Joseph Pastoriza's Posts (18)

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School education

I have two issues I want to mention. The first is that right now there are 16 Blue states that want to change the voting system from the very wise electoral college vote to the popular vote system. They're using something called Article II, Section I of the Constitution. They say it gives a combination of states whose electoral votes total 270--the number needed to win-'power to change its electoral votes from the candidate the people voted for to the candidate who got the most popular vote. I haven't looked further into that Yet but that is totally anti-electoral that the Founders wanted and it takes away the people's vote leaving only a minute number of people to elect the president. That's treason. Secondly, govt schools are now teaching kids that the American Revolution was to maintain slavery that means our freedoms the Constitution iterated were just s rude and dont exist. Both of these liberal moves Must be stopped or they will surface to cause a great deal more chaos, division and potentially more serious problems.

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More Info ON McCain

I just found out several things after my last posting (yesterday.) Firstly, the reason McCain was shot down was because he was flying low, hotdogging in the jet the people paid for. I believe that he even disobeyed orders doing that. Secondly, he should have been court-martialled for a stunt he pulled in his plane on the carrier when he tried to do a "wet-start" between some planes that caused a fire and two of his unexploded to fall on the deck then explode because of the fire. That caused 134 sailors to die. He was pardoned by Nixon and 32 other former POWs were pardoned for other offenses. Just to add a little more insight about this man.

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McCain's No Vote on Healthcare

I used to think that McCain was a hero due to his military service but  after  hearing other things to the contrary I must remain in the middle of that judgement. However, if his vote on the healthcare bill was base primarily on his personal feeling towards Trump makes it very clear that he was very wrong on that and leads me more to believe that he was not a hero. We all know that Trump is a Very non-conventional politician. All politicians have their pros and cons but Trump's inexperience in this arena including protocol and countenance is understandably more egregious than others' because it's was his first run. The results of his inexperience is most likely what have set many republicans against him. However, to people on the right, they should be aware that what they do not like him for is Precisely what enabled him to beat Hillary which was their ultimate goal. Some people claim that McCain voted against the bill to hurt Trump's standing not just now but for the next election because of the insults that Trump made about him during the campaign. Even though we cannot be sure of the reason(s) giving that theory some consideration, it seems to be a reasonable possibility. In any event, with an issue such as healthcare the only considerations - as with all issues - should be the outcome of the passage. If McCain did put his personal feeling above the healthcare of the now present 320 million people - aside from the millions more to follow - there is no doubt that he does not come close to being on the level of a hero. 

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Sharia on Sesame Street

When anyone - in this case Sesame Street - wants to introduce Sharia Law into any part of the government they have No Concept of what they have here due to Liberalism being taught in schools beginning in the first grade for 53 years. It's a Miracle the US still is what it is.

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A Muslim Brotherhood-backed Governor?

It could be in the future of this country - God forbid. His name is Abdul el-Sayed. He's a 32 year old medical doctor with links to the American Muslim Brotherhood who just began his campaign for governor of Michigan, the election for which will be in November 2018. That would make him the first US Muslim governor. He speaks very well with no accent and is very well polished in the mannerisms, countenance, and all the "inclusiveness and diversity" which has been taken to a degree that destroys "individualism" which in turn will destroy our sovereignty and nation. He has the same far left ideology with, of course, the same "oneness feel good" destructive jargon that draws the very naive leftists in like magnets. However, very much unlike Obama, he has some accomplishments such as being health director for the city of Detroit and other similar good deeds in the health field. He said that he is running "because of the values my Islam teaches me." That he says includes all the values that everyone says - being respectful and doing good for others and human rights that's not always - to say the least - in compliance with the Koran.  It's the usual rhetoric. In the end, no matter what angle you come in from Islam and the US founding principles that are based on the Bible are Incompatible and will not change. I believe in heading off a problem before it starts. As the adage says "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." And that will save many pounds of cure - to say the least. That is why I'm making this known now and hope it is passed on as much as possible. We don't need another Obama. God forbid.

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Sheriff Clarke's 2017 CPAC Speech.

This is what kids used to be taught in schools When it began to be omitted little by little in gov't/liberal schools problems. I consider Clarke's speech to be somewhere between the Constitution and The Gettysburg Address because of its content. This was the basic principles of this country's foundation. I heard most of the beginning of it for now but everyone should definitely hear all of it expecially dthe children in school.

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DNC Despicable As Usual

Even though I virtually can not watch or listen to anything from the left because of all the Many kinds of lies and hypocritical slander they profess I Must watch the highlights - on Fox of course - of the DNC to see how the right should counter them. I saw part of what those Arab or Muslim - whatever the right word is - parents who had their army captain son killed in duty said. That is one of the most perfect examples of the use of manipulation of ideas by the left to misdirect peoples' good intentions and emotions to Strongly rule their thinking in favor of the left against the right. Of course everyone is very sorry about their son's death Including Donald Trump who wants to greatly strengthen the military and help the vets unlike what has been happening the last 7 1/2 years under the Obama Administration. The foundation of the left that they Must use all the time is Emotion. To go by the truth would just expose that they just want to rule. They use the very deep sorrow of the of the parents to exploit their Fantasy World of just keep letting people in Without knowing who they are and we will all live happily ever after. They do not and would not do that on their own property that leaves only two reasons why they would do that to the country. They are either that insane to see that's not happening and will not happen or they know it will not happen which only leaves one ubiquitous conclusion. The left - as usual - twisted those parents' minds through emotion - a very powerful instrument -that caused them to say that Trump hasn't given or contributed anything to this country. All of us has a "calling" in life and even though I'm not pleased with everything about Trump and he was given a good start his career or "calling" has been to build which takes more than meets the eye including in other countries. About giving his copy of the Constitution to Trump - give it to Hillary Clinton who put very highly classified information on an unsecured server that she knew could Easily be hacked into, has excuses for not sending US troops to Benghazi to save Americans and told the parents of those brave that one or more brave American who gave their lives in Benghazi right in from of them while their son's flagged draped coffin was being wheeled out in front of them that it was a video that caused the attack when the night before she told her daughter it was a terrorist attack. She is the one who should get the copy of the Constitution besides Mr. Fundamentally Transform who's leaving  office in six months-thank God.

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Was Comey Intimidated?

Don't tell anybody know or they'll try to pass $3 bills onto you. Bill Clinton met with Lynch several days before that. Lynch and both Clintons are on the left and she's the only candidate they have for president. Furthermore, the facts that Comey put out lead everybody step by step by common sense - that nothing contradicts - to say that she's guilty of crimes. Someone in a Very high position had to do something to make him take another course of action and say what he said after that. That's why Comey didn't take any questions after the short speech. I Hillary gets elected this country is down for the count of 9+. May God bless America.

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Free Speech at Trump Rally?

Of course. Free speech isn't just free when someone(s) likes it. If that were true it wouldn't be free. There was a young guy at the Trump rally last night who said that it's not free if it's hate speech. That's wrong for two reasons. Firstly, agreeing with or liking it doesn't make it free. That comes from our Creator and only our Creator. Secondly, they have been taught to identify - by their mentors the left of course - anything that disagrees with someone in a minority group Only on the left - not the right - with racism. So it wouldn't make any difference what the disagreement is. Furthermore, once silencing of speech starts the ball will just keep rolling. A good example is "Attorney General" Loretta Lynch has asked the FBI to prosecute anyone who says that " climate change" that use to be called "global warming" isn't real. Some early steps on Facism. It must be watched very very closely.   

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Trump in the General Election

Whatever you think of him it now appears that Donald Trump is going to win the nomination especially after last night's resounding victory in Nevada. This is just to iterate that the - always fair and never hypocritical left -  is already digging up whatever they can on his financial dealings and personal life that may include an illegitimate child. Without knowing how true or untrue the info the left has may be - that we'll have to judge for ourselves - I believe that we should really buckle our seat belts especially just from what we have seen from the primaries because this is going to be a very long and vitriolic several months until the General Election.

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Judge Scalia's Death-Natural Causes?

People who believe that most or all events are conspiracies are just as naive and unrealistic as those people who believe that there are no or very few conspiracies. The opening blog by Michael Savage says it all. When one side - usually the left - says that the right - that appears to be changing - doesn't want Obama to nominate a judge is doing it because of of politics - because the nominee will be somebody who is diametrically the opposite of them - is 100% correct. However, when they know that both sides do it and don't say that they are being hipocrates. I can't tell people how to defend their rights but in the last one or two debates I heard Sen. Rubio and Gov. Christie put something in the best way I could think of. They were both talking about the Second Admendment when Rubio said it "is not an option." And Chrisite said they didn't put the Second Admendment second for no reason.  The people who survived the Holocost and the people who come here from formerly Soviet blocked eastern European countries tell the people here "you ae going down the same road we went down." Some of them even say they might go back to where they came from because this country is going to be the same soon. When you don't know what you have you will lose it. 

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Tump Missing Debate

At first it was said that Trump was going to boycott the debate tonight cause of the question Megan Kelley ask him about 5 months ago. It was a fair question about what he said that was derogatory about women. Then Trump said he was going to boycott it because of what Fox News said about him in some kind of post. It was a negative post but we and especially the president can't take their emotions with them into any kind of a decision. They must learn how to work around or with them.

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Sharia Law Spreading Like Wildfire

In regards to William F. Finley's topic of "Creeping Sharia" what we saw last week in England was a Very Very Sad disgrace. Their Parliament were discussing banning Donald Trump from England for stating the very logical truth about banning Muslims from entering the U.S.  that people two generations ago and most people including those in the Parliament would say today about their own property without question. Somebody should ask those Brits where they would be today if it weren't for Churchill? I don't want to think about it. He warned what was happening and going to happen but Chamberlain just ignored it. Can they or anyone stand on the border and point out who the terrorists are?  It started with one no-go zone in the UK some time ago -don't know the year that's irrelevant - and now there are many more and they tell the police not to go in what they think and is effectively their property and the police comply as well they do when the Muslims tell them not to wear their uniforms. What did their grandparents work for? The evil of liberalism can be seen again when they either teach people to identify disagreeing - especially if it's the truth - with someone of another ethnicity, race or religion which radical Islam is not because it's not a valid religion with racism or they don't teach them their history. I recently heard from a reliable source that London is like a little Arab town and it's "lost" which is debatable. The mayor of Paris lied to the French people a short time ago when she said that there are no no-go zones in France. You would think that those countries would have learned the lessons of the 1940's. If they had they would have been passed down and there wouldn't be one no-go zone in either of those countries. What a shame that there's more denial. The future does not look very bright there or even here for what may be no-go zones here and for many other reasons. God help the world!     

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Poetic Justice for Hollwood and the Left

The left and Hollywood have been hurling lies at the right for a long time - such as "racist" and "offending" without proof that makes them slanderous, hippocritical racists - but finally now and not too soon by any means they're coming back to them. They're getting their own medicine back. To the best of my recollection this tactic of diversity came from the left in the 1980's when one of their policies was proven to be wrong. Since they never admit they're wrong the left had to come up with something to try to continue it anyway. So, they came up with this idea "diversity." It has an advantage but it means quotas. Once it enters a topic or subject it means that according to someone's criteria there has to be a certain number of the people and/or things in the subject or there is some kind of unfairness or discrimination. The people who use that tactic say we are suppose to judge by our ability and "content of character" but they contradict each other. Now, finally, the chickens asre coming home to roost.

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Diversity: Another LIberal Ruse

To the best of my recollection the idea of using diversity as a political tool began - I know  by the left - in the 1980's when one of their policies with someone or something was proven to be wrong. That left them with the option to admit that they were wrong or come up with some kind of excuse to push it through. And of course they took the latter. If diversity is used as a criteria in anything it's setting quotas that is discrimination. I don't know if there is discrimination in the Oscars and if there is it should be stopped. However, it could be just being used by a race baiter(s) to cause another problem to tear this country a part. 

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US Sailors Surrendering.

Iran broke protocol the other day when they boarded two US naval vessels at gun point. For whatever reason those ships were in Iranian waters - if they were - the Iranians should have asked why they were there and if they needed any help. Some people would say that what they did was an act of war and maybe it was but in any event they should not have been allowed to board. If that means using physical force to prevent it then that's what it means. US Sailors Surrendering.

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US Sailors Surrendering.

Iran broke protocol the other day when they boarded two US naval vessels at gun point. For whatever reason those ships were in Iranian waters - if they were - the Iranians should have asked why they were there and if they needed any help. Some people would say that what they did was an act of war and maybe it was but in any event they should not have been allowed to board. If that means using physical force to prevent it then that's what it means. US Sailors Surrendering.

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