In my quest to find someone at home in the White House, I decided to hit all venues where they might be hiding out.  Specifically looking for John Boehner, Harry Reid and members of Congress, but so far no luck finding anyone. This is a tough job, because they’re never where they say they are, sort of like the snow job Obama & Clinton gave us the night of the Benghazi massacre.

Maybe they all took a long leave of absence and accompanied Barack Obama to Man’s Country. 


Maybe they’re preparing for another dog & pony show


 VIP’s at Obama’s Party learning the "Kenyan Bongo"


Found Obama & Boehner Bonding on the Golf Course


As Usual Making Deals Behind Closed Doors

Boehner A Very Busy "Boy"


Here’s why I’m desperately trying to find Boehner, Reid & Congress – testimony from top officials proves beyond a doubt that the Commander in Chief and Hillary Clinton knew that terrorists had attacked our Compound and murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

Sent Boehner, Reid & Congress a letter a week ago and sent it to the attention of Hannity, Greta and O’Reilly at FOX News.  Then I wrote a personal email to 15 different Republican sites in 15 different States.  I tweeted the information & used Facebook and many Conservative sites posted the blog.   No one responded, not one member of Congress, neither did Boehner or Reid. 

So this would infer several different things, (1) they’re not interested, (2) They’re too busy playing politics, or they’re AWOL. The reason I find it inconceivable is this – Obama & Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack in Beghazi.  They were briefed immediately by our top Generals and our CIA. 

The answer to the third question, “Why didn’t they send help for our men in Benghazi” is more difficult to pinpoint, maybe a kidnapping of our Ambassador in exchange for the “Blind Sheik,” or maybe Chris Stevens knew too much about heavy arms and gun trafficking to the Muslim terrorists or, and the most obvious reason for their actions and decisions on 9/11/12 was political motivation. 

The letter can be read or reviewed at   the letter asked Congress to do their job.

The letter answers three questions about the Commander in Chief and Hillary Clinton during the night our four American men were murdered in Benghazi:  (1) Did they know, (2) When did they know and (3) why didn’t they send help for our men in Benghazi.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR SENATORS RECEIVE THE LETTER – THEY WORK FOR US AND ASK THEM AT LEAST TO ADDRESS THE FAMILIES OF OUR 4 AMERICANS AND ALL AMERICANS ON NATIONAL TV. We need Trey Gowdy.  It’s time to put those responsible behind bars – there’s absolutely no negotiating on this, Benghazi will not be forgotten!

As Always,

Little Tboca

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  • According to laws, they have been found guilty, of dereliction of duty, conspiring with the enemy, fraudulent testimony, murder, and other high crimes. Not only at bengahzi, but against the US Constitution. Finding rats in a chicken coop is not always an easy task.
  • ....and America is still waiting for that Special Prosecutor........


  • I truly believe it will take more than the upcoming elections to solve our many problems - wish I was smarter!  

  • Last.....why are we so afraid? Fear is the enemy, is it not? The longer we wait, the worst it will get!

  • they are criminals....they do not know better. As I have said over and over again....only when true Americans stop the talk and walk the DC and arrest all those, this abomination will stop. It will stop when we put them on Trial, crimes against the American people! The list is so long it wouldn't even rival those presently in our Jails today. How, oh how can Americans continue to play the game of life in America with the Technology games or so called play toys and not rise up? has been stated by God through Jesus Christ that these sort of men and women would turn their backs on God and do what they want to do. Therefore the common man and women ideas will be of no common sense and we will all suffer the consequences.

    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Oct 11 1798
    John Adams (Nation's 2nd President)

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