
    • Patriots, we need to stop using Facebook and Twitter. They are using us and censoring us. We need to start a boycott. If their numbers decline advertisers will not want to do business with them. STOP USING THESE COMPANIES THEY ARE CORRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!! EMAIL YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS AND TELL THEM TO STOP THEIR POSTING. THESE COMPANIES WORKED TO STEAL THE ELECTION FROM US. ONCE AGAIN STOP USING THESE COMPANIES. I'm sure we can support a conservative company that doesn't censor us.

    • We have it: The Bill of Rights. What we also have are leftist-judges.  We need a law that outlaws them.  Mark Levin:  Convention of States - imperative!

    • Patriots, we need to stop using Facebook and Twitter. They are using us and censoring us. We need to start a boycott. If their numbers decline advertisers will not want to do business with them. STOP USING THESE COMPANIES THEY ARE CORRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!! EMAIL YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS AND TELL THEM TO STOP THEIR POSTING. THESE COMPANIES WORKED TO STEAL THE ELECTION FROM US. ONCE AGAIN STOP USING THESE COMPANIES. I'm sure we can support a conservative company that doesn't censor us.

    • Patriots, we need to stop using Facebook and Twitter. They are using us and censoring us. We need to start a boycott. If their numbers decline advertisers will not want to do business with them. STOP USING THESE COMPANIES THEY ARE CORRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!! EMAIL YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS AND TELL THEM TO STOP THEIR POSTING. THESE COMPANIES WORKED TO STEAL THE ELECTION FROM US. ONCE AGAIN STOP USING THESE COMPANIES. I'm sure we can support a conservative company that doesn't censor us.

    • Patriots, we need to stop using Facebook and Twitter. They are using us and censoring us. We need to start a boycott. If their numbers decline advertisers will not want to do business with them. STOP USING THESE COMPANIES THEY ARE CORRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!! EMAIL YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS AND TELL THEM TO STOP THEIR POSTING. THESE COMPANIES WORKED TO STEAL THE ELECTION FROM US. ONCE AGAIN STOP USING THESE COMPANIES. I'm sure we can support a conservative company that doesn't censor us.

    • Wow!  Now there is great intelligencia.  Go, Whimpie!  Nice vocab.

  • Contact the White House to ask the President to declare Limited Martial Law... tailored to removing key members of the swamp and containing the COVID Pandemic by establishing a single health authority within the military to manage the crisis. 

    As for independent action, the Tea Party should attempt to unify the many conservative movements across the broad spectrum of political interests by forming a loose confederacy designed to take back the Nation... aimed at long-term political and social engagement.  We have an uphill battle.

    We can immediately push for election nullification thru a series of civil disobedience campaigns... massive rallies in a selected area with the intent on disrupting normal government operations ... sit-ins, long-term demonstrations similar to the occupy Wall-Street movement without the immoral and sanitary problems.  we can look into the People's Grand Jury Movement and if feasible support it as it could be a game-changer if implemented nationally.

    It may also be time to ask Trump to start a third party ... albeit a totally different kind... one that subverts their party.   We can engage in Labor and Tax stikes.   With the Pandemic already shuttering any businesses take it to the next level and everyone stays home except emergency services, phone, sanitation, utility,s, and healthcare workers until this government resigns subject to new elections.  Follow the Lech Walesa movement in Poland.   We can also engage in Tax strikes... ask all wage earners to increase their W4 withholding to 10 dependents... refuse to make large purchases in states with a sales tax.  Finally, we can organize political attacks on prominent socialist politicians using social media ... reversing their narratives.  Etc. In general, become more aggressive than passive.  

    Finally, for those desiring even more aggressive action... while remaining legal there could be a military arm of the Tea Party... a tea party militia properly organized under state law as a state reserve militia or as standing sheriff possies... thus preparing for a potential civil war should the left go absolutely rouge and begin rounding up dissident for a trip to the local gas chamber or gulag.

    • Sir,  I agree with you one hundred percent.  We need to deploy like minded personnel to every district in the united states.  And playfully execute all of your ideas.



    • We need to do our part! Patriots, we need to stop using Facebook and Twitter. They are using us and censoring us. We need to start a boycott. If their numbers decline advertisers will not want to do business with them. STOP USING THESE COMPANIES THEY ARE CORRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!! EMAIL YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS AND TELL THEM TO STOP THEIR POSTING. THESE COMPANIES WORKED TO STEAL THE ELECTION FROM US. ONCE AGAIN STOP USING THESE COMPANIES. I'm sure we can support a conservative company that doesn't censor us.


    • Ron, how do we know that if the TP does all what you suggested that biteme won't declare us a white supremist group with  the attempt to over throw the government, and have the FBI, HOMELAND SECURITY, ATF,  and so on come after us? And I did read your article several times and I do understand it. But we are talking about  a corrupt government that will stop at nothing to stay in power.

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