
    • no term limits that is not the solution

    • George, I am in total agreement with you but using derogatory language takes away from our credibility. Let me reiterate I am totally in agreement with you.


    • you are correct sir but on the other hand, it will be helpful.

    • Welcome, Dirk, and good post... the GOP Is definitely broken and maybe beyond repair.

    • I completely agree with everything you posted, everyone must get onboard. The GOP has been broken for a very long time, unfortunately, we the people are to blame for their traitorous acts. The establishment treats us just like the Dems treat their black constituants. They have taken us for granted. If you noticed the Senate has not collectively stood up for this election. They only come out when they fear their seats are in jeopardy.


    • You are so right Rosemary. It is the exact same scenario as the Demo's and blacks. Looks like we are still on the plantation, too.

    • People need to send massive emails to the representatives of our party. We need them to grow balls and defend us or we will find others who will. The Teaparty did it before we can do it again.


    • Rosemary, it isn't a lack of balls, it is complicity with globalism.  The gop establishment is part of the deep state.  They fear and hate President Trump as much as the devildemocommiecrats do!!!!!

    • I agree.


  • Patriots, we need to stop using Facebook and Twitter. They are using us and censoring us. We need to start a boycott. If their numbers decline advertisers will not want to do business with them. STOP USING THESE COMPANIES THEY ARE CORRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!! EMAIL YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS AND TELL THEM TO STOP THEIR POSTING. THESE COMPANIES WORKED TO STEAL THE ELECTION FROM US. ONCE AGAIN STOP USING THESE COMPANIES. I'm sure we can support a conservative company that doesn't censor us.

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