win. 

"We said we'd send the good guys in Washington their reinforcements, so, Alaska, here we go! Vote for Joe Miller on Tuesday and shake off the liberal stronghold so we can get on the right track." 

Building on the statement of Gov Palin, simply sending Republicans to the U.S. Senate is not enough to stop the insanity destroying institutions and traditions that we who love America hold dear.

Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and the rest need more strong committed conservatives on their team in DC; not two-faced RINOs who will retreat or desert us in battle.

Because my dad has been a Christian preacher all of my life, I have come to realize that the tendency to preach a bit is in my DNA. I have been encouraging patriots to stayed focused and faithful. Sarah Palin is the epitome of focus and faithfulness while enduring endless shock-and-awe assaults on her and her family by the Left and MSM.

Like Palin, Joe Miller has remained focused and faithful, fighting for conservative principles and values while pushing back against Obama's tyranny. Joe has maintained his loyalty to the Tea Party movement despite his own party nullifying his 2010 victory with a GOP funded write-in campaign against him for RINO Lisa Murkowski.

Gandhi said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win!”

Also, because Conservatism is true compassion, in sync with the human spirit and most beneficial to all people, my Bible tells me that the battle is not ours, it is the Lord's. The Bible tells us not to become weary in doing good. This means doing everything in our power to put conservatives in office.

I came upon this inspiring 3 minute video about Joe Miller. It confirms that we truly are backing the right man in the fast approaching August 19th primary. Please give it a view and help Joe win!

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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MSM Once Again Furthers The Big Lie

4063948761?profile=originalMary and I were driving home to Florida from working on the Joe Carr campaign in Tennessee when I heard the report on the radio. “Unarmed black youth shot by police.”

Why did the reporter think it relevant to mention the race of the youth shot by police in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri? Police shooting an unarmed youth is compelling without the racial component.

When blacks commit crimes, the mainstream media bends over backwards to avoid mentioning the criminals' race. For example. When flash mobs were breaking out across America committing crimes of violence, looting and vandalism, the MSM refused to report that the perpetrators were black youths. The MSM's excuse is reporting the race of criminals is unnecessarily provocative.

So why does the MSM not apply the same logic and caution in cases where the alleged attacker is white? Remember how quick and eager the MSM was to convict George Zimmerman in the court of public opinion?

To push its racist-white-man-shoots-unarmed-angelic-black-boy story line, the MSM referred to Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic”. They flooded TV with photographs of a much younger Trayvon Martin including one of him in his little league football uniform. The MSM did everything in its power to hide the truth that Martin was a 17 year old thug. A major broadcast network even doctored audio to portray Zimmerman as a racist.

Obviously, the MSM wanted racial turmoil, division and riots in the streets. The Left's bible, “Rules for Radials” by Saul Alinsky says they win by creating chaos.

The mainstream media is fully committed to helping Obama implement his socialist/progressive agenda. Promoting the false narrative that America is a racist nation is extremely helpful to Obama's purpose.

The MSM has been complicit in assisting the Democrats' efforts to exploit Obama's race to silence opposition to his unprecedented dictatorship.

The MSM jumps on every opportunity to further the big lie that blacks are victims of an eternally racist America. The big lie feeds white guilt, making them more receptive to the government redistributing wealth and pandering to minorities. The big lie also inspires blacks to hate successful whites, inspires violence against whites and creates an entitlement mindset in blacks.

Whites feeling guilty for being white and blacks feeling resentful and entitled equals more Americans submissive to government controls and likely to vote Democrat.

During the Trayvon Martin trial, Leftists were all over TV promoting the big lie that black males are routinely attacked and murdered by whites in America. Their claim is totally absurd. The facts prove quite the opposite. Statistics confirm that blacks kill blacks and black attacks against whites are 39 times more likely than vice versa.

Please note that this article is not about the shooting. I am merely pointing out the mainstream media's agenda driven reporting of the incident.

Once again, the MSM has successfully ginned up racial hate, division and riots in the streets.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063947828?profile=originalIn the history of a particular high school back in the 1960s, no pregnant student was allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. A leftist group threatened the school with a lawsuit which led to the school rescinding its policy. A pregnant student walked across stage to receive her diploma. The following year, 23 students pranced across stage pregnant at graduation. The moral, you get what you tolerate.

The GOP continues to shove tired old RINO primary candidates down our throats; bullying our Tea Party candidates with their deep pockets and dirty tricks. A most recent example is the GOP using the deplorable Democrat tactic of race-baiting to steal Chris McDaniel's victory over RINO Thad Cochran in Mississippi.

The GOP has joined the Democrats and MSM, attempting to brand the Tea Party extreme and nut cases. How outrageous, insulting and despicable is that when the truth is we are simply demanding that politicians/lawmakers follow the Constitution. We are saying no to socialism, no to out-of-control unprecedented government overreaches and no to Obama's fundamental transformation of America. And yet, we are the bad guys. We are the crazies who need to be defeated. God help us.

Despite the GOP's in-your-face screw you attitude towards the Tea Party, consultants advise that we be reasonable; hold our noses and vote for Republican candidates whom we know will vote with the Democrats, further undermining conservative principles and values which we hold dear.

In Tennessee, Lamar Alexander ran for reelection claiming to be against amnesty. Upon beating Tea Party candidate Joe Carr in the primary, Alexander is back to embracing amnesty; yet another example of GOP establishment arrogance, deceit and disrespect for the desires of We The People.

Patriots, I say enough is enough. You get what you tolerate. Rightfully so, we whine and complain about having to vote for Republicans who have a Democrat-lite mindset. Well, I say it is time that we take a stand for Conservatism no matter what.

This is why I am extremely proud to announce that my PAC, Conservative Campaign Committee, has endorsed Tea Party conservative Joe Miller for U.S. Senate in Alaska.

In essence, this race is another case of the GOP establishment vs We The People.

Here is how Miller stacks up against his opponents on a few key issues.

Amnesty for illegals

MILLER: Opposes ALL amnesty for illegal aliens

Sullivan: Is backed by big pro-amnesty money

Treadwell: Supports amnesty for some illegal aliens


MILLER: Supports full repeal, free market solutions

Sullivan: Replace Obamacare with Republican Plan

Treadwell: Replace Obamacare with bi-partisan healthcare reform

Right to Life

MILLER: Unequivocally pro-life, the only U.S. Senate candidate endorsed by Alaska Right to Life

Sullivan: Believes abortion should be legal in some circumstances, blocked pro-life initiative from ballot as Attorney General.

Treadwell: Has a record of supporting pro-abortion politicians, blocked pro-life initiative from ballot as Lt. Governor.

Joe Miller was the Tea Party favorite who defeated RINO incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski in the Alaskan Republican primary back in 2010.

Having a Tea Party guy as the Republican candidate did not sit well with the GOP establishment. Alaska's lieutenant governor Mead Treadwell and attorney general Dan Sullivan along with GOP leaders in DC all ganged up on Joe Miller seeking to overturn his victory.

Despite losing the primary, RINO Murkowski ran in the general election as a write-in candidate and defeated Miller; 8,000 votes were questionable.

Talk about GOP dirty tricks, they even used money Miller had raised to fund Murkowski's write-in campaign against him. Do you see what we are up against folks? It is no coincidence that Treadwell and Sullivan are Miller's opponents in the Senate race; We the People vs the Establishment.

I met Joe and his family in 2010 while campaigning for him in Alaska. I could tell by the way his wife Kathleen looked at him that Joe truly is a good man. Joe Miller is a We the People kind of guy eager for an opportunity to make positive changes. These are the candidates we must stand behind with our support and encouragement.

The Alaska primary is August 19th, folks. Please join us in rallying around our guy, Joe Miller.

Hang in there Joe, patriots across America have your back.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063943337?profile=originalPatriots, it is frustrating and painful when a good man of the people candidate like Joe Carr loses to a lying Washington machine betrayer of the people like Lamar Alexander. The fact that Lamar Alexander voted for Obama's agenda 62% of the time is all you need to know about him.

My Conservative Campaign Committee team and I were boots on the ground in Tennessee, driving all over the state participating in rallies and other events for Joe Carr. We felt the pulse of the people and there was excitement and enthusiasm for Joe.

At one of the Joe Carr rallies we attended, a local Carr supporter bent my ear big time, expressing his frustration with the fact that Carr did not run tons of radio ads much earlier in the campaign; missing an opportunity to win over early voters.

I tried to explain to the frustrated Joe Carr fan that his campaign simply did not have funds to run tons of radio ads. Lamar Alexander's war-chest was $7 million dollars provided by DC power brokers. Grassroots efforts raised $1.3 million for Joe Carr.

But there were several bright spots. Joe Carr received 41% of the vote. Carr would have probably won if we had enough money to really get his message out to Tennessee voters. Thanks to the efforts of Rep. Joe Carr, Tennessee enacted the toughest illegal immigration laws in the country. Carr was eager to get to DC to help Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and our conservative troops on the front-line in the battle to stop Obama's fundamental transformation of our great nation.

What Republican would have voted for Lamar had they known that he voted to fund Obamacare. He voted for the Gang of Eight amnesty for illegal immigrants. Lamar voted to raise income taxes, death taxes, capital gains taxes, dividend taxes and payroll taxes.

It is safe to say voters would not have selected Lamar over Carr had they known these truths about him. This is why funding is so crucial to winning elections.

Still, there were collateral successes/bright spots in the Carr vs Lamar race.

For example.

Patriot brother Michael Patrick Leahy of Beat Lamar PAC lead the charge. He organized a small army of college age campaign workers who did an amazing job; knocking on over 70,000 doors. Absolutely brilliant! Four of Micheal’s youth workers spoke at a press conference for Joe Carr about their experiences working on the campaign. They shared how Lamar kept running away from answering their questions. Please watch this video of these awesome youths (future conservative leaders):

I asked Michael how he got so many young people involved. Michael said you recruit a leader and the leader recruits their friends; all done word of mouth.

A black student told me he initially joined Micheal’s Beat Lamar team for college credit. He has since discovered he is conservative.

Another bright spot was the coming together of several national Tea Party groups to help Joe Carr. A lesson learned is that we should have gotten involved in the race earlier. Despite the huge difference in war-chests, Carr's $1.3 million compared to Lamar's $7 million, Carr still got 41% of the vote. Folks, that is huge. Imagine if Carr had our national Tea Party support and funding much sooner.

Another thing I found particularly enjoyable about the Carr race was my Conservative Campaign Committee working with numerous other national Tea Party groups. It felt like a political barn raising, everyone joining in to achieve success for our movement. We simply should have started sooner in the Joe Carr campaign.

I want to personally thank Joe Carr for stepping up for America. He is a great man and I pray he will run again. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Victory Day for Joe Carr & Tea Party

4063942956?profile=originalThis is it folks. Today is Republican primary election day in Tennessee for U.S. Senate; conservative Joe Carr verses RINO Lamar (Obama submissive) Alexander.

Patriot brother Michael Patrick Leahy of Beat Lamar PAC has lead the charge. He organized a small army of college age campaign workers who have done an amazing job; knocking on over 70,000 doors. Absolutely brilliant! Four of Micheal’s youth workers spoke at a press conference for Joe Carr about their experiences working on the campaign. They shared how Lamar kept running away from answering their questions. Please watch this video of these awesome youths (future conservative leaders):

Michael thanked my PAC, Conservative Campaign Committee. Michael said we came in like the cavalry. Please do not tell anyone because he likes to remain low key, behind the scenes. The decision to get into the Carr race was made by CCC's brilliant Executive Director Joe Wierzbicki.

Monday, I sang/spoke at another Joe Carr rally in Maryville. Conservative Campaign Committee co-sponsored the rally. The audience was delighted upon hearing our CCC produced radio ad for Joe.

From running newspaper and radio ads, organizing volunteers to make phone calls, numerous 7:30am sign waving excursions, driving to Chattanooga, Maryville for rallies and a press conference in Nashville, CCC has been in the thick of it along side Beat Lamar PAC.

We had the pleasure of meeting Ben Cunningham of Nashville Tea Party who has also been fighting for Joe Carr with us. By the way, for those who say the Tea Party is dead, Ben said his group is more fired up than ever; more sophisticated, more active and getting things done. Ben asked and I agreed to come back to further fire up Tennessee Tea Party patriots.

Patriot brother Dustin Stockton of Western Representation PAC sent out an email blast to his list supporting Joe Carr. Patriot brother Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation worked for Joe Carr as well.

Folks, I LOVE it when we work together!

I am telling you all these details because it truly makes a difference to be boots on the ground, experiencing first hand the pulse of the race and the people involved.

At the rally Monday, while Mary discussed my music cues with the sound tech, I listened and observed the crowd. I detected their real frustration with the current state of our country and the lack of leadership coming out of Washington.

And yet, there was an enthusiastic buzz in the air about Joe Carr; a stand up guy who will make good on his promise to fight for less government regulations, lower taxes, restoring constitutional principles, respecting the sanctity of life, securing our borders and stopping Obama's amnesty.

A local couple shared their frustration with me about the soaring cost of food; prices at their highest in U.S. history. With a democrat in the White House, the MSM will never talk about it. The couple said they had a great hearty meal at a historic Knoxville restaurant for only $13.95 each. The lady said her slice of delicious meatloaf was really thick.

Speaking of the outrageous cost of food, Mary purchased veggies for our juicing machine that grinds up everything. One organic red bell pepper from a Tennessee major grocery store chain was $4; one pepper folks.

I chatted with one of Micheal’s Beat Lamar workers, a black kid. He said he got involved for college credit, but soon discovered that he is a conservative.

Conservatism is in-sync with the human spirit, our instinct to be all we can be via right choices, education and hard work; values and behavior that makes us feel good about ourselves. This is why we must be bold and unapologetic when articulating conservatism to the low-info masses.

I performed a parody song at the Joe Carr rally titled “2014”, set to the music of “New York New York”. I always like to deliver a message of inspiration and hope in a fun way. Here is a link to view the video.

For the grand finale of the rally, I invited all the vets to join me on stage while I sang “God Bless the USA”. It is a signature thing that I have done at over 400 Tea Party rallies; always a tearful favorite of audiences.

After the song, I began putting the microphone back on its stand. A tearful vet approached me. “You didn't say it.” I was puzzled. Fighting back tears, he continued, “You didn't say what I heard you say at a rally five years ago.”

I turned the microphone back on, “Hello my fellow patriots! I am NOT an African American. I am Lloyd Marcus...AMERICAN!!!” The audience erupted with cheers and applause.

It is crunch time folks. Please vote, join our Phone from Home team and support Joe Carr in anyway you can in these final hours.

America needs Joe Carr in the U.S. Senate.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Joe Carr Rally Celebrates Conservative Women

4063942186?profile=originalThe Democrat's claim that the Republicans have a war on women is just plain stupid. Even more annoying is the mainstream media's refusal to challenge the Democrat's absurd premise, especially when the facts prove the polar opposite. If anyone has a war on women, it is the Democrats.

But we all know this. I have written about it countless times.

Anyway, I wrote a parody to the tune of the Temptations' classic hit, “My Girl”. “Our Girls” is my tribute song to our bold, courageous and confident conservative women; Sarah Palin, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin to name a few. Speaker Boehner could take a cue from these women when dealing with Obama.

Sarah Palin and Laura Ingraham endorsed Joe Carr over RINO Lamar (voted with Obama 62% of the time) Alexander in the August 7th Republican primary.

At a Joe Carr rally, I thought it fitting and proper that we thank and celebrate, Sarah Pailn and Laura Ingraham as well as all of our conservative women. After all, everyone knows that conservative women are the most intelligent, beautiful and awesomely wonderful women in the world. My wife Mary is conservative.

To pull off my salute to our conservative ladies, I recruited four young male volunteers from the audience who were wearing “Beat Lamar” t-shirts. It was a hoot and we all had fun kicking the Democrat's ridiculous false narrative in the teeth.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Lloyd Marcus and the Beat Lamar's performing “Our Girls”.

Link to view video:

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063941083?profile=originalUpon seeing the size of the crowd, the trio of middle school students scheduled to perform the Star Spangled Banner became petrified. It was the monthly U.S. Immigration Naturalization Ceremony in Baltimore, Maryland. We were backstage. Every month the ceremony was ended with me performing my original song, “Celebrate America”. I felt honored that my song was the first heard by the new Americans.

The hall overflowed with a thousand or more people; applicants extremely excited about taking their oath of allegiance to the United States of America and their supportive families, there to witness the auspicious occasion.

The kids sounded great rehearsing backstage. However, halfway through their performance center stage in front of the audience, they panicked. They stopped singing and stood there shaking. I joined the kids on stage.

I told the audience that these brave kids were prime examples of what it means to be an American. Though terrified of venturing into the new frontier of singing for such a large audience, they pressed forward and gave it their best shot. The audience erupted in cheers and applause for the kids. We all sang the Star Spangled Banner. It was an awesome moment. An immigration official sent me a very nice letter of thanks.

That ceremony happened around 16 years ago. Back then, it truly meant something extraordinarily special to be an American. At every ceremony from my vantage point on stage, I saw many applicants reciting the oath with tears streaming down their cheeks. It choked me up every time.

At numerous ceremonies, I witnessed elderly applicants raised from their wheelchairs by family members; grandchildren holding up the frail applicant's right hand as they tearfully took the oath.

With the glow of patriotism emanating from their faces, I knew these new Americans were not particularly interested in government handouts. Clearly, they captured our Founding Father's vision of America and enthusiastically embraced the concept of American Exceptional-ism. Their body language radiated, give us the ball of freedom and we will run with it in pursuit of our American dreams. They were eager to assimilate; to be a part of something unique and wonderful.

Fast forward to the unprecedented insolence of president Obama. In essence, he is saying screw all the patriotic America the beautiful crap; expecting immigrants to assimilate and jump through loops to become citizens. America’s borders are hereby decreed open. Period. If you can get here, you can stay here. Thus, we are experiencing a literal invasion with no end in sight.

King Obama is also threatening to wave his royal scepter, unlawfully granting amnesty to 5-6 million illegals just because it pleases his fancy to create new welfare recipients and future Democrat voters.

Despite much wailing and gnashing of teeth, nobody has had the courage to confront our vengeful king regarding his international advertising and embrace of illegals.

Finally, the great Republican senator from Alabama, Jeff Sessions said, enough! Sessions called for the House and Senate to stop Obama's amnesty.

My fellow Americans, all pretense is over. With two years left of his presidency, Obama has taken off his gloves and mask. Due to his mentors, Obama disagrees with America as founded. He believes our role as “the” world leader was unjustly acquired. Can you believe this folks? Our president is hellbent on knocking America off the throne.

For this cause along with numerous high crimes and misdemeanors, Barack Hussein Obama is unworthy to lead our great nation. He must be politically nullified. We the People must rally behind Sen Jeff Sessions' initiative.

I still remember a very old gentleman at a Naturalization ceremony. He was held up by a family member on both sides with tears of joy and a big smile on his face. He had just completed reciting his oath of allegiance.

He was happy. He was proud. He was an American!

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Joe Carr is the Real Deal

4063940527?profile=originalMary and I made the trek from Florida to Chattanooga, TN for me to speak/sing at a rally for Joe Carr co-sponsored by “Beat Lamar” and Conservative Campaign Committee. Tennesseans have launched an enthusiastic grassroots effort to help Carr topple incumbent Obama sycophant Sen. Lamar Alexander in the Republican primary August 7th.

I had the pleasure of meeting Joe Carr the popular Tea Party conservative. Carr is down to earth, upbeat and friendly; a farmer. You can tell a lot about a leader by the way he treats those around him. Carr possesses that Ronald Reagan gift of making whomever he is speaking with feel important; giving them his full attention. A 21 year old black member of our CCC team commented about how much he liked and connected with Carr.

This is very important folks. We desperately need spokespersons to confidently present Conservatism in a positive and inspirational way to educate and attract the low-info masses.

My goal at the rally was to fire up Carr's troops/volunteers. However, the Carr supporters and volunteers “are” fired up. Surprisingly and refreshingly, many of Carr's volunteers are college aged. It was great to see youths who are thinkers rather than emotion-driven, MSM and liberal professor created walking dead Obama zombies.

I generally do not enter an environment and immediately start counting the numbers of minorities represented the way liberals do. However, with team Obama insidiously using race to polarize Americans along racial lines, I could not help noticing the diverse blend of Joe Carr, Beat Lamar volunteers. Voters of varying races and ages are excited about Joe Carr.

Joe Carr truly is a conservative star who gets it. Carr knows what needs to be done and clearly has the conviction and backbone to follow through. Carr talked about the border crisis and vowed to fight the invasion. Tennessee Rep. Carr reminded the audience that his efforts helped Tennessee to enact the toughest illegal immigration laws in the country.

Joe also stated his respect for the sanctity of life. He touched on a variety of topics: lower taxes, less government regulations and restoring constitutional principles.

I got really excited when Carr expressed his eagerness to get to DC to help conservative senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and a list of others which he named off the top of his head.

Carr's speech at the rally was unscripted folks. His bold and confident articulation of Conservatism appeared effortless as it flowed from his heart and soul without notes or a teleprompter.

Patriots, please join our Phone From Home initiative for Joe Carr at:

Mary and I are enjoying seeing a lot of the beautiful lush green state of Tennessee. On Monday, August 4th, we are driving to Maryville for me to speak and sing at another Joe Carr rally. Y'all come.

Joe Carr truly is the real deal.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Israel, the Tea Party and the MSM

4063939969?profile=originalI am probably not alone in noticing that the mainstream media's deplorable unfair treatment of Israel is strikingly similar to how it treats the Tea Party. In both cases, the MSM has chosen a side, spinning its reporting to brand the victims intolerant, racist and hate-filled aggressors.

Israel was minding its own business when it was attacked by Hamas, showering Israeli towns with thousands of rockets. Hamas seeks the total destruction of Israel. If it were not for Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, millions of Israelis would be dead.

Now get this folks. It does not get more cold, calculating and satanically evil than this. Hamas stores and launches its rockets from civilian sites, schools, hospitals, mosques and more.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the situation perfectly when he said Israel is using its Iron Dome to defend its people from missiles launched by Hamas who use their people to shield their missiles.  So when Palestinian civilian casualties obviously far exceeded those of the Israelis, the MSM went postal on Israel; machine-gunning Israel with negative stories.

The truth is Israel has shown remarkable compassion and restraint, going above and beyond to avoid harming civilians.

Before bombing a Hamas target, Israel texts, makes phone calls and even fires warning firecrackers to alert civilians, begging them to evacuate the premises. Who in the world fights a war in such a humane manner?

Still, the MSM flooded the worldwide airways with images of suffering and dying Palestinian women and children, purposely deleting crucial facts to misrepresent the truth to shape public opinion against Israel.  This is exactly what the MSM has done to the Tea Party.

By the way, Israel's lifesaving Iron Dome system is the same technology launched by Ronald Reagan (Strategic Defense Initiative) that was heavily mocked by liberals and the Democrats. Sen. Ted Kennedy laughed at Reagan describing his initiative as a misleading Red-Scare tactic and reckless Star Wars scheme.

The Tea Party which consist of mostly middle-aged adults, seniors, parents and grandparents was birthed in response to Obama's shock-and-awe attacks on our freedoms and unprecedented unlawful power grabs.

Obama's desire to fundamentally transform America was hidden in plain sight before his historic election. The millions of white voters who put the first black man in the White House were blinded by MSM hype and their desire to make amends for America's sin of slavery.

Because the MSM is in favor of Obama's transformation of America, MSM fellow “transformers” demonized the millions of white former Obama supporters in the Tea Party.

The MSM's goal is to brand all opposition to Obama's socialist/progressive agenda hatred for a black president. Blatantly and shamelessly the MSM is shaping public opinion against the Tea Party, instilling division and racial hate.

I pray that our Tea Party leaders will take a cue from Israel's strong, brave and courageous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Regardless of worldwide public opinion and slings and arrows launched by the MSM, Netanyahu will not be intimidated into not defending, protecting and making decisions in the best interest of his people.

We do have a hand full of character driven leaders who have consistently displayed the same backbone as Netanyahu. My list of Tea Party conservative all stars include Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Ken Cuccinelli, Steve Lonegan, Mike Sullivan, Trey Gowdy and Joe Carr to name a few.

These people are human beings. They need our encouragement and support to remain strong; keeping their heads down to avoid the Left's punches while landing right hooks to the head of our evil relentless Nemesis.

The MSM obviously seeks the destruction of Israel and the Tea Party. Like He is with Israel, God is on the side of the Tea Party. I thank God for giving Israel Netanyahu.

With great anticipation, I await the emergence of our charismatic conservative leader who will boldly articulate conservatism; someone who will lead the charge to restore our great nation to a new day of American Exceptional-ism.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man

4063939223?profile=originalWords can not express my disdain for the reprehensible behavior of VP Joe Biden and his Democrat co-conspirators. At a gathering of mostly black civil rights leaders Biden strategically launched a nasty false narrative for the sole propose of ginning up racial hate and division.

Republicans are requesting that Americans show an ID to vote, which is only common sense. This vile little man, Joe Biden, characterized the Republicans' identification requirement as racial hate and an attempt to block blacks from voting.

As my late mom would say, adding yeast to his lie, Biden claimed Republicans have tried to curtail voting rights 83 times this year.

Biden's accusation is absurd; a self-serving evil lie conceived by a deviant mind. Insidiously, Biden's game plan is to rip open and pour enough salt into old 1960s civil rights movement wounds to motivate blacks to flock to the polls in November to vote against their perceived white racist enemies.

POLL: Should Voter ID be required in every state?

I refuse to give Biden's “hate speech” a pass by chalking it up to politics as usual. Stoking the flames of racial hatred for political gain, polarizing Americans along racial lines is serious business, irresponsible and extremely dangerous.

Biden and his fellow Democrats cavalierly throwing “race grenades” whenever it serves their political purpose is a slap in the face to Americans, black and white, who suffered, sacrificed and died to bring us to where we are today; a black man occupying the Oval Office.

My 86 year old black dad, Dr. Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus was very active in the early civil rights movement. Dad knows the price that was paid to win blacks the right to vote. Upon my four siblings and me reaching voting age, Dad stayed on our case. “Today is election day -- make sure you vote!” Dad instilled in us that voting is a duty and a privilege of being a citizen.

And yet, Dad's Democratic party people are attempting to devalue the right to vote by giving it away to anyone they believe will vote Democrat, regardless of their legal status. The Democrats' propensity for voter fraud cheapens the value of every American's vote . This is why Biden and the Democrats vehemently oppose voter ID.

Meanwhile, rather than challenging the Democrats' absurd claim that Republicans are trying to keep blacks from voting, political know-it-alls advise Republicans to concede the point. They say Republicans must convince blacks that they are not racist by lightening up on requiring blacks to show an ID to vote. Surrendering to the Democrats' ridiculous claim and pandering in accordance to it is sickeningly immoral and cowardice.

By the way, as a proud American who happens to be black, I am extremely insulted by the Democratic Party's entrenched bigotry of lowered expectations. While Americans are required to present an ID to complete a plethora of daily transactions, Democrats are saying presenting an ID is too challenging for us blacks. We're special...a bit slower than other Americans. With friends like the Democrats, blacks do not need any enemies.

In regards to national race relations, America has come a long way, baby. Older Americans have powerful memories, deep scars and countless stories of Americans behaving at their best and worse in our struggle to achieve Dr Martin Luther King Jr's dream. I am talking much blood, sweat and tears.

And yet, Biden and the Democrats have callously tossed hard-fought national race relations on the alter into the fire to be burned as a sacrifice in worship of Obama and furthering their socialist/progressive agenda.

There is talk of Joe Biden running for president in 2016. The last thing America needs is another vile little man in the Oval Office willing to fuel the flames of division and racial hate, pitting Americans against each other for political expediency.

As my patriot brothers in New Jersey would say, “So you wanna be president Joe? Forget about it!”

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063938213?profile=originalPlease forgive me for stating the obvious. The mainstream media does not report the news nor does it give a rat's derriere about America. The mainstream media is nothing more than co-conspirators with Obama, assisting his fundamental transformation of America. Its role is to protect Obama above all else and spin stories and polls to dispirit conservative opposition.

I have decided to stop helping the enemy to depress me by listening to all of the garbage that comes out of the mouths of Obama's talking heads. For six years, regardless of the issue, everything they say is designed to shield Obama, brand conservatives as extremists and discourage them. I am talking about the likes of Juan Williams, Alan Colmes and Leslie Marshall to name a few. I know what these Obama operatives are going to say. So, why on earth should I allow these unworthy minions to raise my blood pressure by granting them access to my mind. Whenever I see their heads pop up on my TV, I hit “mute”.

While I realize it is prudent to stay informed, certain pundits have proven themselves to be total Obama sellouts. Obama's professional dispiriting voices are engaged in psychological warfare. In essence, they are driving through the streets of America with a bullhorn proclaiming, Conservatives, your plight is hopeless. You have lost! Surrender to Obama, now!

By the way, muting these guys has proven to be great for my blood pressure.

Patriots, we are attacked daily by Obama's army of MSM drones and talking head snipers, committed to seeking and destroying our “will” to fight back against Obama's hostile takeover (transformation) of our great nation.

Brothers and sisters, we are the good guys and God is on our side. Therefore, I focus all of my attention each day on whatever task God places in front of me to weaken and ultimately defeat Obama's evil agenda. That task at the moment is to help Tea Party conservative Joe Carr to defeat RINO Lamar (whatever Obama wants, Obama gets) Alexander in the August 7th Republican primary in Tennessee.

My wife Mary's dad, Don, recently passed away. Don was an old-school American hard working, honorable, loving husband and father; a real man. We attended his memorial in West Virginia. After a brief stop back home in Florida, we will love on Sammy (our greyhound) a bit and hit the road.

We will drive to Tennessee to meet up with our Conservative Campaign Committee (CCC) team to dive head first into the Joe Carr for U.S. Senate campaign. Our CCC team effort includes an independent expenditure campaign which involves producing and airing ads for Joe Carr; boots on the ground to organize volunteers to make phone calls, wave signs and more. Our team will exhaust every opportunity to hoist Carr over the top. Lord knows, our Tea Party movement needs this one folks.

State Rep. Joe Carr is a great guy; one of us – committed to Reagan principles such as limited and less government, personal responsibility, individual liberty, and free and fair markets.

Carr believes our self-evident rights as enumerated in the Constitution come from God, not from government. He is a lifetime member of the NRA. Carr is pro-life with a 100% pro-life voting record.

Given the devastating disastrous unprecedented free-flow of illegals across our border, I am extremely excited that Joe Carr led the charge to protect Tennessee families from the fed's basically rolling out the welcome mat to illegals. Thanks to Rep. Carr, Tennessee enacted the toughest illegal immigration laws in the country. Now that's what I am talkin' about. We need Joe Carr and strong conservatives like him in DC.

And, have you heard about the latest exposed bullying tactic of the Obama regime? Along with Obama's numerous imperial presidential executive demands on We the People, repeals of our freedoms and the IRS targeting all opposition, it has come to light that another of Obama's hit squad thugs, the DOJ, are targeting industries.

Meanwhile, the knuckle-headed GOP still believes they can work with Obama, rather than politically throwing him across their knee for a good spanking, firmly telling him “no” and sending him to his room for a two year time out. Joe Carr will boldly challenge Obama's tyranny. Carr has a record of bucking his own party in favor of doing what is best for the people of Tennessee.

Joe Carr has overwhelming Tea Party support: Sarah Palin, Laura Ingraham, Conservative Campaign Committee, Tea Party Leadership Fund, Tea Party Nation, Gun Owners of America, Conservative HQ, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund and many more.

So patriots, stop letting Obama's minions get you down. Focus all your time, resources and energy into getting our good guys like Joe Carr elected. Sen. Mike Lee said every bold, strong and rock solid conservative that we send to Washington is more than simply one more vote. Each conservative emboldens and strengthens our ranks. Let's rally around Joe Carr, our conservative star.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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America, the Bullied

4063933911?profile=originalPerhaps it is because as a child, I witnessed Zaggy torturing chubby Butterball every morning at the school bus stop. Consequently, I have an extremely low tolerance for Leftists bullying Americans into submission and getting away with it.

Fear caused Butterball to endure daily humiliating facial slaps, punches and extortion of his lunch money. Frustrated for Butterball, I asked, “Why don't you hit Zaggy back?” Butterball replied, “He will beat me up”. My retort, “He is beating you up every day!”

One morning to the delight of us kids, Butterball, while crying his eyes out, went wild on Zaggy. Nothing seriously violent, but Zaggy was the one crying and afraid.

My fellow Americans, we are being bullied like never before by Leftists which include Obama and the MSM. We are being forced not only to tolerate, but embrace their liberal far-left radical socialist/progressive agenda. Their agenda is particularly hostile towards Christians, the unborn, American traditions and exceptional-ism. Noncompliance or opposing points of view are not tolerated; either total submission or suffer total destruction.

For example.

Christian twins, Jason and David Benham had their Home & Garden Television (HGTV) show, “Flip it Forward” canceled when the Left learned that the brother's faith based views were not in step with the Left's mandated thinking. Even though the twins proclaimed their love for all people and vowed never to discriminate, it still was not good enough for the Left. Every American is required to agree or suffer the consequences.

David Benham's heartfelt statement: “We love all people. I love homosexuals. I love Islam, Muslims, and my brother and I would never discriminate. Never have we – never would we.”

Despite HGTV canceling the TV show and withdrawing its financial support, the Benham brothers are still moving forward, renovating the homes for the families who would have been featured on their TV show.

Like many Americans, my black brother is a low-info voter. He is not politically engaged and gets his news from the MSM. Consequently, he was not up to speed on the Hobby Lobby case. He was shocked to learn that the case was really about the Obama Administration attempting to bully the business into betraying its Christian faith. He was stunned learning that Hobby Lobby provides 16 of the 20 contraceptives mandated in Obamacare, only refusing to fund the four that kill babies. He replied, “Wow!”

I explained to my brother how the Left is scamming the public. The Left has launched a campaign to disguise its attack on religious freedom; claiming that Christians who refuse to be bullied into betraying their faith are engaged in a war on women.

In the Left's relentless efforts to “bully” a 175 year old order of Catholic nuns into betraying their faith, the National Organization for Women (NOW) which is an extreme Leftist group placed the Little Sisters of the Poor on its Dirty 100 list.

It is chillingly evil to call sweet humble elderly nuns who provide loving care for seniors in the late stages of life, “dirty”. Nothing could better illustrate the sick and depraved mindset of this vile organization.  Like harden mercenaries, Leftist operatives take no prisoners. Furthering their agenda trumps common sense, compassion and decency.

Even blacks, whom the Left claims to champion, end up on the Left's excrement list when they get too uppity. A Leftist major union bullied the United Negro College Fund, scolding and placing it on a blacklist for accepting a $25 million donation from the conservative leaning Koch brothers. Now get this folks, 18 million will provide scholarships for 3,000 black youths.

Is this the behavior of true advocates for black empowerment or plantation overlords committed to keeping blacks under their thumb of dependency?

Master connivers, deceivers and manipulators, the Left portray themselves as victims of intolerance while they bully us into submission under the radar; emboldened under Obama.

Leftist “thought police” enforcement has not yet progressed to physical detainment. However, anyone deemed pro-life, too conservative, politically incorrect and too Christian risk losing everything; job, career or property. 

We are living in a very scary time in America.

So how do we defeat Leftist bullies? Like battered chubby kid Butterball, we decide enough is enough. We go politically wild on them, sending them packing, crying and afraid.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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