Wow, an actual commonsense gun law in D.C.!

Source; Dudley Brown National Gun Rights Organization.

How about some good news for a change.

With all of the anti-gun lunacy in the D.C. Swamp these days, it’s easy to feel pessimistic about our fight to save the Second Amendment.

That’s why I wanted to take a break from bad news and highlight a pro-gun bill that has been introduced in the Senate, by a lawmaker who actually cares about helping law-abiding Americans.

While other “Republicans” are already compromising away your gun rights, cough John Cornyn cough, Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) is fighting to advance the Second Amendment.

Senator Lummis’s bill is S. 1373, the SAME Act.

Please take a moment and call your Senators and urge them to support S. 1373.

You can also call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be directed to your Senators.

This bill would lower the age to purchase a handgun from 21 to 18, allowing all law-abiding young adults to defend themselves and their families with a pistol.

The fact of the matter is, 18-20 year olds can vote, marry, and defend our nation using firearms, and there is no reason to deny them the right to self-defense.

Adults under 21 are often the victims of violent crime.

Current law keeps law-abiding young adults defenseless and vulnerable, which is dangerous and unconscionable.

That is why the National Association for Gun Rights enthusiastically supports S. 1373.

Michael, the fake news media is often clamoring for so-called “commonsense” gun reform.

Well, unlike the nonsensical bills introduced by Gun Control, Inc., the SAME Act actually applies commonsense by extending the right to self-defense to some of our most vulnerable citizens.

Help Sen. Lummis and the National Association for Gun Rights fight to advance these pro-gun bills.

As you know, we are facing a barrage of gun control in the D.C. Swamp.

And now more than ever, the generosity of our members is critical to the survival of our Second Amendment.

So even a donation of will go a long way in our fight.

As always, I thank you for your support and activism.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. Although anti-gun Democrats have the majority in the D.C. Swamp, some pro-gun politicians still have a backbone and are drafting and fighting to advance pro-gun legislation.

One such lawmaker is Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), who is pushing pro-gun legislation even in the face of the Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi triumvirate.

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  • Allowing the Government to grant citizens of any age permission to own arms is a very bad idea... It assumes and establishes the right of Congress to dictate the terms of the 2d Amendment... and is a slippery slope leading to full gun registration and licensing to keep and bear arms.  This bill may have good intentions but it is both unnecessary and opens the door to permit Government to legislate the terms and under what circumstances firearms may be kept and used.

    The ownership and right to keep and bear arms is constitutional and requires no further government permission for a citizen to keep and bear arms... Try to license or require us to surrender our arms, and we will simply call them UNDOCUMENTED FIREARMS... and keep them.

    • Col. Age restrictions on buying and owning firearms need to be lowered from existing age limits for the same reasons that drinking and voting rights were lowered to 18. the fact remains the same; If a person can go into the service and defend their country at 18 they shpould be able to have the same rights as a 21 year o0ld has bny dint of their age. 

      If you want to see the government blocked from infringing our 2nd Amendment Constitutionally protected Inalienable Rights then I suggest everyone band together and demand the States petition Congress for an Article-V amendment proposal convention that rigidlt defines the words 'ARMS", "MILITIA", and "INFRINGE" in the Historically accepted definitions which were in common usage when the 2nd Amendment was created. I propose this for an amendment; 

      Proposed Amendment;
      To further clarify the intent of the words 'Infringe', 'Arms', and 'Militia' in the Second Amendment;
      All currently existing Federal State and Local Laws, Regulations, and Rules are hereby deemed Unconstitutional.
      They are infringing on the Second Amendment. They are hereby repealed in the following manner.
      Any Old or New Laws, Rules, or Regulations, must be approved by a 3/4 margin of registered voters.Paper ballots are to be used for the voting. The ballots to be retained intact for 10 years. Permanent records will be archived and retained in perpetuity.
      Thereafter, All firearm Laws Rules or Regulations will be clearly written in plain everyday English, specific and to the point, to be voted on. 
      The Old Laws and Regulations will remain if force only until they can be voted on, and the time for that voting shall not exceed 6 months from the ratification of this amendment.No new Laws or Regulations will be allowed until all the old laws have been voted on. A simplified version of the voting may be adopted by the people voting Yea or Nay on the 1934 National firearms act, andm the 1968 Gun control act to simplify the process in a timely manner, then move on to all the other ones be they Federal State or Local. Once that is done the governments will be allowed to propose laws and regulations for the people to vote on.
      Schools will be required to add a National Rifle Association and Diredtor of Civilian Marksmanship firearm safety course overseen by the individual communities from K - 12 with the cirriculum in each class geared to the age of the children. These classes will also review the laws pertaining to the use of firearms for self defense. 
      The Definition of Arms in regards to the word 'Arms' in the Second Amendment. It will be interpreted to mean any Firearm now in existence, and any new firearm development that will come into existence in the future.
      The Definition of Militia. In regards to the word 'Militia' in the Second Amendment, it will be interpreted to mean any Adult American Citizen over the age of 18 years.
      Col. I would like your views on this, yours too Dale.
    • The right to keep and bear arms are constitutional rights... The 2d Amendment requires no further government explanation or permission to establish or define that right.

      Good intentions don't necessarily translate into good actions... Creating and passing subordinate statutory law to further define or regulate the right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional.  Such actions require an Amendment not statutory or regulatory acts.  Any legislation, EO's, or Court edicts that limit or restrict the right to keep or bear arms are infringements on the 2d Amendment.  Such acts are all unconstitutional laws.  This includes legislation or judicial fiat that seeks to restrict the age of those exercising such rights.  Parents are the individuals who should determine when a child is old enough to responsibly keep and bear arms. 

      No Act of Congress, Administrative order, regulation, or Court edict may redefine the language of the US Constitution. Interpreting the US Constitution is not rocket science. The US Constitution is written in English, the language most Americans have used since birth. 

    • You are absolutely correct, Col. Nelson.

      What the Bill  will accomplish is that of placing a restriction on a fundamental right, the Bill of Rights, afforded by the Constitution.  The Bill of Rights are NOT to be amended. The Constitution would NOT have been ratified without the guarantee that they provide. 

      A closed door does not remain closed by cracking it open just a little bit. Crack it open and soon enough it will be kicked wide open.  Parents are the "gun control" of their kids. NOT the government.

      Furthermore, guns are NOT the problem.  Criminals are.  

    • Dale, Please see the reply I sent to the Col.

    • Arms definition:  Weapons. We are guaranteed to keep (own) and bear them. Arms were considered necessary for security purposes and freedom maintenance if it is threatened.

      Militia definition:  A part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency.   Well regulated means that it is structured as opposed to being a mere mob.

      Infringe definition:  Violate, Trangress.   In other words leave it as you found it.

      We do not need an Article V Convention of the States to define or clarify or modify or mess with the Bill of Rights.  The Second Amendment  is what it is.  It is only confusing to those who are confused, either deliberately and with intent or out of ignorance.




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