From Colorado to Wisconsin -

It seems that, even when a school system can proclaim itself 'proud American' (Fort Collins HS in Colorado gave up the ghost of its denial of 'American Day' for the student body) the actions of another speak even louder:


Daisy Luther, Organic Prepper/The Daily Sheeple

The game is called “Cross the Line” and many outraged parents believe that it does just that.

A middle school in Marinette, Wisconsin got a group of 5th-8th graders together and organized a really fun game that asked students to step forward to answer “yes” to a series of highly personal questions. Questions like…

Do your parents drink?

Do you cut yourself?

Has anyone in your family been to jail?

Have you ever wanted to commit suicide?

Do you or your parents do drugs?

Unbelievably, school administrators believed that this “game” would help the kids to be better and kinder friends. “The intent of this activity was to build stronger, more respectful relationships among students,” said Principal Shawn Limberg. The “game” was part of an anti-bullying program.

Of course, Limberg also said the “game” was completely voluntary, an assertion that was disputed by one young girl who told her mother she’d have to go to in-school suspension if she didn’t participate.

Several parents voiced their concerns and had them brushed off. Amanda Fifarek, mother of a 7th grade student, told FOX 11, “They basically told us that all the students were lying…all the students got together and planned it out and if they weren’t lying, it was all misperceptions. They didn’t specifically say do your parents do drugs.”

Of course. We all know those silly children must have just misunderstood the whole thing.

Here’s the report from the local Fox station:

Cross the Line Game at Marinette Middle School

Reading between the lines, it doesn’t look as though Marinette Middle School was duly chastised. It sounds like they every intention of playing the “game” again. According to a Yahoo news report, ”Principal Limberg said they will let parents know the next time they plan on playing this game.”

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  • Well said, Frances F Foland. It would be great to see more parents reach out to empathizing teachers and recreate education in each state WITHOUT fed help!  There are many obstacles to devoting time toward homeschooling, since most homes are two-earner households (when they can be!). Yep. Abolish the fed education department, and bring the power back to the states to deal with this on a more personally substantial level. And then, support the programs the states develop - with citizen input.

    Frances F Foland's Page
    Frances F Foland's Page on Tea Party Command Center
  • I find the name of the school interesting and appropriate, It would seem that this schools administrators are just that "MARIONETTES" ! Someone is pulling their strings ! Gee ! who could that be ?

  • As  a 1967 graduate of Ft. Collins High School, I was surprised all the PC bullcrap over Merica Day. But, it doesn't surprise me; our School Song was sung to the tune of "Deutschland Uber Alles"

  • A Country Founded by Geniuses but Run by Idiots!

    If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but 
not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might 
live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or 
to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might 
live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a 
check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not 
to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that 
was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from 
owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty 
F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a 
nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but 
not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make 
you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is 
run by idiots.

    If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a 
wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman 
in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head 
searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but 
is run by idiots.

    If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions 
of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a 
nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his 
teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class 
in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation 
that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more 
government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with 
Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free 
cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses 
but is run by idiots.

    If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to 
provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment 
checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was 
diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation 
that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest 
big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a 
wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government 
forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a
nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself 
makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a 
nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If the media panders to your openly socialist leader while the IRS targets groups with dissenting views— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If your government 'cracks down' on legal gun sales to law abiding citizens while secretly supplying illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    If your local government (Chicago) outlawed gun ownership for 'the safety of its citizens' and now boasts the worst murder rate in the country — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

    What a country!

    How about we give God a reason to continue blessing America?

    This was borrowed from another blog, please spread it far and wide! Add your own and have fun!

  • "The children shall rise up against their parents"

  • This is nothing new. Commie, commie, commie, sing along. Hitler and all the dictators have used this to get people haled off. Someone said!    

  • This started with the D.A.R.E. program a long time ago ! They are just getting braver about it and not putting an orgs name on it !

  • welcome to common core, and the communist indoctrination of your kids. the parents have become the silent and ineffective voice in their kids education, because everyday we hear of some school, putting a muzzle on the students, or allowing some unconstitutional wack job idea from the schools, where they use these students as social engineering guineapigs. parents have got to get on top of this, get into the schools and find out who in the hell is teaching your kids, and what are the sources they are other words parents need to take back the schools for their kids.

  • Time for a serious butt kicking in the school board.  A mass march and ejection kicking all the way.  When they start messing with kids and grand kids the gloves should come off and demand instant justice.

  • Here we are Nazi-America

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