
For months, Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice has tried every trick in the law books to conceal from Americans a massive trove of video evidence that captured all the activity at the Capitol complex on January 6. Federal judges have played along, approving hundreds of protective orders to keep video clips—particularly footage recorded by the Capitol Police’s extensive closed-circuit television system—out of the public eye.

Time, however, is running out for the government.

Despite numerous discovery delays, Garland’s prosecutors are gradually turning over video evidence to defense attorneys as they prepare for trial. All surveillance video from the Capitol’s security system is designated “highly sensitive” government material; strict rules apply to the handling of every slice of footage.


There’s a reason why. As we have reported at American Greatness for months, one of the most scandalous untold stories about January 6 is egregious police misconduct that, in some instances, amounted to brutality by D.C. Metro and U.S. Capitol police. Had these attacks by law enforcement occured in any other public or private setting against leftist protesters, the national outrage would have resulted in mass firings and immediate calls for criminal investigations.

For example, the House of Representatives held two hearings last year related to its investigation into allegations of excessive force by members of the U.S. Park Police in LaFayette Square, located across the street from the White House, on June 1, 2020. Rioters protesting the death of George Floyd occupied the federal park for days, attacked law enforcement, set fires, and looted nearby property, which prompted the Secret Service to move President Trump to a safe location. An inspector general report later confirmed rioters assaulted federal officers with “bricks, rocks, caustic liquids, frozen water bottles, glass bottles, lit flares, rental scooters, and fireworks.” 

But LaFayette Square rioters were portrayed as victims rather than perpetrators of the violence. One activist, Kishon McDonald, a 39-year-old Navy veteran, testified to the House Natural Resources Committee in June 2020 that “police started throwing tear gas and flash-bang grenades at us for no reason . . . We were retreating. Using weapons on us was ridiculous. It just made the situation dangerous.” Officers also were accused of hitting protesters with riot shields and batons.

A similar yet more violent situation played out on Capitol Hill on January 6. Open-source video and testimonial evidence show Capitol and D.C. Metro police officers using flashbangs, “sting balls” filled with rubber projectiles, and excessive amounts of tear gas against peaceful protesters assembled outside the building an hour before the building even was breached. Other first-hand accounts describe physical assaults by police; one clip circulated on Twitter in late November shows several D.C. Metro police officers taking down and beating a protester who apparently breached a security line.


At least one protester, Ashli Babbitt, was shot and killed by Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd, although she was unarmed and posed no lethal threat.


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  • Are you kidding?  Those tapes won't see the light of day... MACV/SOG was hidden from the American people after the Vietnam War for 25 years... 

    • Paul, SOG wasn't the only thing hidden, much still is not known about Special Forces operations in SE Asia, Central and South America, and other places.  The CIA financed many covert ops that were paid for with cash, no written operation orders, no dog tyags or other identifying means.  Any deaths or wounds team medics couldn't treat were classified as "training accidents".  A lot of deaths were covered up that way.  If captured soldiers were reported to "be on leave, we don't know why they were there nor how they got there".  They had their butts covered well.  I doubt if any of it will ever come out, it hasn't for 50 years that I know of!!!!!


    • And, to add to that, Senior Bush, who was director of the CIA in 1975 destroyed all of SOG's records and Photos before leaving that position... You are absolutely right in what you said, 

  • Tom Cotton Eviscerates Biden Nominee For Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Role

    Dec 2, 2021

  • All of this to include the age of some members of Congress and their demended memories and ideas could be washed away if we only had "TERM LIMITS".  They all go into Congress now and within two to four years are multi-millionaires.  How is this done legally.  Once we have term limits, we need to pass Federal Laws eliminating Lobbyists.  Once the lobbyists are gone, and term limits in place, we can start to get our nation back on the right track.  No CRT taught in schools, desolve the Department of Education (A lethal Union monster put together by Jimmy Carter and with the help of the national teachers union).  We can go back to teaching reglion in schools for those who want it.  We can go back to teaching civics and American History.  We can go back to girls and boys seperate bathrooms, and two genders.  I find it amusing that when anthropologist find human remains hundreds of thousands of years old, those remains are either male or female.  No other genders - Why?

    • between bribes and what they steal they get to be millionares quickly and play the game to keep the money coming in.  Those speaking out, like Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, Greg Steube, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Green, Jeff Hawly, Brandon Daniels, and a few others, are not on the take and are targets of the deep state!!!!!


    • ON THE SURFACE term limits would be an answer, especiallly with the load of garbage now running congress.  The problem is when there is a "good" member you want to keep he /she would be forced out and possibly replaced with another left wing moron.  I think more background checks into their money, spouses business is needed.  They want to try to monitor citizens' bank accounts for every transaction of $600!!!! Instead new rules for politicians.  They must show while in office ALL HOUSEHOLD INCOME AND ESPECIALLY ALL INCOME FROM ANY OVERSEAS SOURCES, WHAT BUSINESSES THEY AND FAMILY MEMBERS ARE INVOLVED. They should have complete background checks , drug testing......just like regular citizens that apply for police, military, teaching or other jobs. School curriculums should be published and or sent to parents of listed students, abolish the Federal dept of Education since it provides nothing. Only basic courses are to be taught to elementary children, no CRT, no gender bending lessons , no controversial topics that are beyond their age to comprehend or be involved with.  Since kids are NOT coming out of school with basic skills in math, reading, writing and history knowledge, anything that does not enhance that basic instruction should be dropped, sports, music, art, clubs should all remain to round out and socialize kids to be better citizens .  Patriotic themes should be reinstated to create a society that binds together and it is well enough to teach all the faults and struggles this nation endured to evolve into the most viable, free and opportune nation on the planet.  Teaching our past without guilt, blame, recriminations is the only way, not this crap CRT, race baiting and divisive methods of the leftists. 


    WWG1WGA17godwins Published December 5, 2021

    • It always has been.

  • don't expect to ever see it - it would look bad for the Capitol Police and the de"mock"rat party; so they will find some way to hide it.  When, and if  we get a Republican administration and Congress the truth may come out. But with how efficient the de"mock"rats are a cheating and subverting elections, who knows when that will happen.                                                               

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