What are the conditions that cause a rebellion?

57 Revolutionary War Memes ideas | history humor, history memes, history  jokes

Oppressed societies do not automatically rebel. Perhaps contrary to intuition, oppressed populations have a tendency to keep their heads down. Despite their misery, they continue their increasingly dismal lives, until something shocks them into action.

The United States did not automatically rebel against the tyranny of King George. As the Declaration of Independence tells us, "all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable[.]" And suffer the colonists did, for many years, complaining and protesting. The Boston Massacre occurred in 1770, and the Tea Party in 1773, but not until 1776 did the rebellion finally break out.

If we are so predisposed to long suffering, then why do rebellions occur?

Rebellions occur when three internal conditions are met, along with at least one external factor, for a total of four elements. I will list them here, not necessarily in order of importance.

There must be a leader, a population of followers, and a defining moment. These are the three internal factors. There must also be an external factor. In the American Revolution, that was the king of France, whose navy tipped the scales at Yorktown, where the British finally surrendered.

The leader must have a number of qualities, including charisma, competence, and courage. When the general public recognizes these qualities, they will follow that leader to the gates of Hell, but only when the other conditions are met.

The second factor, the followers, are already motivated before the leader appears. The Declaration of Independence describes these motivations. The description includes, "a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, [which] evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism ... a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states."

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  • I believe that using nullification at the state level is a better approach and should be tried first. But, this requires the stste politicians show some backbone and patriotism, which will lake convincing from the public in order for them to act and regain their rightful authority. If unlawful laws are nullified by the states you can count on the Fed withholding tax funds due those states; they always use this as a carrot for compliance. The remedy for this is for those states to nullify the income tax law and collect taxes directly. A outright rebellion by employing our Second Amendment rights should be the last option when nothing else works.    

    • I agree with you Eric, with many of your points. I am concerned with a states outright violation of the 16th Amendment (but I very much would relish its repeal). That would provoke legal challenge that would virtuously show the states in a scofflaw light. Further state level law breaking in judicial defiance could place us on a path to federal executive response. So long as due-process exists (although obviously not faithfully observed) as our expected protection, we are charged to observe it. But if the Federal government chokes the federal monies, then it ceases to be a control, if a state can do without it. Some states actually cannot function without collective financial benefit, so that becomes very sensitive. Also, a significant driver of the lethal 28+ Trillions federal fiat debt is shunted.

      I have said before and say now, our greatest liability is now, between the 2020 election cycle, and the 2022 cycle. We are not quite one third the way, but can perform recall, referendum, and initiative (where utilized) at the state and local level now. Nullification is likely the sole effective club to get the federal beasts attention in the meantime. MY expectations of the Judiciary is less than stellar.

  • Looking at the list of conditions that exist before rebellion occurs, I would say we are close.  In some ways, I would hate to see a rebellion; it would pit neighbor against neighbor, but, even though I am in my 70's) I don't think I can stand by and let what the Democrats are doing to this country, continue.

  • The dry tinder to ignite another civil war is ready for a spark.  Just one tiny spark will make the war a reality.  At that point in time, the Right will annialate the Liberal Left and end their stain on America for good.  

    • Vigilante and private militia operations will only lead to total chaos and Martial Law under the Biden Administration... deer rifles are no match for artillery and armor... airpower and electronic warfare.  This is not 1776 and we don't even have the support of a single state let alone all of them... nor do we have parity in arms and logistics... not even close.  Our founding fathers were much more organized, light years ahead in parity of armaments, had effective chains of command, communications, an existing order of battle ... and muchmore... an intel system and on one on...

      The Modern-Day Patriot has none of the elements needed to successfully confront America's military... If the Patriot goes to war without State support and the State's National Guard units ... bring lots of body bags. 

      Again, this is not our forefather's era... civil war given the current situation is suicide.

    • Like the founders, we must first exhaust all the legal remedies and appeals... before considering extra-constitutional means to reestablish the Republic.  Unlike the founders we are not organized for military operations, not even close.  America's Patriot and his private militia are not on parity with the government military, nor do they have the support of their own State Government. The State Governments are likely to oppose their armed insurrection. 

      The bravado of armchair warriors amazes me... most have never seen actual combat and some have only tasted the half-baked combat experienced in fighting irregular and ill-equipped terrorist groups such as ISIS. They lack the experience of full-scale modern conventional warfare. They have never faced a well-trained combined arms team with infantry, armor, artillery, air, and sea power unleashed on them.  What passed for warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan is more akin to gang warfare than conventional war.  A US Civil War will bear the full weight of the US Militaries' combined arms team bearing down on our population centers and our rural communities. 

      In a Civil War, The death and destruction will not be remote... the witness of televised video clips and sound bites, the vicarious experience, and isolated violence.  No,  it will be happening on the streets, in the front yards of our homes, and the living rooms of our neighborhood.  It will be experienced in living color, by our children and grandchildren, in the blood signature of the dying, and the cries of infants as they reach out for their dead mothers, expecting them to wake up.

      No, the bravado of most who call for civil war... have no idea of what they are inviting into their lives and communities. Once, Pandora's Box is opened it may not be so easily shut. f

    • The Colonel can be like this.

      Up and down like a roller coaster.

      Bitcoin's Recent Rollercoaster Ride and Its Price Direction for March 2018 -

      You just gotta roll with it.

  • Sadly, yes... albeit I believe it will be over before it starts as we have no real Conservative Leadership capable of mustering the Nation and resisting the Marxist Coup.  Those individuals in and out of government with the capability and RESOURCES to muster a counter-revolution simply will not act... they are part of the problem, not the solution.

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