



Harrisonville, MO

Please answer this question: What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?


Do you agree to disagree without being disagreeable?


How did you hear about Patriot Command Center?

I have heard of the Tea Party since it's inception and am a true believer in the liberty and freedom our founding fathers created for this country and for which so many American's have fought for spilling blood and sacrificing their lives to achieve for the greater good of our homeland.

Is America a republic?

YES! There is no question of what this man is trying to turn this country into and I fear for our children's future in a broken socialized place we used to call America. There will be nothing left of an "American Dream". I have not and will not ever call this man my president or our president. My president has and always will be Ronald Reagan (dead or alive) his words and ideals live on...

If you are willing to help what would you be willing to do?

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