
  • mcconnell is a deep state TRAITOR, as are most of the gop hacks.  They will vote to override because they hate and fear Trump!!!!!

  • Good for President Trump  He is a bright light in an otherwise dismal swamp.  ....that includes RINO & Dems (spit)....


  • Good for Trump!    Trump is our man!

  • GOOD FOR HIM.  congreass needs to stick this unconstitutional garbage up their butts beside their empty heads!!!!!

  • Trump is the only credible, honest and caring person in Washington.

    • And remember ... President Trump is a Capitalist ... a serious confront to the Chinese Government Communists.

    • that's right


    • isn't that the truth

  • Given the Presidents' well-reasoned veto the leadership of the GOP ought to be ashamed at passing this Act out of the Senate ... it is time McConnell resign and tomorrow would not be soon enough.  The GOP and RNC are no longer the party of conservatives or of America First... they have shown their colors and have run from their conservative roots once to many times.  Mr. President consider starting a new party... the time is ripe to strip away the old in both the Democrat and Republican Parities to offer a true home for Constitutional  Conservatives... both parties have millions of members who are not represented by either party.

  • Death to the Kleptocrat Kakistocracy who STOLE OUR REPUBLIC!

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