Joe Sanchez's Posts (2)

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Racism To Day In America

In my opinion the ovomit administration has been responsible for setting the country back more then 100 years with regards to racism, by there actions ovomit and holdit have now succeeded to put such a bad taste in everyone,s mouth,that i honestly believe that all people black,white brown or whatever will never trust anyone of color.The backlash that has been created may take another 500 years to resolve due to the damage that has been created.

If it were an issue or issues of just job performance or the lack there of we would not have all the division that we have,once again here in America,some may disagree with me,but i think i,m more right then wrong on this issue.Using the race card has got to stop or groups like the back panthers will continue there defiant acts.Deep wounds take a second to inflict and much,much longer to heal.

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A Sick Mayor in El Paso

What is happening should not come as a surprise to anyone,since i was a snot nosed little spanish kid throwing rocks at cars going by off of Sierra Madre street just of Hondo Pass,people have always wanted to keep us in our place,don,t question anything just do as your told.School was a joke,if you excelled you got all the attention and that,s the way it has been,until i chose to cross that invisible plain no longer accepting white mans laws but questioning everything,as i moved on i noticed i wasn,t alone there were many more like me fighting to get out.So rather then end up in prison i wen to serve my country and a new set of rules ensued trying to push me back,but i was not going to look back-The problem today is those who have tried to keep us on the welfare lines and asking for hand outs can no longer keep us quiet,so i encourage the people of El Paso(i do not live there now) defy the mayors order and circulate a or the petition for signatures to have your will and the will of the people respected and demand your rights as Americans,it,s your community not his,your religious convictions are stronger then any-please people of El Paso TX stand up for what is right and tell mayor cook where he can go.J.G. Sanchez My reply in Western Journalism

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