Ted DeMatteo for US Congress's Posts (4)

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Owning my own business I thought I was pretty safe from this happening.  

So, I have MS, which for me is very controllable with medication.  As usual, I called in my prescription and this year, it was denied by my Insurance Provider. A week later, when I am out of my medication, I find out that it is no longer covered. They need an advanced authorization from my doctor who has stopped doing advanced authorizations all together.

My insurance company tells me it is to control abuse of the drug.  Like someone wants to take this medication which gives you flu like symptoms for a few days.  I am already on the IRS and Federal Ethics Commission lists. What's one more list.  


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Here we go again. Election year 2014,is almost upon us.This week, or what is left of it will focus on the budget. By Friday, Congress will announce a true Bi-Partisan bill that although had some give and take on both sides, is best for the country. It will include over 20 billion in cuts over the next 10 years and the parties will start prior to going home for the holidays.Congress will expect Americans to buy this even though there is over a 17 Trilion dollar deficit and over 100 trillion dollars in obligations. I am 57 and can remember the first time I heard the word "trillion". It seemed so unreal that we laughed at the word. Now iam asking what comes after a trillion?Upon return the deficit and budget will not have to be dealt with again till after November so why bring it up. Illegal immigration will be the topic. This is a great topic because everyone can posture and appear to be supporting their constituents. In Texas, where I an from, you will start to see pictures of crime ridden towns, drug smuggling and anything else one can think of. These events are taking place right now but you won't hear about them until Congress returns.The other side will be showing pictures of children being torn from there mothers arms and maybe some human trafficking.Don't get me wrong. I am very concerned about this issue and the laws that are being broken. What I am trying to say is both sides, which ever they are on, will use it to appease their constituents and there will be no resolution. I have my own theory of why the most powerful country in the world can't stop the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs in to our country but it scares me when I think about it.After going through the era I grew up in, I swore that nothing could ever scare me again. Concern me, yes, but not scare me. Now I wake up and go to work and fight a losing battle every day. They would not let us win in the 70's and we went home in shame. Don't let them do it again.
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I ask myself this because I am in line with the Movements beliefs and values to the letter.  Yet, I have taken one further step and have committed to run for Congress in 2014.  I have the desire to commit the time, run on self imposed term limits and even a reduction in salary and benefits.

Yet, I have to unseat a moderate Republican who is as we say here, "dug in like a tick on a hound dog", as a career politician in a very wealthy community who will come out and vote.  Trying to unseat him in a primary would not work well as a plan.

So I must do it as an Independent Candidate. Interesting dilemma, the movement has never supported an Independent before which has brought some criticism to the Tea Party Movement and who they really are.

We had better wake up and realize the system is broken.  With the exception of some good people such as Ted Cruz, these people who are representing us only care in being reelected as career politicians and have never had a true job or budget before, let alone balance one, in their lives.  Obamcare is a good example, it is totally wrong and should be repealed and our spending is irresponsible and out of control.  However, rather then work on fixing these problems our politicians see a hole in the Obamacare system due to a 6 million dollar disaster of a website.

There is still the debt ceiling crisis to deal with and putting an end to Obamacare. But instead, they see fit to hold hearings, at our expense, to find out what went wrong with the website and who is to blame. We are not idiots, we know Obamacare is wrong.  Why spend 6 million more dollars on a hearing to find out what went wrong with a website?  It was all about posturing and getting free radio and TV time as 2014 rolls around.  There is a trillion dollar problem which is much bigger and coming up again.  

It is time someone step up and really try to do something before it is too late.  The Dems have pulled out the nuclear option which could be far worse then anyone realizes.  With or without you I am committed.  


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