Zelensky suspends media and opposition parties

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Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky has suspended the activities of 11 opposition political parties in Ukraine’s parliament and issued a decree that combines three privately-owned television networks into one media platform controlled by the government, according to media reports. Zelensky accused the opposition parties of colluding with Russia and trying to divide Ukrainians, while claiming that the television networks spewed Russian propaganda. The exigencies of war, as so often happens, impel so-called “democratic” governments to impose undemocratic measures in the name of defending democracy.

Western media and commentators, and many Western political leaders have portrayed the Russia-Ukraine War as an existential conflict between autocracy and democracy; as Vladimir Putin against the “free world.” We are repeatedly told by David Frum, Max Boot, Bill Kristol, and the crowd at MSNBC that our failure to defend Ukraine is a failure to defend “democracy.” Those war hawks will undoubtedly defend Zelensky’s moves as necessary steps to ensure the survival of an independent Ukraine. And they may indeed be necessary in wartime. Political opposition in wartime can hamper a nation’s war effort. That is why Putin, for example, is cracking down on protesters within Russia (which his government does as a matter of course, war or no war). That is why American presidents like Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt cracked down on dissent within the United States during the wars they presided over.       

Fortunately for us, the United States had deep democratic roots (independent courts, separation of powers, federalism, etc.) that sustained our democracy after the exigencies of war faded. Ukraine’s democratic roots, however, are thin. If Zelensky’s government survives this war, will the war measures be lifted? Will the opposition political parties be free to oppose Zelensky’s government? Will a free press be permitted to criticize government policies?

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    • ADMIN
      Unless you lived under such situation and realize what the media can do under those circumstances , it would be hard to understand such move. To keep people informed of the truth/reality, there cannot be confusion caused by different pieces of information, lives depend on this.

      You are stating that a government run media will 'keep people informed of truth/reality'. Which, is saying you trust the government to give you the truth. Which, in fact, only gives their version of 'the truth'. Zelensky is a 'young global leader' for the WEF. That alone is pretty damn impressive for a guy whose previous job was as an actor. Perhaps, Schwab and his Davos group placed Zelensky? If you don't understand just how evil this group is - check them out. I'm putting some of their videos on site daily. 

      We are well aware of what the media can do. We see it on our TVs everyday. Covid? Russian collusion? Just to name two....I can cite many more instances where are government lied. How about our 'intelligence agencies' - 50 plus claimed that Hunter Biden's laptop was a Russian hoax. They flat out lied and our media, gladly, spread their lies. How about Avenatti hailed as the a possible presidential candidate....He's in jail...he's a fraud. The media lies and the government lies.

      All media/government are lying about Ukraine 'winning'. It appears that Putin is executing a 'pincher move'. They never had a chance from the start. Yet they did manage to get billions of dollars from the US.


    • Wow!  I cannot wait for Dee's reply.

    • in a word NO!


    • No press or government is telling the truth.  No one really knows anything.  We should not write as if we do!

    • Belarus is and has been a communist country since WWII, their government is behind Putin all the way. 


    • What is your point Edie? 
       The government is but not the majority of the people, they have a strong opposition party that does not agree with Russia and are trying to gain freedom for the country. As you must know from personal experience, you don't necessarily have to agree with the party in power in your country, but you have to endure their reign. As we on this side of the issues are trying to bring changes to stop the leftward slide in America, in communists countries that is a much more difficult desire to reach because of the consequences if you try.  They all want freedom, but to take that from the hands of the regime isn't easy......look how difficult it is for us, the left isn't giving up power willingly.

    • Absolutely.

    • Not all the way, they have a huge opposition party. Their leadership is communists, their leadership is approved by Russia, or their not in leadership. Many in are our leadership ar3 communists, but it doesn't make the people connumists! 

    • If they elected such corrupt leaders, then perhaps those living it did so without comprehension of the players and consequences. 

    • These elections are influenced by Russia, when they don't go along with what Putin wants, the Ukrain happens. You see these people fighting against the Russians, they want to be free!

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