A recent broadcast stated pro-amnesty savings were $35 billion based on an illegal alien cost of $402 billion offset by wage savings of $437 billion in consumer costs!    Nobody is outraged!   Claiming consumer price savings during excessive inflation is outrageous!    Government’s phony 11 million headcount says illegal aliens cost $36,545/yr each!   Government tyrants watch citizens 24 hours a day, scans their bank and credit card accounts, and jails tax cheaters; but “don’t know” if there is 11 or 30 million illegal aliens, anything about then, or who’s going to get killed next.

For the record, aliens who enter this country are law breaking multi-count criminals, any who harbor or employ them are law breaking criminals, and any officer of government, judicial or law enforcement who doesn’t enforce the Constitution & laws as written breaks the law, oath of office, and is a criminal and traitor!

20+ million citizens have been cast out of the workforce!!!  Assuming a criminal slave labor conspiracy generates $437 billion of anything useful is preposterous!   Citizens are suffering record financial woes as government spends $1.25 trillion more than revenue while their treasury cranks out another $1 trillion a year in counterfeit currency!    A legislature that is trying to pass a bill that will cost citizens $1 to $3 trillion per year to buy criminal alien votes deserves unlimited scorn and a lifetime in prison!

GET REAL!   When an alien displaces a citizen worker a $43,500 avg. wage is lost, that worker goes on $20,000++/yr UC comp & other benefits, and the criminal alien jumps on government’s $36,545/yr gravy train to work for maybe $5/hr. cash on a criminal plantation.   The annual cost each is $43,500 to the citizen and $56,545 to a pathologically perverted government!    That $100,045 total cost each, @ 11 million criminals is $1.1 TRILLION to $3.0 TRILLION @ 30 million criminals!

It’s like putting money in a bank that lets anybody write a check on your account!    When there’s nothing left to steal, history unequivocally proves they’ll begin killing!   We don’t need amnesty or new laws!   We need officials who will enforce the Constitution and existing law NOW.    That requires prosecution, impeachment, and harsh just punishment of corrupt officials and law enforcement!    That begins with DOJ Holder and the gang of eight, then the president and the legislature

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  • You are very right Don and its a shame that we have such pathetic law makers in Washington that will do this just to hae a broader voter base.

  • This is what the commie in the WH is doing to America 


  • I'm so pissed off! Now my Children and Grandchildren have to carry that debt along with Obamacare and the Foreign Aid and the $17 trillion of National debt! He has spent more than every other President since all of the Presidents before! All the while the Obama's have had had lavish vacations and it all just realy makes me mad!

  • George (see below) is making a reference to a "Susan".  I don't see anything about her or from her in this blog stream.  What is this all about and would you please identify her and share her opinion so that we may consider her positions? I gather that she supposedly supports the illegal alien interloper occupying the White House?

  • William please don't get your "panties all up in a bunch."  Before the election many of my conservative Republican friends called it dead on for what it was.  The Democratic and Obama strategy was and still is to this day to create more "tax takers" than "tax payers."  Who the hell are the "tax takers" going to vote for?  The amnesty bill is just more of the same to create millions of more "tax taker" voters.

  • Seems to me that everything I write on here is not appropriate, but, you are to check the facts.

    Most everyone knows what his agenda is and has been for a while. The problem is they are concentrating on old hat issues and not what could be and will be. This President doesn't care about what we know about his strategies. I really have no desire to post much more on here if any. It's too many experts and Professors for me to make any comments of my own thoughts and not other people's thoughts. I like the Tea Party, but people need to respect others ideas. If we negate or fight other's opinions we have already lost and conceded the fight to get this country right again. This country is free because of working in unison. A house divided will fall.

  • Wake up America the OBAMA MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD SOCIALIST DEMS are in control to bankrup America and take your wealth and give it to the takers those they have trold deserve it without working for it. Wake up they are here and in control .

  • Obama doesn't want business to grow and thrive. Recently a friend told me about a relative of hers that was going to work at a place in Tennessee. They have 4,500 acres and the company put up a large building. Obama shut it down before it even got started. All 650 people lost their jobs. But his plan must be flawed somehow because if he destroys business how's he going to get any taxes from us? Is he going to give the illegals the right to those jobs and keep us for slaves?


  • This all makes me sick as I can buy food due to the high price and the gas is also to high as move of us are losing our jobs we will Die of hunger under this so called PRESIDENT ( That in itself will make you sick) I am Done IMPEACH IT NOW DONE WAITING FOR THE END TO COME AS WE THE PEOPLE HAVE A VOICE START DOING THE PROCESS BEFORE IT IS REALLY TO LATE. AS I AM DYING BECAUSE OF HIM AND NO HEATH CARE AS TO POOR TO DO ANYTHING HERE, REMOVE THIS SACK OF TRAITORS NOW 

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