4063750308?profile=original  America’s heartland must fight to keep “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance


Fifty-nine years ago young children all across America walked into their respective schoolrooms and with pride bursting in their young chests they recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was a new and deeper meaning reflected in the addition to this pledge because the words “under God” were inserted to read, in full, “one nation under God.”

Since that momentous year millions of elementary school students all across America have recited this pledge – some hoping that their teacher will select them to stand in front of the classroom to proudly lead the recitation. Yet deep within the hardened hearts of some in America – led by infamous atheists like Madalyn Murray O’Hair – a concerted effort began to tear God away from children in public schools.

That effort has been renewed by an atheist couple in Massachusetts. They are attacking the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance’s “under God” phrase. They claim in their Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court case that, the words are exclusionary to their atheist children and violate their kids’ rights under the Equal Rights Amendment of the Massachusetts Constitution.

One has to understand the full dimension and scale of this nearly sixty plus year assault upon maintaining God in the Pledge of Allegiance which began with infamous atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s frontal assault in the 1940’s and 1950’s. She waged a successful effort to remove prayer from public schools, and assisted the growing effort of the secularization of America. The goal was to create a socialist nation which undermined and removed the basic biblical principles of character and heartland values the nation’s children.

In 2004, 50 years had passed since the adoption of “under God” in the pledge and O’Hair’s war on God in America, when the U.S. Supreme Court took up a case that challenged the phrase. The court ruled unanimously ruled that the phrase “under God” may remain in the Pledge of Allegiance as recited in public school classrooms. Nine years ago, many felt the nation’s heritage of respecting God in the Pledge of Allegiance was safe. It was not.


In 2007, just three years later, the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit defending the constitutionality of the Texas Pledge of Allegiance which includes ‘one state under God’. Attorney General Abbott stated then, “Just as it is perfectly constitutional for Texas schoolchildren to pledge their allegiance to ‘one nation under God,’ it is also constitutional for students to pledge their allegiance to ‘one state, under God.” The Texas Attorney General was successful.


One has to ask, to what end and for what purpose does removal of God from the state of Texas public schools or from America’s national Pledge of Allegiance or removing his son Jesus Christ from the public square announcing his birth mean?


The clear and convincing purpose of atheists and secularists who denounce God and denounce Christ is to extinguish America’s connection to God in our spirit, in our heart, and most importantly in our soul. The purpose is to eradicate God and Christ and the principles and values that they exemplify as if they never existed.



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  • Wake up America it time We The People took our country back! Bring on the scare crow blood on the plow!

  • Virgil - There are a majority, in OUR House, that are NOT Americans, (American born, but not American thinkers) nor do they deserve to remain in the USA; in my pink slip "Your Fired" campaign, I include a personal letter and tell them so- - I then "invite" them to go into "permanent exile" voluntarily, or face the wrath of American citizens, who consider them to be traitors!

  • I will post again as I was and the site transported me to the first page without my knowledge! We have choices in our life, all of us, until someone wants to take them away! The radicals, which include the Liberal media in America, want their agenda and refuse to report real news against the Communist agenda that is going on to take those freedoms. If you do not see it now, and I saw this 40 years ago, I think you cannot support America with knowledge! Note that Obama and his Administration, along with our corrupt Senate want to take all they can away the freedoms and our choices as Americans. I do not consider them as Americans, do you?

  • Loved the Corrs, great music. I would love to sing with her in part. Just as ad on. I have sang many times for Christ and the love of God. We should note about the Agnostic and Atheist in that they either never heard the challenge that Jesus gave or refuse to take it, out of fear or not wanting to really know! "Call on Me and I will answer and show you that "I am!" He will! Thanks Jesus for not wanting anyone to perish, even the fool.

  • Do we remember the autism child that was allowed to sing at a basketball game as the singer that was suppose to could not make it? Yes, he was booed by some!!! He sang it wonderfully! Where are our children, then becoming adults, learning this hatred that they would boo this child? I think the idea of hate comes from the far left in our public schools and now in our media! We heard nothing from the far left media when this happened to this wonderful child! Think about it! If that media is not as the Hitler 30's media, then we can call it worse and keep good conscience!

  • I had to watch the kids video and they were wonderful. We may note that the radical Atheist will tell us they are brainwashed! We also know, if we are not misinformed about Communism, that the real brainwashing is from the far left and we note this in dealing with the Liberal media! Christianity or a belief in a God is a choice. We find that Atheism is not one that supports choice and refuses the idea that they have a different religion than mainstream. I have never seen, going by scientific facts, any Evolutionist win any debate, even if ganging on another scientist! They are available to watch. God bless America the land where we can believe what we want.... for now!

  • Also, to set the facts straight, if community leaders bow to Atheist demands because of the ACLU letter, the ACLJ will do all to keep majority rights in a community against the one or several Atheists who want to control what that community is allowed! We did not have this before Bill Clinton but the Atheists got their boy in the ACLU. We note that the organization was founded by Communists for our information.

  • C.L., I do not care if the Atheists think the posts are in anger. I do not see that they are! One should also look at the Supreme Court cases fought to keep our freedoms against the Atheist organizations. One, as many may know, is the ACLU. The ACLJ has had to fight them many times to take the lies that they send to our schools and other organizations threatening a lawsuit! What we should note is many of the cases have been won by the ACLJ for America. But the ACLU still pretends to have clout against our freedoms so they send a letter knowing that they will not actually go forward with a lawsuit! They were already decided in Supreme Court cases! So when a public school or other organizations rights have been attacked by the ACLU, and they are contract by the school or organization, the ACLJ sends a letter to them showing the ACLU is lying and they can continue with their freedoms! This also includes prayer in public schools when a community desires to have them.. It included freedom to mention God and Country at Commencements! They are already decided in America's favor.

  • I say tell their children don't say those words.  This couple is stepping on the rights of others.  Both can have rights...that is called "FREEDOM OF SPEECH"

  • And now they have asked for submissions as to how the Bill of Rights can be re-written!
    They are not leaving any stone unturned in order to make America a socialistic totalitarian
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