Carl A. Koch's Posts (2)

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Illegals DEMAND we roll over!

Excuse ME! You are in my country illegally. You or your parents came accross our southern borber on the sly and evaded border control. And now you DEMAND we reward you for your lawlessness by making you and others like you citizens? You want all the benefits of citizenship bestowed upon you with no skin in the game. Hey, we don't go to the armpit of the world you came from and make demands. You had best sit down, shut up and prepare for the gathering storm. The country (citizens) are sick and tired of the progressives giving away our country and our wealth to anyone with their hand out. We are sick and tired of listening to you criminals (by definition) whine and snivel about how badly you are treated. If you tried this crap anywhere else in the world you would be in jail or dead. Count your blessings we don't execute invaders in todays world. Maybe it's time we started considering rounding up all the illeagls we can find. Put them in detention centers and put them to work making license plates, or lawnmowers or whatever until they pay the debt they have run up at our expense. No more free rides. And please don't give me any crap about how you work and pay taxes and contribute to the American dream. So did the real American you displaced with your low wages and no skills. It isn't Americans that are lowering our standard of living. It is the endless influx of illiterate, poorly trained, sexually prolific bodies from down under the equator. It's bad enough that you are here costing me and mine our hard earned wealth. It's bad enought we have to support you and all you relatives in Mey-hee-co. Now you have the nerve to DEMAND MORE! Keep pushing. You will get results. It just won't be what you expected. And ... you probably won't like it very much.


I grew up as an army brat. I hung out with all ethnic groups and we didn't make much of it. However, after several years of your BS and having my nose rubbed in the crap you spew for the media, you have done what I thought never could be done. You have turned me against a whole group of folks that otherwise I would have welcomed. You remind me of another shrill, aggressive in-your-face group that runs around with a rainbow emblem. Live your life. In your country .. not mine. Knock on the door instead of sneaking in with the cat and maybe I'll be disposed to let you stay.


To all the folks who waited and did it the right way... thank you and welcome to my world.

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Impeach My ****

All I hear is IMPEACH OBAMA! Do all you folks, good intentions notwithstanding, understand that impeachment is only part one of a two step process. Let's say for the sake of argument that you are able to get the Republican House to impeach (indict). What then? The case moves to the Democratic Senate for trial. Do any of you seriously believe that the Democrats are going to convict Mr Obama of anything? The man could slaughter a month old infant on the WhiteHouse lawn and you couldn't get a conviction in this Senate. He is untouchable by any Constitutional means.


I need to do some research as to just what can be done. I for one would love to see 10-15 million real Americans march on Washington DC and physically remove him from his castle under citizens arrest. March his butt to the supreme court for a trial. If the court balks, remind them they can hear the case or stand beside him as traitors. Then if convicted, expedite punishment as called for under the laws for treason. The Constitution gives the people (exclusively) the right to terminate this form of government and to institute "such forms as serve their needs." This right is not vested in the legislative, the judicial or the executive branches, but rather in the people as sovereigns. The federal government is supposed to be the low man on the totem pole, not at the top.


Learn how our government is "supposed" to work. Don't guess or look to others to tell you what to do. Study like I have and learn how it is supposed to function. Read the Constitution. Read the Federalist and anti-Federalist Papers. Then, study the ratification speeches and conventions that were the precursor to the birth of the US as a country. LEARN DANMIT!  Read the speeches and letters from such as Washington, Franklin, Jefferson and Adams. Study the speeches of Patrick Henry and the writings of Sam Adams. We are far past the time where we can afford to have people who don't understand their rights as ordained by GOD and codified by the Constitution and the amendments thereto. Don't trust the media in any form. They are collectively a pack of chronic liars and hypocrits. Use the internet like we do here and learn, learn learn.


I am as frustrated as any here. I am appalled at the liberties that others take with my liberty and GOD given rights. Unlike what I suspect are most here, I do have an understanding of how things are supposed to work. Seventy one years of life have enabled me to witness the decline and fall of liberty in America. I understand what happened and why it will continue to happen until the few real patriots stand up and scream "ENOUGH! WE WILL STAND FOR NO MORE!" Have you noticed how few congresspeople and senators have town hall meetings any longer? They are afraid to face the soverign people and be taken to task. Out of sight, out of mind. In Washington they are insulated from the masses they rule ... or so they think. They and the executive will never be afraid or compliant so long as they are safe from confrontation on a very personal level. No, don't advocate the overthrow of the government. Rather, advocate the return of the government to its rightful owners, the people.


Please forgive my bitter sounding rhetoric. I am old and depressed. Public apathy has destroyed my faith in my fellow Americans. Is there anyone left to fight the good fight and bleed if necessary to preserve the greatest political experiment in the history of mankind? Is there a leader in deed as well as word who can lead us out of ths mess? I fear not.

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