
    • Yes, She committed the sin of wanting to talk about VOTER fraud

    • Saw a FOX ad for her show this Saturday.  Many thoughts, but this has nothing to do with this thread.  Read Admin Melanie's response.  


  • If they go after our constitutional rights, we must fight back,  I will not give up my right to own a gun.  I will not pay restitution to people I did not harm in any way.  In truth, they harmed our family, holding us up at gunpoint twice, breaking into our place of business several times and stealing our merchandise.  So if restitution is made, it is going to be to us. We live in Florida now, so if it comes to what these communists are threatening, we will defend what we own, we will not be intimidated on the highways.  We worked very hard, we paid our taxes, and we just want to live our life in peace, not at the expense of anyone else, and expect people to do the same.  If you want something, work for it, I'm not giving it to you.

    People need to drown their representatives, not leaders, with their expectations for their state.  Vote out the incompetents, and fight for honest elections. 


    • ABSOLUTELY, VICTORIA!  Contact Admin Melanie with a list of conservsative millionaires who feel like you.  Let's start a movement that would force The Donald to giggle and smile.  Seriously.  Do this, Victoria!

    • I believe if Joe Biden get in we will see a very diferent America as we know it today.


    • Like.............The END of it.

    • Who said anything about accepting it?


    • And a nice day to you too!


    • Hey George ... please don't burn down our house here with all the inflammatory talk.

    • Ha Ha!  Have a nice day, Mitch!

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