Steve Woolsey's Posts (1)

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Revenge is NOT what we need...

     To say that the Trumpsters want not only to take back the country but that they want revenge is just a way to paint them as extremists. They may be in a sense, but this is just a way to shut them down. Now on the other hand, if they succeed and Trump wins, vengeful idiots fueled by their "win" would ruin before it started any plan to make this country great as the "Don" puts it... Restraint is going to be one of the most important commodities in a post Obama US... (Wow... That sounds SO good!!!)  I know very few people that I would consider intelligent enough to be called statesman worthy in their understanding of our history and government... We are falling for bluster and saber rattling and missing out on the opportunity to truly and righteously remake this nation. The constitution got us this far in its genius. All that in spite of the flaws of the characters of those lulled into the power magnet that is the US government. In the natural cycle of the rise and fall of democracies, there is a step I would rather skip if we can... I would rather not be slave to the government. I would rather shorten the process a bit and just take back that which we know to be good about this land and throw out that which we know to be bad or evil if you will... I personally lean towards returning as a nation to a 2nd Chronicles 7:14 kind of attitude but there are so many that would rebel due for the most part to their desire to continue their (In my opinion) ungodly lives and persuits unabated. I don't know where that leads us or leaves us since my belief is that without the covering and grace of a merciful Creator, we would fall in the category of  "Any other" John Adams refered to in his statement..Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”    I know that there are thousands of people out there who will be offended by this and I don't really care... They have the right to be stupid and offended and ignorant and bull-headed and childish as they desire... But if they think Trump and the possibility of revenge is the best way to handle our future, then they can have it if they win... (Almighty God forbid it!). My pitch for the president would be Scott Walker or Allen West with Fiorina as one of the possible V.P. candidates... Or maybe Walker/West or West/Walker... Any of the three in just about any order... If you can find any other posts I have put up you can find my reservations about some of the choices... Good luck finding them... I will back up anything I have to say and wear anything I have to if proven to be off the bubble... S.

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