America and Divine Intervention

4063555469?profile=originalSome pundits say Obama has so successfully transformed America into a “gimme society” that the food stamp president will win re-election in a landslide. Other political wizards say the bloom is off the rose. A majority of Americans realize that Obama is a far-left, radical, socialist/progressive, anti-American, lawless dictator. His reign of terror will end come November. Arguments are strong supporting both scenarios.

Folks, candidly, I do not know which political egghead's election predictions are correct. Life has taught me never to invest total trust in my knowledge or in that of any man.
So yes, Obama appears to be doing a great job rallying his base: the lazy racists, the entitlement-minded socialists, the progressives and plain old haters of America. And yes, Obama does own the mainstream media.

Nevertheless, I am confident and strong. What is my response to all the odds appearing overwhelmingly in Obama's favor? Two words: “But God...”
I realize that some on our side get the heebie-jeebies whenever the “G” word is brought into the mix. This is a sad commentary to the effectiveness of the left's relentless campaign to ban God from the public square. America was founded on God and godly principles.

Without going into a lengthy personal testimony, I will say that countless times, when it appeared that all hope was lost, God intervened and turned things around in my favor. My future looked dark. “But God...”

Benjamin Franklin said, “God governs in the affairs of man.” History documents many incidences when America was on the verge of receiving a death-blow, foiled by divine intervention.

The Battle of Long Island was decided by sudden mysterious fog.

In August 1776, with the water full of British warships, George Washington and his Continental Army faced certain defeat by the British in New York City. Besides being extremely outnumbered, Washington's troops were freezing and starving. Adding insult to injury, unseasonable bad weather moved in and it was raining.

The rain turned out to be an extraordinary blessing in disguise. The next morning it was so blindingly foggy that the Brits could not attack. They were forced to wait until the fog passed.
Even more freaky is that the fog only appeared in areas in which it was needed to conceal Washington’s operations from the British. Remarkably, other areas of New York City were perfectly clear.

The fog provided Washington enough cover and time to slip his army to Manhattan without losing a single troop. Washington did not have to fight the British that day. He eventually won the war.

The Brits appeared to have the battle against America all sewn up. “But God...”

Patriots, like you, my heart aches for America. Unbelievably, the mayors of two major cities threatened to punish a restaurant chain if it attempted to do business in their towns because the CEO is a Christian who does not embrace same-sex marriage.

A Supreme Court justice bent the Constitution to uphold the greatest attack on freedom in American history, essentially sealing the death of America as intended by God and our Founding Fathers.

Religious institutions are decreed to fund contraceptive services against their faith or suffer the wrath and iron fist of Obama.

Public schools are indoctrinating our children, beginning in elementary school, to believe that homosexuality is normal -- no different from being born left-handed. Outrageously, our kids are even encouraged to give homosexuality a try before deciding their sexuality.

I find it particularly disturbing that what it means to be an American continues to be diminished. Our parents' legacy of hard work, individuality, and independence is being suppressed. Americanism under Obama means as many people as possible dependent on government. Forget striving to be all you can be; forget pursuing the American dream for you and your family. The message of our socialist dictator is work to share everything equally.

Meanwhile, many Christians either are not interested in voting or refuse to vote for a candidate less perfect than Jesus Christ. To win approval from the left, some Christians caution their brethren not to be too outspoken regarding their faith like that embarrassing Tim Tebow.

Still, I remain vigilant in my quest to defeat Obama. “All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.”

At dinner, a patriot asked, “Mr. Marcus, do you ever get depressed about our country.” I could, very easily. “But God...”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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  • Howdy.

    my view is only TWO things  can now save us and our republic  if were to be saved.

    GOD and the 2ND AMENDMENT.

    all so called VOTING has done is ENSLAVE US WITH CAREER PUKING BUZZARD POLITICIANS. bent on DESTROYING our nation and to turn WE THE PEOPLE over to their ONE WORLD ORDER.

    all ow me to share what i have told people for some years now an dit goes like this.


    and TRUST me were NOT going to be the first to do so.


    Semper Fi.


  • Mr.Marcus,I agree.Words of wisdom.

  • Mr. Marcus:  I am with you all the way.  America has been paralleling the journey of Israel.  Obama is helped to awakened America, and has helped them to start to turn their eyes back to God.  In the book of Isaiah, it talks about how Assyria conquered Israel (It took them 3 years, and well Obama's 3 years are over, and his destruction is very near), and that he used the Assyrian King to turn his people back to him.  When God was done with the Assyrian King, and he not only punished him, but those who helped him in that quest.  We as believers have the authority over Satan and his minions, and can therefore command him to cease and desist their actions in the name of our Lord Y'shua (Jesus Christ) against our country, our people, our government, our leaders, our socio-economic problems, and foreigns policies, and all that is good in our country.  I pray this alot, and have seen more and more truth come out about the corruptedness in our government.  We can also intercede on behalf of our country, and our people just like Abraham did for Sodom and Gmorrah while Lot was there. We must also remember to pray for our leaders, and their salvation, so that they see the truth before it is too late.  I am telling you right here and now that prayer will win this election, but we must pray between now and the election without ceasing.  Never stop, never give up!!!  If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear their prayers from heaven and forgive their sins, and heal their land. (ok, not exact quote, but close! lol)  So please, my fellow patriots; do not lose heart.  Remember, God tells us to keep our eyes on him, and not what you see or hear in this world.  God bless America, and God bless all of you!     

  • The problem with America: A once prosperous nation of entrepreneurs has become a nation of cupcakes expecting free frosting.  

  • Beautiful, touching article.  I love it!  But God . . . I am going to pin my "hope" on that for a real "change" in November. When I become discouraged because it seems like Obama is always in the lead -- I'm going to remind myself.  But God . . . I need that encouragement right now. Pray. Pray with everything you have!

    Like you, my heart grieves for America.  I think what is most distressing for me is when I think of all the lives that have been sacrificed for this great country.  If Obama is elected for another 4 years, the lives lost will have been for naught. 

    Walk through our veteran cemeteries, and don't tell me you won't weep for what they have done for our freedom! The ultimate sacrifice -- for America -- for freedom! 

    We just cannot allow their sacrifice to be in vain.  November is the most critical election in our history.  We must prevail. Evil must not win. Evil must be removed from the White House. 

    But God . . .

  • By God we must vote.

    May God help US.


    In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

    "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

    "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    From bondage to spiritual faith;
    From spiritual faith to great courage;
    From courage to liberty;
    From liberty to abundance;
    From abundance to complacency;
    From complacency to apathy;
    From apathy to dependence;
    From dependence back into bondage.”

    The Obituary follows:

    Born 1776, Died 2012

    It doesn't hurt to read this several times.

    Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning the last Presidential election:

    Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29

    Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000

    Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million

    Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2
    McCain: 2.1

    Professor Olson adds:

    "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

    Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."

    Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

    If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.

    If you are in favor of this, then by all means, delete this message.

    If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.

    This is truly scary! Of course we are not a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic . Someone should point this out to Obama. Of course we know he and too many others pay little attention to The Constitution. And Obama is always preaching the democracy of the "Muslim Brotherhood". There couldn't be more at stake than on November 6, 2012.

    If you are as concerned for America as I am then I am sure you will want to pass this along.

    Wedneaday 8/15/2012 the "Dream Act" starts....2 years of amnesty for illegals and to vote????????? Obama is smart and Sly. Bet they will be required to vote.  Names given to SEIU.

  • If they use electronic voting booths then SEIU union will make sure Obama wins just like the did with Harry Reid.. who was over 10 point down before the voting and won by more than 10 points. Also northern Nevada had a funny power failure 3 hours before the vote deadline for the day and didnt come back on until the voting was over... Which means the UNIONs stepped in and cheated to get Dirty Harry re-elected... Also with a Democratic election board they over looked what the union were doing. So this should tell everyone what the unions are going to do...

  • if any president was classified as evil...this would be the one, and i think faith will have an impact on this election like no other.

  • .......well, my freedom is NOT FOR SALE!!!

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