Marc Llyod's Posts (2)

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My hero Joe Arpaio has his posse doing some leg work that sets out to prove Obama's birth certificate is a fake. It gives us another reason to hate Obama but this whole birther issue is a distraction and a way that we can tie up time, resources and $$$ and the liberals don't have to do anything.

I suggest we dedicate our focus on maintaining the House and winning majority in the Senate. It is Congress who spends the money, Congress who makes the laws.

I won't suggest we abandon the presidency like the traitors at, I'm only saying that we need to have focus and this birther issue is not going to win us the Presidency or more seats in congress.

Let's first assume that the long form is indeed a forgery:

Obama's lawyers can tie this up for years and years. He will be long forgotten and completely irrelevant by the time this ever gets to a court. There are lines of experts who will testify that the document is legitimate and only a few 'experts' who will claim it is false. It will result in nothing but more questions and no solid results. Remember I'm not talking about justice I'm talking about focus.

Now lets assume that the document is legit:

We spend all this time, money and manpower to embarrass and discredit our cause. The reason you don't hear any defense is because we are doing a great job destroying our already fragile position in the political spotlight. It wouldn't surprise me if the long form document was intentionally made to look odd just to distract us.

What we have to gain from this goose chase is so little compared to what we have to lose. Will Trump ever be able to recover from the embarrassment he suffered? He will never be more than a reality show subject. Any hope of being a national political figure with any credibility has gone out the door and it was by his own hand. Our precious Tea Party should not engage in risky, low payoff endeavors. Let's put our focus and our money on topics that will produce results.

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Low turnout concerns Tea Party

Am I the only one REALLY concerned about the low turnout in Tuesdays primaries/caucuses? I fear this scenario:

Obama gets his blind following 40%

Santorum/Romney get conservative bloc 40%

Obama gets 5% of remaining as a "hold my nose vote"

The other 15% don't show up.

Is there anything new to say about Obummer?  that 15% will get pretty tired of the same ol' same ol' and just won't show up.

I sure hope there are messages of optimism cause I do believe that "he who flings mud, loses ground"

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