Marcia Wood's Posts (77)

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3 Minutes for Your Children & Grandchildren


Please friends take a minute to send the Speaker of the House John Boehner a message for Monday, spread the word and let’s keep it up every day – it only takes three minutes and you’re done.  Ask your friends, relatives and family to do the same thing.  We must learn how to have our voice heard and we can learn to use the social media the same way Obama has used it to win 2 Presidential Elections.

Here’s the url to put in your browser:     

Here’s the message I tweeted to him, sent him an email and did the same on Facebook, but everyone can craft their own little personal message.  

“We the people don’t want “Amnesty” on the table in 2014 period – we want the five scandals resolved that have threatened millions of Americans and we want you to either do your job as an American Patriot or kindly step down, Mr. Boehner.” 

If you have an extra 3 minutes send one to Harry Reid - 

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100 Million Americans on J. Boehner's Hit List

                                                                    Crocodile Tears4063808564?profile=original

Don't mistake that sad face as an American Patriot - that is the face of a man who has turned against his Country. No real tears folks - he's laughing all the way to the bank while we're trying to hold down two part jobs and put food on our tables.

Over 100 million American workers are on John Boenher’s hit list – that seems to be a very rash statement. John Boehner, Cantor Ryan and Goodlatte have placed the amnesty issue on the front burner - that's reality. 

Boehner intends to get his way by giving millions of illegal aliens a free pass to our Nation’s jobs, medical care, unemployment insurance, food stamps, free education and Federally funded housing - this won’t just be a conversation piece it will be a reality in 2014 if “we the people don’t stop him.” 

Why are House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, and Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte pushing for amnesty in 2014?  Our Nation is crumpling due to very few full time jobs, tremendous taxes and exhorbitant charges for Obamacare and 5 scandals that are unsolved and Boehner chooses amnesty as a priority. 

We have an economy that is broken, horrific National debt, unsecured borders, a weakened Military and a Government that is way too big for it’s britches.  We are in the midst of an election year and Boehner is waving his white flag, knuckling in the knees and kissing Obama and Democrats “fannies.”  If Boehner gets his way Americans will be the recipients of higher taxes, more debt to pay off and fewer jobs for the American work force. We have suffered enough pain from the corrupt politicians in the White House!

To sit make and surmise that amnesty is on the front burner because Republicans are desperate and buying votes is a farce – the few votes purchased by this illegal albatross aren’t even worth talking about…  The truth is Boehner and gang are playing footsey with the Corporate CEO and the US Chamber of Commerce because amnesty to illegal aliens is an automatic solution equating to millions of low pay and low- skilled labor employees. 

If anyone thinks Boehner isn’t planning to push amnesty, just remember in December he hired a professional amnesty advocate to push this bill thru the House.  Remember this name (Rebecca Tallent) because we’ll be hearing a lot from her in the next few weeks – Rebecca use to be one of John McCain’s staffers.  Boehner’s actions have nothing to do with finding common ground with the Democrats he is doing this strictly to appease Corporate CEO and the US Chamber of Commerce.

Hopefully all Tea Party members will crash Boehner’s Twitter, Facebook accounts, his telephone and email service with one liners, “We the people don’t want “Amnesty” on the table in 2014 period – we want the five scandals resolved that have threatened millions of Americans and we want you to either do your job as an American Patriot or kindly step down, Mr. Boehner.” 

I pray that my friends read this article and help me get Boehner’s attention.


As Always,

Little Tboca

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Conservatives - It's Game Time 2014


Hotline from Little Tboca’s computer, January 16, 2014 @ 1:30 PM - like many of my friends every now and then we must take a deep breath, stand back and analyze where we’ve been and where we’re going. 

The “been” part is past but it definitely will affect the “going” in 2014.  Did a little surfing and read some hot off the press articles like the one from Allen West that Judson Phillips posted. It’s a message from Col. Allen West to TPN – do not miss this one…

Here’s a brief from the article this AM, “House Speaker Boehner and Obama want to pass ‘fast track’ in January before opponents have a chance to organize. They need ‘fast track’ to ram the job-killing TransPacific Partnership (TPP) globalist agreement through Congress. They are backed by the same big government corporatist insiders who have declared war on the Tea Party.”  “It’s game time Conservatives and we’d better sell our cloaks and buy our arms before we’re blind-sided.   

First is knowing your enemies and that’s a tough job to keep up with, but watch out for a few bad boys in Washington like Mitch McConnell an antiquated run of the mill politician from Kentucky.  Mitch has taken on the tough job of stomping on the Tea Parties because of the intense desire to defund Obamacare.

Mitch is also one of those cowardly creeps who personally attacked Ted Cruz and Mike Lee for encouraging defunding of Obamacare.  In fact Mitch joined ancient scary Harry and they used a trumped up scheme to fund Obamacare with just 51 votes in the Senate.  So much for loyalty and patriotism from Mitch – he will continue his mission to attack and harm the Tea Parties if possible.

John McCain from my State of Arizona is a dyed in the wool flip-flopper who is available to any if the price is right.  Recently reprimanded or I should say censored by the Maricopa Republican Party saying his voting record  has been disastrous and harmful to Arizona and the United States.

The Maricopa Republicans Party says, “McCain has abandoned our core values and has been eerily silent against Liberals, yet publicly reprimands Conservatives in his own Party.”  Flash - 1150 Republicans voted for the censor and a piddly 351 against – this tells you that McCain is a major problem.

Tom Donohue (Pres. and CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce) is at large and needs to have his tail shaved – he has planned an all - out attack against the Tea Parties and their Conservative Nominees.  This louse along with Democrats and the Old Republican Establishment want to ram amnesty down our throats even while we’re still gagging and coughing from the sickening Obamacare law. 

Donohue is more than a little bit dangerous; the Chamber has set aside over 50 million dollars as Tom says, “to make the Tea Party feel some heat.” So the US Chamber comes loaded with some “big guns” and plenty of moolah – buyer beware!  


No sense going into a long oration about Reid and Boehner – both in a state of putrefaction coming from the same tainted or rotten basket of apples and both belong to the KOA (Kiss Obama’s Ass) club. 

Don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d keep a watchful eye on Santorum he’s not the sweet little cherub that some would like us to believe. That’s just my opinion friends!

The Old Republican Establishment requires constant vigilance – they’ve declared war not on the Obama Administration but on the Tea Parties and our brave patriots that we ushered into the House and Senate. So nothing will be easy for Conservatives in 2014 – lines have been drawn in the sand.  

We’re facing the most dangerous corrupt politicians of our time including the Obama Administration, US Chamber of Commerce, Old Republican Establishment, Soros and the Liberal News Media. 2014 will be a tough year, but all things are doable if we stand together to “TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY AMERICA (TBOCA.)

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Dictator or Traitor - You be the Judge


One must think about the many things that are transpiring right in front of our eyes and realize we’re held hostage by a dictator and traitor and so far the laws of our lands haven’t protected Americans or their Country. 

Something is absolutely wrong with this scenario – we have laws to protect us from traitors and dictators and yet no group or groups of people seem to have the legal finesse or clout to put Obama out of office and behind bars. But, still I write today knowing that many Americans are still in “La La” land thinking they’re immune to the vicious grip of the distribution king.

It is self evident that Obama and his junk yard dogs all have immunity from the laws of our land along with an intense disdain for our Constitution handed down to us by our forefathers.  Obama, Clinton & Holder should be on America’s Most Wanted List.

We reluctantly gave Obama 787 billion dollars to create jobs, save jobs of teachers, firefighters and police officers. In reality the 787 billion dollars was to go to Obama’s “redistribution” scheme. 

Our money went to convicts, wasteful earmarks, “green” jobs in China, “green” jobs in Finland, the HARP program for Freddie and Fannie, millions in fact billions out the backdoor to Obama’s big bundlers.

Obama made Biden the new sheriff in town – his new title was overseer of the “stimulus money.”  That’s laughable, Biden the overseer of our money responded in 2009 referring to the use of our stimulus money. 

He said, "So if this -- six months from now," Biden said, "if the verdict on this effort is that we've wasted the money, we built things that were unnecessary, or we've done things that are legal but make no sense, then, folks, don't look for any help from the federal government for a long while." This statement reeks of a Government gone bad! Doesn’t his statement make you feel warm, safe and comfy?

The “redistribution king” skimmed our money from us by creating non existent zip codes and non existent Congressional districts, green scams and our money disappeared overnight never to be seen again.

We’re suffering through five of the worst scandals in America’s history the Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, NSA and Obamacare.  No one has been held accountable and billions of dollars have been spent on senseless poorly choreographed investigations.

Obama sailed smoothly into his second term by lying about the Benghazi murders and putting the tea parties under lock and key by the IRS.  Obama says 2014 will be the year of action, his talking points will be education, job creation, helping the middle class and amnesty for illegal immigrants, but this is just a guise allowing him to continue his “redistribution” scheme. 

Bottom-line is this, the dictator who has committed treason will continue making his own laws as he goes the next three years, totally ignoring Congress and so far no one seems to have the guts or intelligence to stop him. Below some things to ponder.  4063807726?profile=original


The betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.

Dictator - a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.

What’s the difference between Weimar Republic and the Obama Administration?  No Difference.

The German Republic that succeeded the Imperial German government at the close of the First World War, otherwise known as the Weimar Republic, adopted a constitutional provision expressly enabling the President to rule by decree and without consultation with the legislative branch.


As Always,

Little Tboca

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"It's Redistribution, Stupid" Says OBAMA


Redistribution - Stealing From the Taxpayers

Obama’s “Promise Zones” – Election Year Wealth Redistribution Scheme

The big question for Americans – how do we stop the bloody spending by Obama, Democrats and Republicans?  Here’s a brief preview of the past five years and a glimpse of the future. 

So much for our daily dose of lies from Obama, his administration and the Liberal News media – as a Nation we the people deserve some respect, honesty and solutions for major problems.  While we sit here suffering the headlines today tout that half of Congressional Lawmakers are millionaires, some actually acquired their money legitimately via investments or personal businesses. 

There are many, in Congress who use their position merely to pad their pockets, enjoy the Government perks and live high on the hog off of taxpayer’s money and draw a sizeable lifetime retirement.  They’re not worth their salt and definitely are a detriment to Americans and America. I refer to them as “Leeches,” the ones who just go along for a free ride on taxpayer’s money.

Look at Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the Liberals – they’re the perfect “Stereotypes of Socialism” for a Government gone bad.  They don’t give a “d---“about their Country – in fact they don’t give a “damn” about the poverty stricken, African Americans who are struggling or the Hispanics.  

They all have one and only one goal in mind – they want to dominate, control and dictate via “Big Government.”  They manipulate the news, prepare the canned speeches for the Liberal News Media and give us a dose of the poison tonic called Socialism every day since 2009. 

Here are a few examples of their devious techniques and lies that have harmed our children, grandchildren, adult children and all Americans.

  1. They stole 787 billion dollars from taxpayers and literally had a spending frenzy with this money while we were sleeping.
  2. They frivolously spent our money on parties, lavish vacations, secret meetings and personal celebrations like the IRS who gobbled up over 50 million plus for parties & conferences and videos from 2010 to 2012. 
  3. Obama with his blessing encouraged the IRS to attack the tea parties and lied about Benghazi to insure his re-election in 2012.
  4. Obama and his Administration have not only allowed guns to walk – they sneaked billions out the back door to fund the Muslim Brotherhood enhancing their Military capabilities. 
  5. Obama used millions of our stimulus money for the “Green Scams,” specifically created for his big bundlers. This had nothing to do with job creation as Obama would like you to believe.

*** This only highlights a few of Obama’s insidious behaviors. Below are a few statistics on some of his future plans.

Let’s look at Obama’s new budget presented in April of 2014 – it’s important to realize this budget is an attack on the middle class (the working class.) Although, the budget didn’t pass it gives you a bird’s eye view of Obama and his favorite pet “redistribution.”


He Lied, LIed & Lied Some More

Although he lied about his budget saying, more than $2 in spending cuts for every $1 of new revenue – what a crock. If passed it would have been a huge tax increase – it would increase the deficit a trillion dollars over 10 years. The majority of revenue in his budget would come from increasing the death tax, capping deductions and select exemptions from those making higher incomes along with capping retirement funds.

Although his budget didn’t pass formally it gives Americans an idea of what will happen in the next three years. This is “redistribution” folks any way you slice it. The minimum wage increase is already on the front burner and there’s more to come…

There’s much more, but just a thought about our Government cooking the books.  Our actual unemployment figure is between 11 to15 plus % - not even close to the 6.7% Obama and Democrats are crowing about today. 

There’s nothing real about the unemployment figures – yet millions of Americans believe it. This just gives a broken down President a trumped up talking point the he and his Democratic friends will beat to death.  It includes those who are only working part-time jobs, which happens to be close to 8 million – in fact according to Huff Post 75% of all jobs in 2013 were part time jobs. It doesn’t include those who’ve dropped off and no longer looking for employment.

So when you hear Obama and the Democrats raving over the unemployment figure – you know they lie through their teeth.  Figure for yourself only 74,000 new jobs in December meaning approximately 55,000 were part time and probably seasonal jobs also. Obama’s first term was nothing more than destruct, destroy and redistribute.

Take the unbridled spending by Obama since 2009, the stringent EPA regulations which closed businesses down and restricted job growth, the huge increase in the entitlement society, the illegals making themselves comfortable utilizing all of our resources, the hanky-panky with the Muslim Brotherhood (Which is costly) and the greatest leech of all Obamacare.

Obamacare, nothing is free – someone has to pay for it (taxpayers.)  It won’t save families 2500 a year in premium cost, some premiums have doubled or even tripled in cost along with higher co – payments and deductions.  Can’t keep your doctor, specialist or medical team and can’t keep your insurer. It’s a costly scam that will eliminate jobs and be devastating to consumers.

*** This is just a glimpse of 5 years of Redistribution increasing the National Deficit over 17 trillion dollars add another 3 years of Redistribution and in all likelihood our Nation will be on the verge of crumpling. Current predictions are by 2016 our National Debt will surpass 20 trillion dollars.  Republicans are in control of our money need I say more? 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Politically Convenient President


They’re talking about income equality, poverty, unemployment extensions, the sun, the moon, global warming and all in between hoping that once again they can distract Americans from the real problems.

Problems like murder in Benghazi, the Fast and Furious Gunrunner scam, spying on Americans, stealing taxpayer’s money, forcing a healthcare system on us that will cause and is causing financial and physical stress on millions of Americans are issues they slide under the rug. . 

 But, let’s put everything into perspective the real issues of the day are the Fast and Furious scandal that resulted in the murder of two brave American men, Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata.   Obama and Eric Holder own this but even though Holder lied under oath the scandal was never solved.

Then there’s the Benghazi scandal - family members are waiting, waiting for someone to give them honest answers and put those responsible behind bars.  They have a right to know why their dear ones were murdered, who was responsible for the deaths of their brave family members, Christopher Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith

The families of our four American men murdered in Benghazi are left to fend for themselves, because so far the hearings, investigations and political posturing has merely been the White House’s usual “dog and pony” show by Obama, Democrats and Republicans. Nothing done the scandal never resolved!

Next is Obamacare - Obama, Democrats and the Liberal News Media have collaborated to defend this unconstitutional and poorly choreographed healthcare law come hell or high water.  They are trying to convince us the ACA website is purring along without any major glitches – that’s all garbage.  While the front end of the website may be functioning to some degree the back end is doomed to crash at any minute.

Insurance companies are facing unbelievable problems daily because Obama dumped everything in their lap  – there are 13,000 Americans as of January 8th 2014 who have been totally lost in the system .– this doesn’t include the millions who lost their insurers. The broken down website has assigned the same case numbers to more than one individual or individuals along with ghost files where the insured has an enrollment record, but the Government doesn’t.  Either way these Americans don’t have health insurance

On top of all that the Insurers don’t have an automated system to identify the insured – the ACA website sort of forgot that important piece, just like they forgot to install software that would protect American’s vital information.  Many with life threatening illnesses who originally had good insurance and signed up for Obamacare have been lost or eaten up by the Government healthcare website. 

These are the real issues of the day – it’s time to get real and solve these scandals and put those behind bars who are responsible. 

Obama & John Boehner are way too busy playing politics and both obviously have forgotten the oaths they took when entering office.  Obama’s desperate because very few Americans admire, trust or believe anything he says – his polls show this statement to be very true.

Boehner keeps straddling the fence and doesn’t want to offend the Democrats or the Old Republican establishment, so he opts for doing absolutely nothing versus doing his duty as Speaker of the House. 

Obama, the Democrats and Liberal news media are the first inline to attack, demonize and destroy anyone that might interferes with their political agenda.  Observe how they’ve pounced on Chris Christie over the bridge scandal or Ted Cruz over repealing Obamacare.  Notice that they’re always MIA when it comes to the critical issues facing our Nation.

Bill Gates nailed the Obama Administration when he said, “I felt that agreements with the Obama White House were good only as long as they were politically convenient.” The past five years under Obama backs up what Bill Gates said – that is why Benghazi, Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS and Obamacare have been relegated to the ancient history shelves. 

Obama is responsible for these scandals – all occurred on his watch and before 2014 there’s a strong possibility there will be more Americans dying on his watch due to Obamacare. Those with terminal illnesses or life threatening illnesses have had their insurers, their medical teams and their hospitals taken from them – many may succumb to their illnesses due to this selfish, dangerous dictator.

Until Americans wake up and realize the war is on our turf and Obama must be removed from office before 2016 - we will remain the victims of a Socialistic Government.

Republicans and Democrats are playing Russian Roulette in the White House - they’re responsible for a weakened Nation, an entitlement society, Big Government, unsecured borders, weakened Military  and excessive violations against our Constitution. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Imperial President a "Dictator"


One week ago today, I received a handwritten letter from my primary care physician stating that due to the Obamacare law she could no long administer to many of her patients including myself.  She apologized in the letter saying she was desperately hoping she could find a legal way to retain her patients. In all likelihood she and her husband (who is a physician also) will soon be closing their doors. 

She’s in the prime of her life and her passion is caring for her patients – she has always been on call 24/7 and never ever turned Medicare patients away.  After reading her letter, I wondered how many primary care physicians, surgeons or specialist will end up closing their doors if Obamacare isn’t repealed?

Then as I was listening to Bill de Blasio NY city’s new mayor rambling on about “income equality” and listening  to  Anna Galland executive director of Civil Action on C-Span's Washington Journal program discussing “income equality”   

I realized that the Obama Administration, Democrats and Liberals had their political platform in tact ready to roll out in 2014. Just keep these words in mind – weaken the troops by distracting and dividing. 

All of this merely confirms that Obama is following the Cloward - Piven plan to a “T.”  In the next three years the population of “have nots” is about to explode giving Obama the power to take over our Country via big Government.   In three years, if Obama is allowed to continue his destructive “redistribution” scheme now referred to as “income equality” the “have nots” will far out - number the “haves.”

The biggest red flags are Obamacare, minimum wage changes, immigration changes, IRS controlling our healthcare, weakening our Military and Common Core.  All of the above will trickle down creating a dependency on our Government, which by no means is safe for our Nation or Americans.   

Our Nation is going to “pot” in a hand basket – we the people have lost our voice, our Government, and our freedom and rights are being attacked daily.  Needless to say I’m not a happy camper and would love to stand toe to toe with Obama at the White House and have a serious discussion about the way he is intentionally and with malice destroying the greatest Nation in the World.,

First I would refresh his memory and go back to the day January 20th 2009 when he and Biden took their oath before taking office.  I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Obviously he’s not qualified to serve as President of the United States of America because he hasn’t preserve, protected or defended the Constitution of the United States. It doesn’t take the Supreme Court Justices to confirm that I am correct – his actions are the proof of the pudding.

It’s not the President’s legal right to write or change laws it is his job to enforce laws as written –but we have a President who writes laws, changes laws, bi passes laws and our Constitution as he pleases.  We are governed by an Imperial President acting like a dictator. 

Americans must take a stand, if we have to shut the doors up on the White House and remove the baggage, then so be it.  The Liberals, Socialist and Communists have patiently planned for years for the day that the greatest Nation in the World is brought to her knees and turned into a Social Welfare State controlled entirely by big Government. 

It’s now just a matter of time until we the people are owned lock, stock and barrel by the Government.  If you think I’ve just presented a conspiracy theory just watch what happens as Obama, the Democrats and Liberals roll out “income equality” (Redistribution) scam in 2014.

Every day our Nation is getting poorer, weaker due to our foreign policies, extreme cuts in our nuclear powers, our Military along with the Common Core and the Entitlement society.  Time isn’t on our side and it’s foolish to think that if we’re fortunate enough to place Republicans in control of the House and Senate we can recover – a large majority of the Old Republican Establishment still are in control and they’re not about to give up their comfy positions in order to save our Country. 

The Old Republican Establishment will do in 2016 just what they did in 2012.  They will pick a weak candidate or let’s say one that they can control to run in the next Presidential Election.  We the people will merely experience a re-run of 2008, 2012 again in 2016. 

Why do you think that Boehner keeps waving his white flag and knuckling under the Obama Administration?  He’s owned and controlled by corrupt politicians on both sides and not man enough to fight for our Nation, Constitution and American’s freedom and rights.  He’s not just a “wimp” he’s the Republican Poster Child. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Imperial President a


One week ago today, I received a handwritten letter from my primary care physician stating that due to the Obamacare law she could no long administer to many of her patients including myself.  She apologized in the letter saying she was desperately hoping she could find a legal way to retain her patients. In all likelihood she and her husband (who is a physician also) will soon be closing their doors. 

She’s in the prime of her life and her passion is caring for her patients – she has always been on call 24/7 and never ever turned Medicare patients away.  After reading her letter, I wondered how many primary care physicians, surgeons or specialist will end up closing their doors if Obamacare isn’t repealed?

Then as I was listening to Bill de Blasio NY city’s new mayor rambling on about “income equality” and listening  to  Anna Galland executive director of Civil Action on C-Span's Washington Journal program discussing “income equality”   

I realized that the Obama Administration, Democrats and Liberals had their political platform in tact ready to roll out in 2014. Just keep these words in mind – weaken the troops by distracting and dividing. 

All of this merely confirms that Obama is following the Cloward - Piven plan to a “T.”  In the next three years the population of “have nots” is about to explode giving Obama the power to take over our Country via big Government.   In three years, if Obama is allowed to continue his destructive “redistribution” scheme now referred to as “income equality” the “have nots” will far out - number the “haves.”

The biggest red flags are Obamacare, minimum wage changes, immigration changes, IRS controlling our healthcare, weakening our Military and Common Core.  All of the above will trickle down creating a dependency on our Government, which by no means is safe for our Nation or Americans.   

Our Nation is going to “pot” in a hand basket – we the people have lost our voice, our Government, and our freedom and rights are being attacked daily.  Needless to say I’m not a happy camper and would love to stand toe to toe with Obama at the White House and have a serious discussion about the way he is intentionally and with malice destroying the greatest Nation in the World.,

First I would refresh his memory and go back to the day January 20th 2009 when he and Biden took their oath before taking office.  I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Obviously he’s not qualified to serve as President of the United States of America because he hasn’t preserve, protected or defended the Constitution of the United States. It doesn’t take the Supreme Court Justices to confirm that I am correct – his actions are the proof of the pudding.

It’s not the President’s legal right to write or change laws it is his job to enforce laws as written –but we have a President who writes laws, changes laws, bi passes laws and our Constitution as he pleases.  We are governed by an Imperial President acting like a dictator. 

Americans must take a stand, if we have to shut the doors up on the White House and remove the baggage, then so be it.  The Liberals, Socialist and Communists have patiently planned for years for the day that the greatest Nation in the World is brought to her knees and turned into a Social Welfare State controlled entirely by big Government. 

It’s now just a matter of time until we the people are owned lock, stock and barrel by the Government.  If you think I’ve just presented a conspiracy theory just watch what happens as Obama, the Democrats and Liberals roll out “income equality” (Redistribution) scam in 2014.

Every day our Nation is getting poorer, weaker due to our foreign policies, extreme cuts in our nuclear powers, our Military along with the Common Core and the Entitlement society.  Time isn’t on our side and it’s foolish to think that if we’re fortunate enough to place Republicans in control of the House and Senate we can recover – a large majority of the Old Republican Establishment still are in control and they’re not about to give up their comfy positions in order to save our Country. 

The Old Republican Establishment will do in 2016 just what they did in 2012.  They will pick a weak candidate or let’s say one that they can control to run in the next Presidential Election.  We the people will merely experience a re-run of 2008, 2012 again in 2016. 

Why do you think that Boehner keeps waving his white flag and knuckling under the Obama Administration?  He’s owned and controlled by corrupt politicians on both sides and not man enough to fight for our Nation, Constitution and American’s freedom and rights.  He’s not just a “wimp” he’s the Republican Poster Child. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Women - Beware of HRC


Although Hillary Clinton is out trying to recoup the women’s votes she had in 2008, it might behoove her avid followers to review this woman’s sordid past.

One can hide and run for a while but sooner or later the past does catch up with us.  It’s not propaganda about the murders, suicides and accidental deaths of her business associates, bundlers and colleagues that plague her past.

For those women who believe Hillary is pro - abortion, please read the following to understand that Hillary does not feel abortion is a fundamental right that only a woman should be the decision maker. 

Here’s what she said, “Abortion is a "sad, even tragic choice"--as she told an audience of New York state abortion providers in 2005--for women, not a fundamental right that only the woman should have a say in deciding. "Yes, we do have deeply held differences of opinion about the issue of abortion," she said. "I, for one, respect those who believe with all their hearts and conscience that there are no circumstances under which any abortion should ever be available." 

Now Hillary will skirt the abortion issue as she makes a run for the Presidency again, because she realizes that if she stands for abortion she will lose those who are against abortion and vice versa.

The fact is although she’ll say that she supports women’s rights to choose, in 2006 she and minority leader Harry Reid promoted the “Prevention First Act.”  This bill did make it easier for women to obtain contraceptives, but in the end the bill was not in favor of women’s abortions.

The working class and poor will be relegated to the ancient history shelf if Hillary wins the 2016 election.  Just because she’s female is no excuse for even considering her for the most prestigious position in our Nation. 

African Americans, Hispanics, the poor are just about to get a shellacking by one who espouses to be a champion of women.  Her platform will be big on “Hope and Change” but in the end just like Obama she’ll dump these poor unsuspecting Americans just like Obama did.  For those concerned with the real issues our Nation faces, it time to put Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the 2016 Presidency into an honest prospective.

The Liberals and their aggressive New Media will paint a picture of bravery, intelligence, leadership and competence but that is merely a fake do-over for a woman in politics for 20 years who hasn’t accomplished “zilch.”  She talks a good game but that’s as far as it goes.

The Liberals have praised her with unearned rewards and trumped up stories bestowing them on a “has been.”  There’s been no major achievements during her term as Sec of State – it’s all show and no go, but she did keep foreign seats warmed with her posterior  and she did travel thousands of miles during this time. 

Hillary cheerleaders brag that she logged nearly a million miles of air travel as Secretary of State. "She reminded the world that Woody Allen was right even when it comes to diplomacy: 80 percent of success really is simply showing up," Megan Garber cheered in The Atlantic

So much for showing up, she showed up after running out of excuses and testified under oath about Benghazi. She informed Americans that she was responsible and would accept full responsibility – edited that merely means she lied under oath, didn’t know or remember anything and willing walked away from the Benghazi murders without even looking back for she had a campaign to prepare for... 

Like Obama, Hillary is a died in the wool Saul Alinsky worshipper and she’s an expert at keeping America distracted and divided, which is what we’ll experience in the near future if she begins her run for the White House. 

Hillary will use Saul Alinsky’s Rule # 8 as she kicks her campaign into high gear.

* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.) 

Obama has kept our Nation off balance for 5 years, we have three more years to face his radical onslaught - actually Obama and Hillary will join hands the next three years because Obama owes Bill and Hillary several big favors and the Clintons will collect.

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Hillary Clinton's MO


Hillary Clinton has the Liberal News Media primed to usher her into the 2016 Presidency, Soros and other big Liberal bundlers are organized and prepared to finance Hillary regardless of cost.  Many women will fall at her feet and worship her because she would be the first female President in our History - to many that’s more important than her qualifications. 

Others will take the time to vet this woman whose aspiration since college was to hold the position of President of the USA.  Her past reeks of one scandal after another – hers life has been a pathway of destruction, corruption and political manipulation that has harmed our Country.  Her previous position as Sec of State exemplifies how destructive this person has been – even the Democrats must admit that Hillary Clinton has been a total disgrace to Americans and our Nation as Sec of State.


In the early 1970’s Jerry Zeifman, fired Hillary Clinton on her unethical practices, lies and sharing confidential information to persons who were unauthorized. Mr. Zeifman was emphatic about his decision to fire Hillary saying he could not recommend her for any future position of public or private trust. 

White Water Scandal 1978

This was a real estate scandal - Bill and Hillary partnered with James and Susan McDougal. They purchased 220 acres of land that would become the Whitewater Development Corporation.

Quite a bit of money at this time was passed from palm to palm – Bill used his not so friendly persuasion and got Susan McDougal a nice little nest egg amounting to $300,000 dollars that was illegal of course since it was a federally backed loan. Many lost their lives during the White Water scandal. 

The real estate venture was a total flop. Although several of the Clinton’s business associates were convicted for their involvement in the Whitewater Scandal – Bill & Hillary received a “get out of jail free card” because there wasn’t enough conclusive evidence or living witnesses to charge them with criminal conduct. 

BENGHAZIGATE Scandal 9/11/2012   She Lied, Lied and Lied

Body bags, murders, suicides and accidental deaths follow Hillary Clinton even into 2014 as Americans remember her infamous statement that she accepted responsibility for the Benghazi tragedy – that didn’t mean “piddly poop.” 

Let it be noted that her performance under oath about Benghazi was a repeat of her testimony when her partner and long - time friend from Rose Law Firm, Vince Foster supposedly committed suicide.  It has been recorded that Hillary when being interrogated has used the “I don’t know or I don’t remember” testimony over 250 time. 

Gregory Hicks under oath said he talked personally to Hillary telling her the Consulate was under attack, which she already knew from Charlene Lamb who stated that she was following the attack saying under oath, "I could follow what was happening almost in real time."

So what happened next appears to be a well - planned and choreographed scheme by Obama, Clinton, Panetta, Carney, Rice and the Liberal News Media and others to insure that Barack Obama would be elected for a second term.  They started the scuttlebutt on the streets that the Benghazi attack came from a spontaneous protest caused by an anti-Muslim video on YouTube.

Hillary had the guts to stand beside the draped coffins of our brave Americans saying, “We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that, because it is senseless and totally unacceptable." 

She lied under oath, used the drummed up excuse about a video and closed the book on Benghazi while on the witness stand by yelling, “At this point, what difference does it make?”  It makes a big difference Hillary Clinton, but you slithered away as usual adding four more brave American men to your hit list.

In all likelihood before 2016 rolls around, there will be more murders, suicides and unexplained deaths of her business associates, bundlers and friends who know the really truth about Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

The World is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it...   Albert Einstein

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein


The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein


The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

Albert Einstein


As Always,

Little Tboca

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Poster Child of Socialism


We can all agree that Hillary Rodham Clinton is no stranger to murder, in fact murder, suicide and unexplained accidents follow this woman like the plague. Don’t forget Mary Mahoney, former White House intern  murdered just before she went public about sexual harassment in the White House by yours truly B. Clinton. 

Most of us remember the suicide story that was spun about Vince Foster, the former White House Councilor and colleague of Hillary R. Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm.  Hillary treated Vince’s death with the same nonchalance as the Benghazi murders.

 Vince’s personal information and documents disappeared, never to be seen again – the story goes that a courier had been given the dirty job of shredding any and all of Vince’s information so Vince’s joined the other Clintonian’s who supposedly committed suicide.

When the Arkansas Whitewater, drugs and drug trafficking hit the headlines, it was literally duck hunting season in Arkansas or should I say a bloody massacre of those connected to the Clintons... 

Below you will find a list from White House employee Linda Tripp given under oath to Judicial Watch chairman Larry Klayman in December, 1998.  The body bag count is totally unbelievable – but dead is dead and it’s obvious that those in the know were sent to the great beyond via murder, suicide and/or freakish accidents.

It’s probably not strange that Hillary Rodham Clinton under oath said, “What difference does it make” when referring to the murders of our four Americans in Benghazi.  Hillary Rodham Clinton not only has a massive amount of murders trailing her, but other major problems in her past political history that shows she isn’t above lying, threatening or coercing people who get in her way. 

Present day she lied under oath about Benghazi and immediately removed four mid-level White House officials in her office – you can be sure those four either accepted a pay off or have been threatened with their lives or family lives if they should ever testify against her.

  • Supposedly In 2008, Hillary had her “Bud” Jeffrey Thompson and Troy White (Marketing Executive) promote a shaky campaign in her behalf in Texas, Indiana and N. Carolina.  “A Search Of Federal Campaign Records Found No Evidence That Thompson Or White Disclosed The Alleged Expenditures Or Activities To The Federal Election Commission, As Required By Campaign Finance Laws.” (Ann E. Marimow and Philip Rucker, “D.C. Executive Linked To Secret 2008 Aid To Hillary Clinton,” The Washington Post, 9/11/13)


This woman is the face of Socialism and the shining Liberal star that George Soros has chosen to continue the socialist/progressive agenda. Like Obama she is a Saul ALinsky student and worshiper who represents the greatest threat in our history to the greatest Nation in the World. Obama a Soros puppet is paving the way for the most evil women in America’s history in a Government run amok.  Nothing has stopped this woman so far, not even murder – Americans will be the only ones who can save our Nation.

It doesn't take a majority to make a rebellion; it takes only a few determined leaders and a sound cause.
H. L. Mencken 

As Always,

Little Tboca

Next article or blog will continue vetting Hillary Clinton starting back in her college years and coming forward to 2014.

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Soros - The Liberal Agenda 2014


Josh Wolf, MoveOn's Director of Operations who usually works behind the scenes collecting money sent me an email which will serve as a sneak peak for what the Liberals have planned for 2014. 

Josh reminds me of a parrot begging for a cracker - his only reason for contacting me was money.  He asked me for a small donation because he claims MoveOn is a bit strapped for cash.

Anyone who would believe that sob story really must be out of touch with reality.  Josh's boss Soros has plenty of moolah and old Soros will throw millions of dollars to Liberals this coming year because he wants Hillary in the White House.

The email that I received this AM from Josh gave a brief run-down on the Liberal's plans for 2014.  Most of us know that Soros works behind the scenes directing the Liberal News Media and he's already making a move to put Hillary Clinton in the White House in 2016. 4063796900?profile=original

Soros knows that first he has to clean up Hillary's Benghazi problem so with the able assistance of NY Times he's trying to remove her liability for the murders of our four Americans in Benghazi.

The NY TImes is now trying to convince Americans that the Benghazi murders was not a terrorist attack and in no way is connected to ALQaeda. Ironically they're trying the Youtube video lie that the White House beat to death before Obama finally admitted that Benghazi was an orchestrated attack by terrorists.  

So be prepared to see about 30 Soros Liberal News venues marching to the same drum in a feeble attempt to distance Clinton from Benghazi. Their scheme won't work though, because Hillary knew the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack and she lost all credibility as Secretary of State when she said, "Who cares." The truth is this - you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear and this is one "s-- who reeks of corruption.

Next on the Soros agenda is fracking - they want to pass legislation that would stop fracking.  I wonder why - could it be that Obama and Soros have a small gold mine off the Atlantic Coast of Espirito Santo and Rio de Janeiro states called Petrobas.  Of course Obama denies any involvement, but several billion dollars of our money was used by Obama to dabble in this oil scheme with Soros.

According to Josh's email this AM, MoveOns projects for 2014 are etched in stone.  Josh asked me this question, "how many resources can we dedicate to helping MoveOn members win their own campaigns?" Gee, Josh don't ask me - ask Ole Soros's new Barbie Doll she probably already has one hand in his wallet and the other in a gold plated coffin.  

Politically they want to take back the House, keep the Senate and ditch Mitch McConnell - in fact Josh suggests that they need to hire enough staff to plan the game-changing elections strategy.  Wow, this would lead me to think voting machines are once again going to undergo a make over by Soros and gang.

Soros has many organizations like MoveOn and each have their marching orders for 2014. He has an army of dedicated gophers at his beck and call.  He's directed all of these organizations to support and defend Obamacare at all costs, so we have our work cut out for us. 

His greatest resource is the Liberal News Media and they already have their canned speeches.  Soros has established a Soros Media Empire (about 30 venues) - they're ready to attack the tea parties, Republicans and all Conservative organizations.  Soros is totally prepared to fund Democrats running for the Senate and House. Obama is just his puppet and will remain in his control until 2016 and probably well beyond.  

Until Conservatives, Tea Parties and Republicans get there act together nothing much will change 2014 - power comes from unity and unity certainly isn't our strong suit.  There must be common ground out there where we could unite and work together, but at this time it appears the "power" struggle has managed to fracture our dream to "Take Back Our Country."  Everyone has their own agenda and no one seems willing to join hands.  

As Always,

Little Tboca



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A Few Good Men & Women


It’s rather difficult to realize that the Old Democratic Party believed in the Jeffersonian Democracy – they believed in our Constitution, very limited executive authority, state’s rights and civil liberties. 

They realized that our economy would flourish with limited business and commerce regulations – they believed in very limited control of businesses and commerce.  Those were the good old days when some staunch Patriots weren’t afraid to stand up and fight the devil toe to toe. 

As time went on and our Nation suffered through the Great Depression and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, the Democrats did an absolute about face favoring big government taking control of businesses and a nanny state.  They became lax on the Constitution sort of taking on an attitude, “We’ll do as we please, thank you.”

Then we had the GOP (Grand Old Party) who believed in fiscal responsibility, also free enterprise and they did not like the welfare state idea at all.  They truly were a grand old party pretty much dominating the Democrats for 70 years plus until, like the Democrats they lost their way.  No longer were they public servants – they became political leeches.

The Grand Old Party eventually eroded leaving a bunch of misfits who concentrated on keeping their cushy positions in the White House while America was attacked from all sides by the Socialist, Communists and Liberals.

 GOP joined the politically correct crowd and turned their once strong party into a grasshopper elite club jumping from one side to the other without protecting our Nation and Americans – they are the " has beens" who talked a good talk, but didn’t walk the walk. 

Tis true that the Jefferson crowd and the Grand Old Party were made up of a few good men who believed in our Constitution, limited Executive control and limited regulations on businesses and commerce, but both parties self -destructed and  now America we have a big mess on our hands. 

History is repeating itself and in 2014 we have a few good men and some awesome women who believe in limited Government, secured borders, a budget, our Military, limited control of businesses and commerce along with our freedoms and rights as handed down to us by our forefathers in a roadmap called a Constitution.

The sad part of this story is this – these Patriots are being beaten up unmercifully by Democrats, the Old Republican establishment and the Liberal News media.  These brave men and women realize that our Nation is tottering on a weak foundation – they know that the Obama Administration with the able assistance of the Democrats, Old Republican establishment and Liberal News media have kept Americans divided and distracted for five years.

As I’ve said many times,  the war is on our turf, we must stand up and fight for our Nation and our children.  Let’s not leave a fallen Nation for our children, but a legacy that they can wrap their arms around and embrace with pride. 

Support these few brave men and women in their fight to “take back our country America.”  It’s time to restore our freedom, our families and put our Nation back as “One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for All.” 

Americans it’s up to us to support these Patriots, take back our Government and run our Country.  We’ve been AWOL for too many years and now it’s time to fight for the greatest Nation in the World – let’s be the Nation on the hill that all eyes are upon… 4063796326?profile=original

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Benghazi - Smoke Screen - Cover Ups & Murders


Will the Benghazi murders of our four brave American men ever be solved?  Probably not because the key players have snubbed their noses at Americans pretty much saying, “catch me if you can.”

Darrell Issa has fallen prey to Washington politics anyway you cut it.  This in no way means Darrell Issa has been a willing victim of our defunct judicial system, but it does mean that the Obama Administration has been protected by Obama’s Executive Privilege and Executive immunity.

Darrell Issa did his job and subpoenaed the correct information including telephone calls, emails and other communication sources, but the Obama Administration picked and chose what information would be given to Issa leaving out the pertinent information that would expose or connect him to the Benghazi murders. 

If Mr. Issa could have been privy to all telephone calls, emails and communications the night of the Benghazi massacre, there would be numerous people behind bars as we speak.  But this isn’t the way the Obama Administration works, they altered, changed and rewrote various communications concerning the night our 4 Americans were killed leaving Mr. Issa with nothing but his hat. 

Hang with me and see what has happened to the “key players” in the Benghazi investigation.  It’s hard to believe but it appears that Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary of state for international programs was the only one on duty at the White House on 9/11/12 – Charlene testified that she watched the Benghazi atrocity in real time.

Obama and Hillary took care of Charlene and placed her on Administrated leave in December 2112 – so one of the key players was removed by Obama and put out of action. * Note at the same time Lamb was hog tied, Hillary swept her office clean removing four midlevel officials who probably could have fingered Hillary, Panetta and Obama.

Next came good old Hillary who stalled when first subpoenaed, because she was banging her head (or something like that), partying and wine testing.   Hillary was definitely the white whale of the entire investigation but she pulled off her testimony under oath with the usual Clinton strategy, lying a lot, yelling and finishing by saying, “What difference does it make?”  Hillary is doing a dress rehearsal for “Clinton” for President as we speak.

Then we have good ole Panetta who managed to step in the Benghazi Gate crap up to his elbows, but somehow slithered away without a scratch.  He testified that the President was pre-occupied and not really interested or engaged in the real time murders were occurring right before his eyes. 

Panetta let Hillary off the hook too saying during all this time our Embassy was under attack; there wasn’t any communication with Hillary Clinton.  He gave Obama and Hillary a clean bill of health by saying, “Don’t ask and I won’t tell.”  Panetta was their guinea pig or Judas goat!

There are many more players who have been shut down by the Obama Administration such as Clapper, Dempsey, Carney, Rice, Petraeus, Pickering, Mullen. Liberal News media and many, many more.  Obama and his Administration have gagged and pretty much hand tied all of these players at this time. 

Over a year since the Benghazi attack and it appears that Darrell Issa has one more investigation that will be silently swept under the rug leaving Americans and the families of the four men nothing but heartache. 

So far Obama appears to have all bases covered in the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation, NSA, IRS, Benghazi and Obamacare – but before 2016 rolls around there will be some brave American Patriot who will honor his or her duty to their Country and fellow Americans – they will take Obama and his Administration down.  It’s only a matter of time and I truly believe in “What goes around comes around.” 

For all Americans it’s important to realize that we’re under the control of a dictator who will stop at nothing including murder as he continues his attack on our Nation.


As Always,

Little Tboca  

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Been Duped Again - Obama


Well, Christmas Day is a day of celebration for some – welcoming the Christ Child into our humble abodes.  Others deny the birth of Jesus denying  themselves of the greatest gift ever given to mankind (eternal life.)  Still there are millions who celebrates Christmas around the “Jolly Plump” man never once giving a thought to how they will pay off all the charge cards they’ve maxed out.  Regardless of how Americans opt to celebrate December 25th, there is one constant (ACA) that remains one of our worst fears as we close 2013 and prepare for a New Year.

Forbes is usually pretty dependable on their news reporting, but today I read a brief on Forbes about Obama care that pretty much resembles scrambled “mush.”  Bruce Japsen, contributor for Forbes wrote in his article the had received 2 million site visits and 250,000 of those visitors were rushing to complete their applications whatever that might mean

At first glance, one would believe that Obamacare was running full steam ahead without any glitches.  But, there’s more to this story and Obama’s gophers keep burying the truth in hopes that success will be just around the corner.  The only real question should be this – how many of our young generation have signed up for Obamacare?  My guess is very, very few!

According to Bruce, the Obama Administration is determined to meet the 7 million by March 1, 2014 and there is where the “Sh—t” will hit the fan.  It wouldn’t matter if they exceeded the 7 million mark if the youth don’t sign up for Obama’s plan.  Just because 1.9 (according to Sebelius) have completed the eligibility process doesn’t mean tiddly poop. So far those 1.9 haven’t chosen any plan so they could pretty much be put into a drive by status meaning they split without choosing or paying for any plan.

803,000 were eligible for some type Medicaid plan – so we’re basically right back to October 1, 2013 with only a handful of takers.  Obama is trying to sell a “pig in a poke” and keeps extending the deadline and payment date for those consumers who are desperate.

2014 will darn sure start out with a bang for Americans – there will be those who lie about needing a subsidy, those who can’t afford the co pay or deductibles and millions more who will find themselves totally uninsured.  Most of those who are insured have lost their primary care physician, hospital and insurer.

We’re heading for a one payer system that will pretty much be in the bag if Obama isn’t stopped prior to December 2014.  In addition to the millions who lost their insurers in 2013, millions more will lose their employer insurance because businesses won’t be able to afford ACA meaning employees hours will be cut back to reduce the cost of employer insurance.

Millions more will drop ACA due to the high co pays and deductibles in 2014.   Obama knew all of this in 2010 and has strategically placed us at the mercy of a Government controlled healthcare plan knowing from the gecko that probably 70 to 80 million or more will be subsidized by the Government.

We’ve just been duped by the Obama Administration one more time for billions already spent on ACA – taxpayer’s money gone forever just like our stimulus package.  Will Obama spend trillions more the next three years to continue his “redistribution” scheme?  Will ACA be repealed and if so what will the the costs and repercussions be to initiate some semblance of normality to our healthcare system? 

Will Obama, Democrats and Republicans be held responsible for NSA, IRS, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, financing the Muslim Brotherhood or will Americans remain at the mercy of big Government for the next three years?


As Always,

Little Tboca

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DEMS Losing Ship, Party and Credibility


                                                             Crooks and Co - Conspirators

The Democrats ushered an unknown into their party in 2009 – they were so smug and thrilled to put the first African American into the President’s shoes.  They gloated, bragged and helped him spend 787 billion dollars that belonged to the American people with the promise of the most transparent Government in our history, smaller Government, secured borders and jobs, jobs and more jobs.

None of the above happened, but the real albatross around their party’s neck is ACA (aka Obamacare.)  In order to get this monstrosity passed Obama and Pelosi coerced many Democrats into voting for this new healthcare law.  The bill Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

DEMS along with the Liberal News media joined Obama and marched to his drum proclaiming healthcare for all, lower premiums, keep your Insurer and your doc.  They glazed over the taxes stashed in Obamacare, the death panel and wasted 3 years selling a snake oil salesman’s sleazy product. 

Their problem goes much deeper than a dilapidated ill functioning website – the real problem is their honesty and credibility.  As Sebelious, Obama and Jarrett keep adding a new band aid each day to ACA - the healthcare problems keep intensifying.  Democrats are responsible for allowing Obama to continue this political non-sense and as each day passes the real problems are starting to show their fangs.

The Medical field is stepping up to the plate and telling Americans that doctors are leaving the medical field due to Obamacare, that healthcare will be limited for consumer and some will not be able to receive the care and drugs that they need.  In fact some Americans who have terminal illnesses have lost their physicians, their hospital and their insurance.  This is more than a small glitch – this is a train wreck that’s happening as we speak.

The consumers are angry losing their Insurer, doc and they’re irate that during this severe recession they now owe higher co pays and deductibles. The young people that Obama, Sebelious and Jarrett were counting on aren’t stupid.

Many of them are college graduates without employment and the others are relatively healthy and basically take the stance that they’ve had enough burdens placed on their shoulders with runaway Government spending and mismanagement. 

They know that all of the current problems will trickle down to them - they will be the ones in the end that are left to pick up the pieces.  Why should they along with healthcare insurers be the ones to take the hit for Obama’s lies and lousy healthcare laws?

In 2014 businesses aren’t going to sit around and wait for the 2014 Elections – they will be downsizing, many refusing to pay insurance for employees and thousands of full time employees will have their hours slashed to part-time. 

So to those Democrats still trying to sell Obamacare to Americans, they’re about to get the shock of their life. Barack Obama used and abused his party – now they’re between a rock and a hard place.  If they stop Obamacare the Democrats will take a major hit.  If they continue trying to force Obamacare down Americans throat it’s likely that the Democratic Party will be dissolved before 2016 rolls around.

Obama care is up close and personal and will affect all Americans.  Obamacare isn’t a train wreck about to happen it’s a sinking ship that keeps sinking deeper into the abyss. 

As Always,

Little Tboca4063792493?profile=original

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DEMS Clinging to Sinking Ship


The Democrats ushered an unknown into their party in 2009 – they were so smug and thrilled to put the first African American into the President’s shoes.  They gloated, bragged and helped him spend 787 billion dollars that belonged to the American people with the promise of the most transparent Government in our history, smaller Government, secured borders and jobs, jobs and more jobs.

None of the above happened, but the real albatross around their party’s neck is ACA (aka Obamacare.)  In order to get this monstrosity passed Obama and Pelosi coerced many Democrats into voting for this new healthcare law.  The bill Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

DEMS along with the Liberal News media joined Obama and marched to his drum proclaiming healthcare for all, lower premiums, keep your Insurer and your doc.  They glazed over the taxes stashed in Obamacare, the death panel and wasted 3 years selling a snake oil salesman’s sleazy product. 

Their problem goes much deeper than a dilapidated ill functioning website – the real problem is their honesty and credibility.  As Sebelious, Obama and Jarrett keep adding a new band aid each day to ACA - the healthcare problems keep intensifying.  Democrats are responsible for allowing Obama to continue this political non-sense and as each day passes the real problems are starting to show their fangs.

The Medical field is stepping up to the plate and telling Americans that doctors are leaving the medical field due to Obamacare, that healthcare will be limited for consumer and some will not be able to receive the care and drugs that they need.  In fact some Americans who have terminal illnesses have lost their physicians, their hospital and their insurance.  This is more than a small glitch – this is a train wreck that’s happening as we speak.

The consumers are angry losing their Insurer, doc and they’re irate that during this severe recession they now owe higher co pays and deductibles. The young people that Obama, Sebelious and Jarrett were counting on aren’t stupid.

Many of them are college graduates without employment and the others are relatively healthy and basically take the stance that they’ve had enough burdens placed on their shoulders with runaway Government spending and mismanagement. 

They know that all of the current problems will trickle down to them - they will be the ones in the end that are left to pick up the pieces.  Why should they along with healthcare insurers be the ones to take the hit for Obama’s lies and lousy healthcare laws?

In 2014 businesses aren’t going to sit around and wait for the 2014 Elections – they will be downsizing, many refusing to pay insurance for employees and thousands of full time employees will have their hours slashed to part-time. 

So to those Democrats still trying to sell Obamacare to Americans, they’re about to get the shock of their life. Barack Obama used and abused his party – now they’re between a rock and a hard place.  If they stop Obamacare the Democrats will take a major hit.  If they continue trying to force Obamacare down Americans throat it’s likely that the Democratic Party will be dissolved before 2016 rolls around.

Obama care is up close and personal and will affect all Americans.  Obamacare isn’t a train wreck about to happen it’s a sinking ship that keeps sinking deeper into the abyss. 

As Always,

Little Tboca4063792119?profile=original




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Time to "Take Back Our Country America"



The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

 I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the
government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

Let’s quit talking and become aggressive and active – let’s take back our Country. First we have to do some homework, but the good thing is you can do it in the comfort of your home without NSA snooping.

In ten minutes I located some website that we can all use, but first let’s coordinate and get a great message ready before we start this job.  Who is holding up there hand out there????  We need to locate every Obama website, every Democrat and Republican website and form a list for all tea party members Nation wide.  The worst thing can happen is they remove us from their email list but the comments on facebook and twitter could drive them  crazy if we all started using their sites.

PS> The Fight to take back our Country is just beginning.  Need to contact Rush, Mark, Hannity, Greta, Kelly, even old O’Reilly and get them to work with us by posting our messages alive on National TV

Let’s start with encouraging the Senate not to pass the budget!  We have two days to work on this one if everyone will take time to do it and ask other tea parties to participate.    twitter site for ACA   Facebook Website     Another Facebook website  CREATE  A PETITION TO THE White House to defund Obamacare -  need som eon e  to create the petition and than we can go on from there…  We can all sign this petition once it’s created.  at the bottom you will see guide to emails, phone and place for  Very important to start using this daily if possible.   go to contact and use Keith Koffler’s snail mail

For those who use Facebook go here and give them a serious nudge.  

Another Facebook site for Liberal Democrats – go for it.


For those that use Twitter – have at it    Try the Senate Democrats on Twitter (enjoy)

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Obama Attacks Our DOCS


Ben Carson: If we don’t stop Obamacare, we’ll end up with a single-payer system.  Dr. Carson goes one step further and compares Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) to slavery saying, “It’s the worst thing since slavery.  Dr. Carson says that Obamacare is just paving the pathway allowing our Government to take over American Healthcare. 

Obama started Obamacare with the idea of attacking Insurers, Physicians, Surgeons and the entire medical field.  His strategy was to place Americans in such a comprising position that they had to depend on the Government. This is happening already as the few that are signing up for the healthcare program find themselves totally dependent on the Government.  

Jane Orient, a physician in Tucson, Ariz., is executive director of American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is profoundly against the Obamacare albatross.  She says,
“"Coercion, central planning, socialism if you will does not work. It kills the incentive to work.”

“It misallocates all of the resources so that everybody is worse off than they would have been if they had just allowed free men and women to make their own decisions," she said. "The remedy is for patients and physicians to decline to participate in the system, go for a true free-market alternative."

She said, “that the federal government could eventually "outlaw private practice, just like they did in Canada." Those are the stakes in the eyes of AAPS.“  Many more physicians are closing their doors and discontinuing their practice due to Obamacare. TPM DC – Dylan Scott,  Dec. 6, 2013

Remember Obama is a strategist and expected many professionals in the medical field to drop out of healthcare – that just puts him one step closer to a Government controlled healthcare system, which goes arm in arm with rationing the next step that is surely coming and or the “Death Panel” that Sarah Palin referred when she discussed the problems with Obamacare.

Here’s some statistics we need to address before Obamacare destroys more jobs, sabotages, our economy, medical field and our seniors or those with pre-existing illnesses. California’s largest medical association found in a recent survey that some 7 out of 10 doctors in California had decided not to participate in the state’s Obamacare exchange.

Many of the top hospitals are rebelling and refusing to participate with the Obamacare exchange. It is estimated that about 70 per cent of the doctors in the USA aren’t going to participate with this Government controlled healthcare program that is being imposed on patients, physicians, clinics and hospitals.

Steven Hayward a Forbes contributor predicts that way before the 2014 elections, Obamacare will be repealed probably from the endangered Democrats. He stated in an article that even if the Obamacare website receives the necessary band aids to fix it temporarily it only delays the inevitable.

It’s obvious that Obama, Democrats and the Liberal News Media know by now that Obamacare is doomed and beyond salvaging. Their strategy is to continue this fiasco – they want to turn our healthcare into a single payer system?  


In the meantime, Obama and the Democrats are destroying our economy and weakening our Nation. Don’t forget that Obama has a slush fund that allows him to spend whatever he wants as long it’s under the Obamacare guise. This slush fund is good thru 2014 and ends in 2015. 

Ask your Senators to tell you daily how much is being spent on the promotion of Obama care and repair of a faulty website.  I’ll bet there’s not one Republican or Democrat that can give you accurate figures – that should tell you something. 

As Always,

Little Tboca


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Humpty Dumpty and the Health Fairy


While all eyes are locked on the Obamacare debacle - Obama is laughing behind closed doors at the citizens of the USA.  He really doesn’t care if Obamacare is successful or not – it’s a good excuse and a shadowed venue that allows him to keep draining our money pot.  His original idea on healthcare was a single payer system of course under the watchful greedy eyes of Big Daddy Government. 

Obama knows that Obamacare will never really get off the ground, but he also knows that he can corrupt the healthcare environment by attacking primary care physicians, surgeons, hospitals and some of the best clinics in the World. 

By the time Obama’s done billions of tax payer’s money will be squandered and the medical field will be in need of major surgery.  Doctors already are leaving their profession and going into other fields that offer more security and a reasonable livelihood. 

Millions of people have had their healthcare providers stripped from them.  Many families with children are already struggling to keep food on the table and to pay bills and now they’re slapped in the face with these bootleg healthcare options with deductibles that many can’t afford.  They have lost their health insurance along with their doctors, their hospitals and their surgeons. 

Obama knew at the time the PPACA was signed that this was merely a domino game allowing the Government to take control of our healthcare.  He also knew that Healthcare Insurers would be at his mercy as time goes on – right now he’s pretty much got them by the seat of their pants.  The Insurers must do whatever it takes to stay afloat and they will bow to the Obama God before it’s all over.

Does anyone really believe the story that the youth would flock to the Obamacare website and sign up?  Obama isn’t stupid he knew the young Americans wouldn’t be able to afford the insurance.  He also knew that there would not be any part of the American sector that could step up to the plate and pay for those who didn’t have insurance, the elderly or the ones with pre-existing illnesses. 

The broken down website may not have been a part of the strategy, but it very likely was because the longer it was broken the easier it will be for the Government to step in and control our healthcare. 

Obama sold the Obamacare package strictly on a pack of lies and the Liberal News Media as usual helped him make the sale.  He knew Americans wouldn’t be able to keep the insurance, their doctors, their hospitals – he knew that families wouldn’t save 2500 per year for healthcare.  He knew that millions, very soon billions of taxpayer’s money would be used, because he managed to keep everyone distracted and off guard.  He knew that some consumers would pay the increased expense and he knew the cost of drugs would increase sharply. 

Some interesting statistics.

  1. Bloomberg Government analyst Peter Gosselin says over 1 billion spent in contractor awards.
  2. ACA website according to Joe Barton (R) Texas warns Americans about the privacy problem.  He said,   “We're telling every American if you sign up for this, or you even attempt to sign up, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.”
  3. How much will it cost to fix the dilapidated website – no one knows the real answer to that question, but many feel it may cost billions before it is completely up and running. (If ever)
  4. It’s estimated that 17 to 20 million people may get subsidies – guess who will end up footing this bill?
  5. How much of our money is Obama spending to advertise Obamacare?  We’ll never know the exact amount, but a billion or two probably will be close.

Wrapping this up there are two big events about to happen in 2014.  Obama and Obamacare are a parallel to the children’s nursery rhyme “Humpty Dumpty.” Obama and Obamacare will come toppling down in 2014 and the Democrats and Liberal News Media will not be able to put “Humpty Dumpty” back together again.

Before the demise of Obamacare, millions more will end up uninsured because business will start dropping coverage for employees before the 2014 Election.  So who will be around to get healthcare back in place – do the Republicans have a back - up plan that is feasible?  What will happen to the millions who have health  insurance for the first time? 

According to Freedom Works, House Republicans have uncovered, tucked away in Section 1311(a) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), an UNLIMITED Obamacare implementation slush fund.

It’s an open tap on the US Treasury and this little gem was discovered by Representative Fred Upton (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee – it can be used for anything the President wants to spend taxpayer money on, under the guise of "activities related to establishing" Obamacare health benefit exchanges. 

So if Freedom Works is correct, Obama and Kathleen Sebelius can merrily continue with the “redistribution” Obama’s real baby.  No one at home again in the White House – Republicans always seem to be a day late and a dollar short.  There are no stewards watching out for American’s money!

As Always,

Little Tboca

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