
    • Thank you. We can't be afraid to be counted.


    • I agree, that the super wealthy have decided to replace the US Middle Class... with a subservient and indigent, third-world population. They intend on breaking America's resistance to their rule.  It will be their way or the highway to hell and chaos among the dregs of society. National pride, loyalty, and honor have become rare traits among our leaders... The American dream is rapidly becoming a nightmare.

      Even if we manage to regain control of our government (not likely)...  the nation will be embroiled in a struggle against third-world poverty and, massive levels of crime ln our streets...fueled by a low-level insurgency, as millions of illegal aliens compete with the native population for the resources they need to survive.  America is rapidly descending into chaos, and a divided social order is about to emerge, with the wealthy living in gated communities, protected by private armed secuirty

    • Ron, once again correct on every point!!!!!  I pray daily that a change will come about by Almighty God opening eyes, opening minds, and softening hearts so His will will once again be the norm rather than the exception in America!!!!!!!!!!  Like you I am a veteran and a patriot!!!!!  I didn't make the military a career and very much regret that decision!!!!!  God bless you and God bless America!!!!!!!!!!


    • Then we better regain control before it is too late, because I don't want to live under democrat control.

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    • Why are we not being told the truth about the 'Red Wave's impact on government... There are ONLY 14 Democrat Senate seats standing for election this midterm. THE GOP NEED TO PICK UP 17 SEATS to reach the 67 Vote threshold to override a Presidential VETO in the US Senate.  Any legislation the Democrats want to kill will die in the US Senate under a Presidential VETO.  If the GOP Picks up EVERY seat up for election in this midterm they will have 64 Seats… 3 seats short of the 2/3rds needed to override a Presidential Veto. 

      In the House of Representatives... the GOP needs to pick up 75 seats, to reach the 290 Votes needed to override a Presidential veto.  The greatest number of seats lost in a midterm election by any party was 63 seats. The RED WAIVE will need to keep all their current seats and pick up 75 additional seats, to reach the magic number of 290 votes needed to override a Presidential Veto in the House.  A feat never before accomplished in a midterm election. 

      Should the GOP picks up the seats needed in the House, they will not have the votes in the Senate to override a Presidential Veto. Further, it will be IMPOSSIBLE TO CONVICT BIDEN IN THE SENATE upon impeachment by the House... There are not enough votes in the US Senate to convictc... Some Red Wave

      The RED WAVE IS A SICK JOKE...  even if we the election is not rigged and the GOP takes control of both houses of Congress, it will not be able to override a Presidential Veto in a straight party vote in both Houses... There is no doubt that the US Senate will be three GOP VOTES short. Why hasn’t the GOP told the people the truth about the Red Wave? The Midterm elections will not stop Uncle JOE from continuing to run away with our government and economy using Executive Orders.

      THE RED WAVE will run into a BLUE WALL of PRESIDENTIAL VETOs…  The GLOBALIST in both political parties understand this and are silently consolidating their power, while the patriot puts their hope in a Red Wave, convoys, pep rallies, and pizza parties.  Wake up… the New World Order continues to lock down our nation's economy and degrading our military's ability to resist the approaching GREAT RESET and New World Order.

      It’s past time to consider alternative means to defeat the Marxists and Globalists efforts to destroy our Constitutional Republic. The RED WAVE WILL NOT save our bacon.

    • Pretty succinct observations Colonel.

    • I couldn't say it any better!  Thank you!



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