Alvin Donald Murphy's Posts (9)

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Rinos Stampede for Flights Home


Everything we thought we had accomplished in the election seems to be a vanishing dream.  The spineless creatures who are supposed to be representing us and protecting us from governmental excess are in league with the Oppressor.

I thought I could trust my Congressman to stand for the constitution.  While I was calling the rules committee members in the House, he was planning to vote for the spending bill which would put a stamp of approval on Obama's heinous medical plan and his executive amnesty which is a result of lobbyist string-pulling in D.C.

It is becoming clear there is no one in D.C. that represents conservatives except a handful of patriots like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, Trey Gowdy, and Louie Gohmert.  There are a few others, but these people are good examples to illustrate my point.

The very idea that the Congress could read over 1600 pages in the Omnibus bill and make an informed decision in less than two days is absurd.  The spirit of the holidays was tugging at the Representatives' hearts.  They wanted to get home for the holidays.  The Republic be damned.  They had all the "pork" gifts wrapped and new money for themselves.  It probably caused them to have shivers of joy and visions of sugar plums as they raced for their flights home.

It would probably surprise the average politician today to know how transparent their selfishness is on Twitter and other social media sources.  In the past the parliamentary tricks and backroom deals were not as easy to see.

We are faced with a cruel twist of fate which has placed the most ineffectual people on the planet in leadership positions in the House and Senate.  Could it be that as a nation we are reaping the fruits of attacking Christianity by supporting abortion and  by legitimizing sodomy?

These are truly "perilous times" and we must be vigilant and pray for our nation while we still have one.

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Obama Punishes America

What could go wrong with opening the border for anyone to cross into the U.S. with no medical exam and no restrictions on criminal backgrounds. Next, broadcast to the world that you will take care of all their needs and allow them free movement.  Tell all of them that Obama loves them and will protect them from the mean Tea Party in America.  While making these promises, take tax money paid in from those same Tea Party and no amnesty taxpayers and give it to the new illegals.

Next, the government will give them all driver's licenses and  I.D.s and permission to work and get all the free medical care and food stamps that they can use. Americans are the enemy, so their money will be taken and they will have to pay high premiums for their insurance.  Also, many Americans will be dismissed from the military because they are not the proper race. The idea seems to be:  invite all the the new illegals to join the military so there will be a grateful personal army to keep Americans in line,  Some of them might decide they want to keep some of their money.

This sounds like a  movie plot. Wait, some Americans want to keep their guns for protection from criminals. No problem, get the communist U.N. to take away American guns and sovereignty by invitation. Some people might want body armor and protection from diseases like Ebola and terrorist attacks. To take care of these people, just pass unilateral laws against self-preservation. The MSM will help by talking about being progressive and wanting to issue in the "new world order." This will make papa George Soros so proud. Always obey Valerie Jarrett lest you get on her bad list.  If the so-called president does all these things, he will surely get an "at-a-boy" from his communist friends and big George. The only thing missing from his agenda is giving a damn about Americans.

The biggest mystery here is why the citizens, the military, and the congress stand by and let all of this happen. Could it be that this generation is so uneducated about American history that they are unaware of what is happening? Have people taken their freedoms so lightly that they can't imagine what it would be like to lose them?

It is not unusual for young people to be consumed with starting an adult life and going to school. They are distracted from events in the political realm.  This is not a generation that can so freely ignore what is happening in D.C.  Their lives are being impacted daily by unilateral decisions from the White House and by the consent of the congress to allow illegal actions such as executive orders to be issued with no consequence. As a senior citizen, I will do all I can to fight this tyranny, but the next generation will need to be aware and help with this fight. Otherwise,their hope to be part of a free nation that is the jewel of the world will be jeopardized. The nation which attracts all people who wish for opportunity and freedom will cease to exist.. Many lives were sacrificed to preserve our freedom.  Let's help to make sure that it hasn't been in vain.

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The Rino Twins

The elections are behind us, but what really counts is what is ahead.  Two of the most prominent leaders to emerge are the least likely to do anything but satisfy their own quests for glory and pad their wallets.  John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are ready, able and willing to let Obama run roughshod over our country as long as they get their share of the booty.

Both of these guys seem to be devoid of any conscience when it involves the downfall of our country and our sovereignty.  We can hope and wait for them to help us, but I believe it is fruitless.  Their parlor tricks are designed to make the electorate think they are standing for conservative principles while they are doing the opposite. They started their new terms with statements that show they have surrendered to Obama before the first fight.  They stood back and watched amnesty being proclaimed without a whimper.

Another indicator of how serious they took this threat to our country is how quickly they packed for their holiday home visits while huge events were unfolding in D.C. and nationally.  They are really watching our backs from the dinner table.  Both of these guys have attempted to destroy conservatives wherever they find them. They cannot be trusted.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being played by the illegitimate politicians in D.C.  The Republican party is mostly populated by turncoat rinos.  How can conservatives survive in this environment?  The only answer is to either thin the herd or form another party.  The Thad Cochran spectacle in Mississippi showed the extremes Mitch will go to defeat a conservative.  It may be that a third party movement can only claim victory by causing defeat to rinos.  Hopefully, some conservatives will be elected.  We have to start somewhere.

As far as Boehner goes, he is capable of making sounds like he is offended by Obama or the liberal agenda and then voting for them on every issue.  If he is reprimanded or called out, he is capable of crying spontaneously while denying any accusation of wrong doing.  He has shown how far gone he is, by asking Obama to time his amnesty for post election when it would do the most harm to conservatives.

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Republicans or Dinosaurs?

Mitch McConnell and John Boehner just don't get it.  They seem to have no idea  whom they are supposed to represent.  They don't appear to know what the recent election was about.  From their recent actions and statements, they seem to believe that voters were pleased by the current regime and wished to keep everything in "status quo" mode. They got it wrong.

It is completely unacceptable for so-called representatives to ignore voters and make deals with the political opposition before the fight is fully engaged.  The leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives are acting more like girly boys at a tea party than men who are standing for principles of our founding fathers.

Why would anyone who believed in our nation and what it stands for ever compromise with evil.  The current regime in D.C. is evil.  It is an abomination to allow Muslims to worship Allah in a Christian Church.  Muslims hate Christianity and  everything it stands for.  They endorse all forms of practices that are offensive to Christians and humans in general.

When McConnell and Boehner compromise with Obama, they are endorsing his abominable beliefs and practices.  These two politicians are poster boys for what is wrong with politics and what is wrong with career politicians.  Any representative and senator who support them for leadership positions should pay the price when they stand for their next elections.

The Republicans are almost ready for extinction.  They seem to believe if they stand for nothing, that they can't lose.  I'm putting the establishment on notice: Being amoral and trying to get along with progressive Democrats is not endearing the electorate to you.  You will go the way of the dinosaur and to wherever they allow RINOs (Republicans in name only) in the future.

You, Mitch, to say that government shutdowns are off the table before the argument is engaged is appalling.  It is surrendering before a shot is fired.  Sadly a new senator from Colorado is following your lead in this.  Cory Gardner is saying we are too civilized to shut the government down.  This shows no value for the constitution and for the American Revolution.  Where do politicians of this caliber come from?

Hopefully, some of our representatives will have more courage and appreciation of what America represents.  Self-serving politicians are causing the loss of liberty and our national sovereignty.  We must fight like our nation and our freedom depends on us.  Maybe then we can emerge  from the curse which is Obama's legacy and become a stronger people who have met the enemy and fought the good fight with the help of our Creator.

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The New Jihad

In recent days the actions of the U.S. government have been remarkable.  After an amazing list of unilateral actions by the executive branch, Congress and U.S. citizens seem comfortable with the idea that allowing diseased aliens into the country is somehow normal and acceptable.  Maybe the sheer number of attacks on freedom and sovereignty have desensitized the public to the seriousness of these actions.

To put things into perspective, imagine allowing individuals with explosive vests to come across the border and into airports with no restraints.  This gives a new meaning to extermination by pandemic means.  No expensive explosives or extensive planning sessions are required.  The effectiveness is remarkable.  Just allow the biological agent in the individual to follow its course. The carrier can infect masses of people by traveling extensively throughout the country.

The number of carriers is unlimited by anything other than the physical resources required to move them from infected areas to the U.S.  If necessary one can add extra planes to ensure full exposure and dispersal of the diseases. The actors don't have to be fully indoctrinated into Islam to be effective. This is ingenious and simple.  Add to this the tendency of most Americans to be accepting of the politically correct doctrine.

The public seems to accept that public officials are doing their jobs and protecting them from dangers within our country and from outside our borders.  This is a perfect scenario for such a plan.

Another outcome of such a plan is ridding the country of older people whose immune systems are not as effective as the younger population.  The younger people, who do not have a good understanding of democracy and are easier to manipulate, make good recipients of socialist ideology. The older population includes more educated individuals and military veterans who are not as easily indoctrinated.

Our current administration is apparently trying to weaken our military capability.  Why not send our soldiers and national guard into hot zones to become infected and use them as carriers when they return to the country?  When seen from a subversion perspective, it makes perfect sense.  It serves multiple purposes and is accepted by the target groups as legitimate.

While this may sound like a script for "The Twilight Zone", it is happening now.  We must stand against this serious threat in every way possible.  This means voting the perpetrators out and pushing Congress to do their job by acting to protect us.

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The American Dictator

While most of my attention has been to city politics, a ghastly trend has been continuing on the national level. Not only is the federal government ignoring congress and the will of the people, they are creating expensive problems for us to solve.  The advertising of free medical care and free legal service to those in Central America who illegally cross the border is so far out there that it rivals the Twilight Zone for "off the wall" plots.

Can it be that the president loathes Americans so much that he is compelled to destroy everything American? I have seen scandals and wrongdoing in high places, but nothing to compare with the scale of this.  It is apocalyptic in its scale.  One dictator telling congress that they are insignificant, and he will govern without them.  That is not democracy.

Other attacks are equally egregious.  Our tax supported agencies are being used to attack us.  The IRS is used to keep political opponents in check and to stop free speech.  The ATF is used to suppress 2nd amendment rights through invasive attacks on individuals and businesses.  The EPA is used to prevent use of coal which is our main source of electrical generation.  This same EPA is proposing elimination of all wood burning heaters. There is also a push by this agency to control all water rights.  The BLM is used to control land even if it means keeping cattle from getting water. The Bundy Ranch stand off comes to mind.  The office of Eric Holder is protecting administration officials from prosecution while promoting outrageous lawsuits against ordinary law-abiding citizens. Thanks to him we must not refuse to take pictures or bake cakes for any reason. The DHS is protecting illegals from our laws and threatening our citizens who protest their lawless intrusions.

It is almost overwhelming to think that we have fallen to this point in so little time.  Hopefully, there are people in all political parties who can agree on the preservation of our country and the freedoms for which we have paid such a high price.

Each day brings new attacks on basic freedoms.  We must be diligent and demand responsibility from our representatives in government.  Surely we deserve more help than we are getting from Congress. A large number of congressmen are lawyers.  They can pretend to be helpless against the executive branch, but I'm not buying it.

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United Communist States of America

Have you or anyone you know ever seen as much corruption and un-american activity in this country?  In the interest of political correctness, our country is being subverted by the lawless.

No one I know wants Sharia law here.  It is cruel and inhuman.  Even animals don't treat others the way Muslims treat their families.  Women are treated as property instead of human beings with rights.

Our education system is being dictated by the federal government.  The administration we have is showing that they are not interested in justice.  They have an agenda which seems to include indoctrinating children to political correctness and to making students believe whatever the government says. This isn't the democratic way.  We should teach our children to examine what is presented to them for the truth.

Our freedom of speech is threatened by a government which uses the most cutting edge technology to spy on us daily.  Some senators are trying to revoke the first amendment right of citizens to have free speech.  They are signing their name to such legislation.  How can this be happening is our country?

Our veterans are disrespected and abused at the VA hospitals.  It's difficult to understand how this is happening.  I am a veteran and never expected to see this.  After defending our freedoms from communist and tyrannical dictators, it is not easy to see this kind of government in D.C.

Also we are being indoctrinated that we are to be ashamed if we are not of color. All problems and evil is said to be from white people.  This is racism.  When Hitler was defeated, we thought it was the end of this kind of hate.  Obviously, our present administration wants to resurrect this type of behavior.

I hope you agree with me that we won't tolerate this in America.  No matter what your political label, let's work to restore tolerance and freedom in our nation.

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Representative Government

Most people I grew up with had an idea about democracy. They thought when a decision was made it should be by vote.  In school we voted on class officers, on cheerleaders, and on various decisions.  If someone voted a different way than you that was their right.

How have we come to the point of being against another person's right to express themselves. This goes against the very premise of a free society.  Lately the white house has begun stacking the deck against non-profit groups which oppose them by using the IRS as the agency of enforcement. The same government agency is being used to punish citizens who choose to reject the ACA(so-called affordable care act).

Our current federal government is against free speech and the right to bear arms. In the past there was a majority of citizens in both political parties who believed these were fundamental rights.  There was no issue about our basic rights.  The political differences tended to be about foreign policy or budgetary matters.  We have previously agreed to protect our country, our children and grandchildren.

I wonder if we could get back to basics and agree to protect our country from illegal alliens and stand together to protect our freedoms which are outlined in the constitution.. Can we agree that whoever is against us and trying to destroy our nation is our enemy? Whichever party we belong to, we should be able to agree on this fundamental truth.

Our survival depends on what we do with this truth. Politicians, agencies, political correctness, and all of the above deserve equal condemnation if they are trying to destroy our country and its constitution.

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This is a first for me on this site.  It will be a good place to vent the frustration I share with other patriots.  I am retirement age, and I am appalled at the direction I see our country headed in.  Being a veteran, I felt that others saw socialism and communism as threats to our way of life as I do.  After all, we have fought wars over this question.  Now I see our so-called leaders espousing this damnable heresy.  

Our representatives are largely ignoring any calls for sane policy on finance, amnesty, and privacy rights. This means they are not our representatives. They represent their own self-interests.  We thought we could depend on Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, and McCain because they were Republicans.  Some of us thought the Republicans were conservatives.  We have had a rude awakening! 

We must look for conservatives wherever we can find them.  They are our only hope for restoring our republic.  What we have now is just a facade for wholesale corruption and lawlessness.

POLL: Does Congress need to revive the House Committee on Un-American activities?

After a recent review of the Declaration of Independence and some background reading on the French Revolution, it appears we are in the same predicament as our predecessors.  We have the elitist who look down on the citizens and place odious burdens on them.  Though citizens tried to use reason and diplomacy; most of the time their efforts were unheeded.  

My opinion is that we are governed by those who favor tyranny and are only looking to enrich themselves in whatever way they can.  As citizens we are only a source of money and power for them.  The French had their way of dealing with these types.  They carted them off to the guillotine.  The early settlers of this country declared independence from their tyrannical oppressors and took up arms to defend themselves.

I hope our similar problems can be settled in a less dramatic way, but the oppressors don't seem to care about diplomacy.  The only thing they understand is the force they are dealing out to others. 

For the sake of our children and grandchildren, I hope we can find a way to be free from the present tyranny.

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