
  • Just like the POS, he didn't do anything for blacks either!

  •    It all started the first day the Democrats stoled the Presidentcy. Including the gave away of Afghanistan and $84 billion in top military hardware that gave Putin the green light in the first place.That includes the instilling of false hopes to the people of Ukrainian that killed millions, the future taking of Tiawan by China and the destruction of our country on ALL levels. Bottom line, Trump was right while the Democrats and half the Republicans were dead wrong, now we are going to pay for it! 
    "Armageddon is coming"


    • It begins back when Obama was in office remember Obama was in office for 8 years and now he still in office in a different face 

  • The black people need to understand that slavery begin with the children of Israel in Egypt and Egypt is close to Africa it did not started in America and furthermore the word slavery means servant and the black people need to stop blaming white people for their stupidity.

  • Niether has BLM. It's all a sham! 

  • How about black people doing something or black people?

    get married, go to church, have and keep a job, get educated, VOTE for people who want to improve the country.......not just promise freebies would be a good start!

    • In other words, PANTS UP, DONT LOOT! 

  •  but but - what about having a black vice president

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